Dueling Keyboards

by FanOfMostEverything

Bacon Literally

Today is not going at all as I had planned.

I’m complaining. Goodness, no. I get to spend the day with Prin— With Celestia. The princess was very clear about not using her title like I just did earlier in this sentence, oh for Elysium’s sake, what’s wrong with me?

Deep breath, Twilight. Let it go. Moving on.

Today is not going at all as I had planned. Getting a letter in the morning from Celestia asking me to spend the day with her… well, it didn’t seem like her to be so impulsive. Still, she sent back the correct identity verification code when I asked for it in my reply, so I guess it’s just part of today being what it is.

Still, even then, I wasn’t expecting to putter around the royal gardens. Don’t get me wrong, I’m enjoying it. Summer Shutdown was never a big deal for me, even in Ponyville, but now I’m with Celestia as she… um…

I really don’t have enough experience with earth pony magic to describe what I’m sensing properly. Or in general, really. The wings have been distracting enough; I’ve barely even thought about what else I got out of being vaporized and reconstituted. The best description I can give is that she’s sort of singing a lullaby to every tree and hedge in the garden, starting the months-long process of entering their dormant winter state.

I can’t take this anymore. I need to say something.

“Princess? Is this…”

She finishes telling part of the hedge maze’s outer wall that winter is coming and turns to face me with that faintly concerned expression that makes me feel like I kicked a puppy. “Yes, Twilight? Is something wrong?”

Deep breath. Calm in, stress out. Impossible as it is to imagine, you’re kind of, sort of her peer. “Is it really okay for you to do this?”

She takes on that quizzical little frown she always got when I answered a question in an unexpected way. “Everypony should do their part for seasonal transitions. I see no reason to exclude myself from it.”

“Yes, but today is the White Sabbath, when the night takes majority from the day, and when Luna takes on your duties. It’s your one day off all year, and you want to spend it gardening which is a perfectly legitimate hobby, why did I even bring up what you already know and why am I still talking?” I muzzle myself with my magic before I humiliate myself further.

Celestia smiles, and I feel my stress melt. “I do love it when you can answer your own questions. Though I wish you weren’t so hard on yourself in the process.”

I shrug my wings and give a sheepish grin. After a moment, I decide it’s safe to release the energy muzzle. “It’s just, this is only the fourth White Sabbath you’ve gotten to have since Luna returned, your fourth day off in more than a millennium. I’m happy to spend it with you and in whatever way you want. I just wasn’t expecting you to do the same thing as half of Ponyville.”

She nods and moves on to the next portion of maze hedge. “I understand, Twilight. Though I have been able to get a few more vacation days than you may think.”

I blink. “You have?”

“Oh yes.” Her smile becomes fond, but I can see the sorrow in her eyes. I know who she’s thinking of. “Sunset Shimmer discovered the tradition of the White Sabbath long before Luna reinstated it. One year, she insisted I relax for the equinox, that she would serve in my place.” Celestia shakes her head, but the smile’s still there. “I gave her a few hours. When I got back, the throne room was on the edge of a riot and Sunset looked a mess. That yellow mane of hers all askew—“

“Red and yellow.” I bite my lip, but not before the reflexive correction escapes.

Celestia turns to me, the quizzical frown making a return. “I’m sorry?”

Well, might as well bite the bit. “Sunset Shimmer’s mane is striped red and yellow.”

The frown deepens. I feel a weight settle in my stomach. “I remember each of my students over the centuries, Twilight. I should hope I can recall the one who came before you.”

Truth and devotion war in my mind. To my amazement, truth wins. “I should hope I can recall the mare who defeated a trio of sirens and my own crazed analogue.” I realize just who I was correcting and add, “Maybe she dyed her hair?”

Celestia nods after a moment. “Entirely possible.” She turns back to the hedge. “Have you ever helped with Summer Shutdown, Twilight?”

I shake my head, and she starts showing me how to commune with the garden. It’s fascinating, but a small part of me can’t get past Sunset’s mane.

Well, there’s an easy way to solve that.

It’s study hall when my journal buzzes. Ms. Harshwhinny barely even glances up at the glowing, vibrating book. Her usual look of mild distaste intensifies for just a moment before she turns back to the pile of essays she’s grading.

I’m not sure if the reaction says more about me, her, or what’s happened to Canterlot High lately.

Whatever. I can worry about that later. After the Friendship Games, I’m certainly not going to turn away a message from Princess Twilight.

Dear Sunset,

I know this sounds like a random question, but do you dye your ma hair? Princess Celestia was telling me about something that happened when you were her student—nothing bad!—and she mentioned that it was all yellow back then.

Your friend,
Twilight Sparkle

I take a moment to process the message. Is this…

Could Celestia really…

I close the history book I was reading and click open a pen.

Dear Twilight,

No, I don’t dye my hair. I… Well, it has to do with my diet.

Your friend,
Sunset Shimmer

I barely need to wait before her reply arrives.

Your diet? What, is your hair made of bacon?

I don’t waste a moment before putting pen to paper.

Dear Princess Twilight,

You now know the real reason why I can never go back home. I know Princess Celestia has forgiven me for going rogue, and even for stealing an Element of Harmony. But my crimes against porcinity are too great for even her mercy. If she ever saw me, she would see how I have been marked by my misdeeds. She would know. She would not be kind.

The worst part is that I can’t stop. There is no more addictive, pernicious substance in this world than bacon. Be grateful that you never tried any while you were human, Twilight. You would be trapped here with me, trapped by chains of shame and grease that grew heavier every day, and you would enjoy every horrible, wonderful, crunchy moment of it.

I won't ask for your forgiveness. I have imposed on that far too much in the past. It is my only hope, and a faint one at that, that you might one day again call me your friend. I’m sorry, Twilight. I’m sorry, but as I said before, I can’t stop.

Sunset Shimmer

P. S. Please thank Princess Celestia for the setup. We used to do tag-team pranks like this all the time when I was her student.