//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: The Apple for Spike // by Misty Moonshine //------------------------------// Elf Gun had it all planned out, he would sneak up and kill the ruthless stallion that was in front of them. Caramel, the no good idiot worker of his former ally. Rider Plaz didn't know anything. He didn't know that he had hired a brainless piece of dirt for a worker. Elf knew what he was doing. He had one goal. He was going to succeed and he knew it from the bottom of his stone hard heart. The moon was a crescent and the light was very dim. Most ponies were in bed so it was all good. If only that little purple dragon wasn't watching him with green shining eyes. Wait someone was watching him? "Uhh.. excuse me...?" The little being asked politely, not knowing he was talking to a killer. "Who are you, and what it that?" The unicorn moved backwards and deviated his gun. "Do you know who you are talking to?" the killer said in a deep gruff voice. Spike shrugged, he honestly had no idea. "Um, a colt that should be in bed?" Elf snarled at the dragon, "Very funny, now get out of the way if you want to live for another minute." Spike nodded and quickly moved to another bush, he was just tall enough to see the pair arguing. He couldn't let them die, yes he hated Caramel but no, he didn't deserve death. Well, not yet. Spike gave a high pitched girl scream. "MOVE IF YOU WANT TO LIVE!" Applejack and Caramel did flee but Spike had to face the consequences, as he thought. To his amaze Elf had disappeared. So close and yet so far. "UGH!" The mini stallion screamed in dismay. That stupid dragon had gotten the best of him. He should have just shot, now he needed at different plan. Caramel was not very bright, this was gonna be easy. He had just the right plan. He used his magic to lift up a quill and carefully wrote, Caramel, You have done well with your job, you have done just as ordered and I am proud of you. You deserve everything that I am going to do to you. As for my order, you must come to Canterlot, it'll be so important that you must be on time. No mare friends allowed. I need you to meet me in my office on 3rd street New Pegasus. Be there at 10:00 pm sharp tomorrow night. NO tools or weapons necessary. Thanks again my friend Rider Plaz The grey unicorn with flaming red hair smiled at his work. Caramel was sure to turn up, his scorpion on his flank was nodding with enthusiasm. When he was younger, Rider was looking for an apprentice, both Elf and Caramel signed up, but Elf didn't get it. That other pony did. It wasn't fair, he needed revenge. Sweet revenge. Oh the sweetness. Elf had 1,000,000 bits under his name but he wasn't scared. He was the one ponies feared. When they heard his name, they would freak out and run like mad cows around the world. He liked that feeling. No, he LOVED it. His past wasn't his present. His present was his future. Elf Gun was not always so harsh, he was once a young colt at Princess Celestia's school for gifted unicorns before he came to be who he was nowadays. He was once top of the class before that "Twilight Sparkle" turned up, she ruined everything. Elf got bullied for both not growing or getting a growth spurt but also for his blank flank. That blank grey flank that now had a black scorpion on it wasn't always so frightening. It used to be blank, he had the nickname of 'Blank Dwarf' it wasn't cool. He hated it. He hated all the fillies and colts at that pathetic school. That's way he quit. Elf felt his life had taken a huge turn since the last events, it was hard to think strait about everything, how it had gone so fast. How much he had changed. It was a great feeling being feared, he often said to himself when he felt regret, he couldn't hand himself in. He was Elf Gun and he was brave, fearless and feared. Caramel grabbed the letter that was sitting in his oak mailbox. The paper was a sickly yellow and was taped together. He carefully opened up the letter and read the note that was left inside. Rider Plaz was finally paying him back for all his hard work! He had gone through so many dilemmas and was finally getting was he deserved. Caramel squealed like a little girl, Applejack could not find out. She just couldn't. The orange mare was sitting outside Caramel's doorway, waiting for him to open up already. She impatiently tapped her hoof before hearing a high pitched squeal. "EEK! AHHH! YES!" She bucked the door open and saw Caramel holding a yellow note in his hoofs and jumping up and down. "Caramel? Are you okay, it looks like somepony got accepted into Hogwarts." Caramel shot her a confused glance, "Hogwarts?" Where was that? He smiled at his marefriend and rolled his sky-blue eyes. "I'm going out tonight, you don't need to be there." Applejack looked startled, night. There was a killer on the loose and he was going out at night? "Where are you going mister?" Caramel thought for a split second. "Uhh, to the pub?" Applejack nodded, she was going to follow him no matter what he said. Luna's moon shined brightly over the pitch black horizon, a Caramel coloured stallion was making his way down the street to the train station. He kicked the little pebbles high in the air as they plummeted back down to earth. Applejack was about 20 feet away from him closely following what she thought was her coltfriend. She traced his steps so the pebbles would stay on the dusty floor. Caramel quickened up his pace and it slowly turned into an upbeat march. "Heigh Ho lets go! Off we go to work!" The mare walked faster as well, trying not to get kicked in the face by the rocks he kicked up into the air. They got to the train-station. This was not the pub. Applejack pulled out a few bits and walked in carefully. She found a seat behind Caramel but it was so dark he couldn't see her. The train stopped in Canterlot, the light from the moon dimming. Caramel quickly got off the train with Applejack right behind him. As the stallion walked through to find Rider he carefully looked around to see if anyone was looking, Applejack hid behind, poles buildings and even cats. The office wasn't far, Elf was ready. The unicorn had his gun all ready, this was going to be torture. He had brought along his own invention to test on Caramel, it was a electrifying chair that could kill. *(THE NEXT PART CONTAINS DEATH!)* Caramel trotted up the steps to the office and carefully looked around for inspection. He made his way in, with Applejack close behind. "Welcome. Caramel" said an unfamiliar voice. This was not Rider's voice, Caramel knew that. "Who are you?" The murderer smiled, "You'll see soon my friend. You'll get what you deserve..." Caramel looked around, nervous. "Please sit down." The unicorn pointed the the invention of his with a wide toothy grin. Caramel nodded and made his way to the seat- "AHHHHHH!" *BUZZ BUZZZ* The seat made his hair go on points, it also made him weaker than ever. Applejack almost screamed. "Now we get to the main event." Elf snarled. He grabbed his gun from behind and fired at the stallion three times. They all hit the target, one on his nose, one on his stomach and one piercing his heart. Caramel was dead. Elf had succeeded. He stepped into the oozing blood with a victorious smile. Applejack felt her heart go *pitter patter* as she tried not to watch. "Come on out Applejack, no need to be afraid." The mare felt a shiver go down her spine, this creepy colt knew whom she was? She stepped out dumbly and felt her heart break at the sight of her fiancé. "No need to be upset, he was cheating on you." The grey unicorn said without looking back at her. Applejack felt a piece of torn up paper make it to her now bloody hooves. Caramel, Are you ready for your next big task? I'm sure you, my faithful assistant is. Find that Applejack and marry her. I need her. I need her. I need her. If you fail, I shall kill you, she must not find out our plan. Rider. Applejack looked uncomfortable. "THIS IS A LIE!" She screamed, "CARAMEL LOVES ME!" The unicorn finally turned around. He had a pair of beady yellow eyes with a huge scar going down it, his red hair had blood drenched on the edges. She finally realised he was Elf Gun. The Elf Gun. The pony even Princess Celestia feared. "Do you wish to not agree with me?" He asked with no emotion in his voice." Applejack froze. "I SAID DO YOU WISH NOT TO AGREE WITH ME?" He asked even louder. His eyes snarled and he had his gun in his magical glow. Applejack shook her head. "No sir..." She then took off like a bullet through the door leaving an Applejack sized hole behind her. Applejack didn't stop, she ran. She ran as fast as she could. She didn't look back. She couldn't. "This had to be all a dream... it had to be" she thought. Caramel couldn't have died, not so gruesomely. She was the element of Honesty, she was powerful as well. Just because Elf invented "Guns" and scary chairs didn't mean he was powerful. Thought went through her head quickly, tears streamed out of her bloodshot eyes. She boarded a train and without paying ran out. Ponyville. She couldn't hold it in. Spike saw her running he looked scared. Applejack ran into his arms and collapsed. She couldn't hold it in. "He cheated on me..." She said between sniffs... "I thought he was the one...." Spike stroked her mane lovingly, it was so soft. "You'll find your one love, he's just in front of you. The one that truely cares about you deep within." Applejack sniffed "If he likes me so much, why doesn't he tell me?" Spike sighed and broke down himself. Elf was pleased with himself, he did it. He killed his nemesis. He killed Caramel. It was so simple. Caramel was so dumb, he didn't notice that it was all a trick, and that marefriend of his, she would soon reunite with him. She would join him, Elf just needed another plan. He thought carefully. What could it be? Elf looked over at the dead body of Caramel, he was dead. Finally. Dead! The blood looked as nice as a chocolate cupcake in Elf's eyes. The dead look on Caramel's face though. It was priceless. HE DID IT! "Wait till Rider finds out" the villain said with a huge smile on his evil face. Rider walked into his office proud of his kill of a bunny (Poor Fluttershy) and turned to spot red liquid on the floor. He turned the light on with his magic to see the assistant dead. "Caramel?" Dead. All of the arrows pointed towards ELf. "I'll get my revenge on you ELF GUN! YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE LAST OF ME!"