//------------------------------// // The man who talks to snowmen // Story: A Just Cause // by Tisbutascratch //------------------------------// Ponyville Equestria 10:27am Panauan Time 10/07/10 Earth Date Seconds ticked by. No one or should I say nopony said or did anything. All the ponies all stared at Rico after emerging from their obvious hiding places, well all except the pink horse who remained as a lamp. It was totally silent. Minutes ticked by but they felt like hours for Rico who was outnumbered seven to one in this standoff, normally he could go twenty to one and come out on top but he had no idea of what these small, sentient horses were capable of. About 4 minutes past before the orange horse with blonde mane, tied in a ponytail with a Stetson hat asked, “How’re y’all speaking Equestrian.” Her accent reminded Rico of Tom, his former mentor and the reason why Rico had ended up in this strange place. “Equestrian? I’m speaking English.” Rico replied. “What are you exactly?” The purple unicorn asked Rico. “I told you Twilight, he is a real, live human.” Stated the sea foam green unicorn. “Your friend is right, I’m a human.” Rico stated. “So where are you from then?” Enquired the purple unicorn as she floated a notepad, a quill and an inkwell from her saddlebags. Rico gawked at the floating objects, all Rico managed to muster was, “How?” The unicorn chuckled at the look on Rico’s face and simply stated, “Magic.” “No seriously, How?” Rico questioned unconvinced at “magic” being the answer. “It’s magic honestly.” she replied. “So your like a wizard?” Rico asked still sceptical. Twilight blushed slightly, at Rico’s accidental compliment, “No no, magic is my special talent it’s what my cutie mark represents.” “Your what? Oh those marks on your flanks, I was going to ask about those.” Rico replied somewhat confused. “A cutie mark was what a pony gets when they discover what their special talent is.” Twilight answered but she said it as if she had memorized it from somewhere. “Aren’t you gonna tell us your name?” asked the orange pony. “You haven’t told me your names, so why should I tell you my name.” Rico countered. “Well ’cause Fluttershy took you in and fixed your head and claw.” she replied, gesturing over to the yellow Pegasus, who was hiding behind her lightish red mane, while looking over at Rico. “It’s called an arm not a claw and thank you Fluttershy.” Rico replied. “You’re welcome.” She replied but it was barely louder than a whisper. “My name is Rico Rodriguez.” Ular Boys HQ Panau 10:27am Local Time 11/07/10 Earth Date A Panauan man in his mid-late thirties stood in the centre of the temple that was the Ular Boys’ HQ. Suddenly a younger man wearing Ular Boys colours burst into the room and shouted at the older man, “Sri Irawan, the scorpion isn’t dead! The military don’t have his body, listen!” the Ular boy then proceeded to turn on the radio he was carrying. “This is Radio Panau, the voice of truth! So listen to it, two days ago Panau International Airport came under attack by a lone, foreign terrorist with ties to large criminal organizations through out the world. The foreign devil disappeared after a short shootout with Panauan forces at the airport, it is believed his body was simply vaporised under the many precise shots of the elite Panauan soldiers.” “Excellent, lah.” Irawan replied contentedly, “Have our best scouts looking for him, lah.” “Right away, Sri.” stated the Ular. The Ular dashed from the room to alert the scouts. Leaving Irawan alone with his thoughts. “Hope, has been restored.” He said quietly said to himself. Ponyville Equestria 10:32am Panauan Time 10/07/10 Earth Date “So where are you from?” Enquired the purple unicorn, that Rico had learned was called Twilight Sparkle, Rico was tempted to mock her name because of its relation to series of books that shall not be named, but he decided against as none of them would get it. “Classified.” Rico said monotonously. “Why?” Twilight asked. “As you can probably guess from my reaction to “magic” I’m not from here, I don’t even think I’m in the same universe anymore.” Rico replied sorrowfully realizing he might never get back to Earth. “So where were you before you woke up here then?” the curious unicorn questioned. “Panau.” Rico disclosed. “Interesting, well you’re currently in Ponyville.” Replied Twilight as she took notes on Rico. “Very original.” Rico sardonically answered, “And Ponyville is a town in…” “Equestria.” Was his answer. “What’s the capital city? Canterlot.” Rico mocked. “Yes, how did you know?” Twilight enquired. “Lucky guess.” was Rico’s slightly surprised response. “What is Panau like?” Twilight asked. “It was a tropical island paradise.” was Rico’s response. “Wait it was?” Twilight wondered. “Their President, their leader was assassinated.” Rico commented. This shocked the ponies, an assassination. Murder wasn’t unheard of in Equestria but there hadn’t been a murder in Equestria for centuries. “Who assassinated their President.” The Rainbow Dash asked, not sure if she wanted to know the answer. “His son.” Rico remarked. If the thought of murder hadn’t shocked the ponies, who the murderer was certainly did. “Why?” All the ponies asked simultaneously. “Honestly, I have no idea why but when he took power he began systematically selling the rights of his people to foreigners and began constructing an oppressive militaristic regime...” “That’s why you were there wasn’t it? To stop him and save Panau!” Lyra cut in, hoping that was the answer. “Yes…more or less” Rico continued as he thought about the amount of time he spent talking to a snowman. Reapers HQ Panau 11:48am Local Time 11/07/10 Earth Date A beautiful Panauan woman stood around a table inside the Reapers’ command bunker with a half a dozen of her best officers, who had been hand picked for this briefing. “Comraids, as you all know the Scorpion was announced dead by the Panauan military.” Bolo Santosi announced, “But my sources revealed he is not dead, if we find him, he will become a glorious advantage for the Reapahs.” “What if your sources are wrong.” Piped a grizzled Reaper captain, his face was covered in a thick grey stubble that matched the buzz cut on the top of his head he also had a large scar that dissected his left eye, which was now covered by an eye patch, his left sleeve was pinned up to hide the stump that once was his left arm, “ As you can all see comrades…they have been before.” he continued as he gestured to his disfiguring wounds. “We’ll if they were wrong would the Ulars have scouts looking for him?” Bolo snapped. “I guess not but the Ulars fucking stupid, they disagree with communism!” Shouted a young 2nd lieutenant, he was barely nineteen, easily the youngest in the room. Only recently joining the Reapers but his skills as a back stabbing mole were only bettered by Santosi her self. “Yes, but Ulars are better than those capitalist pigs, the Roaches! Just the thought of capitalism makes my skin crawl.” Responded a seasoned Reaper major, Unlike the captain he bore no visible scars but his mind bore the scars of six months of attempted brainwashing and torture that he received at the hands of government agents. “Maybe, we could try working with the Ulars? Suggested a 1st lieutenant, he wasn’t the youngest in the room but he also wasn’t the oldest but if his 28 years of life experience hadn’t taught him anything, the more the merrier, if the Ulars and the Reapers formed a coalition they could destroy Panay’s fascist regime and the capitalist dogs, the Roaches. “Are you insane!” hollered a slightly older 1st lieutenant, “If we find the Scorpion while working with Ulars who says they won’t turn on us and scalp us alive! They belong in the nut hut.” It was rather obvious he had been watching too much western TV. “I agree with Santosi.” stated another Reaper captain, he had remained silent up until this point, black aviator sunglasses covered his eyes, his face was not betraying any sense of emotion. He had been with Santosi the longest, out of all of the other officers in the room, as Santosi often stabbed them in the back after they had outlived their usefulness. But not him. Ponyville Equestria 10:40am Panauan Time 10/07/10 Earth Date “What are you wearing? It’s simply hideous!” Rarity complained. “Well unlike you I have to wear clothes all the time for rather obvious reasons and my clothes are cool.” Rico replied while he looked at his clothes and thought, “What’s wrong with my clothes? Bitch.” It took a couple of seconds for the mares to realize what he meant but when they did, their faces turned crimson. "Oh my..." Fluttershy squeaked. “So what was your occupation in Panau?” Twilight asked Rico, trying to change the subject. “Should I tell them the truth?, a fuck it I doubt they’re Panauan Secret Service, because the Panauan Secret Service is so secret I have never killed one, I think.” Rico thought, smiling slightly at thought of the seven ponies turning around and saying, “We foored you capitarist dog! We’re Panauan Secret Service! Time to DIE!” “I’m a spy.” Rico replied casually. “That is so cool!” Rainbow Dash declared, “Kicking all those Panauan soldier’s flanks and stuff!” “Oh my that sounds dangerous, if that’s ok with you?” Fluttershy asked. “Yeah, it’s pretty awesome, it’s not that dangerous…actually it probably is but I’m the best of the best.” Rico stated. “Who are you the best of? And how did you become the best?” Twilight enquired “I‘m the best of the Agency, the Agency is a US government agency entirely dedicated to spying.” Rico replied. “US? I thought you said you worked for the American government?” Applejack asked. “The US and America are the same thing it’s full title is the United States of America, so the US or America is used for short.” Rico answered, some what annoyed. “Thanks, I think.” Applejack replied somewhat confused. “And I became the best after the San Esperito.” Rico continued. Empty Panauan Pier Panau 12:28am Local Time 11/07/10 Earth Date The Panauan sun was rising high through the sky, causing the sea to glisten as if it was crystal, the water was so clear you could see the look on the “problem’s” face as his concrete shoes dragged him towards the sea floor. A stocky middle aged asian man with a bald head watched through his orange tinted aviator glasses as the “problem” descended below the waves. “That’s one loose end tied up nicely, wouldn’t you say so Vinnie?” stated Razak “The Razor” Razman, as he dusted his hands off even though all he did was stand and say witty one-liners as the “problem” disappeared. “Yeah, boss good one.” replied Vinnie Greco one of The razor’s many goons, however in the words of the boss himself Vinnie was a, “Sentient wall in an Italian suit.” Vinnie was seven feet and two inches and weighed hundred and twenty kilos, a former amateur heavy weight boxer but was forced to retire after killing three opponents with single punches. “See Frankie, Vinnie has a sense of humour unlike you, you can dispose of our “tools”.” Frankie Romano was a tall, lankly man with short blonde hair and grey eyes, even though his punches weren’t instantly fatal like Vinnie’s his skill with a switchblade was unparalleled. He was short and lighter than Vinnie only six foot four and probably less than half Vinnie’s weight. “Yes, boss.” Frankie sighed. Suddenly Tony De Luca thundered down the pier towards the three gangsters and their two white Chevalier Classics. “Boss…Isn’t…body…” Is all Tony managed to get out between his heavy panting. “Here drink this.” Frankie said as he tossed Tony a hipflask full of whisky. “I thought you didn’t drink, Frankie?” Tony enquired after gulping down the entire hipflask. “I don’t, it was the “problems”.” Frankie replied with a grin growing across his face, while Tony got paler and paler. “That’s sick.” Tony replied horrified. “And here we are, I thought you didn’t have a sense of humour Frankie.” Razak replied smiling, “right, what were you saying, Tony.” “The Scorpion isn’t dead, I checked it out with colonel Usop Yeop, the Panauan Government don’t have shit on the Scorpion.” “How did you get close to the colonel?” Razak equired. “Well seeing as I am a Panauan Air Force official, it was a easy as taking a chopper flying to him, getting him drunk, and waiting till he spills the beans then running away.” Tony answered. “You weaselling son of a bitch you could have got here sooner then, because my other sources confirmed The Ulars and the Reapers are both looking for something and that must be the Scorpion.” Razak replied now pissed at Tony for the late Intel. “Ok ok I’m sorry, I’ll see my contacts, see if they have any info.” Tony replied, trying to appease Razman. “The Scorpion is the Antibiotics needed to cure the plague that is Panay’s corrupt regime, we need to find him first.” Razman commanded, “Mobilize every asset we have, we need to find him.” Aeroliner 474 crash exclusion zone Panau 13:18pm Local Time 11/07/10 Earth Date The usually quiet Panauan hillside was alive with the frantic movements of Panauan soldiers sweeping the hill side for any signs of the Scorpion’s corpse. Others were tearing the plane wreck apart in an attempt to find his vanished corpse. Colonel Abdul Rahman was over seeing the operation, he was getting worried though. He had heard that Panay had deployed his elite ninjas, At first he thought they were just rumours but today that changed. “Sir, A Panauan Air Force chopper is requesting permission to land at the firebase.” A Panauan Private radioed in, “Orders, Sir?” “Allow the chopper to land, I’ll be their shortly.” was Abdul’s response. The “firebase” wasn’t really much of firebase, it wasn’t much of anything really, just a collections of prefab buildings and fences with a radio antenna in the middle. Rahman walked through the firebase entrance, and saw four ninjas disembark from the black UH-10 Chippewa. “Welcome to Firebase Delta-Zulu X9, I am Colonel Abdul Rahman And I am overseeing the operations in this area.” The colonel stated. The four ninjas didn’t even acknowledge the colonel, they just stormed right past him. “This can’t be good.” Rahman said to himself. The ninjas began to sift through the crash site like a fine toothcomb. At first they didn’t find anything useful, but after about five minutes of scanning the ground like a hawk looks for it’s prey, one of the ninjas found something. To the untrained eye it appeared to be a oddly shaped stone but the ninja knew better, he knew it was part of something larger. A statue perhaps? Ponyville Equestria 11:00am Panauan Time 10/07/10 Earth Date “And that’s what happened in San Esperito.” Rico concluded. The ponies weren’t sure to be shocked or amazed. Rico killed all those people but they were evil, especially President Mendoza but Rico just blew him up, no hesitation no anything, he just did it. “You OK?” Rico asked hoping he hadn’t scared the ponies for life with his stories but the worst part they weren’t anything compared to Tom’s Black Ops missions in Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam during the Vietnam war. “Yeah, just a little shocked that’s all but they were bad people you killed, right?” Twilight replied still shell-shocked. “Am alright.” Applejack assured. “It didn’t bother me at all.” Rainbow Dash boasted, but Applejack could see through her ruse and shot Rainbow Dash a look that said “A know your lying to impress the alien.” “I’m ok.” Fluttershy whispered. “It could have been worse though.” Lyra replied. “How dreadful! Humans are such brutes but I’m fine, thanks for asking, such a gentlecolt.” Was Rarity’s response. “I’m fine, in fact I’m super! You sure taught those meanies a lesson!” Pinkie replied. “Yeah they were.” Rico assured, “Do you want to hear about what happened in Panau?, I’ll tone it down though.” “Yes, but first I better write a report for Princess Celestia, about your arrival.” Twilight “Who?” Rico enquired. “Princess Celestia, she leads Equestria, with her sister Princess Luna, they control the sun and the moon.” Twilight replied. “You can’t tell them, they’ll lock me up.” Rico panicked. “They won’t do that, Princess Celestia loves all living things, you‘ll be fine.” Twilight guaranteed. “Ok but how can you be so sure she’ll ever get the letter? I can bet the Princess wouldn't read all the letters that were sent to her, especially ones talking about aliens.” Rico responded. “ Well I’m her personal protégée.” Twilight answered, some what embarrassed. After finishing writing the scroll and placing it in her saddlebag. “Okay… so want hear about what happened in Panau?” Rico asked, suddenly his PDA vibrated, “Weird, sorry Twilight, I’ll have to check this.” “It’s ok I’ll wait.” Twilight assured. Rico glance at his PDA, instead of having a error message it displayed map of Equestria and the surrounding countries like Zebrica and The Diamond Dog Badlands. He also had a message, it read: Greetings Scorpion, you and I are lot alike, so a quick word of warning, don’t be fooled by their seemingly innocent nature, these ponies are cunning and dangerous. I have updated your PDA, you now have a map of Equestria and a new equipment supplier, just don’t expect a chopper to supply you, It works just the same though, you activate transponder and stuff falls from the sky. The equipment is free, just don’t go overboard, you have no idea how difficult it is to obtain your equipment. Now if any ponies ask about the PDA say it is malfunctioning and of no use to them. Now go and cause some chaos. -H.P. Author's Notes Considering using the Firearms' real names e.g. instead of "assault rifle" it would be "M4A1" your opinions in the comments below please Also opinions on jumping between Panau and Equestria. Like it? or Dislike it? Who is H.P.? Why are they helping Rico? Will I stop asking questions? And that's chapter 4 of "A Just Cause". - Tisbutascratch