The Eyes of the Beholder

by BrinnyTheBrave

Chapter 11

"Yo! AJ!" Blitz sped through the town. He may have been the fastest flier, but on land, AJ could easily outrun him, and Blitz was always envious of that. Finally he caught up to his friend, tackling him to the ground.

"Get off me!" AJ snapped.

"Calm your mane. I just wanna talk!" Blitz said, meaning every word of it.

"About." The huge orange stallion grunted under Blitz.

"Well, about what happened back there. So… you like stallions huh?" Blitz said, in a non-taunting way. Apple Jack felt shy now. Rainbow Blitz jumped off the orange brony's back and helped him off the ground. Apple Jack scuffed the ground with a fore hoof, his ears pinned back in shame.

"Ah was in total denial of it first. But yeah." He simply said.

"Well hey. There's no problem with that." Blitz comforted. "In fact, I do too."

"What?" AJ's ears perked. "But Ah thought ya were with Sora?"

"I am-- or was. I was only really into her just because she's a Wonderbolt."

"Wow Blitz, that was a flank move on your part." The farmer said. He wasn't trying to be mean, he was an honest pony.

"I know. I probably hurt her. But I always had a preference for stallions." He sighed.

"When did ya know you liked em, if ya don't mind me asking?"

"When I had some fun with Dusk."

If Apple Jack was drinking right now he would have spat his drink out dramatically. His eyes widened.

"Dusk?!! OUR Dusk?!"

"Yeah." Blitz said. "AJ, the male to female ratio in Equestria is 4 to 1. With hormones and all, you can't be all that surprised that stallions around these parts have some fun with each other?" Blitz chuckled.

"Ah… Ah guess not." AJ paused. "So… so now what?" He asked.

"What do you mean."

"Well. Ah… Ah always had visions of kissin' Elusive. But Ah always had a thing for you in particular." AJ said, his cheeks turning crimson.

"Oh… well. You're a pretty fine stallion yourself. I'll be honest. I'm attracted to you, but I don't know about romantically yet."

"Yet?" AJ's ears perked again.

"I'm willing to try a relationship with you, if you are too." Blitz said. Now it was his turn to blush. Apple Jack smiled back at the cyan stallion.


"Is that the last of everything?" Barbara asked glumly as she finished shelving the new shipment of spell books. Dusk sighed. She had lost the sparkle in her eyes ever since the dance. Dusk had also felt betrayed by Elusive's actions. Not only did his best friend break Barbara, but he also lied straight to Dusk's face.

"Yeah… Barbs?"

"I'm gonna go take a walk. You remember what happened the last time I trapped myself in this castle for days."

Dusk smiled sadly.


Ponyville was quiet today, which gave Barbara an opportunity to take in her surroundings and time to think. She wasn't in the mood for gemstone muffins. She certainly wasn't in the mood for the Boutique, and the farm was probably a bad idea. She hadn't seen Butterscotch in a while, and he always had comforting words, so she decided to visit her old quiet pegasus friend.

After some walking, she made it to the shy stallion's cottage. She raised a claw to knock. Slowly the door creaked open.

"H-hello?" The pink maned pegasus said. He looked down. "Oh, h-hi there Barbara. Come in!" Barbara followed her friend inside. "Can I offer you some tea?"

"No thanks, Butterscotch. I just needed a peaceful place away from all the… craziness, and you are always a comforting friend." The dragoness said.

"Something wrong?" Butterscotch asked, concerned for the little dragon.

"Well. Nothing's been right since the dance. The group is all broken up. Elusive won't even speak to me either, and it's… it's all my fault!" Barbara sniffled.

"There, there." Butterscotch pulled her in for a wing hug. "Elusive may have been in the wrong, but I know he never meant to hurt you, Barbara." The gentle stallion's whispering soothed Barbara.

"H-how do you know?" She asked.

"He told me. He's been beating himself up over what happened. True, he was fond of Regal Splendour, but he never used you or intended for any of this to happen. And the moment he realized he loved you you were all he went on about. I'm not saying this just because I'm his friend, Barbara, I'm saying it because it's the truth. He told me and I heard him go on about it when I helped him in the shop."

"So… so what do I d--"

The door swinging open cut Barbara off. Her eyes widened as the very stallion they were speaking of walked through the door, looking frantic and out of breath.

"Butterscotch!! There you are dear boy. I need help. I have so many orders for the Canterlot Spring Fling and I'm. OVERWORKED!!!! I don't know how it happened, but Regal Splendour must have spread the word about my vests from the Hearth's dance. Now every stallion from Canterlot wants one from my line! I--" he froze as he realized Butterscotch was not alone. "B-Barbara… oh dear, I. I came at a bad time…"

"No!!!" Barbara jumped up. "Don't leave, Elusive. I… we need to talk! This has been going on for way too long."

"I-I'll just… be in the kitchen preparing Angelica's lunch." Butterscotch flew off, giving them some space.

"So… " Elusive scuffed the ground.

"So." Barbara hung her head.

"Right then. I'll start. Barbara, I never wanted this. I never used you, but I hurt you deeply. I loved… love you! I, as Rainbow Blitz would say, 'bucked up'. If you wish for us to never be romantically involved again, I… understand. I'm sorry, truly."

There was silence for a moment.

"Elusive. I forgive you."

"You do?"

"Of course, silly! You're my best friend! But… I say we try dating for real this time." Barbara said.

"I… of course, dearest." Elusive smiled. "Also…" he leaned in and kissed her, not just on the cheek, but this time on her scaly lips, for real. They stayed like that for a few minutes until they parted, their faces covered with blush.