//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Living underground has its Perks // Story: Wasteland Survival Guide: Zoology Edition // by The Infinity Doctor //------------------------------// [Clear Springs Schoolhouse] "Mrs. Trotter? You here?" Posey called, cracking open the door to the one-room schoolhouse. A radio was off in the far corner of the room, tuned to one of the local stations. "Posey! Big Bolt, too!" the peach-colored, older mare exclaimed, looking up from her desk "What in Celestia's name are you doing here on a Saturday morning?" "We have some questions for you!" Posey explained. "They couldn't have waited until Monday?" Mrs. Trotter asked, an eyebrow raised. "We couldn't wait that long! It's important!" she replied. Mrs. Trotter sighed, and sat back down at her desk. "I suppose...I was almost finished grading these papers, at any rate..." "What do you know about Blind Eagle's Bluff?" Bolt asked. "The Bluffs? What on earth would be of interest over there?" she asked, genuinely surprised. "The old sign, and the legend!" Posey explained once more. Mrs. Trotter nodded in understanding. "Ah, well, can't say I know much about either...other than what you might've heard a thousand times already." "But...but you're our history teacher!" Posey pouted. "I'm sorry kids," Mrs. Trotter apologized, shaking her head "but that old legend has been around longer than the haycart, way back in the Unification period- not much is known from around that time as it is, much less the origins of an old foal's tale." "I...I...see...thank you, Mrs. Trotter..." Posey sighed, dejected. "I honestly wish there was more I could do, but...I'm not sure how much help I'd be." the schoolteacher chuckled. Bolt opened his mouth to speak, when suddenly, the radio in the corner popped and hissed, broadcasting a stream of fizzling static. "Oh for...that's a brand new radio, that shouldn't be happening!" Mrs. Trotter shouted over the noise, covering her ears. Bolt edged close to the radio, wincing in pain at the sound, before shutting it off. "Thank you, Bolt." Mrs. Trotter said, uncovering her ears. Bolt nodded and gave a half-smile. "Wait...you said this is a new radio?" Posey asked. "Yes, I bought it just last week, as a matter of fact- why do you ask?" Posey's ears swiveled up and out, picking up a distant whine. "Bolt, do you hear that?" Bolt flicked his ears, and raised them, attempting to mimic the positions Posey's were in. "What do you suppose that is?" Bolt asked. "I don't know...but I've a feeling this investigation isn't over quite yet." Posey responded, galloping out the door. "Thanks again, Mrs. Trotter!" Bolt called back, following his friend. "Stay safe!" the schoolteacher called, hoping that the two foals had heard her. [Clear Springs Town Square] "You hear that?!" Posey exclaimed over the din of dozens and dozens of radios all hissing and screaming as the same time "It's happening all over town!" "Then what do we do to stop it?!" Bolt complained, shouting as loud as she did. "Go right to the source, naturally!" Bolt went wide-eyed as he watched Posey pick up a radio from a local shopkeep in her magic, and dart off. He shook himself out of his stupor and followed her, glancing back to realize that her thievery had not gone unnoticed, as the same shop owner that she'd swiped the radio from were now hot on their heels, shouting for them to stop. 'Has she lost her mind?!' he wondered, now two or three other ponies chasing after them. At this rate, they'd have half the town after them! Meanwhile, Posey lead the herd, running up and down the streets, attempting to get a better signal. Soon running out of town to scamper through, she now realized that the signal seemed to be getting less distorted...maybe- but it couldn't be, could it? 'Only one way to know for sure!' she thought, charging towards the bluffs. Half a gallop later, she'd reached the bluffs, and the broadcast was, as she'd guessed, much clearer than it had been inside the town perimeter. Not too long after, Bolt and the rest of the small herd reached the cliffs, as well. "Young lady..." the shopkeep panted, sweat running down his forehead "you'd better have a DARN good reason for this..." "I do! I do!" Posey exclaimed, gesturing to the radio. "...Omega Bravo. This message will repeat in ten seconds. We are broadcasting on all frequencies, AM and FM. SoS, please respond ASAP, we are trapped, situation is now at Omega Bravo. This message will repeat in ten seconds..." "Celestia's beard!" one of the townsponies gasped. "It sounds dire!" another cried. "What should we do?!" asked another. "Not panic, is what we're going to do." the shopkeep who'd been chasing Posey stated, as some other ponies began to worry. "And then what?" asked a mare in the rear. "Someone go and fetch Iron Foresight, if he says it's as bad as the broadcast makes it sound...we're going to need all the help we can get..." "Oh no..." Bolt groaned, as the group began planning. "What's the matter?" Posey asked, genuinely confused. "Foresight is my dad...oh dear Celestia...he's going to be so mad to work on his day off..." he fretted.