The Rainboom Thieves

by KingJoltik

The Argument (Part 1 of 2)

One hour ago...

Twilight was sitting in her room, casually reading one of the ancient scrolls of Starswirl the Bearded. As she flipped through the pages, she could hear the groaning of Nightmare Moon, who had gotten bored of being stuck in Twilight’s head. can you love studying so much?!

'What do you mean?' thought Twilight with a little grin on her face.

What do I mean?! All you've done for the past three months is study! Don't you ever get tired of it?!

'No. I don't.'

Grrr...I can't believe this. You know, you were more fun when we were stuck in Sombra's fear illusion. At least I had some power there...

'Well...unfortunately for you, you're not able to take over my mind. I have Harmony to thank for that. Besides, you get to watch me aggravate Celestia almost everyday. Don't you like that?'

Well...yeah, I do. It's just...I wish something else would happen than just watching you learn new spells while Celestia tries to teach you humility and try to figure out why you're really here.

'Tch...I could stand to not have the moral stuff as well. I've already studied all sorts of ethics and philosophies before and after I made the Rainbooms.' thought Twilight as she let out a huff. 'There was a reason why I crossed the moral line of stealing after all...'

So...what are you gonna tell Celestia today? Are you gonna tell her to back off? Or maybe you'll finally tell her what you're really planning?!

'No...I don't think I will. I need to make sure a crisis is happening first...'

Darn. I would personally like to see her face when you tell her what you really want to do...

'So would I...but not yet.' thought Twilight as she closed the scroll. As she levitated it to a pile, a sudden flash of light appeared in the room. Twilight shielded her eyes with her hoof as the light continued to shine for a few seconds. Then it dissipated, only to show a cloaked pony standing in the room. As Twilight put her hoof down, she could only say one thing, “Who are you?”

The cloaked pony grabbed it's hood and removed it, showing it's face. Twilight could only show an expression of surprise. “ way...”

The Present...

Celestia walked off the platform her guard had brought her on. She let out a sigh as she signaled the guards to open the gates to the castle. As she walked in, she could only think, 'Well...that was interesting. To think that I would see a pegasus capable of doing multiple Sonic Rainbooms...not only that, I'm pretty sure she's an element. So...I finally found another. She has to be the Element of Loyalty, its the only reason she would act so coldly against me. Twilight must have convinced her that I'm some monster...just like how Twilight thinks I'm some horrible being. Ugh...and now I have to go see her...and I don't have Sunset to help me...' Celestia let out a groan, knowing she would spend the next hour arguing with the Element of Magic. 'Why can't she just behave?! Why does she have to be some paranoid, trust hating pony?! Why did she say that she would accept my friendship, only for me to find out it was so she could get to the Canterlot archives?! If only I had met her when she was just a filly...'

As Celestia came to the door to Twilight's room, she thought, 'Then again...perhaps seeing another element is a sign...perhaps this is a good time to see if she'll finally answer that one question...and maybe, just maybe...she'll finally accept my friendship. That's all I want Twilight. I just want to help you. You are the Element of Magic...destined for great things and I only want to help you...' Celestia's eyes changed as she saw a guard fly through the door, his body slamming into the opposite wall.

“Augh!” yelped the guard in pain.

Celestia quickly went up to the guard. “Are you okay?”

“I...” the guard immediately noticed it was Celestia that was before him. “I'm fine you majesty...just hurts is all.”

“I understand. You're the new guard I assigned to Twilight...Flash Sentry is it? I apologize for her behavior, you're the eighth guard I've assigned but...”

“She doesn't want a guard, right? I know.” Flash said as he rubbed his back in pain. “As you just saw, she just threw me out with her magic...”

“I know. Please go to the infirmary. I need to speak with her.”

“Yes your majesty.” Flash said with a bow. He then began a staggered walk down the hallway. “Ow...why does everypony around here hate me?”

Celestia opened the door and slowly walked in. There, she saw Twilight sitting on the floor, reading a scroll with a big grin. Soon, Twilight's eyes shifted to Celestia and the grin vanished in an instant. “Hello Celestia...what do you want today?”

Celestia scoffed. “Hello Twilight. What have you studied today?”

“Oh...just some scrolls made by have to admit, he was one amazing unicorn!”

“I know...”

“ knew him personally, didn't you?” Twilight said with an arched eyebrow. “Now...what do you want from me today Celestia? I already perfected the teleportation spell, so don't ask for that again.”

“I know...I'm going to ask what I always ask Twilight. Well, besides the question of why you love to hurt the guards I assign to you.” Celestia snorted as she began to ask the real question. “Why are you really here Twilight?”

“You already know the answer. I'm here to get trained for Harmony.”

Celestia leaned in her head, her horn barely touching Twilight's forehead. “No. The real reason.”

“That is my real reason.” deadpanned Twilight. “I told you back in the Everfree Forest after I restored your sister, I have accepted that I'm the Element of Magic and I am the current wielder of Harmony.”

“It's not. The Twilight I know would not just come in, ask to be executed and then accept being my friend. The Twilight I know is right in front of me, defying every little thing I say and do. The Twilight that no matter what I try, no matter what I do...” Celestia sighed. “She will never want to be my friend.”

“Then you just answered your own question.”

“So you admit it?”

“I never said I wouldn't. That doesn't mean you'll find what you're looking for.”

Celestia showed a scowl as she began to bicker. “Don't get smart with me little pony. We've been doing this for three, tell me what I want to know. WHY ARE YOU HERE?!”

Twilight just gave a little grin. “I'm here to study and train so I can use Harmony.”

Veins began to show as Celestia's gritted her teeth. “Very well...if you wish to act like that, I have no choice.”

“Oh really, what are you going to do?” Twilight responded. “Are you finally going to show your true colors and have me executed?”

“No.” Celestia said as she lifted her head, looking down on Twilight. “I found one of the elements Twilight.”

Twilight's expression barely changed. “You're lying.”

“No...I'm not.” Celestia said as she continued to scan Twilight's face. “Her name is Rainbow Dash. She's a pegasus pony that just so happened to win The Best Young Flyer Competition.”

Twilight tried to show no changes to her face. Celestia continued to scan as Nightmare Moon began to chime in inside Twilight's head.

Uh-oh! Looks like good old Celestia is finally catching on. Took her long enough!

'I agree...' thought Twilight as she contained a gulp. 'Looks like Rainbow is finally starting her dream. I'm glad she won.'

You're glad?! Aren't you worried? I mean, Celestia knows now!

'That's fine...she won't do a thing to Rainbow. If she does, she knows the consequences...'

Won't argue with you there.

“What's the matter?” Celestia said with a grin. “Cat got your tongue?”

“No.” rebuked Twilight. “I'm just waiting to see where you go with this. You are threatening me right?”

“What?! No! I'm not threatening you! For sun's sake Twilight, I am not out to get you!” barked Celestia. “All I want to know is why you are here?!”

“Why do you want to know?”


“Are you finished?” Twilight said as she rubbed her ear. “Because you still didn't answer my question.”

“You little-” Celesita stopped herself. She let out a small sigh and said, “Listen Twilight, we've been doing this for three months now. I know I promised you the pardon and I would leave your friends alone. However, I need to know your true reason for doing all this. Please, just tell me already. If you don't, I'm going to have to break that promise eventually and find your friends. The elements are needed for Equestria.”

“Okay...” Twilight said with a small yawn. “First, you don't care about Equestria, so you kinda lied to me there.”


“Right...sure you do.” Twilight said as she rolled her eyes. “Anyways...second, if you break that promise, I guarantee that the elements will stay locked away in the Tree of Harmony.”

I like that part.

“That won't happen Twilight. They are needed to protect Equestira.”

“ Also, let's say I told you...what would you do then?”

“That depends. Is your plan full out treason? Or dabbling in darkness?”

“No. I'm the Element of Magic stupid. I have to be a denizen of light.”

That's not your plan? No treason? No darkness? Darn.

“Then I will listen to your plan and not hold it against you.” Celestia said in a calm tone.

Twilight stood there for a few seconds, thinking, 'Hmm...okay, she found Rainbow. Now, if I do tell her...just how much do I tell her? If only I could gauge how far I need to tell to make sure she doesn’t do anything to Rainbow...knowing her, she'll lock her up until she's needed as the Element of Loyalty...or kill me...probably both.'

“Well? What do you have to say Twilight? Will you tell me?”


“Why not?”

“Because it's you Celestia. That's why.”

“Because it's me? That's your reason?” Celestia replied, her hoof on her chest. “Listen Twilight, I don't know how many times I have to say this, but I'm sorry alright? I'm sorry I involved your parents when we first met. I'm sorry I went after you like I did.”

“No you're not.”

“I am!” Celestia's voice grew louder and louder. “I didn't know Twilight! I didn't know that you were a thief! I didn't know you were running away from the law!”

“That doesn't matter. You're still lying.”

“I am not lying!” Celestia yelled. “I have tried everything to convince you that I am not your enemy! I only want to be your friend!”

“No.” Twilight's head shook back and forth. “You don't.”

Steam blew out of Celestia's nostrils. Her right hoof began to rub her face. “Grr...Twilight. What will it take to make you understand? What will it take to make you realize I'm not your enemy?!”

“Simple. You can start by telling me why you hunted me down like a dog to inherit the elements.”

“The elements chose you Twilight! I've told you this before! YOU ARE THE ELEMENT OF MAGIC!”

“But I didn't want to inherit them...” Twilight said while leaning back in a chair. “You knew that.”

“I didn't have a choice.”

“Yes you did. I've done my research, Cadance could have inherited the elements.”

“She had...another destiny.”

“The Empire?” Twilight replied, her eyebrow arched.

“Yes. It is destined for the Princess of Mi Amore, the one with a Crystal Heart cutie mark to inherit the Empire of the Crystal Ponies.”

“Okay...even though that's complete garbage, let's say I believe you.” Twilight said as she began to stare at the ceiling, her hooves flailing around. “What about Sunset Shimmer?”

“She wasn't ready to inherit it.”

“Why not?”

“She...still had problems with greed and selfishness.”

“HA!” Twilight laughed as she flipped back up. “You're lying.”

“I am not. I will admit that my student is flawed. We have spent years together, trying to help her heart.”

“No. Not that.” Twilight's hoof slightly swiped the air. “The greed garbage, that's a lie.”

“How is that lie?”

“ really are an idiot.” Twilight grinned. “I can't believe you're so stupid.”

“Oh really?! Why is that?!”

“Oh I don't know, maybe its because...” Twilight rolled her eyes and then glared at Celestia. “I'M A THIEF YOU IDIOT! Unless I'm some kind of insurance salespony, I'm pretty sure a thief is the definition of greed!”


“Admit it! You didn't want your precious student to be bound to Harmony, didn't you?! You didn't want her to become your magic slave, did you?!”

Fire burned in Celestia's eyes as she stood upright, her horn slightly glowing. “BE SILENT! YOU WILL NOT INSULT MY STUDENT THAT WAY!”

Holy moons Twilight. Any more buttons you gonna push today?

Twilight's tongue quickly stuck out. “Yeah yeah...throw a temper tantrum. Go ahead and show everypony what you really are, you moron.”

“Twilight Sparkle! You will take that back at once!”

“Which part? You being a moron or you wanting your student to be a magic slave?”

“All of it! I...I...” Celestia breath was heavy as she slowly stopped herself. Her hair slightly drooped down. “Enough. As for what you said earlier Twilight...I do not believe you are greedy.”

“Oh yeah? Why not?”

“I have talked extensively with Trixie Lulamoon. Now, I will admit that that dear pony is a tad on the obsessive side but...she has shown me much over the history of the Rainbooms. She showed me how much you and your friends stole. Tell me Twilight, you have stolen more money than any thief in Equestira. Why are you not living a life of luxury?”


“May I take a guess?” Celestia interrupted.

“Sure.” Twilight shrugged. “Not like it really matters.”

“I've given almost all of it away. Perhaps to charities or special projects to help other ponies, am I right?” Twilight didn't respond. She just stood there as Celestia continued. “I'm guessing that your friends are probably the same way. I know who you have stolen from as well. Corrupt nobles, crime bosses, dirty politicians, the list goes on and on. Nopony that's good or kind though.”

“So? What does that prove? I still committed crimes.”

“It proves that there is good in your heart Twilight Sparkle. A kind of good that the Elements of Harmony saw and accepted.”

“That's still a load of garbage.”

“Oh really? Why's that?”

“Simple. I'm still a criminal and I still don't want to be tied to the Elements. Why would Harmony chose that?!”

“I don't know. But I do trust Harmony.”

“Of course you do.” Twilight groaned. “Why do I even bother?”

“So...will you tell me why you are here Twilight?” Celestia said, her calm gentle smile returning. “Please tell me. Please...just let me help you. I don't want you as some 'magic slave' as you put it. I want to be your friend. I...I just want to help you understand Harmony and friendship.”

“No.” Twilight said as she sat down again, her hooves crossed.

“Why not?”

“Because I hate you Celestia.”

“Twilight...” Celestia' eyes darkened as a small frowned appeared on her face. “Just...what do I need to do to make you stop hating me? Please tell me. Please...just give me a chance.”

“No. I will never give you that chance.”

“Why not?”

“Because...” Twilight stood up and walked over to Celestia, their eyes staring at each other. “For as long as I live, till the very day I am dead and buried, I will hate you Celestia. I will hate you till the day I die.”


“Let me get straight...” Diamond said as she flapped her hooves in the air. “You're a creation...made by Discord?”

“That's right!” Screwball said with a smile. “Discord's my daddy!”

“But...if he made you...why haven't you freed him from being a stone statue?” Silver asked with a curious face.

“Oh...well...let's just say I can't go far away from the statue...” Screwball said while she scratched the back of her head. “You see, daddy made me while he's a statue...the magic he used is pretty limited though. My magic is even more limited...”

“Oh. I guess that makes sense.” Diamond said with only a slightly confused look now. “ you know how we could get Discord free?”

“Oh yes! I definitely know how to get him out!” Screwball said with a half grin. “I just can't...”

“Because you can't leave, right?”

“Yup!” Screwball nodded. “I wish my chaos magic could help me get him out's not enough.”

“That's what I thought...” Silver said in a dry tone. She turned to Diamond, “So, what do you think Diamond. You make the call. I'm the brains, you're the talker, remember?”

“Well...okay. Say Screwball, even though Discord is...well, a statue...” Diamond began to twiddle with her hooves. “Think we can make a deal with him?”

“That depends. What kinda deal?”

“Oh nothing much...let's just say me and my friend here need a few lessons about magic. Seeing that you're an earth pony yet you can still do magic, think we can get a shot? After all, if he agrees...” a small grin formed on her face. “We'll gladly help the guy stop being a statue.”