Sonata's Comeback Tour

by milesprower06

Their Way Or The Highway

Sunset found the constant rainfall hypnotic, watching the wipers going to and fro, the rain bands streaming across her window, and the occasional flash of lightning and rumble of thunder that overtook the ambient noise of rain. She might have nodded off, were she not so worried about Sonata, who was probably stuck out in this waiting for them.

She sat in the passenger seat of Flash Sentry's Camaro, as her ex-boyfriend drove north down the county highway towards downtown Everfree. She considered herself fortunate that he was available and willing to do this at the moment she had called. She knew the school had more or less forgiven her for her past transgressions, but due to the fact that she had used him to become more popular, she wasn't certain that the two of them were on the best of terms.

"Thanks again for doing this," Sunset began. "I wasn't even sure you'd pick up the phone, with our history and all."

"Don't worry about it. You've clearly redeemed yourself in the eyes of the rest of the school, and that's good enough for me. I mean, I won't pretend that I'm not the only one you know with a car, but I can't fault you for asking, especially when a friend got kicked out of their apartment into this storm. Who is it, anyway?"

"Um... Sonata." Sunset answered nervously.

"Doesn't ring a bell."

"One... One of the sirens from the battle of the bands last year."

"You're serious, aren't you?" Flash said, giving her a double take, then quickly returned his focus to the road.

"Yeah, she showed up on Tuesday asking for singing lessons. We decided to give her a chance, and she's been nothing but grateful."

"And I'm guessing by the fact that we're driving to go get her that the other two aren't on board with that." Flash surmised.

"I guess not. It's such a shame because she was hoping to bring them around too."

"Maybe it's enough that she came around. Not even friendship can win 'em all."

"Yeah, maybe..."

As they closed in on downtown, the stop signs gave way to traffic lights, and the clock on the dashboard closed in on 11:00 PM.

"Where did she say she'd be waiting for us?" Flash asked.

Sunset looked down at her phone, double checking the response she had gotten from Sonata when she told her they were on their way.

"4th and Bloomfield."

A couple minutes later, they turned onto Bloomfield, and kept an eye on the street signs.

"Hey, I think that's her." Flash said, pointing down the street to the corner. There, at the next intersection, stood a figure in a dark purple hoodie, the exact same one that Sonata was wearing when she left practice today. Her back was to them as she just stood there in the rain.

"Yeah, I think so." Sunset replied, as Flash pulled over to the curb, and Sunset immediately got out into the downpour.


The siren turned at the sound of her name, and Sunset saw the look of worry on her face. As she walked towards her, Sonata bit her lip, her look of worry turning into one of relief for a split second before bursting into tears as she threw her arms around her new friend, burying her face into her shoulder. Sunset immediately returned the embrace as Sonata's sobs overtook the sounds of the storm. Not even out in the rain for twenty seconds, Sunset found herself soaked.

"I... I..." Sonata attempted to talk through her cries.

"No, no. You can explain later. Let's get you out of this rain." Sunset told her, breaking the embrace, but kept an arm around her shoulder as she led her to the car, opening the passenger door and pulled the seat up, ushering the sopping wet girl into the back seat. Flash immediately turned the heat on full blast, wanting to get her warm as soon as possible. Once Sonata had buckled herself in, she got her crying partially under control, and Sunset had gotten back in as well.

"Where to?" Flash asked, putting the car back into drive.

"Back to my place. I can take it from there." Sunset answered.

Flash made a u-turn, and headed back south as the storm outside continued. It was a much quieter ride back, and the heat pumping out of the A/C helped Sonata to stop shivering by the time they were out of the city limits. Twenty minutes later, Flash pulled off to the side of the street in front of Sunset's apartment complex. By then, the rain had finally died down, and the two of them could step out without getting soaked. Sonata's tears had dried, but her eyes were still a bit red from her crying. When the two of them were out of the car, Sunset closed the door then leaned down once more.

"Thanks again, Flash." She said.

"Don't mention it. Have a good night, Sunset."

With that, Flash drove off into the night, and Sunset took Sonata inside.

"Come on, this way." Sunset told her, guiding her down the hall to the bathroom. She leaned over the bathtub and turned on the faucet.

"Here, get yourself a hot shower. I'll be back with a towel, and I'll take your clothes to the dryer."

By the time Sunset went to the pantry to get a fresh towel, Sonata was in the steamy shower. Sunset hung it on the towel rod, and took Sonata's damp clothes to the dryer. Once those were done, she recalled that she and Sonata were around the same size, and went to grab a pair of pajamas for her. Once that was taken care of, she got a spare pillow and blankets, setting them on the couch. By that time, she heard the bathroom door open, and Sonata came down the hallway into the living room in her loaned PJs. The two of them matched.

"Are you sure this is okay?" Sonata asked.

"I'm allowed to have a guest here for seven days. After that, if you don't have anywhere else to go, you can sign onto the lease. This is a one-bedroom, so I can have two people in here." Sunset told her.

"I... I don't know what to say. I mean, we've had disagreements before, but... I never thought they'd do something like this. We were always together. Adagio always took charge, and Aria sometimes butted heads with her, but for the most part we just took Adagio's lead. But Adagio got on my bus and followed me to Canterlot High today, and when she told me to stop coming to you for singing lessons... I couldn't."

"Don't worry. I think you made the right choice. I'm glad I got a hold of Flash so I could come get you."

"Do you think this will blow over? How long will it take? Do you think there's still a chance of me bringing them around?" Sonata asked worriedly.

"Sonata..." Sunset began, placing her hands on her shoulders, "The magic of friendship is used to enrich the lives of your friends, and in turn, they enrich yours. That's what makes the effort worth it. But not all friendships last. Some paths divide too far apart, some arguments and disagreements can't be settled. If you're looking for my advice, then... I can't be sure that I'd call the partnership the three of you had friendship. But as much as I've learned, and am still learning, I can't tell you what to do. You, and you alone have to think, and make the decision of when it's no longer worth it. If you still want to bring them around after they threw you out into the rain, then I'd say that's a strong bond indeed."

Sonata swallowed what would've been the start of more tears, and nodded.

"Now, get some sleep. Here's the schedule for the #4 bus, so you can still get to and from work. Here's my spare key. Apart from that, my couch is your couch."

With that, Sunset gave her another hug, and retired to her room, turning off the lights save for the small lamp beside the couch. Sonata yawned, and laid down. It was a love seat, and with as tall as she was, her calves rested on the far armrest, but it was surprisingly more comfortable than the cheap bed she had back in the city apartment. She shut off the light, and before long, a second storm came through, and the sound of the rain on the roof put the siren into a deep sleep.