//------------------------------// // Just Let It All Out // Story: A Shoulder To Cry On // by ShadyAwesomeness //------------------------------// Anger. That's all that is in her mind. Not just anger, but rage, fury and mostly, depression. She lies on her bed with her eyes streaming with tears as she sobs quietly. It's been about two weeks since Rainbow Dash came back from the Wonderbolts academy. She has been working repeatedly for the past few months on trying to be in with the Wonderbolts. Working entirely on preforming various stunts and keeping her wings strong as they could. As a young filly, being with the Wonderbolts was always her dream. Her parents always knew that no matter what happens in the near future, they know that their daughter will achieve her goal. Until now...... Two weeks ago.......... Rainbow Dash ran through the halls inside the Wonderbolts academy. Spitfire just asked her to meet her in her office. She has no idea why, but it seems very important for her to meet her. As she walks up, she starts feeling uneasy thinking something is not right. "Ugh, maybe it's just all the workout." As she reaches to the front door of Spitfire's office, she could hear voices especially loud commotions inside. "What's going on in there?" she thought. As she opens the door slowly and inside, she is confronted by not only Spitfire, but her coach and Soarin. "Ah Rainbow Dash, glad you've made it." she says. "Please, have a seat." As Rainbow Dash sats down, she witness a frown on Sorian's face. "Okay, what the hay is going on hear?" she replies out loud. Before her coach could say anything, Spitfire spoke out. "Listen Rainbow Dash, what I'm about to tell you is not going to be easy, so brace yourself." she says in a quiet tone. Rainbow Dash listens carefully on she has to say. "Rainbow, ever since you came here in the academy, you have been one of the best flyers we have ever came across and as much as I want you to be with the Wonderbolts, I'm afraid I can't. As soon those words left her lips, Rainbow Dash stood there in her chair stunned. "W-what do you mean?" she asks worriedly. Before Spitfire could have chance to continue, Sorian spoke out. "Rainbow, I'm sorry to say this to you but, you have been replaced." "Replaced, by who?" said Rainbow Dash trying to keep her anger to herself. "By Lighting Dust." said her coach. "She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Out of all the ponies in Equestria, she has been replaced by her former wing partner. The pony who almost took out all of her friends with a tornado. "But why would you guys replace me over her, after what she's done!" yelled Rainbow Dash. "Listen Rainbow, we understand what she did, it's just, ever since she came back to us and begged us to give her a second chance, well, we gave it to her, and after we saw the improvement she has done, we realized that we can't have two lead ponies." "And because of Lighting Dust's new improvement, and forgive me when I say this Rainbow, but we had no choice but to replace you and release you out of the Wonderbolts Academy." said Spitfire Rainbow Dash could have sworn that she felt a wave of chills hit her spine when heard those words coming out of Spitfire's lips. "BUT WHY, YOU GUYS KNOW HOW IMPORTANT THIS IS TO ME!" she yelled in fury. "IT WAS MY DREAM TO BE A WONDERBOLTS AND NOW YOUR JUST GONNA KICK ME OUT JUST BECAUSE OF LIGHTNING DUST!" Both Soarin and her coach backed off feeling a wave off her yelling and frustration being flowed into their faces. Soarin couldn't help but feel sorry for what Rainbow Dash was hearing. She and him have known each other at a young age, not to mention having a small crush on her. He knew that no matter what kind of crazy ideas Rainbow Dash tries to do, he knew that she'll be a Wonderbolt. But now, seeing her in tears of anger only made him feel sorry for her. "Rainbow I'm sorry to tell you this, but I'm going to have to ask for your badge back." her coach said. "Rainbow Dash looks down at her uniform where her badge as lead pony shines directly in her eyes. Not wanting to stay there any longer, she pulls the badge out of her uniform and throws it directly at Spitfire's face. "Here, take your stupid badge back you ungrateful piece of crap!" she yells with anger. She then turns around and leaves the room shutting the door with a big loud THUMP leaving Sorian, her coach and Spitfire with sad expression on their faces. "I'm so sorry Rainbow Dash, please forgive me." Spitfire thought for herself. Present Day... As she cries into her pillow, Rainbow Dash couldn't help but yell in frustration. Her mind being filled with the memory that Spitfire had just informed her. After everything that she worked so hard at had been nothing but a waste of time. All the hard work she spent months in trying to be in the Wonderbolts have been turned down. How could Spitfire do something like this. Replacing her for Lighting Dust? The second her name came filling her mind, Rainbow Dash grabbed her pillow and threw it furiously across her room hitting her a nearby shelf knocking down a few of her Daring Doo books on the floor scaring her pet tortoise Tank in the process. Trying to control her head, she breaks down crying again on the floor holding Tank close to her. "Uh Rainbow Dash?" said a calm and quiet voice. Rainbow Dash raises her head up and sees Fluttershy just outside her bedroom door looking at her worried. "F-Fluttershy, how did you get in here?" asked Rainbow Dash as she wipes her tears off. "Uh, I was coming to see you, but you weren't answering your door when I knocked, but it was unlocked." she said. It was true that Rainbow Dash forgot to lock her door when she came back to see her friends earlier. For the past week, all five of her friends began to notice her strange behavior. Though she hasn't told them why, she decided to not to. Her friends always checking up on her telling her if everything was alright in which she simply replied "yeah." But as for Fluttershy, knowing her best friend wasn't feeling alright, came to check up on her. "Rainbow Dash, are you okay?" asked Fluttershy worriedly. "Uh y-yeah I'm f-fine." said Rainbow Dash trying to keep her tears to herself. "Rainbow." said Fluttershy as she noticed something wasn't right. She then walks up to her and she notices fresh tears covering her cheeks . Knowing that she isn't okay, she wraps her hooves around her back. Not able to control her emotions anymore, Rainbow Dash breaks down sobbing into Fluttershy's chest. Looking up she then spots her bed nearby to where they're are. She then picks up Rainbow Dash by the hooves and walks her towards her bed. "It's ok Rainbow, I'm right here." she says trying to calm her down. "I- I'm sorry Fluttershy." she says sobbing loudly. "I- I can't, I just- She was then silent by Fluttershy's hoof in her lips. She looks up and sees her teal eyes glowing directly in her eyes. It was nice for her that somepony still cared for her. "It's okay Rainbow Dash, I already know what's been going on with you." she says. "Really, h-how?" she asks. "Soarin came up to me earlier and told me everything between you and Spitfire about the Wonderbolts academy." said Fluttershy. "He did?" asks Rainbow Dash. "Yes he did, he feels so sorry for what you've been going through and told me the moment he saw me." said Fluttershy. "He's been trying to find you and tell you how sorry he feels about you being replaced and kicked out of the academy. Rainbow Dash couldn't believe what she's hearing. She didn't knew that Soarin had sympathy for her. Though it is true that he always lay eyes on her whenever they're training together, even back at flight camp when they were young. But she never knew he was this nice to know that he still cared about her and her dream to be a Wonderbolt. Fluttershy then hugged her back as she wraps a wing behind her back gently caressing her. Rainbow Dash hugs back at Fluttershy sobbing quietly into her chest. It pained Fluttershy to see Rainbow Dash crying. Ever since they were young fillies, Rainbow Dash would always protect and defend her from bullies. The two were always close sharing their moments together by laughing and talking to each other. It's no wonder that Fluttershy considers her as a sister to her. But now seeing her tough friend crying from an ungrateful event, she could only stay and hold her close. "It's alright Rainbow Dash, just let it all out." she says cooing in her ears. "If you ever need anyone to talk to, I'll always be there for you." She continues to hold her close while rubbing her back softly with her hoof. Rainbow Dash has never felt so relaxed and better before. Being close to Fluttershy only makes her painful memories fade away. She still feels a bit hurt on the inside for what has happened for between her and the Wonderbolts. But now she doesn't care anymore. There is nothing that matters to her but being comfort by one of her closest and loving best friends. Letting all out of her emotions out made her lifeless and tired. She then lays her head on her pillow as she slowly closes her eyes drifting to sleep. Fluttershy could only smile to see her friend sleeping peacefully. She then lays her head down and gently brushes her mane as she sleeps next to her resting on top of her mane.