//------------------------------// // A Perfect World... // Story: Where Night Meets Day // by _Medicshy //------------------------------// The sun was high in the sky, shining its light over the entire world and bathing the land in the peaceful softness of spring. The pegasus saw the light spilling in the window and put down his pen, glancing with satisfaction over the words he had placed on the paper. A letter of great import… but then, weren't they all? With just a few words the world had become such a busy place. He walked from his stuffy study, the sound of hooves on wood carrying through the newly emptied house. It was a solemn sound, but now melancholy. They weren't far, just a letter away, and one visited almost every week, already round with foal. His little filly had grown up so fast, and he'd missed so much… He went downstairs through the familiar rooms, taking in the fresh, clean scent carried on the wind from outside. He moved quickly to the kitchen, squeezing the last few fresh lemons into fresh juice, adding some sugar and pouring two glasses, which he carried outside. There she was, working in the garden, the sun gleaming off the sweat beading on her light cream fur, a sun hat helping her rosy mane frame her delicate, determined face. She looked his way, the wrinkles forming as she smiled, but only accentuating her ivy eyes just before they closed with glee. He stepped towards her, offering a drink and placing his wing over her back. “How about a little break?” She nodded, both of them moving to and settling in the sun chairs in the center of the garden. “There's always so much to do,” she said with a tired sigh. “Planting flowers, pulling weeds, finding the correct seeds for the season… One would think it would get easier every year, but it never does. And soon I'll need to go to the shop and check the inventory if I'm ever going to–” her words were cut off by a gentle kiss, the worry that had been building up melting away under the warm gesture and the equally radiant sunlight. The pegasus pulled away from the mare's lips, smirking knowingly at her. “Rosy, I said a break. I meant from everything.” She smirked at him, sipping from her drink. “As though my infamous Ink Well has nothing on his mind… You've been up there writing all morning!” “Letters. Words. Nothing more. I wrote a lifetime's worth already, any still waiting can wait a little longer. So let's just take a moment,” he said as he wrapped her once more in his wing, placing his hoof on hers, “and get back to catching up on the life we missed.” They rested in the scent of new-tilled soil, a gentle breeze rolling over them, bringing soft clouds to pepper the sky. In unison they let out a little sigh, their heads coming together cheek to cheek. The world wasn't perfect: work and toil, ponies growing together once more, cities rebuilding… Even here one could see the scars, both in the scaffolding wrapped around the tower of town hall, and on the hooves and bodies of the two ponies currently resting in the new world's warmth. They would never fully be healed, nor ever forgotten in whole… but perhaps that wasn't a bad thing. Perhaps the marring would serve as a reminder, never to let the world fall into this turmoil again. The world was not perfect. But still for just a couple minutes, perhaps, perfection was well within reach. All they had to do was take a moment to find it.