Dragon Age: Equestria

by OkemosBrony

Epilogue: Let Chaos Be Undone

Two months later

“What do you think?” Mahanon asked as he walked up to Cullen, who was touching one of Neighven’s outside walls and inspecting it.

“I don’t know how old it is, but it looks like whoever made it knew what they were doing,” he said, taking his hand off it. “It’s a strong fort; hopefully there are more like it.”

“Inquisitor!” Mahanon heard being called from behind him. He and Cullen turned to the source of the voice and saw Ward trotting up to them in the same purple and gold armor he wore in Canterlot.

“General Shining Armor, I presume?” Cullen asked, looking down at him.

“Armored Ward, Captain of the Royal Guard,” he bowed. “General Shining Armor is near all those tents.”

“We’ll speak later, Captain,” Cullen said, walking past him. “I need to speak to the General and see where this Inquisition is at.”

Ward shook his head while smiling. “Oh well. I’m sure he’s a nice guy and doesn’t mean to blow me off like that.”

“He’s just a little straightforward,” Mahanon replied. “So you did become the Captain, then?”

“Correct!” he beamed. “Princess Twilight and General Shining Armor put in some good words, and Princess Celestia decided to take a chance.”

“How have they acted, having such a young and inexperienced soldier become Captain?”

“They’re cool with it, for the most part,” he shrugged. “Couple aren’t and say it should be somepony who’s been in the Guard for longer, but no matter who becomes Captain, ponies won’t like them, so I don’t worry too much about it. I may not have been in the Guard very long, but I’ve seen my fair share of fighting. War provides more experience than any guard duty ever could.”

“How’s your head?”

“Good,” he said, putting a hoof on his temple. “Cassandra was right; head trauma. But it wasn’t anything serious. Didn’t stop my family from worrying I would die, though.”

“So they’re doing well, I take it?”

He nodded. “Yeah. Manehattan wasn’t hit incredibly hard, thankfully. My dad’s joined Celestia’s Volunteers, which is the militia. They’re mostly helping ponies get reacclimated, and the Guard itself is doing all the policing and protecting. Don’t want volunteers protecting an entire city, you know? We’re overseeing the Volunteers, but for the most part letting them run themselves.”

“Is that everywhere, or just in Manehattan?”

“In most big cities,” he replied, putting a hoof on his chin. “Come to think of it, some of them really are overstaffed. I know Ponyville’s got more than they need, I bet I could shuffle them about. A lot of small towns are in similar situations, so we could help reduce the strain on the big cities.”

“How’s Canterlot?” Mahanon asked, looking toward the city. “Sounds like it still hasn’t entirely calmed down there yet.”

“Still a mess,” he sighed. “They were in there pretty good. And then there’s all that red lyrium, bodies, crystal fragments…” He shook his head. “Gonna be a while before Canterlot is what it used to be. We’re making progress, it’s just that there’s a lot of work that needs to be done. At least it hasn’t been a war zone in a few weeks.”

“I bet the Volunteers would be eager to help in Canterlot.”

“Maybe,” he said, thinking. “They’d be eager alright, but I’m just thinking if it would be viable. The great part of a militia is you don’t need to find them accommodations or provisions, since they’re just private citizens at the end of the way. Moving them to a city would be difficult, but Canterlot especially so. Might not be a war zone now, but it’s still a shell of a city. Lot of places we could use to house them got destroyed in the fighting, and I’m not sure we have all the supplies to keep them there.”

“The Inquisition might be able to help get resources there.”

Ward thought it over for a moment. “That could work, if you’re willing to help acquire the supplies and then work on the logistics.”

Mahanon looked to the tent with Shining Armor, who was pointing in their direction. Cullen nodded, then walked over to them. “You said you were the Captain of the Royal Guard, correct?” he asked when he approached.

“Yeah,” Ward confirmed.

“I’ll leave you two to it,” Mahanon said as he started walking away.

“Hey, Inquisitor!” Ward called before he got too far away. “Thanks for everything you’ve done for us.”

After smiling back at him, he walked to Shining Armor’s tent, where the General was positioning a few figurines on a map of Equestria.

“What’s this?” Mahanon asked, studying the map.

“Trying to figure out where we should establish fortresses,” he replied, resting a hoof on his chin. “I’m not really good at this type of strategy, I’ll admit. Sounds like Commander Cullen is, though, so I’ll need to make sure to get his advice before you leave.”

“Have you decided what you and Princess Cadence are doing personally?”

“Yeah,” he said, pointing a hoof at Canterlot on the map. “We’re going to move the Inquisition’s official headquarters to Canterlot, so we’ll move there. We’re going to end up sending some soldiers to the Crystal Empire once we get everything cleared up here, and if it’s viable, we’ll want to move back there.”

“What’s going to become of Neighven?”

“Just another outpost, though we’ll probably end up using Neighven as an administrative center. A lot of the Inquisition is already moved in, so there’s no sense in relocating everyone. Probably just myself, Fancypants, and Trixie. We’ll make sure someone capable stays behind to watch over everything.”

“Any ideas who?”

“A few.” He looked at the map intently. “Could your own troops from Thedas survive the cold?”

“They might complain, but we can survive. How come?”

Shining Armor pushed a figurine from the Foal Mountains to the plains north of Neighagra Falls. “There’s a good castle in that area that I think is in good condition. Gets pretty cold, but it’s pretty defensible. And then it gives us a closer foothold to the Crystal Empire for when we want to go campaigning there.”

“I’ll leave you be,” he said, grabbing the figurine of a unicorn mare wearing a hat. “Since she represented me, can I keep her for the memory?”

“After I’m done with her,” he said firmly, grabbing it out of his grasp with his magic.

“Is there a spoon this time?”

“If you want a spoon, go to the mess hall,” he said, slightly impatient.

Chuckling, he walked away and to the gates of Neighven, where Josephine was talking with Fancypants, who was pointing in the distance at Canterlot.

“Inquisitor!” Josephine said excitedly as he walked up. “Your Diplomat was just telling me some of the tales of what you have accomplished here. You truly were able to ally with longtime enemies of Equestria, despite traveling with one of their Princesses?”

“To be fair, they were possessed by demons for most of their history,” he said modestly.

“But the ponies were still uncomfortable with them,” Fancypants pointed out. “I will admit, I was wary at first. But I’m glad you chose the Changelings over the Crystal Ponies; going to the Crystal Empire surely would have been a suicide mission.”

“I’ve survived suicide missions before, what makes you think that would've been any different?”

“Regardless, it sounds as if the Inquisition has plenty of allies here,” Josephine added. “Fancypants, what industries are strong here? Perhaps if we can make Equestria sound lucrative to traders in Thedas, we will be able to pull some more allies in.”

“Good question,” he said, deep in thought. “Canterlot is the epitome of fashion, and perhaps if what I have heard of Orlais is true, we could pull some of them in that way.”

“I know just the people!” she proclaimed. “I know a few Antivans in Jader who would be excited to begin importing. Then they could to Val Chevin and Val Royeaux, and they have a few contacts in Ferelden, as well. And I may still know someone in the Shipping Guild in Antiva City…”

“I have some contacts in Los Pegasus who could transport to the coasts,” Fancypants spoke up.

“I’ll let you two solve this,” Mahanon said, though he got no response from the diplomats, who were deep in a discussion on trans-ocean trade.

Upon walking into the town, he found Leliana and Trixie standing around a fire, both studying the other intently. When he walked up to them, neither acknowledged him; both continued staring the other down.

“Is everything alright?” Mahanon asked.

“Trixie is just trying to get a good read on the human,” Trixie said, not averting her gaze.

“And I am just wondering why a Spymaster has rumors of her boastfulness and showmanship floating about. Perhaps a Spymaster should be more subtle?”

“I’m plenty subtle,” she laughed.

“Oh?” Leliana and Mahanon asked together, both raising an eyebrow.

“You too?” Trixie asked, turning her glare from Leliana to Mahanon.

“You’re good at your job, but you do have to admit you are a little...out there with what it is you’re doing.”

“Doesn’t mean I’m not good at my job and subtle,” she said, pointing a hoof at herself. “If I weren’t subtle, how would I know Schmooples II has come down with the sniffles?”

“Subtle indeed,” Leliana ceded. “But perhaps you are not as good as keeping your own actions subtle. Why exactly have you ordered a crate of Zebrican doorstops and a sledgehammer?”

Turning back to Leliana, Trixie narrowed her eyes. “Perhaps the Great and Powerful Trixie underestimated you.”

“And perhaps the Great and Powerful Trixie overestimated herself, too.”

“I like you. Don’t push your luck, sister.”

Leliana laughed. “I foresee a wonderful relationship between us.”

Trixie smirked. “Perhaps I see it, too.”

“I won’t keep you two,” Mahanon chuckled. “Go do whatever it is Spymasters are supposed to do for fun.”

“Like swap secrets on our Inquisitor?” Leliana suggested.

Smiling and shaking his head, Mahanon walked away from them and further up the hill into Neighven. When he came to Bzkdlina sitting on a log and reading a book, he sat down next to her.

“Good to see you,” she said before going back to the book.

“What are you reading?” he asked, looking over her shoulder.

“A pony etiquette guide,” she blushed, slamming the covers together. “Just want to make sure I don’t offend anyone here. Now that the Changelings are for the most part going back south, I kind of have to force myself to integrate. There’s already enough tension following me because I’m a Changeling; I don’t want to set anything off by misstepping. I already got into some hot water by baring my fangs at a visitor, even though I told them it's a compliment!”

“I think most of them would understand if you do make a mistake.”

“If they fought with us. Then they’ve met Changelings and know we’re not bad, just different. A lot of ponies still have preconceived notions about us, and they might get really offended by me doing something wrong.”

“Planning on staying with the Inquisition?” He pointed at the book. “If you’re learning how to live with ponies, sounds like you don’t plan to go back to the Changelings.”

“Yeah,” she nodded, setting the book aside. “I was always alienated anyways, so it’s not like I feel like I belong there and have some obligation to go back.”

“What are the Changelings going to do, now that your Queen’s gone?”

“Another reason I want to be far away from the Aynytsup,” she laughed nervously. “We’ve always had a Queen or King, as long as we can remember. I’m kind of worried about what they plan to do. I’ve heard talks of a new monarchy, a republic, a military state...and it sounds like none of them are really open to compromise. We’re going to solve this somehow, but it sounds like we’re all expecting the sands to run green as a result.”

“And you don’t want to be a part of that fight?”

“Let them fight it out,” she shook her head. “I know I probably shouldn’t be, but I’m still kind of mad because of what they did to me. I won’t lie, looking back at our history, there are times I’m not proud to call myself Changeling. I am proud of what I am in the end, but there’s no denying we haven’t always been model citizens of this world.”

“You could go back and try and steer them in the right direction. Make up for lost time.”

“I may have been looked up to during the war because I helped cure the Queen, but now it’s over, and I’ve gone back to being just one voice of many thousands. I wish we could solve our disputes peacefully, but we’ve never had to. When confronted with something we don’t like, our first instinct is always to pounce on it.”

“Do you know what you’ll do up here?”

“Shining Armor said there might be a position for me leading Neighven once he moves away,” she said in an uneasy giggle. “I’m not sure if I’d take it if it came to me. I’ll have to think about it.”

“What about you and Ward?”

Bzkdlina smiled, then blushed again. “It’s...going well. I don’t really know where we’re headed, and I’m too nervous to ask. I don’t know where I’m ending up, and now that he’s Captain of the Royal Guard, he’s going to have to move to Canterlot. And I’m not sure it would look so great if the new Captain was seeing someone that would’ve been arrested on sight a few short months ago. I haven’t really talked to him about it yet.” She gestured towards the book. “And don’t tell anyone I’ve been intently studying the Talking to a Romantic Partner section of the etiquette book for clues.”

When he felt a hoof tapping on his shoulder, Mahanon turned around to see Twilight looking down at him. “Can I borrow you for a moment?”

“Lead the way,” he said as he stood up.

“Sorry for stealing you away,” she said, a little embarrassed. “It’s just been a while since we were able to last talk.”

“How was Ponyville?”

“It was good,” she said. “Everypony’s coming back, little by little. I was able to get into Canterlot and see Princess Celestia, as well as the city.” She paused for a moment. “It’s kind of hard seeing the city like that. Everywhere I knew as a filly was ravaged.”

“Are your parents fine?” he asked worriedly.

“They are,” she sighed, a weight clearly coming off her chest. “You were right not to go after them; they saw some other ponies in need and went to help them. Said I was more than capable of fending for myself, so they didn't stick around.”

“They’re not wrong,” he pointed out.

Twilight blushed slightly. “I guess not.”

“What are your plans for the future?”

“I’m not really sure,” she admitted. She laughed. “But whenever I plan, it never works out. I will try and get to Thedas and stay in Ponyville, but something else will come up.”

When they stepped up to Neighven’s battlements, she took a deep breath. “I don’t know what’s going to happen next, but at least this is another thing we’ve overcome.”

“I’m glad we were able to help,” he said happily, walking up next to her. “It was a long fight, but it’s all worth it when we get done.”

Twilight smiled, then turned to him. “I know you promised me you’d teach me a few spells before you’d leave.”

“Okay,” he said, playfully shaking his head. “Let’s head down to the training area.”