Equestria World, Book 1: Surviving Canterlot High

by Gear Works

Ch. 33 - The Meeting

Me, Coco, and Moon Dancer went with the Elite 5 to a heavily forest area where we were out of view from everyone else, including our friends. The three of us were on one side, where I was leaning on a tree behind me. The other five were on the other side just staring at us. It was silent for a while before I broke the silence.

“OK, you wanted to talk. So what do you want to talk about?” I said.

Indigo snapped her fingers in the air, and Sugarcoat walked up to us with an envelope.

“Read this first,” she said and she handed me the envelope.

“What’s this about?” I asked.

“We were given orders to hand you this first, then we’ll talk,” Sugarcoat responded and walked back to the others.

I opened the envelope and pulled out the letter that was inside.

The five girls that are with you each carry the same gift that you have, or at least similar to what you have, if what Coach Spitfire has told me is true. I have given them instructions to work with you in understanding what they are capable of doing. They will ask you questions, and are well aware that you will do the same. I’m aware that there will be conflict between these girls and your friends, but rest assured that they can be trusted. See to it that Principal Celestia gets this letter and understands what is going on.

Coach Fleetfoot

I put the letter away and looked at the five in front of us. “OK, what is it that you girls wanted to ask me?”

Sunny Flare spoke up first. “We want to know what this gift is that we carry.”

Moon Dancer asked, “It says that what you have is similar. Can you explain what you have that you believe is the same with all of you?”

The girls just stared at her, so I had to make sure that they needed to work with her on this as well. “She’s studied the book that could explain what you have, so it’s best that you work with her as well.”

Indigo looked at Sugarcoat and gave her a nod.

“We can…sense strange feelings from other people. Usually, it’s anger, sadness, greed, or distrust; mostly negative feelings. And we can react easily to anything that could at least startle us.” Sour Sweet went behind Lemon Zest and tried to slap the back of her head, only for Lemon to duck the slap from Sour. “See what I mean?” Sugarcoat continued.

“Then these are common signs of soul resonance,” Moon Dancer explained. “It focuses on negative emotions that others would try to hide from plain sight. This can be used to find people who are corrupt or hurting from within.”

“Like hiding BS behind a smile?” asked Sour Sweet.

Moon Dancer said, “To put it bluntly, yes. And as to how you react to incoming threats, that’s know as Soul Sense, a common soul power to learn. Kind of like a self-defense system inside yourself. When did you start to experience this?”

“Happened about a month since we started to attend Crystal Prep two years ago,” Sunny Flare explained. “And it was last year around the same time when Indigo transferred here.”

“So any student that started to attend the school started to show these powers in a month,” I said.

“Well, it’s not every student that experiences it,” Sugarcoat added.

“Is there anything different between each of you?” I asked.

“I have seen…visions whenever I touch certain things, and it’s clearer when I touch someone,” Sugarcoat explained.

“What you have is Soul Reading,” Moon Dancer explained. “It allows you to see anything that could be painful from someone else. It can be blurry on objects, but will only last for a short time, so touching the person makes it easier to see.”

“I first learned this after I touched Sour Sweet’s knuckles,” Sugarcoat said.

I walked up to Sour Sweet and asked to show me her knuckles. When she shows them to me, I touched them and saw visions of her fighting off other students who were bullying her when she was younger. She was full or rage at that time. That’s when I let go of them.

“You saw the rage inside of her when you touched them,” Sugarcoat told me. “She started to experience it stronger when she acquire these powers, like she was powerful, but out of control.”

“I’m glad that Sunny Flare has helped keep me in check so that it doesn’t happen again,” Sour Sweet said.

“Soul Rage,” Moon Dancer said. “A deadly power to have, if not kept in check.”

“How come I haven’t experienced it?” I said.

“Actually, you came close to experiencing it. Remember the time when Twilight accused Sunset of what happened in the gym?” Moon Dancer asked. I nodded. “You came close to entering into Soul Rage before I stopped you in doing so.”

“We’re lucky that didn’t happen,” Coco added. She looked at Sunny Flare and asked, “How were you able to control her rage?”

“I’ve been friends with Sour Sweet for a long time, and I’m aware that she has…two sides to her mental state, so to speak. I just do what I normally do to clam her down.”

“If it’s because you share a close bond with each other, then,” Moon Dancer looked at Coco and said, “you might be able to do the same if Sunset cannot do so.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Coco said.

“Sunny Flare and Lemon Zest haven’t learned anything special, but they are able to react in unique ways,” Indigo explained.

“It’s possible that they know what is called Soul Release. It allows them to react in ways that they cannot normally do,” Moon Dancer explained. “It was how I caught on to Jack’s gift. It’s best you keep track on what you can normally do and look for signs that you did something that you cannot do in the past.”

“What about you, Indigo? Anything unique that you can do, or have you not reach the level that the others have,” I asked.

Indigo started to scratch the back of her head. “Well…”

“She’s able to teleport from one area to another area nearby,” Sugarcoat said bluntly.

“That was one time, Sugarcoat,” Indigo responded to her.

“Wait, you’re able to Soul Shift?” I asked. “How long ago was this?”

“Early into basketball season,” Sugarcoat responded. “The five of us were at Coach Fleetfoot’s place where they were playing some two-on-two while I watch. Sour Sweet swatted the ball out of Lemon Zest’s hands and went straight towards me. I couldn’t react fast enough, but Indigo Zap just came out of nowhere and took the blow for me.”

“That’s because I felt dizzy after I got in front of you before I could get hit by the ball,” Indigo added.

“It was that point that we started to ask ourselves about what we were experiencing as well,” Sunny explained. “When Coach Fleetfoot requested to speak to us about what we saw and if we experienced the same thing, that’s when we started to worry about what was going on. Luckily, we were all on the same side and wanted some answers ourselves.”

“When I saw articles about you online, I asked Sunny to look you up,” Lemon Zest said. “Turns out you were a nobody on the football team over in Manehattan who became a somebody over here…Trader Jack.”

“I can guess you girls also found out about me on the DJ boards,” I asked. “Helps if you could keep a lower profile in front of Vinyl.”

“Dude, she should do the same,” Lemon Zest responded. “She’s lucky to get Neon Lights’ autograph.”

“And I was able to lure him and Sapphire Shores to our homecoming with my mix track,” I said.

“YOU WHAT???” Lemon Zest responded with her jaw left open.

“Wow. About time someone out did her in the music area,” Sour Sweet said. “At least it’s better than hearing her noisy music.”

“OK, can we get back on track for a moment,” Moon Dancer said. “Indigo, you said that you felt dizzy when you shifted. Has this happened every time?”

“I only did it once, and never felt like doing it again,” Indigo replied.

Moon Dancer asked, “Can you do it again? Maybe it’s because you were experiencing something challenging while still learning your soul powers.”

“When I first did it, I was in complete focus, never dizzy,” I said.

Indigo said, “OK, I’ll try.”

“Indigo, do or do not. There is no try,” Sugarcoat said.

Indigo started at Sugarcoat and said, “Don’t get me started.” Giggles came from most of the girls in the area, causing Indigo to roll her eyes.

“Sugarcoat, do you have something that she can catch from afar?” Moon Dancer asked. “If so, throw it for her to catch. I did the same with Jack one time.”

Sugarcoat went up to Indigo and asked for her goggles. When she had them in her hand, she threw them towards a tree that was farther away from the group. This caused her to react and executed a soul shift towards where the goggles were about to hit. When she appeared on the other side, she was able to grab and fumble with the goggles in her hands as she was trying to maintain her balance. As she was about to fall to the ground, I shifted my body towards her location and caught her before she fell.

She looked up, saw me, and said, “Thanks.”

“I can see what you mean by the dizzy spells when you shift,” I said. I looked at Moon Dancer and asked, “You think she could still be having the same problems for a year with soul shift?”

“It’s still hard to say,” Moon Dancer responded. “Luna and me didn’t go through the diary as much when you called us a week ago.” She looked at the others and said, “Has this happen to…you…before?”

We noticed that the other four were just staring at us in a stunned state. I realized that I was still holding on to Indigo from falling and got her back up. “Sorry about that.”

“It’s nothing,” Indigo said as she was back on her feet. She looked at the others and noticed they were still in a stunned state. “I said IT’S NOTHING!!!”

“That’s…not it,” Sunny said, coming back to reality.

“Dude, didn’t you even sense him?” Lemon added.

“I was still dizzy when it happened,” Indigo replied.

“We sensed you when you went from here to there, but he just came…out of nowhere,” Sugarcoat explained.

This raises questions as to what just happened. Then I remembered something. “Indigo, I’m about to try something, so stay alert.” I looked at Lemon Zest and shifted right behind her and slapped my hand on the back of her head.

“Ouch! Dude, what was that for?” Then Lemon realized what just happened.

Indigo responded, “What the…? I couldn’t sense anything as well.”

“OK. Are you even human?” Sour yelled.

I was puzzled at to what was going on and looked at Moon Dancer for an explanation.

“I don’t think I recall anything from Star Swirl’s journal that could explain this,” Moon Dancer explained. “Unless…” She took out her cell and said, “I hope Miss Luna has gone through Master Blades’ diary some more to explain this.”

“WAIT!!!” Sunny ran up to Moon Dancer and said, “Please don’t let them know about me.”

“Sunny, we had a guess that the five of you would carry these soul powers,” Coco explained. “And I can guarantee you that once they understand that you’re are on our side, they will keep it a secret. Me and a few of my friends back in Manehattan had to do the same when we learned about it.”

“If it’s because your mother is the principal, then don’t worry,” Moon Dancer explained. “I don’t think they would want her to know just for your safety.”

Sunny looked at Indigo, which she nodded back at her. “OK, go on ahead.”

Moon Dancer placed the call on her cell and put it on speaker.

“Hello, this is Celestia. What is it Moon Dancer?”

“Principal Celestia, I’m with Jack and Coco. Is Miss Luna around?”

“She’s looking over the diary at the moment. Why?”

Sugarcoat looked at Moon Dancer, requesting for her to answer. She nodded.

“Principal Celestia. This is Sugarcoat from Crystal Prep. We have been sent to meet with Jack, by Coach Fleetfoot’s request.”

“I’m assuming that the others there are Indigo Zap, Lemon Zest, Sour Sweet, and Sunny Flare. Am I correct?”

“That is correct,” Sugarcoat answered.

“Celestia, we have confirmation that the Elite 5 do carry soul powers that I have. But it’s a bit more completed than expected,” I said.

“Explain Jack.”

“It will take some time to explain, but we have a bigger issue to discuss,” I said.

Moon Dancer explained. “This is going to sound strange, but while the girls can sense each other, they can’t sense Jack’s presence. I need to talk to Miss Luna about this and see if there was something in Master Blades’ diary that can explain this.”

“Hang on. I’ll go get her.”

“Forgive me for asking, but who’s this Master Blades person?” Indigo asked.

I explained. “He’s Luna’s kendo master, who also bared the same gift that we have. But he started to slowly lose his powers before he passed away weeks ago. Miss Luna has acquired all of his training materials, including a diary that could explain some of its origins, once translated.”

“This is Luna speaking. Did I hear that the Elite 5 can sense each other, but not Jack?”

“That is correct,” Moon Dancer said.

“Then I’m lucky enough to come across this entry.”

After all this time, I now understand what my gift is. He calls it “soul resonance.” The reason he knows that I carry it is because he cannot sense my own soul and its actions. This could explain why I couldn’t sense his presence like everyone else. I plan to go with him tomorrow to the temple that he stays for training in hopes to understand how it works better. Maybe I can understand this gift more when I’m there.

“This could explain the differences between what you have and what they have.”

That got me to thinking about our first discussion about Crystal Prep. “Celestia, remember what we talked about after I joined the football team?”

“I do. And you could be right for once. Someone could be injecting them with these powers without their knowledge.”

“You mean we’re being treated as lab rats?” Sour yelled.

Sunny told her, “Easy there, Sour.”

Luna spoke again. “There’s another entry that was written days later that’s important as well.”

I just finished my first day of training. I was surprised that I was the only guy in the group of students. The other 14 students are girls around my age. Also, my master is the one male teacher in the temple. The other 9 teachers are female. He said that it’s rare for a guy to have this gift, but believes that any guy that carries it could become someone special, if the legend is true. He wouldn’t tell me about this legend at the time, just to believe that I can do what I can do and learn from the best in the temple. The only other guys and ladies around the temple are just the scholars who keep up with all the info of what goes on. They are the only ones that we can sense.

It was at that point that I started to sense something wrong from Sugarcoat.

“Sugarcoat, do you know something that could be related to this,” I asked her.

“I think so. When I was studying the football team this year, all the guys acted like they had this gift. But they started to act more like everyone else, expect for Long Shot.”

“I heard that he hasn’t been sacked on the field,” I said. “Could this be said of the same during practice?”

“Maybe. All the others guys that I thought had it had to make hits or take hits, expect for Long Shot when he started to become the new QB.”

I asked, “What about during basketball season? Anything like that happening in that sport?”

“Not that I know of,” Sugarcoat answered.

“Jack,” Celestia said. “From what we heard from this entry, if we’re dealing with genetic enchantments, then there’s a good chance that it might work better on girls than boys. But we won’t know until that time comes. Sunny Flare? I hate to tell you this, but your mother could be in on this. I can’t rule her out until I know more, so I hope you understand.”

Sunny took a moment to think about it.

“I’m aware about the Crystal Prep scandal that your mother exposed, and what happened to your father before you were born,” I said. “If it has any connection to this, then you have to understand what must be done.”

Sunny said, “How did you…”

“A vendor nearby told me the story. It must be hard, not knowing who your father was,” I said.

Sunny explained, “I didn’t know about it until I saw my mother acting strange at times. So I had to look up any past info about her, my father, and Crystal Prep.” She sighed and said, “I understand what you must do. Just make sure I don’t lose her like I did my father.”

“I understand,” Celestia said. “For now, you girls need to take caution in the matter. Your lives could be in danger with where you are attending.”

“We will,” Sugarcoat answered.

“Miss Celestia, this is Indigo Zap. Coach Fleetfoot told us that you have been looking for someone who could have helped Lightning Dust in your school’s break-in. Have you found anything on that person?”

“Not really. What about your end?”

“Nothing. And we can’t force it out of them without giving ourselves away.”

“We’ll worry about finding the insider,” I said. “You girls just keep an eye on them and make sure they don’t try anything on us.”

“Don’t worry, girls. If you’re lucky, you might stumble on the insider without alerting them. Moon Dancer. Fill me in on the details about what you learned from the girls so we can decide on how to handle this issue. Girls, let Coach Fleetfoot know that we’ll keep in touch if you need to know anything. Celestia out.”

“Well, we know what we need to do,” Indigo said. “Girls, head back to the cars and wait for me. I need to discuss some things with Jack, personally.” The girls looked at each other, like it was something they didn’t expect to happen. “You heard what I said. Now MOVE!!!”

The four girls left us until they were out of sight and out of range. That’s when Indigo decided to drop her guard.

“Man, it’s not easy keeping my guard up so that they don’t catch on to us,” Indigo said.

Moon Dancer told her, “You’re doing a good job, Indigo.”

“Thanks. I’m guessing that you found out about me in the first place.”

Moon Dancer explained, “When Jack brought you up, I thought your name sounded familiar. We’re all glad that you’re on our side.”

“I doubt that the others are ready to trust us, especially Rainbow Dash,” Indigo explained.

“I think I first caught on to the importance with this scholarship that she wants from day one,” I said. “But for you to be competing for the same thing was a surprise for me.”

“I know. And I’m starting to regret having to go through with this against her, with my so-called gift and all. But there’s something bigger going on, and I think it has to do with Principal Cinch.”

“What do you mean?” I asked Indigo.

“Well, remember when Sunny Flare said that she doesn’t want to lose her mother?” We nodded. “Well, there’s something strange about her, and I don’t think Sunny, or any of the others have even caught on to this, but I’ve been sensing something…strange coming from her. Problem is that I can’t make it out. And I don’t want to tell this in front of her until I can get a better idea of what’s going on.”

“Is it possible that she could have a wall around her soul?” Moon Dancer asked.

Indigo asked, “What do you mean?”

I explained, “When I first came across Sunset Shimmer, I sense what felt like a wall around her emotions. It took weeks to break that wall of hers, and what Lightning Dust and her crew did might have help take down the final layer of her wall. But it was more of pain and sadness from her. Do you think you could have an idea what it could be from Principal Cinch?”

“I don’t know, but it felt like…bad karma coming from her.”

Just hearing the words, “bad karma,” were the two words that Coco and me did not want to hear, and Indigo caught on to Coco’s panic.

“OK missy. You know something about this?” Indigo asked Coco.

“Something we wish we didn’t want to find out.”

I asked, “Coco, did you get the letter from Chrysalis earlier?”

“I do.” Coco brought out the letter from her pocket and handed it to Indigo. “This could explain what we mean.”

Indigo looked over the letter before she spoke. “Metal paper as cards? You must be a lucky guy to have friends that can provide you with your own gear. But what is it about this lady he speaks of?”

Coco explained, “Happened about this time two years ago back in Manehattan. We were to meet Professor Digger at the museum to help out with some of his work. We became friends with him very fast, and he does research on ancient items, including weapons. But on that day, we saw two guys standing outside his office. They looked like formal bodyguards of some sort. We heard the professor talking to someone inside and just waited for his meeting to end before we entered. Soon then, a lady came out of the office and walked by us with the two men that were with him.”

“Any idea who she was?” asked Moon Dancer.

“Nope. She was dressed with a long coat, big hat, and sunglasses. Only best features we could make out what that she was young, maybe middle age, and had a pinkish skin tone.” Coco explained.

“But one thing caught my attention,” I said. “We somehow made eye contact, even with her shades on, and I had a strange feeling coming from her, like it was bad karma. When we asked the professor what went on, all he said that she was looking into some special weapons for research. Nothing else.”

“We already learned about his gift before this happened, and worried that she could catch on to what he carries,” Coco said. “We knew that we had to do what we can to keep his gift a secret, so we created the Manehattan Knights as a way to masked his powers from everyone else. This allowed us to help out others in times of need.”

“I can see what you mean,” Indigo said. “But Jack, how did you acquire some blades that were said in this letter? I never recall you owning anything like that.”

“They were a gift from Professor Digger. Their names are Masamune and Muramasa.”

Indigo responded, “NO…FREAKING…WAY!!! I thought those exist in a video game. They’re real?”

“You need to get out more,” I told Indigo, causing her to roll her eyes. “But we just learned a few weeks ago that they could be the last blades created by the creator of the same name, and could carry their own soul in them. I don’t know if it’s true, but with all that has gone on these past few months, I worry that these events could be connected.”

“In what way?” Indigo asked me.

“I rather not say at the moment. Will Principal Cinch be at the championship game this week?”

“Yep. You want to get a reading on her and see if there’s anything that could connect her with this lady, right?” Indigo asked. I nodded. “Then I’ll leave that to you for now. No sense getting in your way unless you want me to.” Indigo handed the letter back to Coco.

“If I need your help, I’ll let you know,” I said.

“Sure thing,” Indigo replied. She started to scratch the back of her head, saying, “There’s one more thing I wanted to tell you about.”

I started to sense that Indigo was nervous about something. “What is it?”

“Well…” She rushed up and kissed me on the lips for a moment. When she pulled back, she said, “That…was for our time back in the 8th grade. I…never had the guts to tell you how I really felt about you back then, not knowing if you would be moving again like you always tell me. I figure I get that off my chest, now that you have an actual girlfriend.”

“Wish I knew that back then, but you have a future career ahead of yourself, and I know you can do it with or without your gift,” I said. We then sense some jealously coming from Coco, so we looked at her.

“Missy, don’t tell me you had feelings for him as well?” Indigo asked Coco.

Coco was shocked and said, “No, no, no, no. I’m just…well…I mean…that is…OH TO HECK WITH IT!” She rushed up and kissed me as well, just like Indigo did. “I had the same feelings as well, but I didn’t want to hurt our friendship that we made back then. Just don’t tell anyone, OK?”

“Our lips are sealed,” Indigo replied.

“I’m surprised that he didn’t catch on to that for all these years,” Moon Dancer said. “But it’s not anything negative, so that makes it harder to catch on.”

“Agreed.” I looked at Indigo and said, “Well, you better not keep your friends waiting. We’ll work on explaining all this to the others.”

“Good. I’ll keep an eye on things on my end. If there’s anything I need to know before the big game, let me know. I want to be ready in case things go downhill with all this,” Indigo said.

“We’ll keep you posted. Take care.” I waved at Indigo as she started to leave the area. The three of us looked at each other.

Coco started to explain. “First, that mysterious lady, then you have two blades that could contain souls.”

“Then we’re dealing with enhanced students at a perfect school and a principal that is more of a mystery on the inside,” Moon Dancer added.

“Throw in Master Blades’ history, and the secret of the Equestrian Knights and Riders from the Great War, and you have to wonder if all of this is connected,” I said. “With all of these cases involving a person’s soul, I’m wondering…?” I started to think about all this, and I had a feeling I was going to need some expert help in piecing all of this together. I know I had to do what needed to be done. “Coco, I’m issuing a Code Black.”

“Code Black?” Coco responded. “But the others are back…”

“In Manehattan, I know,” I said. “Professor River Song told me she would have something in place if this was issued. Just let Double Diamond know to get together tonight. He’ll get us setup in a private chat room. Just make sure you have a web cam ready.”

“Forgive me for asking, but what are you talking about?” Moon Dancer asked.

Coco explained. “A Code Black means that a serious threat or issue is upon us, so the six of us have to get together and explain the situation before taking action. It was something that we put in place when we created the Manehattan Knights as a way to stay alert, since we encountered that mysterious lady. We don’t let anyone else in on this unless requested.” She turned to me and asked, “I’m guessing that Professor River Song is now part of this Code Black.”

“Since she became our adviser to the Manehattan Knights after you left, she is. And I’m adding two more to the meeting, Chrysalis and Moon Dancer. If the two of you don’t have each others contact info, then make sure you do. We’ll be given info on accessing the private chat room when it’s ready. We’ll need to explain all of these cases in hopes we can piece it all together. River Song is a history professor, so she might know about some of history’s secrets. Until then, we don’t discuss any of this to anyone else for now.”

“Well, we might as well head back and explain to the others about the Elite 5,” Moon Dancer said.

We agreed and made our way back to the others. Sunset already explained the story about the Crystal Prep scandal and Principal Cinch’s history. We showed them the letter we got from Indigo and told them what we just learned from Miss Luna that explains the difference between what they have and what I have.

“I think I understand what’s going on,” Twilight said as she handed the letter back to me. “I just wish they came to our aide sooner, or at least see Principal Celestia about all this.”

“If they have been using these talents just to get an edge in winning, wouldn’t that be cheating?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“If a player was using steroids, then he or she would get caught from testing. But you can’t get caught if you were using magical powers,” Moon Dancer explained.

“She’s right,” said Twilight. “Convincing someone that they’re cheating using powers like what Jack has would be hard to prove.”

“At least we have one of our own on our team,” Flash added.

“But I’m just one person. Crystal Prep is a big group of people,” I said.

“But they only have one student who still has what you have, so that should level the playing field, right?” Thunderlane explained.

“Think about the other sports. We can’t expect Jack to be in all of them. Plus there’s the women sports that we have to deal with,” Twilight explained.

“Let’s just get through football season before we worry about everything else,” Shining Armor said.

“You’re sure that Indigo Zap is worried about Long Shot?” Applejack asked me.

“Not to mention Sunny Flare,” Rarity added.

“She is…about both. And if I was to take a guess, I think her gift could be growing too fast for her than everyone else’s. With the fact that her soul shift leads her to be dizzy, and that she can only sense the wall from Principal Cinch’s soul, there’s no telling what she could be getting into.”

“Then why does she still want to go forward with all of this?” Dash asked.

“She wants to find the same answers that we’re looking for,” Coco explained. “And she’s in enemy territory.”

“You know what I want to find out?” Pinkie Pie asked. “WHO HELPED CRYSTAL PREP BREAK IN AND DESTROY MY PARTY PLANS???”

“She’s right,” said Twilight. “We still need to find the insider before the big game. Otherwise, Brick Wall will want to do damage to the team. And we saw what he did to my brother at the last game.”

“Then we should be focusing on Jack’s mental state,” Tree Hugger said. “You will be at the school tomorrow, right?”

“Along with Sunset,” I said. “We’ll be using Miss Luna’s office to mediate. Just make sure that we don’t fall asleep with what you use. What I heard last week could put anyone to sleep.”

Fluttershy said, “I might have something that can help with that…um, if you don’t mind.”

“Whatever works,” Sunset said.

“Then we all know what we each have to do,” Twilight said. “Focusing on Jack’s training comes first. Those who are not part of the team and are unable to help with Jack’s training will focus on finding the insider.”

“And what about the trio of troublemakers?” Applejack asked.

“Coach Fleetfoot and the Elite 5 have that covered,” I said. “They want this game to be a fair fight, since everyone on their team, expect for Long Shot, doesn’t carry the gift. Twilight, Moon Dancer, you two need to find a way we can work around that issue. Talk to coaches Iron Will and Spitfire for any ideas.” I looked at everyone and said, “We have less than a week to pull this off. Let’s show them what Wondercolts can really do!”
