The Other Side

by DJ Bronified

The Plan

Chapter 7

The Planning Room was a dimly lit room with a circular lit up table in the center with a hologram of a Forest on it. The hologram was powered by a generator in the corner of the room with tubes of bright purple magic on the sides. Shadow told me that all the power in the Castle was by a generator room in the back of the Castle and was powered by Unicorn magic. Every morning certain Unicorns would go and fill the tubes up, and then the Castle would have power for a day. On the left side of the Planning Room there was a giant map of Equestria that was lit from behind. On the map there were markings on all Major Cities. I was guessing they were planning something. As i entered the room i saw Shining in front of the table talking to another Guard Pony. Shining heard me walk in and turned his head to me. Also directing the attention of the Guard Pony to me. I saw that the Guard Pony was the pony from yesterday, Captain Hawk.

"Ah, Beat so nice of you to join us." Shining said to me.

"Yea no problem." i told him. Hawk just nodded to me, i nodded back.

"Okay, so Glowstick told you about the mission that i have put you on?" Shining said as he walked to the other side of the table, Hawk followed him and stood on the left side of the table.

"Yes, he did." i replied, remembering how Glowstick tried to keep it from me. I walked forward until i was in front of the table.

"Alright." he answered "As I hope you know, Tirek controls the Everfree Forest that our Castle here is inside of, And our first objective is to obtain control of the Forest. Not only so we don't have to worry about attacks, but also so we can expand. Our Population in this Castle increases everyday, and we need to expand." He explained. "but in order to do that, we need to destroy Tirek and Destroy Chrysalis's Presence in the Forest." He said

"Now wait." what you're saying is that I'm just being thrown in a assassination Operation without even my consent?" I interrupted .

"Oh, Celestia no." he responded. "The mission is to weaken the Base Tirek has created." he said. Shining pointed to the hologram. I now noticed the hologram was the Everfree Forest.

"Here's his base." Shining said pointing to a clearing on the map. It was shaped like a hexagon. " You and the squad you will be put in are taking control of these." He said, the map scrolled over away from the base and to 3 smaller bases, square shaped, all with a tower like structure in the middle. " You will need to liberate the towers, which will cut energy flow to Tirek, which will in the end weaken him."

"Alright." i said, relieved I didn't have to go assassinate some all powerful being with a couple of basic trained soldiers.

"Hawk here will be leading this operation." Shining informed me. " Each base is about a 3 miles apart and the walk to just one base is a 20 mile trek so I recommend getting some practice in, choose what weapons you'll use, then get some sleep because you wont be getting much tomorrow. Dismissed." He said turning away from me and starting his conversation with Hawk back up.

I turned and started to walk out the door, planning to go to the Training Area, when Hawk ran in front of me and stopped me. She glared at me.

"Don't screw anything up." She said with a stern voice. " There's gonna be about 20 Changelings at each base so you better be prepared." She told me. She then turned and walked back over to Shining.

"Great. 20 Changelings. Now there's a lot of pressure on me." I thought before huffing, I needed to train hard. And i planned on doing just that.


I entered the Training Area. Arena to my left, Armory to my right. I searched the area for any other pones. None. Besides the unicorns that work in the towers there were no other ponies training.

"Great." I thought. " I have the place all to me."

I walked over to the Armory and entered it. I thought that getting weapons before practicing may be the most logical thing to do. It looked a lot like a bank teller. A counter, a fence window. with a pony behind and all the weapons racked up behind him. Although, now that I think about it back tellers have glass windows.

"Can I help you?" He asked with a slight hint of rudeness. He was reading a magazine and I guess I was interrupting.

"Yes." I answered. "I'm going on a mission tomorrow and need gear. General's orders."

"Ah. alright." He replied, closing the magazine. "What would you like?"

I started browsing the rack behind him. I started with looking through the sword gauntlets. They all had a different lengths from 12' to 36'. I decided I would use a 22' gauntlet and a silver chest piece and boots

" A 22' Gauntlet and that set of silver armor please. Leave out the helmet." I told him. He gave me a weird look then turned and levitated the items over to the counter.

"Alright. dressing rooms over there if you want to try on another set." He told me.

"oh no this set will be perfect." I said, slipping on the armor. I was right, it fit perfectly. Wasn't too heavy wasn't too light. it didn't even rattle when I was walking over to the Arena.

I guess the tower unicorns must of understood my intentions because when they saw me walk over there they all went to their towers. I redirected myself and headed for the center of the arena.

"What do you want?" one of the tower unicorns asked.

"Randomize them." I told him. Thinking now, I'm going to be up against 8 Changelings with my squad. so why not practice with. 5 for now.

"5 of them." I yelled to the tower unicorn.

The 5 of the holograms appeared me and immediately started darting at me.

"Well. Here we go again." It thought.
