Chaos Falls

by Black Hailstorm

Chapter 14

A Possible Solution

Twilight Sparkle, Daring Doo, Pinkamena Diane Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Screwball, Starlight Glimmer and Zecora all watched in silence at the two bodies laying in a lifeless like state before them. The only indication that the two were still alive was the sound of their steady breathing.

When Discord had moved to touch Hailstorm’s forehead Daring had noticed a yellow static, shock the draconequus’ claw before he fell like a rock beside Hailstorm’s body. Both remaining deadly silent, both falling into a deep sleep that none of the mares could awaken them from.

Not even Pinkie, who managed to pull out several instruments and began playing them just to awaken the two.

It was almost like they were... Twilight shook her head, not wanting to think of such a dark thought.

When Discord had fallen to Hailstorm’s side the zebra moved over and checked him.

“What happened to him?” Fluttershy asked with concern.

Zecora lifted her head up and gave the group of mares a reassuring look. “Do not worry. He has merely entered Hailstorm’s dream state. Now we must simply sit and wait.”

And so that is what the group had done. For the past hour none of them had done anything save for either drink the tea Zecora offered or simply stare silently at the two now sleeping before them.

There were a few occasions where Hailstorm’s body twitched uncontrollably, before it relaxed like nothing was wrong. In all honesty it had kinda freaked Rarity and Applejack out, but Zecora had assured them this wasn’t anything major and that they needn’t worry about it.

It was kind of hard to do this. Especially when Discord snickered and Hailstorm’s face contorted into one of pain or horror in his dream state. In moments like these Screwball would immediately appear by the stallion’s side and gently brush a fetlock against his cheek.

It seemed to work in calming him just a bit. Starlight cocked a brow at the mare’s behavior and wondered if there was some sort of history between the two, maybe even some sort of budding feeling.

Minutes passed and the expressions between Discord and Hailstorm grew. All mares save for Screwball feeling awkward and slightly distressed by the way Hailstorm’s body would twitch in an erratic manner.

Finally Pinkie Pie just couldn’t take it anymore, when she heard the stallion whimper.

“We have to wake him up!” Pinkie stated moving to shake Hailstorm awake.

A hoof gently touched her shoulder and the party planner was stopped before she could go any further by Zecora. Looking back at the sage, Pinkie was about to ask why stop her, but Zecora merely shook her head, tacitly stating that she just needs to wait and see.

It didn’t really help Pinkie’s state of concern but she seemed to understand what the zebra was saying and stood down. Taking her place back amongst her friends as they continued to watch Hailstorm and Discord’s sleeping forms.

Another couple of minutes were spent waiting for the two to awaken, till eventually something happened.

Hailstorm’s body began to glow. At first it was faint, just a light yellow glow, but by then the others already knew what was happening; he was changing forms again.

The yellow light began to grow brighter and brighter with every second that passed, the bright light almost pulsated each time it grew brighter, as well as the few instances where Hailstorm groaned like his body was sore or he’d just been forcefully awoken from his slumber.

Starlight was too intrigued by what was going on to even notice the slight concern forming on Twilight and the others.

With an explosion of light that enveloped the entire room, everyone shielded their eyes till the light died down. Once it had they saw Hailstorm in his human form once again. The wound he had received from the timberwolf even more noticeable now, three thin yet deep slash marks that grew in width as it went down.Starting from the trapezius muscle and stopping just above the clavicular head, one of the timberwolf’s claws as Rarity painfully noticed had managed to make a nice slash across the shoulder as well.

No one said anything after he had changed forms, however they all noticed how his...claws? Seemed to firmly press into the ground, nails making scratching marks and slowly clenching into a fist as he seemed to grit his teeth in what looked like pain.

Rainbow Dash had to admit, even if their friend wasn’t awake to yell with whatever pain he was currently enduring, it was hard to watch. More so now that he had reverted back to what he had told them was his original form.

A second passed, Hailstorm’s clenched claw/fist tightened, his face still displaying pain at the transformation, before finally his features relaxed with a well needed sigh.

Twilight got up and told the others to come with her for a quick second while Hailstorm was still asleep. “Screwball, let us know when he wakes up will you?”

She nodded.

Daring Doo and Starlight decided to join in on this conversation, see what thoughts the others were coming up with on this display of events.

It was time they discussed how they could get Hailstorm to tell them what he was hiding.

“Alright, this is ridiculous! You guys saw how much pain he was in back there right? Whatever is making him switch forms like this needs to stop!” Rainbow Dash said hovering above the others.

“I think the reason he’s in pain is because of what Discord said” Starlight pointed out.

“And what would that be?” Fluttershy asked.

“Well you remember right? How he said the stallion has three different forms of magic within him. It’s not natural obviously, at the very least we all are supposed to have one or two different forms of magic, with the exceptions of alicorns like Twilight, the princesses, Discord himself who can manipulate anything to his will, and other powerful entities like well Jormanzir, the god of serpentine. If Hailstorm’s supposed to be a regular stallion, an earth pony also, he should have only one and one only. It makes no sense for him to have more than one, let alone three trapped in his body” Starlight said observantly.

Twilight had the tip of her hoof just under her bottom lip. Currently her and the others were in a different part of Zecora’s home. The zebra had offered another vacant room, a library of sorts that contained a wider range of her books and a few medicinal herbs scattered around the area. The elements of harmony, extremely gifted unicorn, and explorer sat in this room now discussing things.

“I have to admit you’re right” Twilight said. “Hailstorm is just an earth pony.”

“Hey!” Pinkie and Applejack shouted in unison.

“What the hay is that supposed to mean?” Applejack asked, a crossed look on her face. “You saying because he’s an earth pony he doesn’t have the goods to possess more than one measly type of magic like some unicorn?” she said, her expression obviously one of anger.

“Applejack, darling calm yourself. There’s no reason to feel so offended” Rarity said soothingly.

AJ snorted. “Well Ah don’t like how their tossing the word “earth pony” around, sounds to me y’all are just jealous of our strange friends ‘ere gift! Just because he’s an earth pony don’t mean he ain’t any better than y’all!” the farmer said with a tap of her hoof on the ground.

“Applejack I think you’re misunderstanding here. No one is saying it’s because he’s an earth pony he shouldn’t have more than one magic type. We’re saying it’s because he’s an earth pony that it’s strange he has three types of magic. Two would be...I suppose alright, but more than two as Discord stated is simply bizarre” Daring explained.

“How is it bizarre exactly hmm? I mean if a pony can have two, why is it weird for him to have more than two?” Pinkie asked, her expression still holding remnants of anger.

“I think I can help with that” Starlight and Twilight said at the same time. The two looked at each other, smiled then looked back at the others.

“We’ll take turns explaining it.” Twilight said, moving towards the doorway, to ask Zecora for something.

While Twilight left to get something, Starlight began explaining things with images, made out of surrounding particles and magic.

“We have three tribes here in this room. Pegasi: Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Daring Doo. Earth ponies: Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Screwball and er Hailstorm when he changes back. And then we have unicorns: Me, and Rarity.”

“Your point i-” Rarity, silenced Dash before she could get finish. “Please continue” the unicorn instructed, lifting her polished hoof away from Dash’s mouth and giving the athlete a stern stare.

“Thank you. Now, as I was saying” Twilight returned holding a book in her magic. The book was titled Equine Thaumaturgical Make-Up.

Opening to a page Twilight enhanced the first image there, her horn glowing and the image coming to life in a holographic like form. It was the image of a pegasus. The pegasus image had a bar next to her. This bar represented the pegasus’ magic. Inside the bar, the magic image flowed freely, like water. The page next to it showed the multiple muscles and thaumaturgic veins within the wings that connected to the brain differing greatly from the other vessels that allowed blood to flow throughout the rest of the body.

“As we all know pegasus can control the weather, affect the clouds with their moods, and also most importantly fly. This bar represents pegasi magic and how their magic is able to flow freely like waves. Constantly changing, constantly bending to adjust to different weather conditions and allow for the creations of different forms of weather” Starlight stated.

“In conclusion what we’re saying is” Twilight began only to be cut off by Daring Doo.

“What you’re saying is that magic for- in pegasi is fluid and can adjust depending on our emotions, and how we control the weather...right?”

Twilight gawked for a few seconds at the explorer, before closing her mouth and nodding slowly. A small smile creasing her lips. “That’s correct, yes.”

“What about unicorns?” Rarity asked.

“We were just about to get to that. Unicorns are more firmly connected to all magic better known as mana which is in every living thing and everywhere around us. It’s one of the reasons we’re able to so freely manipulate it to our will with our horns and why unicorns that hold higher levels of magical power tend to lose control of their abilities. Twilight if you would.” The alicorn switched the image from a pegasus to the unicorn, enhancing the image with her horn once more as she had done before with the pegasus. This time the image for the unicorn displayed a network of lines, sparsely spread about to display the unicorn’s form of magic as a network. A strong network that could tap into the source of magic and manipulate it to the wielders will. Starlight Glimmer remained silent for a few seconds, watching her friends expressions, noticing their slightly surprised state at how the network used to represent unicorn magic was practically everywhere. Once she was sure they had seen their fill she continued explaining.

“Unicorn magic works much like a network such as this. Each channel, is connected in one way or another that in turn represents a different branch or field of magic. Some channels” she said while allowing magic to flow through her horn, “are blocked off.” Several parts of the network that connected through different tubes and branches, suddenly gained white orbs in Twilight’s image of them. Each orb cutting off the wave that flowed through it, and in the process only allowing the flow of magic through open channels making the magic flow in a different way, through passages that weren’t being obscured by the white orbs in them.

“The more channels that are blocked off to a unicorn, the lesser level of potent magic a unicorn has. For example there are six tiers in magic pertaining to all creatures, especially unicorns. The most rare tier is tier four magic, unicorns that have strong magic that feed off their will or strength, Sombra is an example of this.”

Applejack rubbed her temple with growing frustration with all this. “Could you just get to the point Starlight, I asked for an explanation not a biology lesson.”

“And that’s what I’m doing Applejack” Starlight said patiently. “Explaining.”

Twilight picked up where the unicorn left off in an effort to change where this was headed. “Unicorns” she said now switching the image of the unicorn and his magical network to the horn, “all have various nerves in their horns. A lot actually, and all thaumaturgical veins can be found in their horns, connecting to the brain as much as a pegasus has it in their wings. However how much magic these veins can channel differs from unicorn to unicorn and also tells what level of magic each unicorn has. Like Starlight for example, she seems very magically gifted. In this case the veins in her horn that allow her to channel magic and manipulate it, are much stronger and much more open in allowing the flow of mana through. Same goes for me of course as well.”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, before flapping her wings for a brief second. “So what does that mean exactly?”

“It means unicorns are able to channel multiple forms of magic, in various fields because they are more magically gifted” Starlight summarised.

“Okay” Fluttershy said nodding slowly. “That clears things up...I think.”

“Yeah but you still haven’t told us why it’s so bizarre for an earth pony to have more than one magic type! So far all you’ve done is prove that pegasi and unicorns can only use one type of magic, theirs is just more adaptable to conditions or capable of change,” Pinkie said with a still slightly irked expression.

“We were about to get to that” Starlight said, raising a patient hoof for closure. “Now Twilight if you would please.”

Twilight nodded, and with a slight increase of magic the light around her horn grew and the image of the unicorn changed to an earth pony.

“Earth ponies unlike unicorns and pegasi, don’t have magic that is capable of adapting or shifting into the other fields of magic. Earth ponies can only use one type of magic; earth. An earth ponies magic especially according to notes left by Starswirl the Bearded himself, is said to be deeply rooted to the land around them. That is why earth ponies are so much better in farming and other agricultural uses than a unicorn or pegasus could ever hope to be.

“It is also one of the reasons Applejack here has the best apples in all of Equestria” Starlight added with a knowing smile. Applejack’s cheeks turned a slight shade of red, but she quickly shook herself out of her embarrassment.

“Wait, you’re telling me that earth ponies are connected with the soil around us?” she asked. Both Twilight and Starlight nodded.

“You have natural hormones in you that mix well with the soil, your entire body is basically a walking fertilizer. It’s also why you can grow crops and other sources of food so quickly, faster than any other tribe. I’m pretty sure it's the same reason why the other tribes were extremely dependant on earth ponies in the past as well. You know, before Equestria was found.” Twilight said.

“Wait a second” Pinkie said gaining everyone’s attention. “What about us? All six of us are the elements of harmony. And well Twilight’s an alicorn doesn’t that mean we all have more than one type of magic?”

Silence filled the room, as Pinkie’s words slowly hit everyone with realization.

“Does that make us extrinsic also?” Fluttershy asked, a slight feeling of nervousness coming over her.

“No, the elements of harmony are ancient magic that chose us. It balances out. In this case its normal, remember Discord said that if you aren’t a alicorn, have the use of an ancient artifact, or are some other higher power, then it is considered an anomaly” Twilight said reassuringly.

“So we all have more than one magic type in us then, right?” Rainbow Dash asked slowly making sense of everything the two eggheads had said.

“Yeeeees?” Twilight said slightly unsure. “I’m not sure about myself since I ascended to alicorn status, but the rest of you should have another type of magic in you that follows each element you represent," she said then as an afterthought upon remembering Daring Doo and Starlight were there “well most of you....I think” she said with a slightly confident smile.

“Okay then, so we’ve learned enough to make some kind of assumption then” Daring stated. The group of mares looked at the adventurer waiting to hear what she had to say.

“Hailstorm obviously has something in him that gives off those other two forms of magic. One of them must be causing whatever makes him seem like he’s in pain constantly, it’s the only explanation.”

“But what do we do about it? I mean the guy does seem pretty reluctant on telling us anything, and if Screwball knows something she obviously doesn’t seem keen on telling us either. Maybe Discord?” Rainbow Dash asked glancing at Fluttershy.

The mare shook her head. “I don’t know, I don’t think Discord will say anything if he feels it’s unnecessary to inform us” she said with all honesty.

“Hm...” Rarity said thoughtfully. “, no I shouldn’t.”

“What, what is it Rare?” Pinkie asked scooting over to the fashionista.

“I was thinking” Rarity began, her brows creasing in thought and slight hesitance with sharing said thought.

“Yeeeeees?” Pinkie said for the others, closing the distance between her and Rarity.

“That” Rarity continued cringing back a bit.

“YEEEEEESSSS???” Pinkie said her eyes widening in the process with growing anticipation.

“Pinkie” Daring said monotonically, “give her some space.”

Pinkie didn’t. She kept staring at Rarity with the entire intent of learning what her friend had to offer, that is till Twilight simply pulled the mare back with her magic. The party planners muzzle scrunched up innocently as she was distanced.

“Go on” Starlight said.

Rarity nodded, then ran a hoof through her mane distractingly. “I was thinking, what if we know. Poked through his mind, when he was asleep. See what he’s hiding?” she said her voice slightly wavering at the uncertainty of such a proposal.

No one said anything. It was just an idea, a mere innocent suggestion. Rarity wasn’t stating they should outright do it, but then again if Hailstorm wasn’t going to talk. What other choice did they have.

Fluttershy spoke breaking the silence: “I’m against it.”

“That’s fine dear, it was just a suggestion.”

“I’m for it” Daring Doo said bluntly.

“That’s fine also it was just a-” Rarity paused. Then looked at the explorer who was staring blankly with half lidded eyes. “I’m sorry what?”

“I’m for it, why not? I mean he won’t say anything. And we’ve already been warned twice, one by a god to find out the truth. Who knows if he’ll ever tell us. I say we go for it.”

With that the explorer got up and made her way back to the room where Hailstorm was in. “Think about it, maybe we’ll figure things out quicker this way.”

Daring Doo left the others to think about what she just said.

The group of mares had returned to where Hailstorm and Discord were, both were still asleep and Screwball still stood over Hailstorm like a hawk watching him carefully.

None of the mares said anything as they reentered the room. Merely returning their seats around the two sleeping figures.

“How long have they been asleep so far?” Dash asked, floating over Discord and staring at his face then glancing at Hailstorm’s human form.

“About an hour and ten minutes now” Screwball said.

Silence returned back to the room. But only briefly.

Discord and Hailstorm’s eyes shot open instantly, at the exact. Same. Time.

Both gasped for air, as if they had just plummeted to their doom and were just drawing in a fresh breath of air, after a horrible scare. Both chest heaved in and out, both of them gaining a fresh wave of sweat.

Discord hacked, then coughed violently. Fluttershy moving over to soothe him with Pinkie and Twilight. Hailstorm, coughed, took in a deep breath, his body suddenly shaking like a shiver went up his spine and then coughed viciously once more before he was able to relax again for a few seconds, breaking into a short coughing fit once more.

When the two had finally settled and calmed, both held different expressions. Discord held a solemn grave expression. Hailstorm held one mixed with fear and determination.

Zecora had to admit, she’d never thought there would be a day where she would see the draconequus looking so grave. It was a little unsettling.

Thoughts were swimming in my head. It felt like for the past five minutes I had been falling from the sky all over again only this time without any air. Bill really meant to shake us up when he dropped us out of his realm like rocks.

I glanced over at Discord, he didn’t look that pleased being kicked out of Bill’s realm like that, but after a minute the draconequus soon broke into a idiotic grin that annoyed me in more ways than I can imagine.

My back was sweaty, and since every time I changed back into my human form the only thing I would regain were the jeans I had when I came here and my shoes. No shirt, so currently I felt kinda itchy.

Great, just what I wanted. I felt a hoof touch my back, and flinched. Turning my head to the side I looked to see Screwball was staring at me with a sad smile. Her eyes were focused again, staring at me.

I offered a weak smile in return then noticed the other four had surrounded me. Applejack, Dash, Rarity, and Daring Doo were staring at me. I offered them the same smile, they didn’t smile back.

“Uh oh” I said aloud, “What uh...what’s wrong?” I asked feeling a bit of an itch where the mixture Zecora and Fluttershy had applied around my shoulder and a part of my chest was.

“Wh-What’s wrong?! Boi! You nearly gave us a heart attack with the way you two woke up like that”, Applejack scolded swatting my bare arm with her hoof.

I winced, but kept up the smile. She merely shook her head and turned her attention to Discord.

Daring was still staring at me. As were Rarity, AJ, Starlight and Dash. Rarity moved forward and glanced at my wound before smiling at me gently. “How are you feeling?”

“Much better” I glanced over to Zecora, slightly managing to make out her image as she troted closer. “Thank you, Zecora.”

“Your welcome, Hailstorm. But if you don’t mind me asking how do you know my name, mister strange?”

“I could hear some things while I was trapped in my Dream Phase” I stated. “I heard your name a few times, thank you once again.”

The zebra smiled and merely waved away my thanks with a nod. “It was no trouble, but if you don’t want a problem I sure hope you fix this befuddle” she said pointing at Twilight and the others who were now giving me their full attention.

Discord was still getting a back rub from Fluttershy, he turned his gaze on me as well, with a raised brow.

Oh, shoot I mentally said. Once again I found myself trapped in tight situation.

It was then a thought soon hit me as I tried to think of some sort of way to escape this predicament. I needed to make sure Discord didn’t breathe a word of this to the others just yet. I needed to figure something out before I told them anything.

Struggling to get up, I used my arms to try and give myself a push upwards so I could get back on my feet, the slight sting in my shoulder and across my chest made me falter the first try but the next time I attempted to stand I just rolled on my stomach and stood up. Stumbling a bit, before I regained full stance.

“Okay, Discord. Come with me, we need to talk.”

“Wait, what about what happened to Discord? And what’s this Dream Phase thing?” Twilight asked.

Ignoring all voices I walked right towards Zecora’s door, slightly ducking down so my head wouldn’t hit the top as I exited. “Discord, let’s talk” I said dismissing the others.

Discord looked at the others. He shrugged, giving a small apologetic salute: “Captain’s orders” he said floating into the air. In a flash he had teleported outside.

The rest of the mares were left to stare out the window as Discord and I moved away from Zecora’s home towards a more secluded spot to talk. Twilight tried to cast an eavesdrop spell, but found it blocked by Discord’s magic.

She frowned. Applejack looked really annoyed along with Starlight, Dash confused, Rarity unsure, Fluttershy just as confused as Dash and Screwball made no signs of caring, simply looking innocent with her muzzle scrunched up.

Zecora looked at all the mares and raised a brow in an expression that said: “What are you going to do?”

Twilight’s expression hardened into a look of displeasure. “We’re going to into his dreams” she said with a huff. The young alicorn trotted out of the room to find somewhere to calm down.

“What is it?” Discord asked.

“I need you to not tell the others anything” I said.

“And why’s that? Why exactly should I hide from them that their home world, and mine are in danger?”

“Because, you don’t know what Bill is capable of” I said flatly. Discord cocked a brow at me that suggested doubt.

“Okay sure, you may have the ability to sense how much power he has, but I know what he could do. You tell them and he finds out, he’ll just change plans. He always does, he always has, and he will. You heard him “I’ll be watching” the guy is always watching, what I need to do, is out think him.”

“How do you plan on doing that?” Discord asked.

“I...I don’t know yet” I admitted, he snorted.

“But,” I continued “I do know that he plans on using the gods here to help him in his purpose. I’ve got an idea, but I need time. The others need to stay on the unknown side for now, till I’ve gained enough knowledge. I just need you to keep watch of us in the meantime. Inform me if anything strange happens.”

“Hailstorm” Discord said patting my shoulder. “You being here entirely, is ‘strange’” my expression deadpanned. Discord smiled.


“Your welcome.”

“Do we have an agreement then?” I asked beginning to realize why I shouldn’t talk to the guy who represents all of chaos.

“We do, for now. But if I see any reason to, I will tell them the truth.”

“Fine by me. Oh yeah one more thing” I said with a smile. My body began to grow bright yellow again as I took Discord’s lion paw and pulled him into a hug, a smirk now across my face, that the draconequus noted gave me quite the devilish appearance.

“If you ever go into my head again without my permission. I’ll make sure you regret what you see in there” I stated. The light pulsated, Discord’s body shivered as he felt my human body rejecting the power that was trying to change me back into an equine.

I ignored the pain, and my smirk disappeared as I stared at him seriously. “I mean it Discord” the light exploded and I was back to a stallion once again, fore hooves wrapped around Discord’s neck while my hind hooves were still able to touch the ground. “Don’t go into my head ever again. Do we have an agreement?”

Discord said nothing, he merely stared silently at the serious look in my eyes before nodding his head. “Agreed.”

“Good” I said with a small smile. Releasing him I dropped back to my hooves and turned towards Zecora’s door.

“Good talk, we should do this more often. Hey guys! Let’s go, we’re heading back to the castle.”

Location: Tartarus
Time: 00:00:00

Trapped within the confines of a cage, an old centaur clad in nothing but shackles was being guarded by several orthros. The centaur with a beard as white as snow was pretending to be asleep. He did not dream, he merely rested. Waiting for his opportunity to escape this pit once again.

“Tiiiiirek” a voice said within the centaur’s head. Tirek’s face twitched, but he did not bother. “Tiiiiiirek” the voice said within his head once more.

The centaur opened one eye and did not see a flaming pit of lava surrounding him, nor did he see the angered faces of hundred of prisoners surrounding him. Forced to share the same fate as he, not even the great Cerberus that guarded the gates of Tartarus, or the orthros that pervaded every single cage aside from his own.

No, Tirek saw...a triangle floating before him. At first Tirek thought, that for the first time in a year since Twilight Sparkle had defeated him he was asleep. But no, no this feeling was different.

Tirek stared at the being before him and looked around. They were floating in space. Tirek wasn’t sure what to do, nor was he sure why he was here. His eyes slanted menacingly at the being before him. His teeth gnashed together in growing rage.

“Is this some kind of joke he asked?” the being.

Bill Ciphers laughed. but just as quickly as it had started it soon stopped. “No. No this isn’t a dream. This is me making a deal with you” he said. “I’m looking for some new partners, but I don’t know where all of them are. I need information, I’m sure you’ve had some form of contact with the gods of this world. Yes?”

Tirek said nothing, he merely stared silently at the being his anger slowly subsiding. His lips returned to a prim line. “I have” he said in a raspy voice.

“Why? What good would it do you though? The gods of this world do not do much but sit around and watch events unfold. Some are asleep, others enjoy watching the equines of this world suffer, and others are plain lazy or have not had the opportunity to gain the upperhand on the sisters and their “help”. I can’t see what my information would be of any use to you. Nor am I willing to offer it, in my current state.”

Bill said nothing, his eye merely staring at the old decrepit form of the beast, he had once seen in the memories of some ponies around Ponyville as a powerful monger. “I see. Too bad” Bill said turning his back to Tirek. “ I was going to offer you freedom, but if you can’t help me then” he raised a hand to end the visit, but Tirek’s old weak hand caught Bill’s. The sound of chains shaking and brushing up against skin echoing.

Bill’s eye glinted with success. “Wait” Tirek said. “I can offer some help. But you must promise me, that you will get me out of here once you’ve got what you needed.”

Bill's eye lidded in joy, his eye turning a shade of blue as blue fire surrounded his left hand. “Oh don’t worry Tirek. I always keep my deals” he said extending his hand to the centaur.

Tirek said nothing, he merely looked at the burning hand, thoughts running through his own mind before he himself sported a smirk of his own.

“Excellent.” The two shook, and the world around them exploded in perfect blue flames. Another possibility had just been made.