Take With Food

by Norm De Plume

The Taste of Magic

If anyone was still worried about the Sirens faking their hunger, seeing the three of them shuffle into the room dispelled those doubts. They were dull-skinned, hunched over, and frightened as they saw all the people waiting for them. The Great and Powerful Trixie came in behind them and nodded at Sunset as she coaxed the Sirens towards everyone. “Trixie appreciates you acting on her message, Shimmer.”

“And we appreciate you sending it in the first place.” Sunset wanted to hug her, but Trixie's innate, overblown dignity wouldn't allow it in here, not in front of people. She only accepted praise, adoration, and grovelling while in public. Later, though, she would think of a way to thank Trixie for sending her that video in the first place.

Time to see if this was worth it. Sunset took a deep breath. If Princess Twilight were here, she would make a big speech about friendship and offer the Sirens any help they wanted. Well, she wasn't Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship. So she would do this the Sunset Shimmer way.

First of all, she had a backup plan. Even though she could see the Sirens were in terrible shape, she still had to prepare for a trap, and so had ordered Rainbow Dash to take all the schematics and notes and hide in a classroom nearby with an open phone line. If this turned out to be a trick that would wipe out everyone in the room, she would go through the portal to Equestria and pass everything to Princess Twilight. The knowledge would be preserved somewhere the Sirens couldn't get to it. Rainbow had fought this idea, suggesting that Fluttershy go instead, but Sunset wanted someone who would roar right back with an army to stop the Sirens from doing any more damage to this realm.

Second of all, she couldn't show any weakness. So, motioning for both Indigo Zap and Applejack to flank her, Sunset approached the three Sirens. “I almost think another rainbow might do you good,” she said, shoving her hands in the pockets of her leather jacket. “It would bring some color back, if nothing else.”

“We've got nothing for you,” Adagio croaked, stepping out in front of her fellow Dazzlings. “If you're going to put us on a leash, Shimmer, just slip it around our necks and be done with it. Don't draw this out any more.”

Sunset pressed her fingers to her forehead. “Oh Adagio, I don't need anything from you. I already have it all. But I also have a problem. Equestrian magic poured into this world during the Friendship Games, and there's nothing I can do to push it all back where it came from. So, I've got an offer for you, and I think you won't be able to refuse it.” She fished a small, glowing red orb out of her pocked and held it up between her thumb and forefinger. “How would you like to have all the magic you can eat?”

She tossed it to Sonata, who squeaked and fumbled it, finally trapping it in the crook of her elbow. The other two Sirens stared as she dug it out, setting it on her palm and tapping it with a fingernail. The 'plink' of the hard shell made Sonata furrow her brow, then she looked around, hesitant. “I can just eat it?” she asked.

“Try,” Sunset urged. “Take your time.” This was the moment. She didn't know what would happen. Maybe the energy ball would be inedible and Sonata would break a tooth on it, or the magic wouldn't be strong enough and they would have to consider a different formula, or even materials. Or this could be the moment the whole charade fell away and the Sirens revealed their sudden, but inevitable betrayal. All their work came down to this moment, and Sunset blindly reached behind her, looking for reassurance. Someone's fingers wrapped around hers, then someone else's, and then a third, and she inhaled sharply as she felt her friends crowd in behind her, supporting and giving her their love.

Sonata popped the little ball into her mouth, her eyes squeezed shut. “Mmmmf!” She rolled it against her teeth with soft clacks and then gave a quick, hard suck, her eyes flicking open again in wonder. “Cranberries!” she squeaked, her voice muffled. “'Ria, it'sh really good!”

Sheer relief flooded through her and she could feel the same ripple pass through her friends. Anticipating the other Sirens' reactions, Sunset quickly offered up some green and rainbow spheres for them. “We can show you . . .” She didn't get a chance to finish as both Adagio and Aria snatched them up and stuffed them in their mouths.

Their expressions turned incredulous seconds later and they looked at each other, then back at Sunset. Adagio's cheek twitched, as if she wanted to say something, but then she looked down again, seemingly lost for words as she chewed.

So it was Aria who swallowed and stared. She shook her head, her shoulders shaking as she pressed the back of her hand to her mouth, seconds away from a heart-wrenching breakdown. Just as her eyes were growing big and wet with unshed tears, Fluttershy slipped past everyone and put an arm around her, offering a handful of tissues. At that gesture, Aria did burst into tears as Sunny Flare joined them and she and Fluttershy led the ex-Siren off to one side to compose herself.

Sunset sighed as both Adagio and Sonata looked similarly unsteady. She hoped they could both hold it together long enough for her to explain everything. “Do you two need a minute?”

“No,” Sonata murmured, looking misty-eyed as well, “but if you've got another, I'm still hungry? Please?”

Sunset smiled, producing a small handful of spheres and pouring them into Sonata's cupped palms. “We've worked hard on these, but they're still a first attempt. It might take some time to get everything right, but we'd rather you not starve while we try and make them perfect.” She looked at Adagio. “The magic at the Friendship Games drew you three out, didn't it?”

“You were throwing it around without a care!” Adagio groaned, wrapping her arms around her own stomach. “The view from our apartment was too painful to watch and we had to come closer. Even if we couldn't eat any of it, we had to try!” Her voice cracked on the last word and it dropped to a whisper “So much tasty magic, and you let it just bleed away. How could you? How could she?” She shot a venomous glance at Twilight Sparkle.

“She didn't know.” Sunset moved closer to Adagio, ready to defend her friends. “She noticed our magic from the Battle of the Bands and came to investigate. We didn't understand what she was doing, either, and mistakes were made, bad ones. We all brought this on ourselves. Now we all need to make it right again.”

She motioned to Rarity, who came forward with three small, round lockets in her hands. Each was threaded onto a loop of velvet and had a small dial in the center of the metallic case. The last one had come out of the 3-D printer just a couple of hours before. “I know they may not look like much, but there's one for each of you, if you want them.”

Okay, now Sonata was sniffling. If she broke down into wet, snotty bawling too, Sunset hoped Fluttershy still had a dry shoulder.

Adagio brushed discreetly at her own eyes, then picked up her new locket and examined it, looking intrigued. “You made these?”

“Everyone did,” she admitted, “Each will harvest a little bit of magic at a time, and hold it for when you're hungry. Then you just turn that dial to whatever flavour setting you want and, poof, energy." Sunset shrugged. "We — well, none of us knows what magic actually tastes like, so Pinkie tried to give you a whole range of . . . Ooooof!”

Sunset stumbled as Adagio wrapped her arms around her in a massive hug and both of them were lost in an avalanche of orange hair. Seconds later, she felt another impact as Sonata launched herself into the hug as well, and the side of her neck grew damp as sobs filled her ears. Okay. Never mind, Fluttershy! Looks like I've got these two.

After the three of them had sorted themselves out and the Sirens calmed down, she helped them fasten the clasps around their necks. “I'd be prepared to stick around for a while longer. There probably isn't much magic for you to feed on outside of town, and while the cases are almost indestructible, there's still a chance things can break. Our science isn't as good as magic, at least, not yet.”

Sonata stroked her locket, eyes wide. “Coool,” she whispered. “Um, is it okay if we stay for a while and keep eating? It's been a while since I've had some good energy.”

Adagio nudged her. “Don't go stuffing yourself, Sonata. These aren't like our old amulets, remember that.” She watched as Sonata took the spare locket and went to join Fluttershy and Aria, then turned to Sunset Shimmer. “So, what's the cost here? Do we become friends now? Or is our leash shorter than that?”

She couldn't blame Adagio for asking, but her heart still ached to be even asked that question. “We don't have to be anything. Your life is your own, as long as you don't hurt anyone with the magic that's now out there. No one here would mind if you were their friend, either. But it's your decision. We just couldn't let you starve in a world full of food.”

The two of them gazed at each other, then Adagio nodded and reached up to run her fingers along her new velvet choker. “Fair enough, unicorn.” She looked around with more interest now that she wasn't so hungry. “So, you've been busy since our last encounter. New friends?”

Sunset shrugged. “Same as you, I think. New acquaintances who were willing to listen.”

“Oh, and that's different?” she scoffed, then softened. “Still, thank you.” She turned and cast an experienced eye over the girls from Crystal Prep. “There is a lot of potential there. They've barely scratched the surface of their own magic, I think.” Her smile curved slightly. “Mmm. Yes, I believe I will listen to you, Sunset Shimmer. All of you are worth sticking around for.”

They might have created a new batch of monsters, but at least those monsters were now in debt to everyone, Shadowbolt and Rainboom alike. The scales were balanced for now, and life could continue.

Until next time.

Sunset decided that she had earned herself another cupcake.