//------------------------------// // Not for you // Story: Forgiveness Is For Others // by DR-Fluffy //------------------------------// Starlight Glimmer set atop a cliff overlooking Ghastly Gorge. She had come here to watch the sunset, because she loved the way the reds and yellows danced across the sky, as if making themselves heard, until finally they were lost in the night. It was a bit like her in a way, she had wanted equality, and she had fought for it, but somewhere along the way she lost sight of it and only thought of revenge. Despite everything she did, her only real punishment was becoming Twilight’s student, but she couldn’t help but wonder if that was truly alright, after everything she did. So lost in thought Starlight didn’t hear the hooves of somepony approaching from behind. It was only when the mare took a seat next to her did Starlight take notice. The unicorn was blue with a silver mane, she stared out at the sunset as if Starlight was invisible to her. “Who are you?” Starlight asked. Trixie smirked but kept her eyes on the sun, “Need you ask,” she said, as if that was enough. Starlight looked back out to the sunset, “If you don’t mind I would like to be alone.” Trixie spoke, her voice both smooth and calming, “I once went mad and enslaved Ponyville. I had gotten my hooves on this amulet that amplified my magic, but it also corrupted me; I did terrible things. All because I wanted revenge on Twilight, for something she had no control over. I’ve tried to help others since Twilight gave me a second chance, doing good where I can. A few weeks ago I even saved a young colt from drowning. But nothing I have done will ever make up for my sins.” Starlight stared at her with eyes filled more with familiarity than confusion, but before she could open her mouth to speak Trixie continued. “A part of you wanted to stop, begged for you to stop, but you had come so far. So you told yourself they deserved it or that it’s for their own good, eventually you stop feeling as it becomes so easy.” “I could have stopped at anytime but I chose to keep going! And I nearly destroyed all of Equestria, if not all of time.” Starlight yelled glaring intensely at the blue mare. The breeze blew gently over the two blowing Trixie’s mane over her left eye. Trixie’s face remained as calm as when she first set down and her voice even more so, “But you were stopped.” “How can I ever forgive myself?” Starlight’s voice a mere whisper. “You will never forgive yourself,” Trixie’s voice became stern, for the first time she looked at Starlight. “Others may tell you they forgive you but that is more for them than it is for you. To others, forgiveness will wipe away the mistakes of the past, but only in the eyes of that pony.” “What…What do I do?” “First accept that you will never forgive yourself. You have done terrible things Starlight; many would argue worse than me, and that will never be undone. But that doesn’t mean your life is over. Harmony, friendship, loyalty, kindness, generosity, and laughter those are all things worth working for. Help others and ensure that no pony else follows down your path. Don’t work towards your own ends but help toward the ends of others, that is the least you can do.” Trixie rose from her place and turned to leave. “Wait,” Starlight called. “I never got your name.” “Why I am the Great and Powerful Trixie,” She said throwing her hooves out. “But It’s late and I need to be going,” and with that Trixie disappeared into the night. Starlight remained in her place as her mind lamented over Trixie’s words. Somehow the night didn’t seem so dark anymore. Trixie made her way around the edge of town as she headed back to her trailer, parked just outside of Ponyville. While she loved her cape and hat it was far too noticeable for her to bring along for this and she had chosen to leave them behind. As she approached her trailer she spotted a familiar purple colored alicorn sitting on her doorstep, “I thought you were going to wait for me at your castle?” Trixie asked. Twilight stood from her spot and gave a half smile, “I thought you were going to meet me there.” Trixie looked away, “Trixie has a show tomorrow and she is already running behind schedule.” Twilight just let out a sad sigh but didn’t pursue the subject, “Did you speak with her?” Trixie only nodded, “What did you say?” “Trixie told her what she needed to hear.” “Thank you Trixie, I know it was out of your way to come here,” Twilight said, “But I was running out of ideas, she just won’t open up to me or the girls.’ “Think nothing of it, Trixie was happy to help.” They stood awkward for a moment before Trixie cleared her throat. “Trixie should be going, she will have to travel all night just to get to her next performance on time.” “Oh yes sorry, I didn’t mean to hold you up,” Twilight said stepping away from the door. “But Trixie, after your next performance why don’t you come back to Ponyville and stay for a few days, you can even do another performance for everypony, at the very least I know the foals would enjoy the show.” Trixie stopped halfway through the door and turned back, “Twilight, Trixie would like that but with her schedule it would be difficult to find the time.” “Trixie, you know we forgave you right? Not just the girls and I but all of Ponyville understands what happened.” Trixie stepped down from her trailer and wrapped her hooves around Twilight, “Yes I know you have forgiven me and it truly does mean a lot,” She pulled back to look at Twilight, “But seriously, if Trixie doesn’t leave now she will be late.” Twilight couldn’t help but let out a fit of giggles at that. She returned the hug with a tight squeeze, “Just remember you’re always welcome here.”