//------------------------------// // Time Spells and Magic Mirrors // Story: The Crystal Queen of Sunsets // by KingJoltik //------------------------------// "NO! Blasted mirror! Open up already!" I yelled as I slammed my hooves into the so-called mystical portal mirror. "Stupid mirror, I'm running out of time! The guards will be here any minute, so open up you piece of garbage!" I can't believe this is happening to me. I thought as my hooves kept hitting the mirror. Just a few hours ago, everything was going so well. Me, Sunset Shimmer had everything going for me. And then Princess stick-up-her-butt decided that I can't be her student cuz I wanted to be a princess. Now, the one thing that could save me, this mirror that is supposed to be a portal to another world, isn't working! "Why?! Why is this happening to me?! Stupid piece of junk!" I rubbed my eyes in frustration as I sat down in front of the mirror. Nothing. I couldn't think of any reason as to why this dumb mirror isn't working. I did all the research, the mirror was supposed to open today! Instead, I'm just sitting here, waiting for the guards to come and take me away. "AUGH! This can't be how it ends for me!" I scream at the mirror as it keeps standing there, mocking me. "NO! NO! NO!" I slump over onto the floor, my face probably showing a full plate of misery on it. I begin to remember the first time I saw this mirror. It showed me turning into an awesome alicorn, one that could rule over everything. Now, I'm just sitting here, doing nothing. It's over. I can't do anything now. No other world. No alicorn ascension...no nothing. If only there was something else I could...do. I thought as I looked back at my saddlebags. There, a small book was sticking out, Hey! That's the book about the mirror...which I already completely read. Ugh, I'm really grasping for straws aren't I? Darn it...there has to be- My mind stops as I see a small scrap of paper sticking out of the book. Huh? What's that? A magic aura covers the scrap as it floats in front of my eyes. There, my vision scans the paper over. This is...a time spell by Starswirl the Bearded? It says it can let you go back a week...hmm...how did it get in my saddle-wait! Maybe this is my key out of this! I quickly study the paper, following every instruction. My eyes look over every part of the scroll. Okay, it says that all I have to do is- As my horn begins to glow, the paper floats in front of me. Its like it's alive, or something close to it. A shining light begins to engulf my body as I continue the spell. "Yes...yes! Work with me, just a little more...there! Yes! Me from one week ago, here I-wait...what the?!" Before the spells completes, the mirror begins to glow. "Hey, wait a minute?! Why are you suddenly working?!" I exclaim, trying to understand the situation. Instead, a bright light blasting out of the supposedly non-active mirror is my answer. "Whoa! What the-" Nothing. Or at least I think that's what this feels like. That bright light flashed before my eyes and now nothing. I don't feel a thing. Did I go back in time? Did it not work? Did the mirror send me to another world? I open my eyes, only to see white. Lots of it. White everywhere. Seriously, why is it so... Then it hits me. Cold. I feel cold. Really cold. I feel like my body is about to turn into a popsicle. My hooves feel like they're gonna fall off like a bunch of icicles. Its cold. Too cold. Why is it so cold?! I began to try and move my body, only to feel a giant weight on my back. I feels like somepony put a mound of dirt on top of me. As I continue to struggle, my eyes begin to see a different color. Blue. Very dark blue, but blue all the same. Is it the sky? I feel my head pop out of the mound and see that the whiteness was snow. A whole lot of snow, which I was buried in. Where am I? I began to look around, trying to bear my surroundings. As I turn completely around, my jaw drops. I can't believe what I'm seeing. Just over the horizon, it's a giant crystal city. Like, it looks like it's literally made out of shining crystals. The place looks like a pile of gems on top of a pile of jewels. It's beautiful. Unfortunately, it only takes a few moments till I remember one important fact. I'm still standing in freezing snow. Seeing as there's nothing else I can see besides the crystal city in this snowy-looking wasteland, I'm gonna take my chances on the crystal city. My hooves splatter through the snow as I get closer and closer. Almost there...holy magic, it's freezing! Blasted city! Why are so far away?! It takes a while, but I finally get to the city's entrance. Feels like my horn grew a family of icicles. Warm...I need something warm! I thought as I ran through the gates, which were open with no guards for some reason. That's weird, yet surprising convenient. I quickly zoom down the streets, which are shining like a path of jewels. In fact, everything is shining. Its as if the whole place is made out of shiny stuff. It puts Canterlot to shame. After a few minutes, I stop in the middle of the street. I don't feel cold anymore. Is this city immune to the snow and the freezing wind out there? I start to look around and start seeing everypony around me. They're all glowing, like they're made out of crystal! "How do I get my coat and mane to do that?" I mutter to myself as I scratch my chin. "I would look totally awesome if I looked like that..." I continue to walk down the streets, looking at all the sights. My mind begins to wander as I stroll down this beautiful new place. Just where am I? I know I was trying that time spell...and the mirror suddenly reacted. Then, I'm outside this gorgeous city. So...did I go back in time? Or am I in another world? Hmm... My thoughts are interrupted as I see two ponies that look my age walk by, talking. A colt and a filly. Usually, I make sure to not listen to other ponies, but one of them definitely catches my eye. The colt isn't glowing. The filly is, but he isn't. He's just a grey colt with a jet black mane. The colt speaks up first, "So, is it really true about the crystal heart Radiant Hope?" "Uh-huh, it sure is Sombra! I can't wait to see it!" the filly says back, a huge goofy grin on her face. Another click goes off on my head as I notice something peculiar about her. She's a unicorn. All the other shining ponies around here are earth ponies but...she's a unicorn like me. I watch the two run off to the a castle like structure in the distance. Are they royalty? They sure don't look the part...though I'm not sure how this place works. Seeing as I still don't know my destination at hoof, I decide to follow the pair. A few moments later, I'm at the base of this weirdly shaped crystal castle. I quickly go behind a pillar, my head barely popping out to the side. There, the two ponies slowly walk up to what looks like a floating blue heart. It must be that crystal heart they were talking about. I blink as I watch the two suddenly give completely different expressions after they look at the heart. The filly has a huge smile on her face, as if she saw the greatest moment of her life. The colt on the other hoof, looks like he just had a monster scare him out of his skin. He begins to scoot backward on the floor until he bumps into another pony. This one is different too! She looks like a shining red-haired unicorn version of Princess Celestia! I slowly put my head out, trying to hear their conversation. "Princess Amore!" the colt exclaims, his face filled with shock and fear. "You know, they say the crystal heart's reflection has magical properties. It reflects what's in your heart." the tall unicorn says with a calm looking smile. "Do you mean what we see in the reflection will actually happen?" the filly quickly asks back. "It might." Princess Amore begins to talk some more, but I don't hear a thing. My mind speaks for me, A crystal heart that reflects your heart? And she said it could show me my future...just like the mirror. I look back and see the three ponies leaving the heart. Guess they had other things to do. Well, I still don't know what to do but... I blink and look to see if anypony is around. Maybe I should take a peek? Eh, it'll probably show me what I saw in the mirror, an alicorn that take over Equestria. I trot up to the heart, feeling like I could conquer the world. I know it'll show me being amazing. My eyes gaze into the heart and a vision bursts into my eyes. But it isn't what I thought it would be. It isn't me being an alicorn over everything. I'm still a unicorn but...what else I see is even better. I'm on a throne with purple haze coming out of my eyes. My body is covered with royal bearings, a crown, and a bunch of ponies under me in chains. I'm a queen! Then, my jaw drops as I see a pony sitting in a throne by me. It's the grey colt I just saw but he looks so cool. He's a giant rugged stallion with a huge grin on his face. It's like we're king and queen or something. And everypony is worshipping us! I could only just stand there, my jaw still slamming the floor from the sight. "That's so awesome looking! I...I have to make that happen!"