//------------------------------// // Chapter 13: Salt City Blues // Story: Ponies Meet New York // by Caddy Finz //------------------------------// "We're almost there." Vincent said to me as we crossed the line into Onondaga County. "This sure brings back memories." I replied. Within five minutes, I could see the skyline and before we knew it we were there. Syracuse, also known as salt city because of its many salt mines in the area. This city is home to one of the state's best college basketball teams, the worst hockey team, the biggest mall on the East coast, the New York State Fairgrounds and the most polluted lake in the world. I remembered everything so well yet a lot has changed since I was last here but some things remained just the same. The mall was renamed and made a lot bigger since I last saw it but the putrid smell emitting from Onondaga Lake was as strong as ever. The big billboard said the dredging project was complete. Yeah, right. That lake's still got a long way to go. A body of water can only recover so quickly from having puddles of mercury sitting on the bottom. "It does feel kinda nice to be back." Vincent said as he looked around. "I see the city's school district uses the same buses they had back in the nineties. I don't think they'll ever replace those old shit wagons." "Ah, politicians giving themselves raises instead of investing in education, eh?" I said. "Go figure. Some things just never change." "Amen to that, dude." After finding something we both agreed on, Vincent suddenly did something that really took me by surprise. He made a fist and held it in front of me expectantly. At first, I didn't know what to make of it but after a few seconds of holding it there, it dawned on me. He wanted my to bump his fist with my hoof. It was a wonderful feeling of making progress and getting along and may hopefully lead to bonding later. "C'mon, don't leave me hangin'." Vincent said. "Oh yeah, my bad." I replied as I bumped his fist. "So, where are we headed?" "Right where my mom is. We'll be there soon." "Oh man, I haven't been this excited in years. I can't wait to see Jennifer again. Hey, why are we heading back South? I thought you said you two lived in the North side." "Oh...Yeah I did, didn't I? Well...I guess I was mistaken then." "Uh, yeah. But how can you forget what part of town you lived in when you've been in this city your whole life?" "Shit happens, I guess." "Vincent, buddy you're starting to worry me. You're acting weird. What's wrong?" Vincent said nothing in response and just clammed up on me for the remainder of the drive. He was really confusing me by driving in a direction that didn't make sense and his demeanor changed so quickly I would have thought he was bipolar. My only hope was that he would start talking again once we came to a stop at this gate we were pulling up to. It was an old looking iron gate that appeared to lead to some kind of park. Vincent then stopped the car, got out and opened up this gate before getting back into the car and continuing to drive us through. I thought I couldn't get any more confused before but I was proven wrong as we drove past a large sign that made me worried and irritated at the same time. Oakwood Cemetery Bring out your dead! "Vincent, if this is your idea of a joke, this is too far!" I yelled as we drove further. Again, he said nothing. He in a way just froze up and stared forward with a zombie like look on his face. "Hey, I like a good joke as much as Pinkie but this isn't funny!" After a few more twists and turns down the path, I was starting to get incredibly pissed off. How could he pull such a sick joke and about his mother of all things? He then stopped the car, deployed the parking brake and shut the engine off. We were about to go for a little walk. "Follow me." Vincent said quietly as he opened the door and stepped out with the bouquet of flowers he bought earlier. "Vincent, listen to me." I said as I followed suit. "I like to think that I have a good sense of humor but I'm not fucking laughing!" After walking for about a minute or so, we came to a stop where Vincent then proceeded to light a cigarette. He just stood there puffing on his lung dart, his hand starting to shake more and more by the second. I stood just behind him waiting for him to say something...anything at all. I just wanted him to tell me what the meaning of all of this was and why we had to be at a Cemetery of all places. "Vinnie, come over here will ya?" Vincent finally said. I did as I was asked and trotted up next to Vincent as he continued to stand rooted to the spot. The past half hour was full of surprises, both pleasant and unpleasant. Just when I though I'd seen it all, Vincent flicked his cigarette butt away, lowered his hand down towards me and gently placed it on top of my head. A few seconds later, he actually started stroking my mane. I couldn't believe it. He was petting me. "Vincent?" I asked. "Why are you petti-" "Shhh, just cool it, alright?" Vincent said quietly, cutting me off. "Vinnie, I need you to listen to me very carefully. Can you do that for me?" "Okay, Vincent. I'll listen." "Okay. We both know we've been through a lot. Your friend Twilight told me everything and I understand...but you also need to understand why I brought you here. This was the only way I could think of for you to prove that you knew and loved my mother." Vincent then began slowly taking a few steps forwards as he started gently scratching behind my ears. "Look, you seem like an alright guy." Vincent continued. "I just wanna let you know how fuckin' shitty I feel about what I'm about to show you but I just have to know. Vinnie...my mom is *sniff* m-my *hic* my mom is right here...I'm sorry buddy." After letting go of my head, Vincent then knelt down in front of a grave stone and gently placed the flowers on the ground in front of it. This stone in question belonged to the only woman I truly loved and the mother of my son. According to the engravings on it, my beloved Jenny had been gone for seven months. Of all the things I had been through in my life, nothing could even compare to the pain I was feeling right now. They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. That may be true to an extent but what Vincent was showing me was about to break me very badly. After putting the flowers down, he returned his hand to my head and continued to pet me. Vincent, bless his soul was trying to comfort me at a time where he needed someone to comfort him. Still though, all the petting and ear scratching in the world couldn't keep me from having an inevitable breakdown. At first, I simply went numb as I read the name on the tombstone. The numbness was quickly replaced by all four of my legs shaking followed by me biting my lower lip. With my eyes shut tight and my legs beginning to shake more violently, they finally gave out and I fell to the ground in a sobbing mess of a pony at the base of the stone. "Jenny!" I sobbed. "I'm sorry! I'm so *hic* so sorry!" "Vi-Vinnie, it's okay." Vincent said as he sat down next to me and continued to stroke my mane. "Vinnie, it's all good, she forgave you." "Jenny, I let you down! Ah fuck, I'm so sorry!" "Vinnie, listen to me! Before she died, she told me she forgave you! You're both at peace, I promise!" Vincent's attempts to comfort me weren't working. I barely heard what he had said about Jenny forgiving me so he then decided to change his approach and instead to try to get me to stifle my emotions, which isn't good for you to do, to just lay there and let time take its course. "Vinnie, just let it out." Vincent said as we both continued to weep. "We've got all day, we're in no hurry. Don't bottle it up, just let it all out." Vincent and I continued to weep for what seemed like an hour or so until we both finally started to quiet down. With my head now on his lap as we sat by the gravestone he kept petting me and scratching behind my ears to help comfort me. The pony in me couldn't help but be pacified by his actions. Even if it hadn't worked, the thought alone was enough to bring some peace and quiet to the situation. I could tell that he felt bad about having to tell me that his mother was gone but I would have found out sooner or later anyway. Now that we were both exhausted from all the crying though, we needed to talk about it. "So how did she die?" I asked as I picked my head up to look Vincent right in the eye. "She had cancer." Vincent replied. "I gotta tell you though...when we found out a couple years ago, she tried to contact you. We found out that you were classified as a missing person so for a while we thought that the mob life had finally caught up with you. When she was on her deathbed, she told me that she forgave you and made me promise that I'd keep looking for you in case you were still around." "Sh-she tried to call me?" "Yeah but just trust me. She left this world peacefully and without a single regret...well...she did regret leaving in the first place because she knew I wasn't gonna do well without her. She was all I had until...wow man." "What?" "Until I met...my dad. That was my proof right there. If you didn't really know my mom, you wouldn't have broken down like that. I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm talking to my father right now. I'm gonna need a moment for that to sink in." "Take all the time you need. I felt that way the other night when the girls and I found you passed out drunk. Hey, that reminds me..." "Of what?" "Vincent, it just breaks my heart to have met you in the state you're in. Why did you start drinking so much?" "People aren't usually supposed to grow up without a dad and then lose their mom at twenty-two, dude. I found that it was the only way I could deal with it without..." "Without what?" "Nevermind." I had a hunch on what Vincent was about to tell me but I couldn't be sure unless I got him to just come out and say it. I knew for a fact that it was gonna hurt but I panned on turning my kid's life around and I needed to know about all of his problems if I was gonna do it. "Vincent, please." I asked. "Just tell me. My number one goal now is to help you get better." "On more than one occasion...I've thought about killing myself." "Okay well since you just told me that, I just want you to understand that I'm not letting you leave my sight. I've already let you and your mother down and...Goddamnit, I'm not doing that again! I failed to do my duty before and from here on out, I'm gonna take care of you!" "Whoa, dude. That feels...great to hear somebody say that. I know I'm fucked up and need the help so I don't think I can bitch about that. Look, why don't we get outta here and get us something to eat, eh? I dunno about you but I'm pretty hungry." "Same here. We need to talk about our future as father and son and It'll be easier on a full stomach. What do you have in mind?" The two of us thought for a moment on what we were hungry for. There were a lot of great places in Syracuse to get a bite so we wouldn't have to go very far. I've always liked having breakfast food during any time of day. I was going to let Vincent choose but not without making a suggestion first." "How about Funk 'n Waffles?" We both said in unison. "Whoa." Vincent said. "Yeah, actually that sounds awesome." "It's on me, buddy." I replied. "Let's go."