//------------------------------// // CH 32- When You're Not With Me... // Story: Maybe I'm Dreaming // by Night Flight //------------------------------// Soarin’s P.O.V. Soft sound of snoring was all over my ear. No wonder cause the cute mare who was making it was right next to me. Her head was on my shoulder and my arms were around her. She was smiling and snoring while she was dreaming. I sighed happily and kissed her forehead softly. She smiled happily in her sleep and continued snoring. Once again, all I could do was kissing her. If I were sure that she loves me back, not only would I do this, but also give her the entire world. Bad thing was that I wasn’t sure of her feelings. That was the exact reason I was leaving her behind her. I hadn’t lost my mind to leave her for a whole month especially before my own wedding. I could easily take a whole month off just because it was my wedding. Spitfire couldn’t deny because it was written in the Wonderbolt’s rule book. But I needed to complete this task I’d started. “Soarin…” moaned Rainbow in her sleep. “Yes my love,” I said uncontrollably. My eyes quickly went wide as I realized what I had blurted out. Fortunately Rainbow was asleep and didn’t heard anything. Well, perfect! That meant that my mind was tired again. At those times like this, I blurted out the things that I shouldn’t. It’s only cure was a good, long sleep. I yawned and looked at the mare beside me then, I stared at her closed eyes. All of the stuff we did today made me tired too. A good sleep helped me to wake up early in the morning and fresh up. I opened one of my hooves that was around Rainbow and wrapped it around her legs. Then I lifted her up from ground as I opened my wings to fly to home. I carried her all the way to the house and to the room we slept in last night. I placed her on bed and lay next to her. Then I hugged her like last night and let myself enter the beautiful world Rainbow had few minutes ago. * * * * * Rainbow’s P.O.V. There are many thing that can make somepony sad. Voice of crying, seeing other ponies in bad conditions, seeing one of the loved ones in a bad sickness any many other things. But me… there was only one thing and one minute that made me feel like I’m carrying a huge load of sadness. And it was when clock rang early in the morning. It really was idiotic but it was as if I had the entire world’s sadness on my shoulders. My head felt so heavy from the endless thoughts and of course, the pressure that was on me. Therefore, the minute I opened my eyes, all of my bad feelings came back to me. It looked like the only place I could be happy at was the land of my dreams… However, something that made me feel better was the fact that Soarin had been sleeping with me last night. He woke up the minute he heard the voice of clock. I was awake too but I kept my eyes closed and let him open one of his forehooves around me to turn off the clock. After he turned it off, I opened my eyes and confronted with his sad eyes. Although there was a lot of sadness there, it was still as wonderful as before… “You woke up?” he asked with a weak smile. “Hey…” “Hey…” I whispered sadly. “Rainbow, you sure that you don’t want me to go? Don’t feel guilty. If you really, truly don’t want me to do it, just say it,” he said with worried eyes. I stared at his eyes but looked away quickly. He was asking it again. And this time, I wanted him to stay more than any other time. This time, dislike other times, I didn’t have much time to think. If I wasted another minute, we would be late for train. I stared at his eyes again. “Yes, I’m sure. You have t… you can go…” I said with a smile that I tried to be happy. I knew he read the sadness in my eyes. I knew he tasted the bitterness of my smile although I wanted it to be happy. And I saw how the feeling of worriedness and sadness increased in his eyes but I couldn’t answer him any other way. I wanted to be selfless for once. “Are you su-” “Yes Soarin. I’m sure,” I answered this time with determination. He sighed. “Okay. We’d better get ready before it gets any later.” Then he stood up and started picking up his saddle bag. I also stood up and checked myself in the mirror. Since I was in Soarin’s embrace the previous night, my mane hadn’t gone messy and my face was pretty clean too. It was great since I wasn’t about to apply any change on myself. “I’m ready to go,” I exclaimed after I finished checking myself. “I’m ready too,” he answered with a sigh. “Let’s go.” We walked out of the doors and closed it behind ourselves. Then, Soarin took off and I started flying right behind him. Through the whole flight we were quiet and the only sound was the one from our wings. And not only had it helped me, but it made me sad and sadder. Before I knew, we were at the station. If it weren’t for Soarin, I wouldn’t have even noticed. “We reached the station,” said Soarin. I was snapped out of my thoughts when he talked. “Huh? What?” He smiled sadly and said nothing. If we were in normal condition, he would have definitely chuckled happily but at that time… it showed that he was as sad as me if not more. I sighed sadly and hung my head. Nothing would have been the same for an entire month. “Hey guys!” exclaimed somepony happily and snapped Soarin and I out of our thoughts. “Oh, hey sis,” muttered Soarin. I looked at him with worried eyes and then to Cloudy who was eying her brother carefully. She walked up to him and placed her hoof on his shoulder. “I know that asking the question ‘is everything okay?’ is the most idiotic thing I can do right now. Soar, I may still not be sure of your feelings for Rainbow but I do know that since you two have been together for some time, you’re gonna miss her. A lot.” He raised his head quickly and stared at his sister’s eyes, then he sighed sadly and looked away. “C’mon you two! It’s only one month! It’ll end in a single blink. You two will be together before you know it!” said Cloudy as she tried to lighten up the mood a little. Unfortunately, her little trick didn’t work and made Soarin let out another sad sigh while I bite my lips to stop my tears. I didn’t know why, still not, that why was this happening to me but I just couldn’t stop myself from being sad. “Are you two really sighing over a month?” said Cloud. A month… meant four weeks… meant thirty days… 720 hours… 43200 minutes and… 2592000 seconds starting from the second he’d leave. And it was nothing but a terrible situation I was stuck at. “You don’t understand…” I whispered under my breath. It was the only thing I could say as her answer. “I don’t know…” she replied distressfully. “AUNTYYYY!” shouted the one and only Gummy as she ran toward me. Seeing her was the only thing that made me smile. I opened my arms and let her hug me tight. “I swear she loves you even more than her mom!” said Cloudy with a frown. “And yet, you don’t look like the type of ponies who have a good connection with foals.” “No, I’m not. I’m wondering why she loves me too!” I said with a small smile. “Aunty is the best and the kindest pony in ALL of Equestria. I love you soooo much aunty,” said Gummy happily and squeezed me even tighter. My smile widened a little and I hugged her back as I answered, “I love you too little filly.” “Hmm… you’ll make a good aunt,” said Speedy as she descended. Hurricane was right next to her and was looking at me with a smile. “Yeah, good for my foal!” stated Hurricane with a smile. I smiled back and stared at the happy couple. Hurricane too was going to leave the one he loved but instead, he was happy. And not only was he going to leave his wife, but also his pregnant wife. “Hey, why so blue sis?” he asked and made me come back to reality. “Huh? What? I’m not blue,” I said quickly. “Don’t worry, he’s not going there to die! I’ll look after him personally,” said Hurricane and made everypony laugh. Well, everypony except from Soarin and I. Soarin only smiled sadly and I did the same with a sad sigh. “If YOU wanna look after him, he’ll definitely die,” said Speedy with a chuckle and made others laugh harder. “Aren’t wives supposed to be at their husband’s side?” said Hurricane. “Honey, it’s the truth,” said Speedy. This time, I let out a snicker too. Soarin, also, chuckled a bit. “Feelin’ better?” whispered Hurricane in my ear with a smile. “A little,” I answered with a bitter smile. “Looks like somepony’s so in love that she can’t stand being away from her love even for a second!” said Hurricane with a wink. “What? No! I’m not in love with anypony,” I said with crossed hooves. “Then why are you this sad of him leaving you?” he asked with a raised eyebrow. “I… I don’t know…” “Trust me sis, it’s the one and only love. The one you were looking for at the first place.” “Although I’m sure it’s not love, but if you think this is love, it’s so strange…” “… and heartwarming. You’ll find out one day,” he said as he placed a hoof on my shoulder. “Think about it while he’s away. Being alone helps you figure out your feelings.” “Maybe…” I mumbled as I thought about what he said. He was right… kinda. But that moment sure wasn’t the right time to think. “ALL ABOARD! TO THE CLOUDSDALE,” shouted the conductor. It was time to leave. Soarin had to go to Cloudsdale first to meet up with his teammates and then he had to leave the Cloudsdale for his tour. I looked at him with sad eyes but this time, he didn’t notice or if he did, he paid no attention. “Okay everypony, goodbye,” exclaimed Soarin. “See you guys soon,” continued Hurricane. “Bye bye uncle!” exclaimed Gummy happily. “Take care Soar!” called Cloudy. “Don’t forget to call,” said Speedy to Hurricane. The only pony left was me. I try to stop myself from choking with tears, I looked up and stared at his wonderful emerald eyes. It was probably going to be the last time in a long time I saw them. “Goodbye…” I said, although shaky. I tried to smile and hide all of my sadness behind it. It didn’t really looked like a true smile, but at the moment, it was the last thing I could think of. “Rainbow, can you follow me?” said Soarin. He didn’t wait for my answer. He grabbed my hoof and dragged me along. Once we were away from others, he turned to me and said, “Let it out.” “L-l-let out w-what?” I stuttered. “Whatever you’re thinking of. Whatever placed this sadness in your eyes,” answered Soarin. I opened my mouth to say something in defense but nothing came out. Instead, I felt my eyes filling with tears again. He said let it out didn’t he? Well, I did exactly the same. I burst in tears and throw myself at his arms. He squirmed but wrapped his arms around me as soon as he felt me in his arms. Few seconds later, he put his cheek on my head and started stroking my mane with one of his hooves. I continued sobbing in his embrace and let all of sadness out. “I’ll miss you,” I whispered sadly as I tried to not cry anymore. “I still don’t have to go. I can stay with you and you’ll never miss me again,” he whispered back softly. I quickly looked up upon hearing that. “No! Nononono! I know most of Wonderbolt rules. If you don’t go to this tour, you won’t receive this year’s salary. I don’t want to make you waste all of the effort you made this year,” I said quickly. “You’re not making me do anything. I’m doing it all on my own and don’t worry about salary. I have enough money to celebrate the entire wedding on my own and without anypony’s help. This year’s salary won’t help me much,” said Soarin. “No, you… you have to go…” I said to him. He smiled bitterly at me. “Am I this awful? Do you hate me this much that you’re making me go away?” My eyes quickly widened as he spoke. “What? No! Of course no Soarin. I… I have to think. A lot. And you have to do your job. Of course I want you to stay but it’s not possible so let’s live with it.” “I guess you’re right,” replied Soarin with a sigh. I sighed too and lowered my head. “Soarin, we’re gonna be late! Hurry up!” called Hurricane. Soarin glanced at his direction for few seconds before turning back to me. Right at the moment I sighed sadly again and a single tear fell from my eyes. Soarin who saw this, caught the tear as soon as it fell and kissed my face right where the tear drop was. Then he leaned to my ear and whispered, “Don’t you dare cry when I’m away. If you do, I find out very quickly because whenever a tear fell from your beautiful eyes, my heart clutches like somepony’s squeezing it very tight.” Art by:Moonlightprincess002 A blush appeared on my face as he spoke the words. Did he really thought my eyes were beautiful? “SOARIN!” shouted Hurricane. “COMIN’!” shouted back Soarin. Then he turned back to me and stared at my eyes with a smile. “Always know that I’ll miss you too. A lot. I gotta go now.” His smile was a true one but his eyes were filled with sadness. He kissed me lightly on forehead and whispered, “Good bye… my love.” And he quickly flew to the train as he ended the sentences. What he said literally put my whole body on fire let alone my cheeks. It was as if I was thrown in the fire. I tried to gulp and think of what he said. Did he really, truly said THAT? But… but… “SOARIN WAIT!” I shouted as I started running after the train but it was too late because the train was nothing but a small dot in the horizon. “No…” I mumbled with disappointment. My eyes filled with tears again. I didn’t even get to say goodbye to him. I didn’t even get to ask him what did he mean of what he said cause if he really meant it not only I wouldn’t let him go to this trip but also no other place. But it was late. Very late… Stay with me cause when you’re with me, I can take on the world but once you turn your head away from me, I won’t be able to speak even a word.