//------------------------------// // Cell Phone // Story: A Friendship Tale // by Catsofwar108 //------------------------------// I stared at the newly dubbed Flutoriel. A bead of sweat rolled down her face, and as she tried to hide behind her hair the seven-foot goat mother seemed a lot less intimidating. “L-let’s move t-to the-the puzzle. Please.” Her whole demeanor had flopped again to somebody completely unsure of herself. I opened my mouth to pursue the subject, but Flutoriel had already moved on. I hesitated only a second before following her. If this was who I thought it was, no matter how impossible, she would never lay a… hand? Hoof? I wearily shook my head. Too much had happened that day for me to be thinking about that. When I took a few steps towards her, I heard a weird hopping sound. Strange. It kinda sounded like a… A giant frog stood in front of me, staring at me warily. I didn’t know what to call it, but the name Froggit popped to mind. It was as good a name as any, I supposed, and decided to address it. Yet again, however, my mouth ran before my brain, and instead of me saying “Hi.” I said, “Wow, you’re cute!” Froggit didn’t understand what I said, but was flattered anyway. Mom came over, and with a glare that would set water on fire, the Froggit quickly hopped away. Oh well. Maybe another friend would make an appearance. Beckoning to me, Flutoriel stared out at the next puzzle. My eyes followed hers, and a gasp escaped from my mouth. The entire floor was covered in spikes. Mom was debating something with herself, and she eventually came to a decision.”Oh my… this is a bit more… dangerous than I thought it was.” She offered a hand over to me. “Here. Take my hand for a moment.” I hesitated, then placed my hoof in her capable paws. Then, to my horror, she stepped on a spike. I winced, and shut my eyes tight against the world, unwelcome images and memories resurfacing themselves. The lack of pain-filled screams confused me. Cracking open my eyes again, I saw Mom’s confused, worried face watching me. “Are you alright, my child?” “Y-your foot! It’s-It’s-” “Oh!” Flutoriel seemed to understand, and then laughed a bit. “It’s alright, Frisk! Look!” She lifted her foot off the spikes, and they came back up. She dropped it again, and I noticed the spikes stayed at least two inches away from her foot at all times. “Come! It’s safe. I promise.” Her voice took on a buttery smooth voice. It was very calming. I sighed, mentally preparing myself. I then nodded, full of DETERMINATION. I took a step, then another, and another, my heart beat spiraling out of control. Flutoriel smiled at my bravery. “Take a left here.” She said. I pivoted, then continued. She continued giving me directions while holding my hoof, and before I knew what happened, we were at the end of the puzzle. “We can take a break here if you need to.” She mentioned, looking at me with a sideways glance. “No.” I breathed out, my heart rate returning to normal. “No, I’m good.” “Alright then.” Flutoriel smiled at me. “Are you ready to continue?” I gave a firm nod, and we went into the next room. It was a long hallway that went so far back I couldn’t see the end. “I’m going to ask something difficult of you.” Mom looked at me seriously. “I need you to walk to the end of this hallway by yourself.” It was regret that I saw in her eyes. “Forgive me for this.” I was so bewildered as she sped with inpony speeds to the other end of the hallway and out of sight. “U-um… okay…” Maybe this was a test? Whatever the case was, I needed to get over there. So, with tired sigh, I began to trot. And I trotted. And trotted. Jeez, how long was that hallway? “Flutoriel?” I called out, feeling a tad nervous. “Fluto- Mom?!” No response. My heart rate began to speed up. Instead of trotting I began galloping, hopefully getting to the end. Or maybe this hallway was endless? Thankfully it wasn’t. “Oh sweet Celest- I mean Sombra, the door!” I leaned against a pillar that was conveniently placed, and practically jumped out of my skin when Mom walked out from behind the very same pillar. I noted with a touch of satisfaction that she jumped back too.”O-oh, greetings my child. I did not expect…” She cleared her throat. “Anyway, this was to test your independence. I must leave for a while, and you will be alone. Will you be alright staying here?” Leaning down to my level, she looked at me dead in the eyes. I simply nodded. Mom sighed in relief. “Be good, alright?” She turned to leave, seemed to consider something, and turned on her heel and approached me again. “Here.” I got… something. It was a black box with a hinge on it. “This is a cell phone. You can contact me if you need anything.” With a wink and a kiss on the forehead, she left. I looked at the cell phone. It did nothing. I poked it. Still nothing. I remembered the hinge on it, and nosed it open. It came to life! I’m not joking, it literally lit up. After I got over my shock of this insane device, I hid my eyes and pushed a button. A beep sounded, and suddenly I heard Mom as clear as day! “Hello Frisk! Did you need anything?” “Mom?” I asked, apprehensive. “Mom, why are you in the cell phone?” A few seconds of silence. I could practically hear the confusion. “Huh?” The laughing started. Loud peals of beautiful laughter filtered through the device. “Oh Frisk, I’m not in the cell phone! I’m talking at the end of another device like it!” “Really?” “Really.” She said reasurringly. “Call me if you need anything!” With that, I heard a click, and the screen dimmed. I stared, mouth agape at the exchange.