Friendship isn't just Magic, it can heal hearts too

by Raumo

Explanations (Celestia POV) (EDITED)


As she saw that I had calmed down a bit, she gently said, "Let's try this again. I am Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria. A nation comprised of ponies. As for how we can talk, that is how we were created. Now, what is your name?"

"Alex Rider. 25 year old human, who is as confused as heck", I answered coldly.

As I looked at the human before me, I noticed a few things. To the untrained eye, he would seem relaxed. Perhaps a bit cold and standoffish, but relaxed as if there was nothing out of the ordinary. To me though, I saw the tension. A coiled spring, ready to leap into action if someone proved to be a threat to him. Hands ready to grab a weapon (if he had one. My guards had searched him, but they may have missed hidden compartments). Stance perfect for a quick start if he chose to run.

What struck me the most was his eyes. At first glance, his brown eyes seemed blank, hard, and cold. Letting you see nothing of himself and compelling you to look away. If you could stand to look closer though, you could see they weren't blank. There were shadows of pain and horror at the things he had done and seen. Grief at the people he had lost. The thing that hit me the most, though, was the loneliness. An aching feeling that I could tell he ignored, yet felt so keenly. At that moment my plans for him started to shift.

He shifted uneasily, indicating that I had been silent for too long after he had introduced himself.

"Welcome Alex Rider. I may not be able to alleviate all your confusion, but I may be able to answer a few of the questions you may have," I told him.

He studied me for minute, then spoke, "You said Equestria is a nation made of ponies. How come I have never heard of it? I have been almost everywhere in the world and know most of its secrets."

"Your world perhaps," I replied. He tilted his head at me in confusion. "I believe you come from a parallel world where humans are dominant. In this world the ponies of Equestria are the most prominent, with many mythological creatures, as humans think of them, around us.

"Huh, a parallel world. Made of talking ponies and things I thought weren't real," he stated. "Then how did I get here? I'm supposed to be dead, not talking to a winged-unicorn princess."

"Alicorn," I corrected.


"Alicorn is the correct term for my physiology. And how you came to be here, well you appeared unconscious with a flash of electric blue light in my throne room right after I had closed the day court." I paused then asked, "What do you mean 'I am supposed to be dead'? The doctors said you are healthy, though we know little of human anatomy."

He stilled. I could tell he was thinking very hard and quickly. He then sighed. "In my world I was a spy." I tensed at this. "My 'loyalty' however, wasn't to a specific nation, it was more to the world at large." I relaxed slightly at this. "I protected the unsuspecting populace from terrorists attacks, famine, death, pain, whatever, in anyway possible. Those were my orders and my job. I'd been doing it for 11 years. I completed my last mission, but was shot in my heart before I could escape enemy territory. I was very surprised to wake up at all."

"It sounds like you loved your world very much. To protect them for so long and diligently."

He scoffed, "Love? I don't love my world. I just don't care for pointless deaths at the hands of madmen. It's also all I know"

Even as he said that, I could see the fear of losing people flash in his eyes before they were blank again. My plans became final. I could see that he could protect himself and that he would protect anyone or anypony innocent from pain or death at all costs. I could see, though, that he would fight to remain detached completely in case he failed. I wanted to show him that he could do his job and make friends.

I knew just how to do it too. If my most faithful student continued to grow in friendship as she was doing, she will need protection eventually. Our world was peaceful, but at a cost. Much like Rider's world. Rider can protect Twilight.

And Twilight can teach Rider the magic of friendship. Perhaps the loneliness in his eyes will diminish, if not disappear.

Straightening to my full royal posture, I then proceeded to say, "Alex Rider, I have a proposition for you, if you are willing to take it."