Yep, totally normal....

by Kit-San

Chapter Dos

“Oh, We’re back?” I ask, holding a newspaper.

I toss it behind me, and it exploded into Pigeons. Padding back over to where I was before the chapter ended, I finally took in the being in front of me. (With my eyes, don’t take that out of context.)

“WAH?!” I shouted in sho- “Crimsoin, you do know some people might groan at this?”

*Will they? I don’t think they will. Shut up and go with it!*

“Fine…” I grumbled.

The one who I landed on so rudely was a Sylveon! An oddly colored one, and I don’t mean it was a shiny. The pink on its...her, its a her.... chaos powers so I can know without checking… yeah not even going there…. anyways, the pink on her head, tail, and paws was replaced with a dark magenta with a white diamond shape on her forehead. Her ears tipped with white. The normal light pink color on the rest of her body was ever so slightly darkened and was very hard to noticed. Her ribbons were outlined with yellow with a blue center in the middle of her bows.

Around her neck was a chain-linked necklace with a gold loop at the middle with a triangular Emerald. Her figure was just the same as any Sylveon. Over all, she was a beauty to look at, at least to me. (AN: Falx, should I go for a different design, or will this work? Delete this afterward EN: crimsoin, the design sounds fine, also, I’m leaving this in because it’s funnier if the readers see us talking in my opinion. Also, you’re the final editor for this story, no matter what I suggest, What you put in is your choice. :3) An: What do you guys think? Keep this, or delete it?) She was also, STILL unconscious…

‘Oh, whoops, probably should wake her up.’ I think.

Getting closer, I lightly nudged her with my paw. Getting no reaction, I nudged harder. Still nothing. Frowning, I materialized a trumpet from a rock and played it a bit.

Then got out some symbols, smashing them together loudly. Then got a large horn, played that.

Still not getting a reaction, I snapped my paws, creating a regular guitar and played that

But stopped “Wait, if anything that would just make me fall asleep, well during the beginning anyway.” I said to myself.

Finally, I settled with licking her nose. That got her stir.

‘Really? All that and that’s what wakes her up?’ I thought to myself with a deadpanned expression.

Slowly, she opens her eyes, with her POV being me near her face with a worried look. “YIP!” She squeaked, instinctually leaping up, our heads collide.

“OW! WHY IS IT ALWAYS THE HEAD?!” I shouted clutching my head.

“Then don’t get in a Mon’s face like that!” The girl replied, also clutching her head.

“Well excuuUuuse me, princess!” I snarked before blinking “Where’d did that come from?” I ask myself aloud.

She groans in pain. Picking myself up I ask in a soft voice “Hey, you okay?”

“Yeah, I’ll be fine…” she responds, also picking herself up.

“Sorry about that.” I tell her. She just nods, rubbing her head with one paw.

“You’re a weird looking Umbreon.” She says a little rudely, but I just smirk.

“You’re a weird looking Sylveon.” I retort. “Touché” she says, then blinks

“Hey, aren't you supposed to be scared, or at least a little hostile to me?” She questioned out of the blue.

I give her an odd look, “Should I be?”

She blinks again, “You know I’m a fairy-type, right? Fairy-types are strong against dark-types like you.”

My ear flicks for no really reason. “Yeah so?”

She shakes her head “Never mind. Basically you should be scared because I’d beat you up.” She says.

“Oh RLY? I highly doubt that.” I grin.

“Oh, and what can you do?” She asks skeptically.

Sudden music started up “This!” I said, and began singing.

Finally the song ended, and the Sylveon was staring at me, confused. Can’t really blame her though. After waving my paw in front of her face, she shook her head then looks at me.

“What the heck was that?!” She sort of shouted.

“What? Never seen an Umbreon sing?” I ask her innocently.

“Well, that too, but where'd did that music come from?” She asks pointedly.

“I’m a reality warper.” I answer.

“And what does that have to do with me not being able to beat you?” She asks.

“I don't know, ask Crimsoin.” Silence.

“Whatever.... so where are we, um…?” She was obviously asking for my name.

“Shiro.” I supply.

“Shiro, where are we?” she asks.

“Ze Everfree Forest, miss...” I said in a overly French accent.


“Kristy,I bet you never heard of me, probably due to you being in a new world!” I emphasize the last part “Also, how the hell are you here?” I ask in the same welcoming tone. I’m honestly confused beyond belief. A Sylveon? In Equestria?

“Wait WHAT?!” she panicked.

‘Oh shit, this could take a while.’ I think to myself.

After explaining the fact that she’s on a different planet, *With Crimsoin being too lazy to write it* *SORA!* * Who’s Sora? * * Another OC who I made, but doesn't have his own story.*she began to hyperventilate. Sighing, I appeared behind her and knocked her out with a chop to her neck.

What? She was starting to panic, I don’t know how to calm someone down… without the risk of making it worse.

Looking around, I see a large hollow tree, perfect.

Picking Kristina up I jump inside the tree, and worked my magic, changing the inside of the tree into the likeness of inside a small wooden castle. I place her inside of a room, waited…. And then got bored and teleported somewhere random. And I mean like throwing dice random, I didn’t know where I was going to land.

-------Time Skip-------

With a bright white flash, I reappeared… a few hundred feet off the ground.

I just stood there in mid air looking down, before looking at in random direction (And by that I mean at you, reader) and pulled out a sign that said ‘Yike!’

Gravity’s brain musta restarted because I fell down very quickly. “YA HOHOHOHO HOY!” I scream at the top of my lungs.

‘Oh wait!’ I pull a random pull string, you know, the thing sticking out of Woody’s back in Toy Story, and a revving noise sounds from somewhere in my body. After pulling it a few times, my tail starts spinning like a helicopter blade, and slowed my descent.

Once I land, I let out a sigh of relief… before getting a face full of exploding chocolate milk.

Just a side note, Karma kinda exists… sort of… it's complicated. * It’s not so much Karma as it is Murphy’s Law. *

“Not as wonderful as friendship!” I hear our favorite purple nurple say.

‘So I landed in ponyville?’ I think. ‘Convenient…. I think.’

Looking over I see Discord sitting on his Throne Of Hysteria. No it’s not cannon, I just came up with the name on the spot.

“Heyo!” I shouted, jumping on top of the large chair.

“Ah, Shiro! Glad you could join us!” Discord exclaims happily.

“Look at these Ponies… they think they repaired their friendship, yeah right.” Only I heard the last part, seeing as he whispered it into my big ears… and I mean that as in making a copy of himself and both of them whisper in my ears, one each.

“Ya’ll couldn’t keep our friendship apart forever, Discord!” Applejack tells us.

“Oh don’t you lie to me, dear Applejack.” Discord said with evil smirk, before dragging her and her friends, minus Twilight, to him with his Talon. “I made you a liar in the first place.”

I frown at that. That always bothered me. “Uh, Dis? If you made her into a liar, how does that stop her from lying to you about their friendships being repaired?” I ask.

“Oh hush you.” Discord hushed with a foam finger “You’re always so pessimistic with it comes with one’s character’s inconsistencies and the such!” I shrugg “Eh, fair enough.”

“Now then-” before Dissy could continue, Twilight ‘bubbled’ her friends and teleported back. I coulda sworn I heard someone shout “JOHN DELANCEY!” That distracted me up until when Discord tells the girls.

“Ew, gag. Fine, just make it quick!” He teleports back to his throne. “I’m missing some excellent chaos here…” he closes his eyes. I just looked at him with a ‘are you dumb’ look. An element symbol… thing, shoots by my face.

“Huh, what’s this?” Discord notices, and then his eyes widen in fear.

“Later dude!” I shout, bailing on him to hide behind a floating house with several transparent shields and wearing a pillow helmet.

“WHHYYYYYYY??!?!” He shouts.

‘Wait wasn’t he suppost to shout ‘NOOOOOOO!’?’ Oh whatever. A bright light shone and blinds me. Once my vision clears, I can see Discord's statue with his head turned toward me with a betrayed look. I actually cringed at that. There was something so sad about that. I felt bad… before pulling out a violin and playing a short sad note.

Then pulled out a horn.

“Now for you Sheogorath!” The mane six, minus Fluttershy who looked liked she was trying to get their attention, and failing. I just stared at them, and they stared back.

“Time for you to go back to stone.” Raising my paw to resort to Rainbow Dash’s comment.

“I concur you ugly black thing.” I smash my head on the side of the fountain.


“You're an ally of Discord!” Says Applejack.

“Yeah, you’re big meany pants!” Pinkie says.

‘Wait, when did she started hating me?’ “If you’d jus-” I try to say.

“You’ll pay for what you di-” Twilight was about to say, but Fluttershy beat her to it


‘JESUS, SHE HAS A SET OF LUNGS ON HER!’ I thought holding my sensitive ears.

“What?!” they shout irritably at her, before quickly apologizing at the now cringing Fluttershy. “Um, Shiro, isn’t evil…” She says shyly. They froze when they heard that.

“WHAT!?” They exclaim in unison.

“We’ll explain between chapters.” I said, digging my dewclaw *Thanks Ictus!* * “No Prob Dude!!!” * into my ear, trying to get rid of the ringing in my ears.

“Huuh?” The mane six minus Pinkie say in confusion.