I am Red, you are Blue, this title is long, I love you!

by Red and Black Alicorn OC

Green doesn't mix well with either Red or Blue.

Blue was having a hard time understanding this strange specimen as he ran through the woods and screamed—


— she gave chase.

Deathbridle IV was scared, confused and worried. His Queen had helped him, had killed the pain, but she created more pain by removing his special vision, which tinted everything slighlty red, but now with all the colours untinted they burst and bloomed in his face like meteorites, or explosions. He tripped and fell flat on his face.

Blue saw him trip over a log, so learning from his mistake she skidded around the log with a surprising amount of skill. She ended up facing towards the red pony's spasming body. Trotting over to him, she looked precariously about her surroundings. She was unaware of this particular part of the forest, and she had little time to navigate where she was, but the area felt ominous. Trees leaned over her in a intimidating manner.

She tapped his head with her hoof and gained little response. Shaking him made him jump up in a unexpected motion, causing a loud gasp to escape Blue's lips. The gasp carried out through the woods, brushing past leaves and branches.

The pair stood there in silence. Blue had felt like she had just disturbed this part of the forest, awakened a sleeping giant.

Unaccustomed to the new colours, Deathbridle IV squinted and looked around the clearing. Silence.

Then, Blue heard the tell tale sound of a spell at work.

Deathbridle IV looked behind him, then to both his left and right, and then at his Queen, who was looking yonder his hooves.

Behind the red pony's hooves, Blue saw a green aura emitting from the log that he just tripped over mere seconds ago. It levitated centimetres up in the air and pulled away to Blue's left, and into the shrubbery.

Deathbridle IV heard the log levitate into the bush. He was worried, scared yet noble, so he walked towards the vegetation.

Blue watched as Red bravely crept towards the last known location of the log. She heard the entanglement of other raw wooden materials. And then a

Growl escaped from the bushes, paralysing Deathbridle IV into a figurine statue. Two emerald eyes peered through the leaves. That was when he felt a hoof tugging him away.

Galloping away with Red beside her, Blue concluded that she shouldn't have told her guards to wait outside the forest. They both smacked away leaves and vines, snapping branches and twigs to get away from the growing noise from these creatures, their howls.

They were climbing a steep hill until Deathbridle got caught on a mess of vines. He heard scampering behind him, the sound of feet thumping away at dirt. His Queen had seen him in trouble, and had come back. Tugging away at the vines, his Queen was aided by Deathbridle IV by pushing against them.

A good five seconds of running time was wasted until Red broke free from his restraints and followed en suit behind her. Blue's running came to an abrupt stop when she reached the edge of a canyon.

"No way am I—"

Fueled with the howling of the creatures, Deathbridle slammed against the body of his Queen, and grabbed her from under her forelegs.


Blue closed her eyes shut and, only when she didn't feel the impact of ground, opened up her eyes. She looked up, and saw Red flying through the air.

"Huh, so those wings aren't fake."

Deathbridle IV was going down faster than he would've liked, but it was better than nothing.

The couple made heavy-ish impact against the ground and came tumbling through the trees, and out of the Everfree forest.

Rubbing her head, Blue stood up on all fours and looked across the landscape which was clear of any trees. She looked behind her, into the forest, and noted that the howling had stopped. She'd lost them.

"We, had lost them."

Blue said to her inner third person voice as she looked upon the exhausted, unconscious body of Red. Sitting down, she looked at him for minutes, contemplating him. He was odd, quirky, a bit of an outcast when compared to the standards of modern day society. What she could gather of him was that he was loyal and dedicated, a bit dull and lacking on the social end of things, but a bright soul with a hidden potential within him.

She heard a voice, her guards, call out to her from the clearing. He had technically asked her out, she guessed, and she hadn't answered. She felt that it would be a little too soon to be considering marriage with him, and a nutcase at that, but she could invite him over for a dinner perhaps, just to get to know him more. She heard the hoofsteps draw near. She had to make a decision now, for all she knew she would never meet him again. And he did save her life before, as she had done for him.