World of Ponies: The Pony-Human War

by ShadowWalking18



Castus bolted up with a gasp, and was surprised to find himself not laying upon the ground; or waking up at all. He lay in a bed, within a tent. How had he gotten here?

"Castus? You're up. Thank goodness."

Castus looked at the opening to the tent and saw Fluttershy walk in. Her mane was a mess, and one of her hooves was in a cast. Bandages were wrapped around her wings, but despite it all she was perhaps the most beautiful sight in the world.

"The doctors couldn't say when you would wake up. I'm so glad you-mmmph!" Fluttershy didn't speak long, for as soon as she was near, Castus immediately grabbed her into his arms and planted his lips to hers in a need stemming from both relief and joy. He wrapped his arms around her, careful to not touch her injured arm, and she did the same with her one good arm. The kiss became passionate in its own course, but even the best of things had to end and Castus pulled away, a thin strand of saliva linking their mouths for the barest moment.

"I-I uh, I'm glad your okay." He said, rubbing the back of his head, blushing a bit.

Fluttershy's face was red, and she fidgeted a great deal as she hid herself in her mane. But Castus could see the hint of a smile on her face, as she looked at him.

"I'm glad your awake. " She said, smiling now and placing a hoof on his hand.

The touch sent a shiver up his spine and he turned his hand to hold her hoof in his hand. He was always so surprised by the feel of Equestrian hooves. Soft and amazingly flexible, that allowed it to bend and grip in a slight way, yet at the edges he could feel the hardness under the fur that hoofed creatures had.

It was only then that Castus realized that his current location was not what he remembered passing out in.

"Where are we? What happened? What about the changelings?" Castus asked, his grip tightening a bit as worry now took control. He tried to get up, but felt pain stir in his chest and he placed an arm there as he hissed in pain.

He looked down, noting his shirt was gone, and saw bandages tied around his chest. Now that he saw it, he also felt something wrapped around his head. He felt it, feeling another bandage.

"Try not to move too much Castus. You still need to recover." Fluttershy said, a worry look on her face as she placed her hoof on his shoulder and edged him to lay down on the bed.

"We are in a medical field hospital. The army set it up to help Ponyville Hospital deal with all the wounded," Fluttershy said, frowning as she felt her cast, "There are...a lot of hurt ponies. The humans are also being treated as well, don't worry."

Castus felt relief knowing his people were okay and being treated, but then another bout of fear came over and he quickly reached for the Wind. His head spun, and he groaned as he placed his hand to his head, but despite the discomfort he head the bell like tone on his ears, and felt the energy fill his body in the barest trickle. He was relieved to know he could still use the Wind, but he had to let it go despite a strong desire to fill his body with the energy. His head stopped spinning when he released his hold; he knew he would need to take it easy for awhile.

"Castus? Are you okay? Do you need water? Or some medicine?" Fluttershy asked.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you." Castus said, giving Fluttershy a comforting smile and patting her hoof to reassure her.

Fluttershy nodded and continued, "The changelings are gone. They either fled or were ran down by the army. Apparently when that large changeling that attacked us died, it sent some sort of feedback that made the whole horde go crazy. At least, that is what Twilight theorized."

Castus found that a curious thing, but still the fact that the enemy army was now gone was a substantial relief.

'Wait, if the battle is over-' He thought, and then he struggled to get to his feet.

Fluttershy tried to stop him of course, "Ah, Castus you can't move too much."

"No. My people...I need to see them. I need to know how many we lost. Please, just help me walk." Castus begged, struggling to get out of bed. His legs felt weak and it hurt to move, but he clung to Fluttershy who held him in her arm.

"But...okay. But please, take it slow." Fluttershy said, and helped him walk out of the tent.

Upon leaving the tent, Castus saw that the camp was set around the hospital in Ponyville. The number of tents was beyond counting, and all around him he saw ponies running about with what he was sure was medical supplies, some dressed as nurses or doctors and others no doubt were just volunteers trying to help.

They kept walking till at last they reached a section of the camp that held his people. Some men sat on benches or chairs, their bodies covered in bandages such as head injuries or casts for broken arms. All about he heard the groans of pain among his warriors.

To see it all tore at Castus heart. His warriors had given so much, and their future was still as far as he knew still uncertain.

"Marcus. I need to see Marcus." Castus said, looking around.

"Marcus?" Fluttershy said, confused.

"One of the Huntmasters. Clan leader. He was in charge of the warriors. Remember?" Castus said.

"Oh, I remember. I think he is this way. I saw him in this part of the camp earlier, but only for a moment." Fluttershy said as she helped him keep walking.

Finally, they did eventually find Marcus. Though he was not in the best condition.

"Marcus. God." Castus said, entering a tent a young hunter had pointed them towards.

Marcus lay on the bed, his body wrapped in bandages. Both legs were broken, and his left arm was severed in two at the elbow. But he was breathing.

"Fire Man," Marcus coughed, "Glad you are awake. No pony speaks here, and could not figure out where you or the other huntmasters were. Luckily Valen found me here. Had him go find them."

Castus nodded, "I'm glad to know you're alive."

Marcus coughed, but grinned, "Alive. Though maybe a little banged up. Though...." He looked at his crippled arm with a frown.

Castus frowned, but tried to change the subject, "When I left. How did the battle go?"

"Poorly," Marucs said, "Those bug ponies, they were just too many. Only when that ball of fire from above came down did we start driving them off. But they just kept fighting like rabid beasts. We lost a lot of hunters, and in the battle I saw Theodric be cut down. Though he took seven of the bug ponies with him before they killed him."

Castus frowned, and sighed. Theodric's clan would need to decide on a new Huntmaster, if they had any eligible candidates left. Hell, if any of the clans had any candidates left. God only knew the total final casualties.

"Fire Man," Marcus said, taking him out of his thoughts.

"Yeah?" Castus asked.

Marcus looked at him, his usual calm gone and for the first time since Castus had first awoken him three years ago, Castus saw fear in those eyes.

"What happens to us now?" Marcus asked.

Castus stayed silent. Frankly he was not sure what happened next.

"I'll figure it out." He said, "If Valen returns, tell him to gather the Huntmasters here if they can. We will talk soon."

Marcus nodded as they left.

After giving his best wishes, and telling him to keep Valen close when he returned, Castus and Fluttershy left to let Marcus rest. A doctor who came in to check told them he would recover. Castus was glad for the professional assurance. And wished he had members of the Order of the Red Heart healers from long ago here.

But wishing for the past wasn't logical. He had to go forward, and to do that he had to think of a plan. But his mind was too filled with worries to think straight.

"Fluttershy. Twilight and the others? How are they?" Castus asked.

"They are fine. THough, Twilight got poisoned." Fluttershy said, frowning with worry.

"What?!" Castus shouted, turning his head at her.

Fluttershy made a squeak like sound she did when scared, "Sh-She is okay though. The doctors and Princess Celestia got to her quickly. you want to see her?"

"Yes. Lets go."

It did not take long to arrive at Twilight's location. She was kept in the hospital, and was from what Castus learned in stable condition. Apparently the poison was only a paralysis type, not a deadly. Castus was glad to know that, but still he worried. When they arrived at the door, Castus prepared himself.


Of course, even Castus couldn't prepare for everything. Especially not a half naked Twilight leaping at him as he walked through the door.

"T-Twilight!? What are you-Mmmph!" Castus couldn't say much longer before Twilight planted her lips on his and pulled him into the room. Her body was barely cladded in clothes, only wearing a violet pair of panties and bra. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she pulled him about, her body going this way and that in a staggering sort of motion that made Castus feel, other then her breasts against his chest and her tongue sliding into his mouth, if she was drunk.

"Twilight! Come on, get off of him!" Rainbow Dash called as Casts felt Twilight push him against a wall. Castus then felt Twilight being pulled away from him, her lips coming off his with a pop but her tongue ideally licking his lips as she clenched tightly to his neck. Castus looked from Twilight to Rainbow Dash, and Applejack behind Twilight. Both had their arms around Twilight and seemed to be struggling to pull her off of him. Castus felt someone grab his shoulders and saw Rarity and Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy all grabbing him and pulling at him.

"Twilight, darling please get off," Rarity said as she growled, pulling at him and lifting her leg to push at Twilight's stomach, "This is simply unbecoming of a lady. Please put some clothes on."

"But its soooo hot. Isn't it hot Castus?" Twilight giggled. And then her hooves went from his neck to his pants, and began pulling at them.

"Agh! What are you doing!?" Castus said, and his brought his arms around to grab at the hem of his pants.

"How in tarnation can this girl be so strong?" Applejack gasped as she yanked harder, trying to pry him and Twilight apart. And all the while Castus trying to keep his pants from being yanked off.

"What the hell is wrong with her?!" Castus shouted, as he yanked his pants up before Twilight could pull it lower. Of course she only seemed to get stronger as she struggled.

"Ahehehehe, come on Castus take them off. I want to see if your human anatomy is similar to the ones in my books. It's for science." Twilight giggled.

"It's the poison darling." Rarity grunted, even as she tried to push Twilight away.

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash grunted, flapping her wings as she tried in vain to get Twilight off, "Apparently the Changeling poison left some sort of side effect even after they got it out of her."

"Yeah, now Twilight's friskier then a rabbit in the spring. It was all we could do ta keep her in the room." Applejack said, gritting her teeth as she pulled on Twilight harder, now lifting her up and pulling Castus pants out with her.

"Oh! Is that all!" Castus grunted and pulled back and up on his pants, "Darn it Twilight will you cut this out. This is practically sexual harassment!"

"Well it seems my student has not fully recovered."

Castus immediately felt an aura around his body and every muscle going stiff. Fluttershy, and the girls all had the same aura of golden light about them. Then they were all pulled apart, with Twilight being placed on her hospital bed and several straps coming up to tie her down. Before she was released.

"Princess Celestia." The girls all said, except Twilight who merely giggled.

The aura on the girls all faded, but Castus saw that Celestia still kept it around him as she entered the room. Castus gave her a hard look, and she him.

"Hello Celestia." Castus said. He tried to reach for the Wind, but found that Celestia had him shielded. Castus feared for the worse, "You look like hell."

Indeed she did. Despite the new gown she wore, Castus saw she had her arm bandaged and in a sling. A bandage was wrapped around her head and eye. Her wings both had wrappings.

"So do you." She said.

"Ummm-" Fluttershy said, looking between him and Celestia. Castus ignored her, keeping his stare on Celestia and she on him.

Castus felt sure that Celestia would cut him off then and there, but to his surprise....

...she let him go and the shield faded. Castus felt the Wind, but tried to not draw on it. Part out of slight nausea. Part to not cause a scene.

"Forgive my pupil. The changeling poison seems to affect a pony's mind, causing hormonal imbalances that cause heightened arousal levels and sexual desire." Celestia said.

"Yeah, I noticed." Castus said, straightening his pants.

"The effects will wear off in time. Till then, we need to keep her restrained." Celestia said, walking over to the bed and pulling the covers over Twilight's body to cover her up.

"Are you the one who ordered the doctors to help my people?" Castus asked.

Celestia turned and looked at him, as did all the girls.

"Yes. Your people fought bravely and honorably. We even brought your healers and the other injured men you had here as well. The one named Valen told us where to find them." Celestia said.

"I see. Thank you." Castus said, then added, "Later, in three hours we should meet. To set things right."

Celestia and the girls all gave him a confused look, but Celestia nodded.

"Very well," Celestia said as she walked to the door, "Later. In Town Hall."

"Very well." Castus said, nodding as she passed him. He only stopped tensing his muscles when Celestia was safely out the door and walking away.

"Geez, you could have cut the tension with a knife." Dash chuckled, though she looked uneasy.

"Sorry. How have you girls been?" Castus said, looking at them all.

"Very well darling, now that all this fighting business is done," Rarity said, placing her hoof to her head "I swear it simply did havoc with my mane, and I'll be spending weeks fixing my dress and getting the dirt out of my coat and hooves."

"Those changelings weren't so tough. I could have sent them all fleeing in ten seconds flat if I wanted." Dash said, crossing her hooves and puffing her chest out.

"Castus, I hope y'all don't think I won't be having a word with ya. Not that I ain't glad ta see ya up, but there is still the matter with those humans ya stole from my farm." Applejack said, giving him a stern look, "Now don't get me wrong. I've realized now, seeing them humans ya got, aren't the way I thought them to use ta be. But losing them affected our apple harvesting."

"I can't really say I'm sorry. I did what I had to do." Castus said.

"Look, I can't make a judgement of what ya did. Frankly this all is outside my reasoning. But it ain't right ta steal from a friend." Applejack huffed, "If ya had come ta me, explained what ya were doing, I would have given ya them."

"You would?" Castus said, confused and surprised.

"Well, maybe," Applejack said, rubbing the back of her head, "I mean, it is still kinda odd ta hear a human talk. Or even wear clothes at all."

"A lot was going on. I can't return those humans, but....I guess I can offer my own services to make up for it," Castus said, "I wasn't trying to hurt your farm."

Applejack seemed to think on that, then approached and patted his back, "Well that is mighty fine of ya. And I will be taking ya up on that." Applejack gave his back a rough, friendly pat.

"Agh!" Castus said in response, kneeling over as pain shot up his back.

"Oh, shoot sorry Sugarcube." Applejack gasped, helping him stand up straight again, "I forgot."

Castus groaned, rubbing his back, but held up a hand and gave a weak smile, "It's cool. Just-Mmmph!?"

"OhIcan'tbeleiveIforgottogiveyouyourWelcomeBackandThanksforBeatinganEvilArmyhug!" Pinkie said with glee, before spinning on the tips of her hooves, spinning Castus with her.

"Pinkie!" The girls called.

"Mphkie." Castus said, his voice muffled as Pinkie pressed his face further into her chest. His wounds ached, and his breathing was a little off due to his enclosed conditions about his head. He was just glad that Pinkie eventually let him go.

"Nice to see you too Pinkie." Castus said, feeling dizzy as he leaned against Rainbow Dash and Applejack to keep himself up.

Checking the clock on the wall, Castus decided it was time to end the reunion for now. He had a great many things he needed to do. And so with some last good byes, he had Fluttershy take him back to Marcus tent. It was time to set the plans for the future.

"Thanks for the help Fluttershy, but....I need you to leave now." Castus said, when he stood at Marcus tent.

"What? Why?" Fluttershy asked, looking a little hurt.

Castus placed his hand on her cheek, "I don't want you to go. But, I need to discuss important plans with Marcus and the others. And while I trust you, they might not. Please try to understand."

Fluttershy frowned, but nodded, "Okay. But don't strain yourself."

"I promise." Castus said with a smile.

Fluttershy returned the smile, before placing a kiss on his cheek and slowly, letting him go and walking off. Castus had to brace himself, but with a deep breath he walked into Marcus' tent on his own power. It wouldn't be good to appear too weak to his people.

"Marcus." Castus said, entering.

"Fire Man." Marcus said, looking away from the pony nurse tending to his bandages. In the tent as well, Mogrim and the other Huntmasters sat, or lay in cots that had been brought in. Valen stood by Mogrim, helping the elderly huntmaster get a cup of water to his lips.

The nurse looked up, and gave him a hard look, "So are you the one who had my patients brought here? You don't have a right putting their health at risk you know. They need rest, but that one there," The nurse pointed to Valen, "said that someone called a Fire Man asked them all here. I suppose that is you?"

"Yes," Castus said, giving the nurse a hard look of equal intensity, "And don't get in the way of the affairs of my people. Finish your task and leave. This is private."

The nurse seemed appalled at his words, but nodded, finished wrapping Marcus wounds and left. Castus was sure he wasn't making any new friends, but he had to focus on the future. And if irritating one nurse was what it took; fine.

"I'm sorry if my request for you all have caused you discomfort." He said to the Huntmasters.

"Bah, these ponies treat us like children." Ulfric said, "I've had worse wounds from hunting."

"Speak for yourself. I feel like I am going to fall to pieces." Kraben said, both arms in slings and his head wrapped in bandages on his left side.

"I would not call you here if it was not important. I will try to make this quick." Castus said, he paused and looked around, "Where is Camus?"

The huntmasters, all went silent and looked down.

"He died of his wounds. I'm sorry." Mogrim said, before coughing.

Castus sighed. It was another blow to the clans, leaving the total remaining Huntmasters to Marcus, Mogrim, Ulfric and Kraben.

"Their clans will need to decide upon new Huntmasters in time, but for now I must talk with all of you." Castus said as he sat down.

"Um, Fire Man..." Valen begen, but Castus cut him off.

"Stay Valen. I need to talk to you as well, and you have proven yourself to hear this."

Valen bowed his head, and listened.

"In the next few hours, we will be meeting with the leaders of Equestria to sort out the future," Castus began, "and before that, we must discuss the future of our clans and our people."

"While the clans have always been united, it is time that we come together in a more concrete union. We must form a nation, and change our ways. But more then that, we must all unite under a single banner and a single leader."

"But who will lead?" Ulfric asked.

"That you must decide for yourself. But it cannot be me." Castus said, causing a stir.

"But Fire Man," Valen started, but again Castus cut them off.

"You must understand this was meant to be. I have done my best to guide you, but in order for our kind to stand truly independent, you my children must learn to guide yourselves. More so, I cannot lead as I will not repeat the patterns of the ancient Valhrua. One of you must lead."

The huntmasters were quiet, but nodded.

"But, how do we decide?" Kraben asked.

"We vote. Or, you vote." Castus said, standing up, "Decide from among you who will lead, and decide amongst yourselves. When Theodric and Camus' clans have new Huntmasters, they will vote as well."

The huntmaster looked concerned, all looking at each other and back at him.

"But-" Ulfric started.

"No buts. I did not want to force this on you so soon, but time is of the essence. Decide. I will be outside." Castus said, "Valen, give me some help."

Valen stood and walked over to him, helping him out. Behind him, Castus could only hear concerned muttering between the Huntmasters. He hoped he it would all work out.

When they left the tent, Castus directed them to a bench near a burning campfire. Castus sat, with Valen beside and stared at the fire.

"We must talk Valen. About your powers." Castus said.

"What? My powers?" Valen said, confused.

"Don't turn stupid on me boy. Your powers. The Wind. I know you can use it, I've sensed it in you for some time. It was weak then, but now its out in force." Castus said, giving Valen a look.

Valen blinked and looked at the fire, "I...I...what is it? Is it from the Amulet?"

Castus chuckled, "No. Though it does seem connected to it in some way. But no, the power came from you. Even when you opened that Waygate, though I think the Amulet did give you some help. That sort of spell is not one that is so easily done on need alone."

Valen looked down and seemed unsure, "What does it mean?"

"It means, that you wield the very same power that I do." Castus said.

Valen looked at him with shock, then frowned again and looked at the fire, "It felt.....painful. But...alive."

Castus nodded with a sigh, "Yes. Such is its nature. But you will need to learn how to control it, and to control yourself. Otherwise...."

Valen looked at him in question, "Otherwise what?"

"Otherwise, you will die." Castus said, looking at him.

Valen seemed to pale.

Castus pat his back, "Don't worry. I will teach you. Frankly, you don't have a choice though."

Valen nodded, though he still seemed fearful. Castus merely patted his back comfortingly. After awhile, he stood up again and with Valen's help headed back to the tent.

"Will I be able to do what you do?" Valen asked.

"I don't know. It differs between each person. Even in ancient times, not all mages were equal in skill or power. But we will find out in time." Castus said.

Valen nodded, and the two of them entered into the tent.

"Have you decided?" Castus asked them all.

The huntmasters all looked at him, then each other, then bowed their heads in a nod.

Castus smiled, and too the surprise of all, knelt before the man that would now lead them all.


In the course of three hours, Celestia had worked hard to deal with the problems steaming after the Changeling invasion. Social and Medical aid being brought down from Canterlot, gathering the dead for burial. She had ponies work on gathering both human and pony dead, as her bit of help toward Castus' people. Though the ponies who had been assigned had separated the two, with the humans piled up away from the lined up bodies of Equestrian dead. She would have to talk with them about that.

Then of course there was the duties after this...meeting....that she would need to attend to. Chrysalis would need to be sorted out, and while she had sent guards to ascertain that the Changeling Queen was still in her cell, she wanted confirmation of this. Then she would get her answers of how a changeling horde had gotten free.

'One problem at a time.' Celestia thought as she sat at the head of a large table. Luna beside her, along with her commanding officers that remained alive from the battle, and though it pained her; her nephew.

"Where are they? Honestly, must we really do this?" Blueblood said, fanning himself as he sat in his wheel chair.

Celestia rolled her eyes, and though her nephew looked terribly wounded, she knew from the doctors words that he was perfectly able to stand and walk on his own. She found his need to over dramatize his injuries in some attempt to garner attention to be frustrating.

"Yes dear nephew. Now be quiet." Celestia said, giving him a glare that finally shut him up.

Finally the doors to the town hall opened and Celestia looked to see Castus walk in. He stood before them and bowed his head.

"Greetings Princess Celestia. Princess Luna." Castus greeted them, and purposefully ignoring Blueblood.

Blueblood cleared his throat, earning a look from Castus, "Oh yes. You. Hello." Castus added as an aside before looking back at her and Luna.

Celestia had to fight a grin at the sheer look of indignation on her nephew's face from such a dismissal.

"Listen you-" Blueblood began, but Celestia silenced him.

"Silence. I'd rather begin this discussion and return to seeing to the wellbeing of my ponies." Celestia said, shutting Blueblood up.

"Indeed. I too wish to see to my people. But I must ask that if it is possible to take these negotiations elsewhere." Castus said.

"For what reason?" Luna asked.

"I am afraid Emperor Marcus is too injured to arrive here in person. As are the other Lord Hunters. If we can, may we take this discussion to their tent so that they might partake in the discussions as true representatives of the people?" Castus asked.

Celestia blinked, and she and Luna shared a confused look, before glancing at Castus again.

"Very well." Celestia said, standing with her sister.

"What!? Auntie!" Blueblood shouted in shock.

"Blueblood, I think you should return to your bed rest. Your injuries no doubt pain you and I would be a poor aunt if I did not look out for your health. I will send a guard to help you to your rooms in the castle." Celestia said, walking with her sister and Castus out of the Town Hall.

Arriving at the tent within the human part of the medical camp, and entering into the tent Celestia was greeted by a number of humans, all in states of injury and recovery. The sheer number of wounds on the men, one who was obviously elderly, was a sad sight. But despite the injuries, she saw that all these men looked at her with hard eyes. Untrusting eyes.

"Princess Celestia, please meet Emperor Marcus." Castus said as he moved to a man laying in a bed and kneeling beside him.

Celestia looked at the man, and was met by a different type of look. Hard and observing, but not totally untrusting or hostile. More cautious. But also, as Marcus gave a glance to Castus as he knelt, Celestia saw a look of uncertainty.

"Before we begin, you should know that I will be acting as translator for the Emperor and the Lord Hunters." Castus said, as he stood again.

"Very well." Celestia said.

"Then to begin," Castus began, "We can agree that the changelings had some hand in influencing events in driving the conflict on."

Celestia nodded, "It seems clear that our fighting worked to their advantage."

"Indeed. So let us focus on the heart of the matter." Castus said.

"Very well," Celestia said, "Then the first point deals with the total slaughter of a village in Equestrian territory. I call on you to answer for this war crime."

Castus frowned, and Celestia could see a great pain in his eyes. Regret. Disgust. But more so, sadness. She watched as he turned to Marcus and conversed for a time. She saw a frown and a similar look of regret show on Marcus' face and in the eyes of the other humans. It spoke volumes.

Finally, Castus turned to her and said, "We do not deny that it was by the hands of our kind that committed such an atrocity. But we dealt with them when the news of it came to light."

"You dealt with them?" Luna asked, and Celestia looked at Castus with intent.

She saw a hardness appear in his eyes now, as the man nodded.

"Yes." Castus said, and it was clear that he did not want to talk about it further, "And if we are going to bring up such matters, I call on you to answer for the attack your nephew committed against the clans. He attacked the clans when they were all gathered, but there were little in the way of defenders, just civilians incapable of defending themselves. We laid to rest many families that day."

Celestia bit her lip and looked at the ground, "I cannot deny this. Though I did not order it, I had placed him in charge. I am as much to blame for this as he."

"Then we both have something to answer for. And reparations must be paid in equal value." Castus said.

"Then state your demands. And in turn we will do so as well." Celestia said.

Castus nodded, "We demand land. Good land, to start. Do you have a map?"

Luna pulled a document from a collection of scrolls, brought for such needs, she had in her hooves and held it out with her magic. On it was a map of both Equestria and the nations surrounding her. Castus took the map, and pointed at a location in Equestrian territory.

"Here. This land is the land the clans of my people have been living on for three years. We ask you cede us as a province to us, to use and rule as we see fit." Castus said, pointing at the region in question.

Celestia looked at the region designated. It was uninhabited, only just barely bordered by small farming communities. The land had been that way for years, given that Equestria still had land to be expanded on within already established provinces, and the fact that her population was not large enough to warrant such an expansion into such territory. But it was still a part of Equestria, and to just merely hand over such a wide piece of land would cause any number of outrage among the population.

"And what would you give in kind for such a massive acquirement?" Celestia asked, "How will you answer for your reparations?"

Castus turned to Marcus, and they talked for a time. It became clear that, whatever it was they were speaking, was not to Marcus liking, and there was verbal outbursts from the other humans as well. But finally, Marcus nodded, despite a worried look. Castus turned back to her.

"I offer myself." Castus said.

"What?" Luna asked, confused.

Celesita blinked in confusion at Castus offer.

"I offer myself. I will personally see to the repairs of any damaged land and infrastructure. I also offer myself as a political prisoner, provided that you stop trying to severe my connection to the Wind." Castus said, putting his hands behind his back.

Celestia looked at the man in shock. And then a question came to mind. Something he had said, when they had done battle.

"Castus....what did you mean, when you said severing would kill you?" Celestia asked.

Castus blinked, "You want to know?"

Celestia nodded.

Castus sighed, "I suppose you do. Know that I don't hold resentment toward you for not knowing this. To be honest, the Wind is....addictive. The power. The feeling it gives you, pulsing through your body. It is pleasure and pain unlike anything you can imagine."

Luna seemed to shiver, and looked away as she crossed her legs. Celestia looked at her sister in confusion a moment, was Luna hiding a blush?

"But it is addictive. Once you use it, you can't just stop using it. And to lose lose being able to touch it. It does something to the mind. In the ancient days, mages who committed crimes were often severed. All committed suicide within twenty four hours after that." Castus finished, eyes hard and far off; as if recalling something.

Celestia paled, and felt shock. Suicide? She could sense Castus spoke the truth, but to learn such a thing. It put her own actions in a different light, and she felt disgusted by it.

"I see. I-I did not know." She said.

"I know you are afraid of what I can do. You should be. I am." Castus said, "I know what the Wind can do, better then most. But it can do great good as well. Let me use it for good."

Celestia was quiet a moment, and she looked to her sister. The two looked at each other, and a thousand years of kinship and silent conversation went into play. With a nod to each other, Celestia looked back to Castus.

"Very well." She said.

Castus bowed his head, "Thank you."

After that, it was all about ironing out the details. As well as making minor additional demands. Celestia would give the humans land, and in addition cede several thousand humans from zoos around Equestria. Celestia agreed to this, and even learned of the cause for the human feralness. It was a shocking piece of info, and was another example of what sort of dangers the Wind could create. But she also learned of how it was being removed.

This Amulet of Harmony, as Castus called it, seemed to use the Wind to reverse the effects of this long standing curse. A curse that Castus claimed a past life of his had caused. She was still confused on this bit of information, and she made a note to drill Castus for answers on it.

One point that had some protest from the other humans and Emperor Marcus, was that of the human trade. They had wanted it to be ended, but when Celestia had made a point stating that it would be impossible to end it, at least so quickly, it had caused some outrage. But Castus seemed to placate them, at least in part.

'I will need to speed up my reforms.' Celestia thought as the final agreement on Equestria's human trade was finalized. Humans would stop being traded to zoos and labs, and to kingdoms that purchased humans as a food source. Merchants would howl at this, but it was an agreement Celestia was willing to make. In return, Castus would stop his raids in taking humans by force.

And a final point, that was more largely political, was that Equestria would recognize the autonomy and independence of the Empire of Man, and grant them a seat on the Council of Nations. Castus would be made their chief ambassador to both Equestria and the Council. Of course this also meant he would have to travel between Equestria and the Empire; making his position as a political prisoner somewhat shaky.

In the end, it was that agreement, titled the Treaty of Ponyville, that ended the war between humanity and Equestria at last. Peace was finally returned to the land.

Though how long it would last, was another story all together. But it was a peace Celestia would work to maintain.


In a hospital room of Ponyville General, lay one pony in particular. Scootaloo lay in her bed, body wrapped in bandages as monitors watched her health. In a chair beside her bed, sat her mother.

'I have this power, but I can't do a damned thing! It isn't fair!' He thought.

Ever since learning of his abilities, ones he still felt unsure of, he had thought he could help heal Scootaloo. The Fire Man had quickly shot him down. Stating his lack of skill or knowledge, would only risk Scootaloo's health rather then improve it. Not to forget, he didn't even know how to draw on the Wind. He had tried, but always it just seemed to slip out of his grasp as soon as he felt something.

So all he could do was wait, and watch as someone he cared about lay in bed, injured and unconscious.

"You can come in." Scootaloo's mother said.

Valen leaned back, sucking a breath. Had she known he was there? He thought of leaving, but decided to be brave and with a deep breath, slowly walked in.

Scootaloo's mother looked at him, tear stained and puffy eyes looking at him. She dabbed at her eyes with a piece of cloth, a handkerchief was what ponies called it.

"Y-You are that human that can talk. Right?" She said.

"Yes." Valen said, with a nod.

Scootaloo's mother was quiet a moment, before looking back at her daughter.

"She just ran off. I told her to stay with me, and when we got separated...." She then sniffled and cried again.

Valen frowned, and hesitantly stepped closer. Scootaloo's mother sucked in a breath and looked at him again.

"Flying Brick...she told me you were the one that killed my husband. Is that true?" She sniffled, looking at him.

Valen nodded, "I'm sorry."

Scootaloo's mother clenched her kerchief tight, biting her lip. Finally she said, "I always hated it when they went off. Even when it was just regular patrol work. I always feared that, one day, one of them would never come back. Or both."

Scootaloo's mother wiped at her eyes before continuing, "I can't help but hate you for what you did. You took somepony precious from me. And yet, Scootaloo fought to protect you. Why?"

Valen looked away to Scootaloo, "You have a right to hate me. Scootaloo does too. I even gave her my knife to kill me. I felt she had a right to."

Scootaloo's mother seemed to gasp slightly, and Valen looked at her as she looked at him in shock, "She had the knife. She could have killed me. I wouldn't have stopped her. But instead, she slapped me and said, that killing me wouldn't bring back her father. It would only cause more pain. More hate."

Valen looked down, "I-I have a brother. He is still a child, and we lost our mother in a pony attack on our camp."

"Oh, dear." Scootaloo's mother whispered, and Valen felt a light touch at his arm. He pulled his arm away.

"I didn't even think about what would happen to my brother if I died. But Scootaloo did. She made me realize what an idiot I was. If she had killed me, all she would have done was take the last bit of family my brother had left, and then what would he do? It would just keep building on the hate." Valen said, and he placed his hand on Scootaloo's head, gently petting her mane.

Scootaloo's mother sniffled again, before saying, "That...that sounds just like something Stouty once told me."

"Scootaloo is wise. But I wish now she had killed me. Then maybe this wouldn't have happened." Valen said.

The next thing he knew, he felt a hard slap across his face. He looked at Scootaloo's mother, who glared at him.

"Don't you ever say that!" She shouted at him.

Valen blinked, and he clenched his eyes shut.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

"Am I interrupting?"

Valen turned and saw the Fire Man, standing at the door way. Beside him, was the pony huntmasters, Princess Celestia and Luna. He bowed his head, and saw Scootaloo's mother give some sort of pony bow, lifting the hem of her skirt up a tiny bit.

The Fire Man walked in, coming over to Scootaloo's bed side.

"Princess, what-" Scootaloo's mother started.

"Do not worry my little pony. We are here to help." Celestia said, patting Scootaloo's mother's shoulder.

"Are you sure about this. It won't be pleasant what you will have to do." The Fire Man said.

"If it will help one of my little ponies, I will endure whatever I must." Celestia said. Luna nodded in kind, though for some reason she seemed edgy. Valen wondered why, and what for. What were they going to do?

"Are-Are you going to heal her Fire Man? Can you?" Valen asked.

The Fire Man looked at him, "I will try. You have my word."

Valen nodded, and watched as the princesses horns glowed and then Valen felt a sudden feeling of energy and warmth stem from the Fire Man's body. He thought at first it was a trick of the light, but his body seemed to glow and swirl with strange lines of light, and then he felt that same feeling coming from the princesses.

"Faust!" Celestia gasped as she and Luna clutched each other, "H-how can anypony even stand this?"

Valen watched, the feeling of power growing that it made him dizzy to be near it, and from Castus hands he same strands of multihued colored threads come from his hands as he held them over Scootaloo. The Fire Man breathed deeply and quickly, his legs shaking.

"Almost.....there." And with a gasp, the Fire Man kneeled over. Valen caught him, and the feeling of power quickly left his body. The Fire Man gripped his shoulder, and used him to help stand up.

The princesses both seemed ready to fall over, breathing heavily and their faces flushed.

"Ugh....what...where am I?"

All eyes turned now to Scootaloo, who slowly opened her eyes and lifted herself from her bed.

"What? Why do I have bandages on me? Castus? Valen? Mom? Princess Luna? Princess Celestia?" Scootaloo said, looking around confused before gasping and touching her bandaged side.

"I was....ouch." Scootaloo hissed, touching her side.

"Take it easy." The Fire Man said, "I managed to heal the injuries, but your body will still have bruising. But you should at least not be crippled."

"Scootaloo!" Scootaloo's mother cried, rushing to her daughter.

"Ah, Mom come on, cut it out. They are watching." Scootaloo whined, as her mother hugged her.

Scootaloo's mother ignored her daughter, only looking up to the princesses and to the Fire Man.

"Thank you.....thank you." She said, tears again flowing from her eyes.

Sometime later, after the Fire Man and the princesses had left, some doctors came in to check on Scootaloo. The looks on their faces, seeing Scootaloo up and awake and peeling her bandages off, had Valen fighting back a laugh.

Of course, when they had examined Scootaloo again, their faces then had a look at had sent him into laughter. The sheer surprise that, by their observation, wounds that would have been crippling were not only heavy bruising that would fade away in time without any lasting effects, seemed to be something outside of their comprehension.

However, perhaps to reestablish their authority, they still demanded that Scootaloo stay in bed. To which she did not seem pleased. Worse when they insisted on keeping bandages on her, which she constantly complained itched.

Valen stayed in her room, and in that time had reached a sort off reconciliation with Scootaloo's mother. He could tell she did not fully forgive him. But, as she had said, if her daughter was able to. She could. It was what her husband would have done.

Of course, she eventually left to get Scootaloo something to read from her room, as her daughter complained of boredom; leaving him and Scootaloo alone for the first time since she arrived in the hospital.

"I'm glad you are okay." He said to her.

"Ah, I wasn't worried. After the times me and the girls have fallen from trees, this was nothing." Scootaloo said.

Valen frowned, "Scootaloo-"

"Don't tell me I shouldn't have done it!" Scootaloo cut him off, "It was my choice."

Valen frowned, but nodded, "Very well. I'm just glad you are okay. I wanted to make sure of that....before I left."

Scootaloo frowned and looked away, "You're leaving?"

"Yes," Valen said with a nod, "The war is over. The clans have land. We need to go home...rebuild."

"I see." Scootaloo said, looking down.

Valen stepped over to her, "Scootaloo-Mmmph!"

Before Valen could finish his sentence, Scootaloo grabbed him by the hem of his shirt and yanked him down, and planted her lips on his. Valen felt his toes curl and his whole spine shivered. The kiss was harder, and rougher then the one Tiara had given him, but it was still enough to make his heart skip a beat.

When Scootaloo ended the kiss, taking deep ragged breathes, she said, "Don't you forget about me. You better come down and visit, or I'll hunt you down."

Valen blinked, words momentarily lost in his mind, "Right."

A sound of a throat clearing, made both Valen and Scootaloo look up to the door. There, looking at them with a surprised look, was Scootaloo's mother....and her aunt.

"Mom! Auntie!" Scootaloo shouted, and pushed Valen away, "I-I-!" Scootaloo stammered as Valen caught himself from falling over.

Valen felt his face flush, but he stood up straight as Scootaloos aunt entered into the room. She looked both surprised, but downtrodden as she looked from him to Scootaloo.

Scootaloo also went silent, as she looked at her aunt. The two looked at each other, before finally her aunt rushed her and pulled Scootaloo into a hug.

Valen watched the exchange, and smiled.


Marcus, he still thought of himself as Marcus, despite all that had occurred, looked down at the map and copy of the Treaty written between the ponies and the clans. The map itself was a close up of the territory that the clans now could call their own.

And it was only the beginning. SO much had changed, and more was soon to change even further. The clans would change, and in time the people would as well. Even he was being caught up in the changes. And not in ways he was comfortable with.

"Permission to enter Emperor?"

Marcus looked up and glared at the Fire Man as he entered.

"Must you call me that?" He asked.

"It is your new title. Might as well accept it. Denying it won't do you any good in political meetings." The Fire Man said, sitting down beside his bed.

"It just seems....strange." Marcus sighed.

The Fire Man shrugged, "What is so strange? You were called Huntmaster Marcus. That was a title."

"That was a title I earned. The clan selected me. It had a purpose, a meaning. I was the leader of the clan. This Emperor. It feels so hollow. Why do the clans need an emperor?" Marcus asked.

"The other clan huntermasters selected you. And when Theodric and Camus' clans have selected a new huntmaster, they will no doubt agree with them. Now you are not just a leader of one clan, but a leader of all of them. And as for your question."

The Fire Man took a deep breath and sighed, "The clans came close to falling apart. This war, broke much of our old ways of unity. You saw it. I saw it. Despite it all, you made yourself the single point of unity, keeping the Huntmasters loyal despite all the pain and trouble. The clans need that unity, now more then ever. And there will come days, where we can't leave things up to a collection of individual leaders. In war, the, the people will need a leader. And that leader is you Marcus."

Marcus went silent, and thought deeply on the words. Despite it all, it did little to ease his uneasiness.

"I...don't think I am worthy." He said, then felt a pat on his shoulder.

The Fire Man patted his shoulder one last time, "Just give it your all. That is all anyone will ask of you."

Marcus nodded, and The Fire Man smiled.

"And don't worry," The Fire Man said,, "I will be there every now and then to give you the advice you need."

"Thank you Fire Man," Marcus said, giving a slight smile.

The Fire Man smirked, "Please, just call me Castus. Or else I will start calling you Emperor Marcus all the time."

Marcus frowned, and nodded, "Very well, Castus."

Castus smiled, and despite his worries, Marcus smiled back.


Following the signing of the treaty, Celestia left Luna in charge of the recovery and relief process in Ponyville. She now traveled swiftly to the maximum security prison of Equestria, where in stayed the most notorious of criminals. The Changeling Queen herself, Chrysalis. It was time to get some answers.

Arrival at the prison was met with little fuss. No signs of a break out, and by the word of the guards themselves it appeared that Chrysalis herself was behaving rather well. Well, Celestia would put that lie to rest.

Celestia was quickly escorted to the cell which contained the prisoner, and barged into the cell. Her hooves stepping into slimy green substances that made her cringe in disgust as she hiked up the hem of her gown. She had no desire to ruin two of her dresses in the span of a single day.

Celestia looked toward, what she assumed was a couch of the same green substance, and leveled a hard look at the lounging creature on it. Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings.

"Ah, Celestia." Chrysalis hissed, leaning further back on the couch. Her back arching over one of the arms and her legs crossing in a sensual way. The black, green lined dress she wore clinging to every curve, though tattered at the hem.

"To what do I owe this," Chrysalis gave a low chuckle, "Pleasure."

"I have no time for your games Chrysalis." Celestia demanded, "Your changelings. Where are they stationed?"

Chrysalis smirked, "My changelings? why Celestia, I should think it obvious. Right around you."

Chrysalis raised herself onto the couch to sit normally, and raised her arms. Soon, the walls around her glowed, as bulbs of green slime became more clear and translucent. Inside each, moved in slumber a changeling.

"The dears do sleep a lot these days. It makes me soooo lonely." Chrysalis said, as she rose and walked over to a low hanging cocoon and caressed it with a claw gently, even motherly.

"Not those, the ones outside. The changelings you managed to keep hidden and active outside your cell. I have no desire to pry the information from you, but I will if it means avoiding any further attacks on my nation." Celestia growled.

Chrysalis smiled, tilting her head, "Further attacks? Now that is interesting." Chrysalis began to laugh, "But, I am afraid I must disappoint you. You see, dear Celsetia, my entire Hive is right here with me, sleeping. And even if I did have small hives outside of my cell, they certainly wouldn't be able to reproduce, they would need a Queen and I am here and as you can see not at all in the egg laying mood."

Celestia glared, her mind thinking on this. Was it a lie? She id have to admit, that there was little in the way of changeling biological knowledge. But it could all be a ploy.

"Oh do stop that look, I have very little to gain by lying about this." Chrysalis said, sitting back on her couch, legs crossed.

"And how can I be sure?" Celestia asked.

Chrysalis laughed, "You can't. Deception is my nature."

Chrysalis leaned back to lounge on the couch, "I'm growing bored. Be a dear and leave."

Celsetia was galled at the way Chrysalis ordered HER to leave. But, by the changeling queens posture, it was clear that she was not going to get anywhere else now. With a huff, she turned and walked out of the cell. As the cell door closed, a laugh came from Chrysalis that seemed to follow Celestia all the way out of the prison.

'If she is telling the truth, then any changelings not with her should have been low in numbers. But the army we faced was at least twice the size of the invading army Chrysalis brought to Canterlot.' Celestia thought.

If changelings needed a Queen to reproduce, then was there another queen out there that she did not know about? And if so where was she? And where did she come from?


With her cell, once more firmly closed, Chrysalis again found herself alone. Her sleeping hive hardly suitable company. Even if she was not heavy with eggs, she did at times crave the raw stimulation of a male mounting her, or her him. Sometimes she even fantasized it was that Shining Armor male she had seduced in her attempt to take over Canterlot.

But now, the news Celestia brought her, if unintentionally, had her mind thinking on other things. Things she had not thought about since she was captured nearly four years ago.

'Hmmm, what sort of mischief are you up to. My little Nympha.' She thought, before bursting into laughter again.

Changeling High Male

The High Male limped through the cavernous halls that led to the entrance of the Hive. His carapace was broke in places, his wings crippled and he was sure his leg wasn't suppose to be at that slight angle. But he was alive. Which frankly, was more then could be said about he Consort and many of the hive High males.

He had known that connecting the horde to the Consorts mind, such advanced synaptic connection was always risky, but the Consort had demanded it. But he had been smarter and kept a way to break the connection at just the right moment. Where the Consort and the other High Males had died, he survived.

But it had not been easy. But the rewards, the rewards would be great. The Queen would want to know the details, and if he was quick, then he could be made Consort. He wouldn't have to worry about competition, only the weakest High Males had been left behind. If it came to a fight, he could fight them.

The Hive was still being built, but it had grown since the horde had left. Though only the most basic guards had been left; and now with the lose of the horde the Hive would need years to grow strong again. But he would help make it strong.

He made his way quick to the Royal Chambers, though his progress was stopped by the Handmaiden Guards; who hissed at him and eyed him with a hungry look.

"Who dares come to the Queen's Chambers when she is about to lay?" One of the Handmaidens asked.

"A High Male. Step aside maidens, I bring news of the horde!" He shouted, partly to show his rank, and partly to perhaps get the queens attention inside.

The Handmaidens snarled at him, and the High Male gulped in fear. Even his rank as High Male would be little protection if a Handmaiden decided that his presence was more a bother to the Queen then a boon.

"Let him in." A voice called from beyond the closed passage.

The Handmaidens looked at the door, then at him. With a nod, but a baleful glare at him still, the High Male was allowed within to the Queens Chamber.

The male stepped in, and his eyes quickly gazed onto the beautiful form of the Queen of the Hive.

Her body lay on her bed, heavy with eggs. Her body in its Breeding form to allow easier laying ability, her legs lost in the coils of the birthing passage. Her stomach bulging, heavy with eggs. The sheer sight was arousing to the High Male, and it was only the knowledge of what would happen if he attempted to mount her before the Queen gave permission was all that kept him in check.

"Male. You went with my Consort and the horde to take Equestria for the Hive. So why is it you are back alone? And looking so beaten up?" The Queen said with a hiss of displeasure.

The male gulped and kneeled, "M-My Queen. I regret to inform. The Consort is dead. The horde all dead. Any survivors are either mad or lost in the wilds. I alone survived, and came to tell you."

"Dead?" The Queen said, though rubbed her chin with a claw, "Hmm, yes I thought I felt him die."

The male looked up, "Y-you knew?" He now worried that his news would earn him little prestige as he thought.

"Idiot male!" The Queen snapped, "I know what happens to all my children. So of course I knew!"

The male groveled, and bowed his head. Heart racing as he feared the worse.

"But," The Queen said, her voice calm again, "You managed to survive it all, and even came all this way to tell me the fate of my horde. That shows instinct. It shows perception. It is....favorable." The Queen said the last part in a husky, sensual breath.

The male felt his blood race, as he slowly looked up.

"All the other males, they are still young and weak. But you, you showed foresight. Determination, and perhaps a bit of strength to survive what killed so many others." The Queen said, and slid her claws down to her stomach, across his breasts.

"I live only to serve you my Queen." The male whispered, just loud enough to be heard.

"Yes. You do." The Queen said, and held out her arms, "Then come. Serve your queen."

That was all the male needed, and with his body pumping with adrenaline to muster the needed stamina, he leapt upon the Queen and locked her in a mating embrace. Lips locking, tongues dancing, bodies pressing and sliding across each other. Despite his instincts telling him to mate, the male still allowed himself to feel every curve on his Queens body, exploring it impassionate relish. The Queens moans of pleasure, sending him further into overdrive.

His mind was soon lost as he began to mate, letting himself be overtaken by the feelings and pleasures of the deed. His mind was so hazy that he barely even felt the sharp pain as the Queen sank her fangs into his neck, tearing through his carapace and ripping at the flesh beneath. Yet even as he realized that the Queen was devouring him, his body only worked faster now. Pain and pleasure mixing in ways that could not be described in words.

And even though he knew he would be eaten, he felt more honored then any male before. Eggs needed nutrients, and a High Males body during mating was also a nutrient filled vessel, which would only serve to make the eggs he was now imprinting with his genes all the stronger. It was a rare honor, only given to the most loyal of males who had gone above and beyond the line of duty.


Krul stared into the fire, the warmth washing over his body as he pulled the Snow Beast hide cloak around his body. Around him, other clan members and members of the other clans, sat around the fire and others. The women busied themselves with making more cloaks and shoes from the hide of the great Snow Beast body who lay gutted upon the cave floor. Alongside, men cut of pieces of meat to cook.

"We must find warmer lands. This snow will be the death of many." One of the Huntmasters said.

"We must head south." One Huntmaster said.

"We cannot go south. That is the land of the ponies! I will sooner go east then go back there!" Another said.

Krul found all this noise however to be at the background, almost lost to the other noise he heard. The blowing snow outside the cave entrance seemed to moan all the louder, and though Krul could feel the cold on his body, he found that it did not bother him as it once had. Was he freezing to death?

"The clans will die! This land is frozen and filled with monsters. We lost several hunters just slaying this Snow Beast!"

"Krul! Krul!"

Krul looked up, the moans of the snow lost now as he paid attention to the other five Huntmasters with him.

"What say you Kurl? You are why we are here. Where do we go?" A Huntmaster asked.

Krul blinked, and looked out to the snow and wind blasted outside. The moans seemed to grow again, and he wondered if others heard it. He caught sight of some of his hunters looking outside as well. Maybe they heard it?

"North." He said.

"What!? Are you mad?" A Huntmaster shouted.

"We go north. North." Krul said again, and gave a glare at the Huntmasters.

They all looked at him as if he had gone mad. But he wasn't mad. No, in fact he felt as if things were clear for the first time in his life.

"I will not lead my clan to die. If you go north, I will go east." One Huntmaster said.

"You are all mad to want to stay here. We will go south, perhaps find warmer lands not owned by ponies." Another said.

And so it was, Krul watched as the Huntmasters all began arguing. But he ignored them. They were all stuck in the cave together till the storm grew less intense. And when it did, Krul still ignored them as he watched the five other clans all go off in different directions in the snow covered land the Fire Man had exiled them to.

"Huntmaster?" A hunter said, stepping up.

Krul looked at the young hunter, then to his gathered clan. Men and women, children and elderly. They looked to him for leadership.

There was that moan again in the wind, and Krul pulled his cloak tighter, as the snow seemed to grow stronger and the wind blowing towards the north.


"We go north." He said, and began walking in the direction the storm blew.

Behind him, his clan followed and behind the clan any who watched saw the shapes of men slowly be lost in the white cold of the storm. The moaning wind their only companion.


In the days following the Treaty of Ponyville, Castus found his life filled with duties and tasks. He had finished releasing the humans that he had acquired in the treaty from their feral state. They were confused, scared even, but he had seen that they were all given homes in the clans.

The clans all had Huntmasters now, and they had all sworn loyalty to Marcus. Though it was clear that they were still not fully sure of what these new changes meant. Castus felt it would come in time, and he would work to set things right. It was all the beginnings of a new government for the clans. Now they would begin to act as a unified people. But it would take time, and work.

Of course, when he wasn't working with the clans and Marcus to set the plans for their new nation, he was working to fix the infrastructure damaged in Equestria in the war. He lost track of the number of new railroad rails he had to help make or fix. Not to mention the work he had to do in the fields. All the magic he had to use was exhausting, and when he was finally done for his necessary work for the day, he was ready to pass out.

But now, now despite all the work, he felt more energized then he had in a long time. He was leaving his rooms in the castle for a more permanent home. A home he had not seen in a long time.

Stepping up to the cottage door, he knocked and waited.

The door quickly opened, and there before him stood the smiling form of Fluttershy. He smiled back.

"Welcome Home." Fluttershy said.

Castus brightened, "Thanks. It's good to be back." And as he entered, he quickly embraced the mare before him in his arms, and she him.

After three years. Castus felt glad to be home.