I am Red, you are Blue, this title is long, I love you!

by Red and Black Alicorn OC

The Tale of Red and Blue.

The strange pony with fake attached wings and horn clad in black skin tight cloth with rips revealing a red coat meant to look like patterns was looking at her. Blue Saffyre regretted walking over to this mauve flower that was now in her mouth. The stranger was ogling her, and she didn't find that all that comfortable. She spoke.


Deathbridle was focussing on her features. Two different shades of blue made up her mane, one shade darker than the other, but both weren't as light as her azure coloured mane. Her eyes were a similar coloured blue, but stood out boldly.

"Um, hello? Are you okay?"

She said something, to him, so he responded with something she'd remember, something she'd look back at and smile at whenever she looked at her spouse.

"My Queen is pretty!"

The strange pony dressed up as an alicorn said that his Queen is pretty. Not only has this stallion returned from a freak costume party, but he is also experiencing the symptoms of one too many drinks— not that she could blame him for that last one. But 'Queen?' Could he be referring to her? Doesn't matter, it'd be best that she took her flower and left.

"Yeah, hi, I'm just gonna go thataway."

The flower she had was aligned with multiple petals swirling around the stem, each of them very small and coloured purple. Deathbridle IV smiled and thought of the near future.

Blue had a curious yet quizzical look to her face, hard to describe, but she decided that it was time to leave this strange person alone.

Deathbridle noticed her taking steps out through an open space in the flora and called after her.

"No wait, I need you my Queen! I need your help!"

Blue regretted telling her bodyguards that she wanted to be alone. She quickened her pace.

The blue pony was trying to lead him somewhere, somewhere he didn't know, but it didn't matter, she was his Queen after all, he would do anything to help her.

Blue was being stalked by this stranger. Great. All she wanted to do was look about the forest and enjoy the summer. Now she was going to have to get her guards all the way outside the forest. Great.

Blue looked towards the stranger and saw that he was following her with an odd sense of nobleness and eagerness. Blue could get to her guards and order them to stop this stranger, but she was slightly intrigued by this, unique, pony.

The blue pony rotated her whole body by 180 degrees. She looked intently into Deathbridle IV's eyes, as if she were scanning him. Deathbridle IV lowered his rump to the ground and breathed in, heaving his chest up in the process.

The stranger was sitting in front of her, breathing rapidly in gasped breaths. She decided to start conversation with this odd being. He seemed harmless after all.

"Hello, erm, did you want to speak? To me?"

The strange pony breathed in for some more air again before speaking.

"Are you my Queen?"

Blue sighed in relief; at least she could make basic conversation with this pony.

"Maybe, I mean, I am a Queen, but not of this area. I am visiting this land because I wanted to see the flora."

Deathbridle IV understood half of those words; "I am Queen", "of this area", "the flora".

Blue noticed that the strange pony hung onto every word she said, intently listening to her. He was having a hard time listening to her, but Blue had to give it to him; he seems to be trying.

Deathbridle IV tried to valiantly digest each of her words to form a sentence.

" You are flora Queen of this area!"

Blue didn't want to burst his happy moment of success for him so she simply smiled uncertainly and nodded.

"Aye, that I am."

The strange man was banging his head against the nearest tree in glee. The handmade horn breaking from the force of his banging abilities? Blue decided that that sounded wrong. The stranger's cloth was caught on a small branch that pulled at a small hole in his clothing, revealing more of his crimson coloured coat. What was he doing?

Deathbridle IV was celebrating. What he was celebrating he wasn't really aware of, but this was his form of celebration. Usually he'd slam his face against his throne, but he had to make do with this tree for the time being.

"Stop, stop doing that!"

Blue was pulling the red pony's body away from the tree. She would've let him carry on if it wasn't for the small river of blood making its way down his face. She dropped her Mauve flower and reached into her saddlebags.

As the blue pony— as Deathbridle's Queen— went through her saddlebag, he noticed that she was throwing up petals and flowers as she looked for something. It was a romantic setting with all the flora and trees. The setting sun's light shine through a clearing upon his Queen and she looked more beautiful than he could remember. Then he noticed the pain.

"Kill the pain!!!"

The red pony was headbutting the floor this time, great. After casting aside enough flowers and flora she found a packet of tissues. Bundling up about ten of them together she walks over to the red and black mess of hair and put her hoof around his neck.

Deathbridle IV was paralysed with shock, his Queen, was touching his shoulder. His Queen rose up above his head and looked at it with worry, was she noticing his pain?

"Kill the pain."

"Don't worry, I'll kill the pain."

Blue had no other first aid materials to aid this pony, so she pressed the bundle of tissues against his matted red and black mane where she thought the cut was.


She now knew the location of his wound.

Blue noticed that the bundle of tissues were starting to seep up the blood coming from his wound, so she forged an even bigger bundle of tissues to replace the used ones.

Deathbridle IV was hypnotised by his Queen. She held a calm restrained beauty within in her that made him calm. Or at least calmer than usual. Deathbridle knew that she was caring for him, that she cared for him. This made him very happy.

As Blue dabbed more tissues against the stallion's head, she looked at the pony's unveiled face for the first time. A standard complexion, with a slightly shorter snout than the average stallion. The flow of blood reached down to his right cheek bone, and hid behind his onyx hair with a undesirable sanguine dye mixed in with it. His eyes were covered by two pieces of transparent sheets of plastic coloured red. Blue reached towards the plastic sheets with her hoof but stopped when she saw the red pony flinch back. Blue licked her dry lips and swallowed.

"May I?"

Deathbridle IV wasn't used to his costume being off. It showed his power, superiority and status but— he considered his Queen to be worthy of that status too. She was his Queen, and he'd let her do anything she wanted. Deathbridle IV nodded.

Blue reached towards the plastic sheets and pulled them off.


She only just noticed the transparent pieces of tape attached to his eyelids.