The Eyes of the Beholder

by BrinnyTheBrave

Chapter 10 Part 2

"You're an amazing dancer!" Barbara laughed as she and Elusive took a break to grab some punch.

"You are not so bad yourself, dearest." He said in reply.

"Ah, I love this song! Can we dance a bit more?" She begged.

"Alright." Elusive chuckled, glad that Barbara was having so much fun. After the two grabbed some refreshments they headed back to the dance floor.

Ponies shuffled their hooves to the beat, and Barbara's gaze landed on Dusk, Berry, Panini, and Butterscotch, Blitz and Sora the Wonderbolt all chatting. She noticed she hadn't seen AJ that night yet, and wondered if he would come at all. Then, for the first time in days, she saw the farm stallion. He was standing next to a barrel of cider, looking glum. She felt awful again, but remembered what Dusk said and tried to push him out of her mind. She gasped as she felt Elusive's grip on her tighten. Her breathing quickened. His forehooves made their way down to Barbara's flank. This was a little too much for her first night out, even though she was guilty of enjoying it.

"HEY!!!" A southern accent turned their attention towards its direction. Elusive stopped his nonsense.

"Apple Jack dear boy! Didn't think we'd see you tonight! How are you enjoying the evening?" Elusive asked.

"Was enjoyin it just fine till Ah saw you." The farm pony growled. Barbara's heart sank. She had hoped the night would just go on as usual, but AJ still seemed hurt. Nevertheless this wasn't the time or place to have this discussion, and she prayed to Solaris that Apple Jack would just let it go for tonight. Barbara could pick up the scent of alcohol on the farmer's breath.

"Whatever do you mean?" Elusive asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Ah think ya know, Elusive."

"I certainly do not! Now you can tell me what has you rattled up like a mature stallion or we can just avoid each other for the night, since clearly you seem to have something against me."

"Awe please. Ya think Ah don't see it?!" AJ said, his voice raising, attracting some attention.

"See what?"

"That yer trying to put the moves on her, to garner the attention of little miss Regal Splendour that just showed up?!"

"W-what?" Barbara said, noticing AJ could be right. "Elusive… that's not true, right?"

"Eheheh, Barbara dear, of course not!"

"It IS!! Y-you were just using me to make some other mare jealous?"

"Yes--I mean no!" Elusive started. "Barbara dearest, YOU are my one and only gem. Now. If I'm… being honest. At first I was just letting you spend time with me to be nice. But then I realized we share a deeper connection, and I truly do feel something more for you than friendship… Barbara?"

She pushed his hoof away.

"You USED me!" She sobbed.

"Elusive? What's going on?" Dusk said as he came over, shooting a glare in the unicorn's direction. He held the dragoness as she cried into his shoulder. Apple Jack could hold back his anger no longer and shoved the unicorn in the shoulder.

"Apple Jack! What the hay was that for!" Elusive glared.

"Ah'm not letting ya get away with treating mah friends like that!" AJ growled.

"Very well. It's not very gentle-colt of me to fight, but if it must come to getting this suit ruined to prove a point, then so be it!" His horn glowed with his blue magic.

Apple Jack slammed into him, but Elusive dodged the farmer's attack, blasting a magical ray at the farm stallion, just missing him. Gasps and murmurs surrounded them as ponies formed a circle around them to watch the fight. The sparring stallions collided, wrestling hoof to hoof. His strength winning in the end, Apple Jack finally pinned Elusive to the ground, locking their lips. The crowd gasped. Elusive's eyes widened before he finally pushed AJ off.

"Well I NEVER! How dare you call yourself a STALLION!" Elusive spat in disgust, punching the flushed Apple Jack in the face. Apple Jack himself, coming to a realization of what he just did, ran off outside the town hall.

"Hey AJ! Wait up!" Rainbow Blitz chased in flight after his friend.

"Barbara…" Elusive said, reaching over to her to see if she was okay. But she pushed him away again, receiving another glare from Dusk Shine.

"Everypony, everypony! I think it's time we call it a night." Mayor Colt said into the microphone, gaining the attention of the crowd that formed, breaking them up into small groups and sending them home.