//------------------------------// // Bonus Chapter ‘B’ // Story: The Amazing Adventures of Spitfire and the Doctor // by Lucky Seven //------------------------------// The Amazing Adventures of Spitfire and the Doctor Bonus Chapter ‘B’ Edited by MissytheAngle “Put him in the gardens we passed over on the way here,” the Doctor suggested. “That way he’ll get to witness you two rule every day. It will serve as a reminder of his defeat today. A reminder to everyone else who would dare to rise up against you two. A reminder that this world is defended!” The royal sisters smiled at the Doctor’s speech, and watched as he turned to get back in his TARDIS. “Wait!” Celestia called out, hoping to ask one more question before he left. “Yes, Celestia?” “Where will you go now? Will we ever see you again?” “I’m not sure where I’m going, but you two can bet on seeing me again,” he confirmed with a smile. “But you just reminded me, I need to do something with you two.” The royal sisters glanced at each other. They weren’t quite sure what the Doctor meant by that. Celestia, wanting to know just was going to happen, spoke up first. “And what, Doctor, is that?” “I’m going to wipe your minds.” “You shall do no such thing!” shouted Luna, and the Doctor frowned. “You say that like I want to,” the Doctor sounded morose, and Luna relented. “If I had a choice, I’d let you keep your memories of me. But for the good of your country, I need to do this.” “And why, Doctor, is that?” Celestia wondered aloud. “Because, Celestia, say word of me got out. What happens then? What happens when the ponies learn that their princesses needed the help of an alien to defeat Discord?” “They may begin to worship him, ‘Tia,” Luna answered for her. Letting out a sigh, Celestia smiled at the floor. “Very well, Doctor, but grant me one last favor.” “Anything, Celestia.” Luna was the first to wake, and the first thing she noticed was what looked like a blue box flying into the distance. Slowly, she rose up and made her way to her sister, prodding at the larger alicorn with her hoof. “‘Tia, what is that?” The prodding and questioning seemed to have an effect, and Celestia’ eyes shot open. She only got a glimpse of the box before it disappeared, but she could worry about it later. For now, they had other matters to attend to. “I’m not sure,” she replied, head pounding. “We need to move Discord to the… gardens?” That was strange. She wasn’t thinking gardens, but it was as if her mouth had forced her to say it. Luna shared her sentiments, unsure of why the garden would make a good place. “The gardens? Would he not scare off the many ponies who visit?” Celestia thought on that for a moment. Her answer to that query was in the back of her mind, and she knew it. She was just… having trouble accessing it for some reason. She glanced over to Discord, hoping that perhaps the sight of him would jog her memory. It was still hard to believe. Turned to stone in a matter of seconds, and he hadn’t even tried to get away. Of course, it was likely that he knew he couldn’t run from the Elements forever. That’s when it hit her, and she looked back to her sister. “Quite the contrary, Luna. His existence in the castle gardens will serve as a reminder of his defeat for centuries to come. If he truly is the spirit of chaos, then he can likely see or hear everything we’re doing.” Celestia looked back towards Discord as she spoke, with a glare that could pierce even the stone he was imprisoned in. “Do you hear me, Discord? You lost.” Five Hundred Years Later… “I’m sorry, I’m trying my best to understand. You want a statue of what, Princess?” “A box. It would look exactly as I’ve drawn it on the paper, Mr. Slab.” “Please, just ‘Marble’ is fine,” the sculptor smiled. “Of course.” “But, what’s a... ‘police box’?” He questioned, looking at the paper Celestia spoke of. “I’ve never heard of such a box.” “Well, that’s not what he called it. He called it the ‘TARDIS’.” “He?” “The Doctor.” For a few moments, Marble Slab stared at Celestia blankly. “You may have finally lost it, Princess, but okay. I’ll get started on a sculpture of this... ‘TARDIS’.” “Very good. I trust that this project is in good hooves?” “The best, Princess.” Celestia smiled at Marble one last time before exiting his office. Satisfied that her sculpture would be created, she resigned herself to her thoughts. ‘Silly Doctor, thinking it would be that easy to make me forget about you. For a while, Luna did, but then you came back. Oh sure, you may have had a different face, but underneath it all? You were the same man that helped us defeat Discord all those years ago. I’m sure you know just why it is that Luna changed, but you can’t come to face it yourself. In time, you will, but I know you’re out there right now, saving someone. What face you’re wearing, I’m not sure of, but I’m sure we’ll meet again some day…’