//------------------------------// // Chapter 12 // Story: The Princess Escapes // by adorablesmiles //------------------------------// I sat up in my bed, interested to know what Equestria was. Apparently, I lived there. Atleast, that was what Rainbow Dash said. "Are the six of you just going to stand there like statues?" I asked. "No!" The pink haired one shouted. I had already forgotten her name by now. "Girls... this is a very delicate situation." Rarity started. "We need to talk this out, but not in front of Twilight." "Yeah, no thanks to Rainbow Dash for blurtin' it out." Applejack accused. "Says the girl who was all like: "I can't... Find a... Way to... Tell you... You're from... Another world!" What was up with that?!" Rainbow asked. And then they started to butt heads. Literally. "I was tryin' to tell her in a way that wouldn't scare her! What's your excuse?!" Applejack spat. "Oh please! You could barely talk!" Rainbow spat back. "You two stop pulling apart each other's ways of handling this!" Rarity scolded. "Fine." Both of them said in unison. "Now, there has to be someplace private where we can talk." Rarity said. "If you don't want me to hear what you're talking about, then I could go somewhere else." I said. "No, Twilight, you should stay in here." Sunset insisted. "It would probably look weird if you weren't in your room." "But I really want to get out of bed! My legs fell asleep!" I said. "But if you leave your room now, the doctors would send you back." Sunset said. "Why? There's nothing wrong with me." I said. "Amnesia, Twilight." Sunset said. I sighed as I leaned back in my bed. "I forgot about that." "Now," Sunset said, as she turned towards the others. "Is there anything we need to talk about? Twilight already knows about Equestria." The others didn't say anything. "I'm just being honest here. I mean, maybe Rainbow did blurt out that Twilight isn't from here and that she belongs in Equestria. But that only means that we can help her get her memories back faster." "She's right." Applejack said. "Can I finally find out what you're talking about? I'm confused about all this." I said. The others stood still for a few minutes. "Am I going to have to do this?" Sunset asked. "Well," Applejack started. "Pony to pony sounds like it would go better than human to pony. We don't know about Equestria like you do." "Are you kidding me? I haven't been a pony in forever! Besides, the last time I went to Equestria, I didn't do any sight seeing!" Sunset insisted. "Sight seein' has nothin' to do with it." Applejack said. "That doesn't matter." Sunset said. "I may have been born a pony, but I'm just as human as the five of you." "Not on the inside." Applejack said. "What do you mean?" Sunset asked. "I mean that you're the best person, or in this case, pony, to help out here." Applejack said. The other girls nodded in agreement. "Fine." Sunset said. "But peer pressure is a nice way to imprint on me." And then she slowly came over to my bed. "Twilight?" Sunset asked. "Are you coming over to explain all this to me?" I asked. She nodded. "Yes. It's a long story, but they thought I was the best one to do it." "I know. I heard everything." I said. "Were we that loud?" Sunset asked. I shrugged. "No, but it is a small room." Sunset took a deep breath. "Okay... where do you want me to start?" I didn't even have to think about that. "I want to know what Equestria is." "That's what I thought you'd say." Sunset said. "Equestria is this other world. You lived there, and I did too, at one point in my life." "What's it like?" I asked. Sunset rubbed the back of her neck. "I couldn't tell you. It's been years since I've been there." "Oh." I said. "But I can say that it was really beautiful." Sunset said. "Why did you leave?" I asked. She gave a faint laugh. "That story? It's as long as it is painful." "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked. "I can, just for you." Sunset said. "It was a long time ago, when I was still in Equestria. You know, when I was still a pony?" She asked. I nodded. "Well, I wasn't any ordinary pony, I thought I was this amazingly talented Unicorn. I showed off a whole bunch, and people did offer to be my friend, but I turned them down because I wanted to study instead. They hated me for showing off my magic skills though." "What happened then?" I asked. "My skills got royal attention. And by that I mean, Princess Celestia noticed that talent I had. I guess I was good, because she took me in to be her student." Celestia? "Say that again." I said. "...She took me in to be her student? What's so important about that?" Sunset asked. "No!" I said. "I meant when you mentioned that princess." "Ohhh... Princess Celestia?" Sunset asked. My eyes were closed as she said that, and I could see a light blue blob floating in the middle of darkness. "I can see something!" I shouted. "What is it? Sunset asked. "It looks like hair." I said. "I don't know, that's probably crazy talk." I said. "I don't think so Twilight." Sunset said. "Do you feel like you've seen it before?" I shook my head. "No. It doesn't look familiar." "Well we're going to have to work on that, but not now. Should I keep telling my story?" Sunset asked. "I guess." I said. "Is something wrong?" "No. You can keep going with the story." I said. "Alright." Sunset said. "Well, being Celestia's student went well at first, but eventually it all went downhill. The whole thing started when she showed me this mirror. She told me to look into it and tell her what I saw. It was me as a princess." "Wow." I said. "It doesn't stop there." Sunset said. "After seeing myself in that mirror, my ambitions took over. I thought I was something so special. I got so conceited so fast, more than I already was. My ambition drove me to demand to learn more about the mirror, and she told me I wasn't ready to know. And then I got angry because I thought that she wasn't seeing me for my potential." "I'm still listening." I said. "One night... I snuck into the library to find a book about that mirror. I did find it, and I got caught after I found out that the mirror was a portal to another world. Celestia tried to escort me out of the castle, but I managed to get back to get back to portal, and then I went through." Sunset said. I looked at her. "And what about the time you spent here?" "Twilight, I was a really mean bully when I first came to this world. If someone did something I didn't like, they would've been told about it." Sunset said. She looked sad after she did. "...After I left Equestria, she replaced me with you. I admit that it hurt knowing that she moved on from me so easily. I guess that was because I hadn't moved on. I was still focused on the past, and I was plotting some kind of revenge. I wasn't sure what I was going to do, until..." Sunset said, but she cut herself off. "Until what?" I asked. Sunset sighed, and then her shoulders slumped. "Until you became a princess. You got what I wanted. But unlike me, you deserved it." "A princess?!" I asked. "Yes." Sunset said. "After that happened, I became jealous of you, on top of being angry and ambitious." "I feel bad for you." I said. "You shouldn't... I was in the wrong. The whole thing is my fault. I messed it up, like I do everything else." And then Applejack came up to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "I think she's done for now." They left shortly after that, because the doctor said I needed a nap.