//------------------------------// // Chapter 29: Full Circle // Story: Devil's Due // by All American //------------------------------// Author’s note: Let me tell you this: Writer’s block fuckin’ sucks. On Monday, I was sitting at my workbench with nothing to do and no internet access, so I tried to write something. I spent almost two hours staring at my cursor before I was called away to repair a Model 29 with a fragmented cylinder (The cylinder fuckin’ exploded man!). Anyway, I’m going to continue to try and put these things out as fast as I can but I can make no promises that I’ll be able to match my previous speed. - I was fucking furious at this point. Were the fuck did they get off on telling me how to live my life? It is MY life! It was bad enough that I was even brought here but at this point, my perception of what was even worth my time was so convoluted that I just wanted to drive and get the fuck away from town. I trudged over to my truck and climbed in. I slammed the door behind me and sat back in my set. I was breathing heavy from my anger and I beat my fist against the door in a blind fury. Each hit elicited a soft thud from the plastic door cover before my knuckles started to hurt and I quit. I took a deep breath and sat back in my seat. My rifle was in the backseat, not that I needed it, and I was finished with town for now. I kind of miss the ‘I don’t give a flyin’ fuck about your problems’ attitude from Youngstown. At least I wasn’t being nagged to change at every point. It would be nice to know what Twilight wanted from me other than to be a less angry individual. How exactly was I supposed to fix that?! It is in my nature! What am I supposed to do? Drink myself into oblivion or at least until I can’t function properly? I pushed the thoughts out of my mind as I placed my hand on the steering wheel and listened to the engine flare up. The engine chugged in the cold air and I could almost tap my finger to the cylinder rotations. I shifted into drive and pressed on the gas. The tires pushed me forward and 30mph before I looked back in the rearview and saw Applejack, Twilight, and Rarity staring at the tail end of the H2. Something in me wanted to roll down the window and flip them the bird but I figured that Celestia’s pet would rat on me. New personal rule: Keep Twilight in the dark. She can’t keep her trap shut. I peeled out of town and turned in the direction of Dash’s place. As I barreled down the road, I felt my anger slowly subside as I began to calm down. I had had enough of these damn therapy sessions and I didn’t care if they docked my pay. What did I need money for anyway? I had a seemingly endless supply of gas and bullets and my machines seemed to maintain themselves. I could hunt (Although I’ll probably suck) in the woods and I could sleep in my car if I get booted out of town. These ponies had nothing on me. I almost fell into highway hypnosis before my turn came up, signaled by all the tire tracks in the dirt to the side of the road. The sky was still heavy with a nice grey overcast. I was never one for the sun and I preferred overcast. Maybe that was the reason I remained in Ohio for all those years. The state only ever got maybe 60 days of sun a year. I cut the wheel and felt the H2 connect with the ditch to the side of the road. The suspension squeaked as the tires overcame the ditch and met the familiar field. My countless treks back and forth from the field had created the beginning of a new trail as the H2’s tires tore up the ground beneath them. Dash’s place came into view before I sped up and cut the wheel heavily. The H2 turned sideways and the resistance from the sideways tires forced the truck to a stop. I threw the H2 into park. With both hands on the wheel, I calmed myself down into a respectable demeanor and climbed out of the SUV. I walked over to the trunk and opened the door as the hydraulics created an audible hiss. The pile of metallic death sat in the center of the trunk space. I sifted through the guns before I grabbed the stockless Remington 870. The chrome metal matched the sky in color. I closed my eyes and concentrated for a second. My hands throbbed as I opened my eyes and pulled the pump back. The mechanism gave a sturdy click as the bolt opened, revealing the comforting blue light from the tubular magazine. I pushed the pump forward, cycling a new round into the chamber. There was no need for the strap for this weapon. Without a stock, the weapon came in at roughly 3 ¼ft and I could easily conceal it in my large suit coat. Hell, maybe I could have Rarity make a holster for it in future suits. I held the shotgun by the receiver in my left hand and walked towards the camp. The recruits were busy pitching a few tents as I wandered on over to them. I was sure if they were ready for what they were about to see but it had to be done. If anything, I truly thought that if any would make it through my training, it would be Dallas and Youngstown for different reasons. Dallas looked like he had seen more than I could ever show him and Youngstown was just too headstrong to let me win. A stepped on over to the fire and watched the recruits work together. The unicorns were using their magic to hold up the support poles while the Pegasus was holding up the canvas. Finally, the earth ponies would stomp the spike down to hold the whole thing in place. The strangest thing was that Dallas controlled some Green Lantern like hammer made of light. Still, I have seen stranger things in this world. “Hello gents.” I called out to the recruits. Everyone dropped what they were doing and ran over to me. Dallas’ magic hammer… thing dissipated as he ran over and joined the others. “Greetings General.” Youngstown said as he stood in front and saluted me. “Mornin’ Captain.” “What are our orders, sir?” He asked in a semi yell. “Today, we are going to hunt. See the woods over there?” I said as I pointed over to the forest that stood maybe 500ft from the camp. “We’re not blind, sir.” Chicago said, eliciting a snicker from the rest of the group. “Sounds like someone wants to taste boot polish.” I said in a threatening manner. “Sorry sir.” “You say something like that again and I will shove my boot so far up your ass that you will be coughing up shoe leather! You understand me shit-stain?!” “Sir, yes sir!” Chicago replied in a salute. “Good to know. Let’s get a move on.” I said as I tossed the shotgun in the air and grabbed the grip mid-air. I bent my arm up and rested the shotgun on my left shoulder as we marched over to the woods. The group of recruits formed a grouping of three in a row with two rows. The walked along side me to my right as we walked along the field. “First bit of fighting advice,” I said trying to start up conversation “is to keep you opponent at distance.” “How do you suggest we do that, sir?” Tallahassee asked. “I was getting to that. You must have a hankering for shoe leather, recruit.” “Sorry.” “Anyway, use anything you can get your hands on to keep your opponent at distance. I use guns but you don’t have access to any unfortunately. For your case, you could use a pike or bow for instance. The unicorns amongst us can use their magic. I can’t teach you spells sadly, but that is beside the point.” The forest loomed closer as we marched along. The forest seemed almost impenetrable except for a few trails leading in. I led the group into a nearby trail and readied my shotgun. I was in a world of magic so I guessed that the forest would be even more dangerous than my world’s. “Second bit of advice,” I chimed in to break the silence “make friends out of your squadmates. When shit hits the fan and bullets start flying, you are going to want your brothers to help you out of a bind. No bond is closer than one formed in combat.” At the end of my speech, a memory of Alex came to mind… - One year prior. Me and Alex were driving along in my shitty Ford sedan as the sun slowly came down over the horizon. The radio was playing ‘Sweet Home Alabama’ as we pulled onto ‘Old 80’. Old 80 was a highway that ran through most of Youngstown and up into Cleveland. Alex and me were on our way to a rave in Liberty and I was designated the DDB (Designated Driver Bitch). The sun fell behind the horizon and the last bits of light flickered away before my headlights automatically kicked in. Old 80 was very quiet at this time of day. Everyone was already at home and none of the drunk drivers were out yet. I drove along at 90mph since most of the cops generally avoided this area. The Ford’s engine cried in agony as I pushed it to its limits. “Hey man,” Alex said lazily in the passenger seat “Try not to kill the car. What did it ever do to you?” “It has left me stranded in the east side before.” I retorted. “Oh, in that case, kill it when we get to Liberty and burn the remains.” He said with a smile. “I knew you’d agree.” I said as I floored the gas. The Ford backfired before it came back to life and continued down the road again. The moon slowly made its way up behind the car and illuminated the road a little better. “What exactly are you going to down when we get to the party?” I asked Alex to try and start up some conversation. “Well,” He said with a smile “I’m going to get fucked up and dance my ass off with a lampshade on my head most likely. I’ll also try and get my dick wet.” “You are un-fuckin-believable sometimes.” I said as a smile grew on my face and I shook my head. “You know I’m awesome.” He said as he threw his arms out to stretch his point. “I had another word in mind but I’ll let it slide for now. I don’t want to inflate your ego anymore. You might burst like a balloon.” “You have no faith.” She said with a fake frown. “Hey, I’m the one who will have to bail your ass out of the drunk tank so forgive me if I hold my reservations.” “I-I,” He said raising a finger before lowering it “got nothing.” “I win.” “Shut up.” I just smiled as we tooled down the road and made our way towards Liberty. - “Did you hear that General?” Dallas asked as he took on an aggressive stance. “No, what is it?” I asked as I readied the shotgun. The area was deathly quiet and the darkness played tricks with the shadows around the area. One moments you would be looking a tree before a noise would erupt behind you and you’d spin around to see nothing. Confused, you’d turn back around to see that the tree you were looking at was now a large boulder. I back peddled as a large branch snapped in the distance. I could hear multiple sets of footsteps run around us before it all stopped at once. “What the fu-“ “AAAAAAAGGH!” Chicago Atlanta cried from behind me. I spun wide to see he was being attacked by two wolves. Each wolf had its jaws wrapped around the one of Atlanta’s legs. I ran over to him and put the shotgun up to the larger of the wolves’ heads. I fired and deafened the majority of the group. Atlanta’s legs were starting to bleed as he tried to flap his wings to try and take flight. With one of the wolves dead, I wrapped my hands around the warm barrel of the shotgun and lifted my new club up for a swing. I dropped it down like a hammer onto the remaining wolf’s skull with a sickening thud. The wolf yelped and let go of Atlanta. I brought the shotgun around and swung for the wolf again. The receiver connected with the wolf’s head, causing the wolf’s neck to cut sharply and give a gratifying snap. I exhaled for a moment before I returned my hands to the grip and pump and cycled another round into the gun. “Are you ok Atlanta?” I asked genuinely worried about him. “I think so. Thanks General.” He said as he nuzzled his wounds. “Is everyone else ok?” “Where is Tallahassee?” Youngstown asked. Everyone looked around for a moment before Tallahassee burst from the bushes with another wolf in tow. “Not cool!” Tallahassee grunted out as he charged past me. I spun the shotgun wide and fired wildly. My shot missed and peppered the tree behind the wolf. The shot got the attention of the wolf as it charged me. I tried to cycle another round but was tackled by the wolf. The wolf snapped at me as it threw my shotgun in front of myself as a shield. The wolf wrapped its jaws around the gun as it thrashed violently. “Somebody get this godforsaken thing off of me!” I said the wolf pressed down and came within a few inches of my face. The wolf suddenly released its grip on the gun and threw its head back. The wolf fell limp on top of me. I knocked the wolf off of me and found that Dallas had killed the wolf with a nicely placed light-sword to the wolf’s back. The sword dissipated as Dallas ran over to me and lent me a hoof. He helped me up and turned around to kick the wolf. “You ok sir?” He asked as if he wasn’t a damn hero. “Yeah, I’m fine.” I said as I wiped some blood from my suit coat. “That was a great display for bravery there.” I said, giving positive reinforcement. “It was nothing sir.” Dallas said as he surveyed the area. “Bullshit it was nothing. I only asked that you watch a kill but you performed one.” I said as I cycled the action of the shotgun. “I was only performing my duty.” “Yeah, but you saved my sorry skin. Feel free to take the rest of the day as leave.” I said as I brushed my pants off with my free hand. “Thanks.” “What was that?” “Thank you, sir.” He repeated. “Glad to hear it.” I replied as I surveyed the group. Atlanta was flying in order to prevent the need to put weight in his leg and the rest of the group awaited my instructions. “Dallas,” I said as I prepared to give an order “Help Atlanta back to camp and treat him if you can. You are free to spend the day as you please.” “Yes sir.” Dallas said as he saluted me and walked over to Atlanta “Let’s go soldier.” “I agree let’s get out of this dang place.” Atlanta replied. Dallas turned down the trail and Atlanta followed him. I watched them for a moment before the forest obscured them. I turned to the rest of the group and prepared myself. “Fan out and secure the area.” I ordered “I don’t want to end up as some wolf’s dinner.” The remaining four recruits split into groups of two as they walked into different directions. With three of the wolves dead, I stepped off of the path and searched the area with my shotgun at the ready. I watched the area carefully since my hearing was shot for the next few hours. A loud ringing continued to buzz in my ears as came across a bush. Something about it seemed… off. I walked up to it slowly and parted the bush with my shotgun’s barrel. All I could see was leaves and gnarled branches. Confused, I spun around and found a smaller wolf approach me. I lifted the shotgun at it and prepared to fire. The wolf tucked its tail between its legs and lowered itself to the ground. I lowered my shotgun. “Rally on me!” I called out into the forest. The wolf scooted itself across the forest floor and stopped when it was about a foot from my feet. “Reporting for duty!” Youngstown said as he rounded a tree and came into view. “Are you seeing this?” I said as I pointed down towards the wolf. The wolf looked over to him and back at me as if pleading. “You-you want me to do it?” Tallahassee asked timidly. I didn’t say a thing a Tallahassee stepped forward. I waited till the wolf looked back to me and I held up my hand. Tallahassee stopped in his tracks. “Doesn’t anyone know what the fuck is going on with this wolf? Why hasn’t it taken off or tried to kill us yet?” I asked as if I was annoyed. Chicago stepped forward and said “I think you and Midn-“ “Dallas.” I corrected. “I think you and Dallas killed its pack.” He repeated “I also think that the wolf has accepted you as its new alpha.” “How do you know this?” I asked. “I used to work at an animal rescue at Stalliongrad before I joined the guard.” Chicago answered. “Ok then. How do I tell it to piss off?” I asked. “I don’t think you could if you tried. Once a wolf has bonded with a pack, it will either follow till it or its pack is killed.” “Great. What the hell am I supposed to do with it?” I asked as I motioned towards the wolf. “My sister tells me that her friend runs and animal rescue not far from Ponyville.” Youngstown suggested. “Which friend?” I asked as I lifted the shotgun to my shoulder. “Fluttershy I think.” He replied. “Ok then. We’ll reconvene on this back at camp.” I said as I turned back towards the trail. “Yes sir!” My recruits replied. The wolf’s ears perked up and he timidly wagged his tail. I walked back towards the trail and the wolf kept in step behind me. - I walked out of the forest behind my recruits with the wolf hot on my trial. “You’re dismissed for now.” I told the recruits as I broke off from the group. “Yes sir.” They replied as I walked towards Dash’s place. I walked along and found that almost every move that I made, the wolf would try to mimic in some way. Make a turn, he would too, turn around, he would too. I walked towards the cloud home before I sat down on the cloud ledge and set leaned the shotgun next to me. I lifted my sunglasses and rubbed my eyes as I tried to figure out what I was going to do with the new tag along. I had already lost Ulik and I didn’t want another incident like that. The wolf would be better without me. I heard the door open behind me and Dash flew over next to me. She landed on the cloud next to me and placed her head on my shoulder. She must have sense my internal crisis as she whisper to me. “Are you ok?” She asked quietly. “No. I gained another tag along.” I said as I motioned over towards the wolf. Dash looked over in front of me and saw the wolf. She immediately recoiled from it in fear of an attack. “The dang thing thinks I’m his alpha, apparently.” I explained. “Is he dangerous?” Dash asked as she used me for a shield from the wolf. “I don’t think so.” I answered “He hasn’t tried to kill me yet and he probably thinks you are a part of the ‘pack’ as well.” As I talked the Wolf walked up to my feet and wagged its tail like a puppy begging or approval. It was really weird to me but kind of interesting at the same time. The wolf walked over to my side and tried to sneak a peek at Dash. Dash reacted by shooting around me to avoid the wolf. I laughed at the obsurdity of my situation. The wolf reacted my jumping around be and meeting Dash eye to eye. Dash froze like she was seeing a ghost and she locked eyes with the wolf. The wolf did nothing other than walk up to her and lick her cheek. Dash calmed down and lifted a hoof to the wolf’s head. She petted the wolf for a moment before she looked at me. “What do you plan on doing with him?” She asked as the wolf rolled over and she rubbed his stomach. “Well, three things come to mind. I could shoot him but I’d rather not. I could take him to Fluttershy or I could keep him.” I replied. “I think Fluttershy is the best option because he is dangerous.” “Why do you think he is dangerous?” I asked. “We… he’s a wolf isn’t he?” “Yeah, and I am dangerous too but you aren’t trying to send me off.” I retorted. “Yes but he is an animal!” She exclaimed. “And your point is?” “…” “That is what I thought.” The wolf seemed to pick up on the uneasiness of the conversation and retreated a bit. “Even if we-“ “What’s this ‘we’ shit?” I cut in. “You are living with me aren’t you?” She asked a bit annoyed. “True.” “Even if we do keep him, how are we going to feed him and where are we going to keep him?” “I have no clue and I’m not sure if I want another responsibility. I already saw what happened with Ulik and I don’t want another repeat.” “You did what you could.” Dash said as she stepped towards me. “Yeah but that doesn’t change the fact that Ulik is dead.” I pointed out. With that remark, I received a punch to my shoulder. “What the hell?” I asked. “I told you to stop beating yourself up or I would.” She said with a tone of annoyance. “Sure, will go with that.” I said as I ran my hand over the chromed shotgun. “Just don’t do anything you’ll regret.” Dash said. “I’m already full to the brim on that.” I received another punch to my shoulder when I finished speaking. Dash walked over to me said and sat down. The evening sun sat high in the sky as I looked down at the wolf. “I think you should name it.” Dash said as she placed her head against me. “Why? That just creates attachment and makes things harder in the end.” “Just do it before I hit you again.” She replied as she looked up towards the sky. I didn’t want to name the wolf but for her sake, I would do it. Nothing came to mind as I thought deep about it. I lifted the shotgun into my lap and wiped some of the saliva off of it from the wolf attack. As I brought my hand across it, the inscription on the side came into view. ‘Remington 870. 12ga, 3inch shell. Remington Inc.’ “Remington.” I blurted out without thinking. “Remington?” She asked. “It could be Remi for short.” “I like it.” She said as she looked at the chrome gun in my hands. “Remi…” I said as I ran the name through my head. The wolf seemed to take to the name quickly as I spoke and it walked over the opposite side of my and stepped up onto the cloud. The wolf curled up next to me and forced my decision. “Fuck.” I muttered as I placed my face in my hands. “What’s wrong?” Dash asked. “I have another damn responsibility.” I said, annoyed. “Do you want me to go work the recruits?” She asked in a happier mood. “Nah. Dallas took off for the day and Atlanta is hurt. Give ‘em till tomorrow.” “Whatever you say ‘general’.” She said making air quotes. I just shook my head and stood up. I felt like going to bed and the sun wasn’t even down yet. Remington looked up at me as I stood up and grabbed my shotgun by the foregrip. I didn’t say anything as I spun towards the house and walked up towards the door. The door was still open from Dash and she flew in after me. I turned around on an instinct and saw Remi was standing at the door. I looked over at Dash and she gave me an uneasy look. “Well?” I asked as I noticed Remi’s ears drop “You told me to name him.” “Fine.” She said as she accepted the effect of her own argument. “Come on Remi.” I said as I motioned at the wolf. Remi perked up immediately and ran into the house and down a hallway. “I hope you realize what you just did.” I said as I walked over to the couch and collapsed. I leaned the gun against the couch and laid out across it. My fight with the wolves didn’t do my previous wounds any favors and my back was protesting quietly like a Tibetan monk. I heard the front door close as I closed my eyes and rested for a moment. I was starving but I was too damn tired to do a thing about it. I felt Dash fly over and land on top of me gently. “Going to sleep so soon?” She asked in a playful tone. “Yes.” I said flatly. “Why?” “Because I was attacked by wolves and marched all over Hell’s-half-acre.” I said before a yawn overcame me. “Fine then, grumpy.” She said as she nestled up into my neck “Would you rather sleep in the bed?” “Too… lazy, must… sleep.” I muttered with a smile. The darkness was just to inviting at this point. - Another dreamless sleep. These seemed to be all I dreamt anymore. I could feel something furry under my hand that was hanging off the couch. My mind immediately thought of Dash. I rolled over and saw that the fuzzy object was Remi. The wolf was curled up under my hand and was sleeping peacefully. The room was still pitch black and it must have been nighttime. I pulled my handgun from my pocket and flipped the light on. I pointed the light over to the hallway and scanned over to the door. A note dangled from the door. I stumbled to my feet and wandered in the direction of the note. I yanked it off of the door with my right hand and pointed the gun’s light onto it. Had to leave early for weather duty. Winter is moving along quicker than expected and you can expect to see the first snowfall by the end of the week. -RD At least I got some forward warning. I turned around and walked back towards the couch. I held the handgun at my hip as I used the light to see. I pulled my sunglasses of and stuck a temple into my shirt. Still friggin’ dark. I walked over to the couch and snatched my shotgun. I opened up my suit coat and tried to figure out how I was going to do it. There was nothing inside of the suit coat, so I turned my attention to my belt. I loosened it a notch and snaked the length of the gun in-between my belt and pants on my right side. It was awkward to have it this way but it would work for the time being. As soon as I finished with my shotgun, my stomach yelled at me. I had neglected both lunch and dinner from the day prior and I needed something in my system. I walked towards the hallway and craned my neck to get a look outside. The moon was on its way down but I still had another hour of darkness before the sun would come up. I stepped into the hallway and made my way towards the kitchen from earlier. I wandered in and stood in the doorway for a moment. I wandered over to a nearby cabinet. I started to hum ‘I’ve Got the World on a String’ due to being in an unusually good mood. I peered into the cabinet and searched for anything that would tide me over. I wanted nothing more than to head to a Texas Road house and buy the biggest steak I could order. I shifted a few boxes around before I closed the door and spun round. I walked to another cabinet and pulled it open. A neat plate of apples sat there and I grabbed two of them. It wasn’t a steak but it would work. With two apples in tow, I walked back to the couch and sat down. I readjusted the 870 and set my pistol on the armrest with the light pointing at the door. I just took a bite and waited for some day light to roll in. - The sun finally poured through the window. I had finished the apples hours ago and I was ready to get a start on the day. Remi stirred to life at my feet and let out a large yawn. I was a bit shocked at his surroundings before he looked over at me. I didn’t say anything to him and I just petted his head lazily. It didn’t seem to matter how much effort I put in though because he was enjoying every second of it. I broke contact with Remi and climbed to my feet. I stretched as I walked towards the door. The day had barely begun but I needed to check in on Atlanta’s wound. I pushed the door open and stepped outside. Remi followed me and I shut the door behind him. I could see only see two ponies that were awake at the camp and they were Dallas and Youngstown. I walked off of the cloud and stepped down from the cloud. I walked over to the camp and Dallas and Youngstown immediately noticed my presence. “Mornin’.” I said casually as I sat down on a log near the dead fire. “It’s good to see that you’re ok, General.” Dallas said in a bit more of a cheery mood. “Likewise.” I said before I noticed that Tallahassee and Chicago were gone “Where did the others go?” “Tallahassee dropped out because he did want to die in the jaws of a wolf and Chicago and Vegas couldn’t handle the killing.” Youngstown explained. “Their loss.” I said with a smile as Remi sat down next to me “How are Atlanta’s wounds?” “Their already gone. Pegasi heal very quickly.” Dallas reported “What are you going to do with your furry friend there?” “Keep him I guess. I considered sending him to Fluttershy’s but I couldn’t handle the thought of abandoning another creature to the wind. At least one that hasn’t tried to kill me. I even named him.” “What’d you name him?” Dallas asked. “Remington. Remi for short.” Remington’s ears perked up when he heard his name and gave me a funny look as he cocked his head at me. I just lifted my right hand to him and scratched his ear. His back leg started to kick as I did so before I stopped and checked my equipment. My 1911 and 870 still stood at the ready. I remember having a dog as a child. It was a small German Shepard mix named Gabby. I loved that damn dog more than my father at the time. It still breaks my heart to this day when she went blind and we had to put here down. Since it was my dog, I was given the choice. I still remember telling my father that I wanted to be the one to do it. My father just nodded and walked into the back room. I remember looking down at Gabby as she lay in my lap. I was petting her right behind the ears just like she always loved. Then I remember my father walking back into the room with a handgun. My father motioned me to follow him outside, so I scooped up Gabby and walked with her outside. She was in no condition to think anything was out of the ordinary as we walked behind the shed and I set her down. My father loaded the handgun with two rounds and handed it over to me. I was only eight at the time, but I wasn’t dumb. It had to be done and I wasn’t going to let some goddamn vet do it. I lifted the handgun to Gabby as she lay on the ground and I felt the gun quiver in my hand. Gabby, as if by some act of god, looked up at me. I sealed my eyes and fired both shots as my father watched. I still regret not looking her in the eyes while doing it. “General, are you ok?” Dallas asked as I snapped back to reality. “Yeah! Yeah, I’m fine. Just zoned out for a minute.” I replied as Remi looked up at me “I… need to get a move on. I’m gonna see Fluttershy about training Remi.” “See you later General.” Dallas said as I climbed to my feet and turned towards the H2. Remi followed me close at heel and made me try to think of what the hell his position was in the pack. I stepped up to the H2 and pulled the passenger seat door open. Remi looked up at me awkwardly before I motioned with my hand for him to get in. He looked at the seat uneasily before motioned once again and he jumped up with remarkable finesse. I closed the door behind him and I walked around to the opposite side of the car and pulled the door open. I stepped in and tossed my shotgun into the backseat with my rifle. I placed my hands on the steering wheel and let the engine come to life. Remi shot back into his seat at the sudden noise before he slowly leaned forward. I smiled at his awkwardness as I pressed a button on my door and listened to the electric hum of his window opening. I opened it just enough to let him poke his head out but not enough to where he can jump out. I shifted into gear and pressed the gas a bit. The engine increase in RPMs and the noise got louder as I spun the car around towards the road. I still had no idea how Fluttershy would take this or how the hell she would react to me period by herself. For that matter, I still didn’t even know where she lived. I sped through the field and watched as Remi threw his head around outside. I once heard that dogs don’t actually care for the wind in a car ride but all the new smells. The H2 rocked as I pulled onto the road and cut the wheel towards town. - After driving for a minute, the town came into view and I could see that the pegasi were pushing around clouds in the sky. I could see Dash from my position but I must have seemed like a brown smear against the landscape to her. I pressed the gas down and the engine responded with a roar. The back end of the H2 leaned back as I accelerated towards town. I pulled into town at 65mph before I had to brake. I slowly decelerated to 30mph and blazed through town towards Pinkie’s. Like hell I was going to try and talk with Rarity and Twilight right now. I pulled up to the, as much as the name makes me cringe, ‘Sugarcube Corner’. I shifted into park and hopped out leaving Remi inside. He seemed to be taking to all the new figures rather well but I only needed to stop inside for a moment. I stepped up towards the door and flicked sunglasses on. It wasn’t really bright outside due to the grey overcast but the shades reminded me of Youngstown a bit. Not that I wanted to be back there but they gave me a feeling of familiarity. I pushed the door open and found Pinkie waiting eagerly behind the counter. She had a creepy smile on her face that was a stark contrast to my permanent scowl. “Heeeeello.” She said stretching the word. I just waved awkwardly as I walked over to the counter and set my hands down on the counter. “There has been a development.” I said as a matter-of-fact as I could. “Oh, really? Is it somepony new?! I feel my party sense tingling!” She frantically said as he hind legs seemed to bounce behind her. “Not exactly, at least not the kind person you would throw a party for.” I explained. “Why? Is he a grumpy pants like you?” She said as he lower lip stuck out as if to mock me in a joking manner. “I honestly don’t know yet. He could either love you or rip your face off for all I know.” “He sounds like fun!” I only rubbed my temples in frustration before I looked back up. “Could you tell me where Fluttershy is?” I asked flatly. “Okeydokey!” She exclaimed happily “Just take the road towards Canterlot and take a right on to the first path you see!” “O-k then.” I said as I took a step back. I knew some strange people back in Youngstown, hell I even knew crack addicts that weren’t as strange as Pinkie. I’m not sure if I’m the only one that thinks this but she creeps me out. I spun around and walked over to the door. “See ya later!” She exclaimed from behind me. I just waved as I pulled the door open. I stepped outside and let out all the cringes that had built up inside. I shrugged it off and walked back towards the H2. I yanked the door open and climbed in. Remi pulled his head back in from the window and just looked at me. “That fuckin’ pony is weird.” I said as if Remi could talk back. Remi just returned his head to the window eagerly as I shifted back into driver and accelerated toward the unpaved street. I pulled around a corner and sped down the open street past Twilight’s. I reached 45mph as I hit the outskirts of town and got a move on towards Fluttershy’s - I pulled off the road onto the first path outside of Ponyville. The H2’s engine hummed as I let the SUV coast toward my target. A cottage came into view after a few seconds and I coasted the H2 towards it. I could see a shadow dart around inside of the cottage. I pressed the brake down and let the H2’s engine die down. I reached over my seat and grabbed the chrome 870 from the backseat. I pulled the foregrip back a bit and saw a brass and red plastic shell staring back at me. I let the grip fall back forward as I pushed my door open and climbed down from the truck. I closed my door behind me and stepped over to Remi’s. I pulled his door open and he jumped down. Remi looked around the area for a moment before he locked eyes on the cottage like he had been here before. I rested the barrel of the shotgun against my shoulder and stepped over towards the cottage. As I walked towards it, Remi seemed to get more and more enthusiastic for some reason. I stepped in front of the small door and knocked with the barrel of my shotgun. The door cracked open slightly as a tuft of pink hair poked out. “It’s Ryan and I have a new tag-along.” I said trying to be as friendly as the logic centers of my brain would allow. “O-oh, hello Ryan. W-who is your friend?” Fluttershy asked timidly as she slowly opened the door. “I took to calling him Remington.” I said as she fully opened the door and saw the wolf standing at my side with his head cocked at her. “Oh my, I never expected to see you again so soon.” She said to Remington. “Can you tell me why he is following me?” I asked. “I-it looks like he is lost.” She said quietly. “I was training my recruits when his pack attacked us. I took out everyone but him and he has been following me since.” I explained. “I t-think he believes you are the new alpha.” She said as her voice lowered as if she didn’t want me to hear what she was going to say. “Well, I could guess that. I was wondering if you could train him for me.” I said as I checked my pockets “How does two hundred sound? I really only need him house trained, not to attack random strangers, to attack on my command, and to answer to his name. Could you do that?” “I think I can.” She replied. “Good.” I said as I pulled two coins from my suit coat and held them out in front of me “How long will this take?” “Maybe a d-day or t-two.” She said before grabbing the coins with her teeth and setting them on an unseen surface inside of her home. Fluttershy walked over to Remi and petted the top of his head. Remi locked eye contact with her and then looked up at me as if to say ‘Are you kidding me?’ I snickered as spun around and walked back to the H2. I could hear Fluttershy saying something but it was too faint to make out. I opened the door to my truck and hopped in. I watched as Fluttershy motioned for Remington to come inside with her and Remi looked back at me. I just waved once and he followed her inside. I gave a sharp mental laugh and I started up the H2 and spun it around.