Megan the Adventurer

by Catrina37

Plan of Escape

Ch. 6: Plan of Escape

While Jet is using a spell to contact Grogar through the water, Ahuizotl and his pony henchmen put chains on Daring Do and Rainbow Dash’s wings so they won’t fly away. Megan, however, is left unchained.

“How come you’re not putting chains on Megan?” Rainbow Dash asks.

“A delicate and beautiful creature like does not need to be chained like an animal,” he says while rubbing her chin, much to her irritation, “Besides, without you two to fly her out, she won’t get very far.”


Twilight and her friends are outside the entrance as Rarity quietly spies to see if the three are okay.

“Rainbow Dash, Megan, and Daring Do are alright, but Jet is already contacting Grogar,” Rarity reports.

“This is bad, Twilight,” Fluttershy says, “What are we gonna do?”

Twilight peeks inside and sees the key around Ahuizotl’s neck.

“I may have an idea, but I need to contact Rainbow Dash with a telepathy spell I’ve been practicing,” Twilight says as she makes her horn glow.


Rainbow Dash suddenly hears Twilight’s voice.

“Rainbow Dash, can you hear me?” Twilight says via telepathy.

“Twilight? I can hear you, but I can’t see you,” Rainbow Dash whispers.

“I’m using a telepathy spell to talk to you without Ahuizotl hearing. I have a plan. That key around Ahuizotl’s neck is the key to the chains. I can get it from him and use it to unlock you and Daring Do, but I need a distraction.”

Rainbow Dash thinks for a moment and sees Megan. She realizes that Ahuizotl has developed a crush on Megan, and it give Rainbow Dash an idea.

“I think I know the perfect distraction,” she says while scheming,

“Megan," Rainbow Dash whispers.

Hearing her friend, Megan soon turns around in attention.

"Twilight and the others are here, but we need you to keep Lover Boy distracted while Twilight gets the key,” Rainbow Dash whispers to Megan.

Hearing this, Megan felt against it at first, but she remembered what she has told Rainbow Dash earlier and decides to go for it.

“Okay. Like I said, we have to make hard choices to help our friends,” Megan says to herself.

She takes a deep breathe and walks toward Ahuizotl.


Meanwhile, Ahuizotl is sitting behind a pile of gold, polishing the old tiara Daring Do found before to give to Megan.

“This should help win that lovely maiden over,” Ahuizotl says.

“Ahuizotl,” says the voice of Megan.

His attention grabbed, he spots her standing not too far, with a smile on her face.

“I want to apologize for the way I treated you. I just never notice how handsome you are,” Megan says while putting her hands behind her back.

“I knew you would fall for my charm sooner or later,” Ahuizotl says while chuckling, “Why not come over here and tell me what you find fascinating.”

Megan walks toward him to talk about what she “likes” about him. He soon offers her a seat on his lap. when she saw this, Megan was, at first apprehensive on the inside, but, remembering the plan, she takes a deep breathe and keeps smiling. When she took the seat he offered, she immediately thought about how comfy his lap felt. She also noticed how he looked when he smiled, in a not-so-sinister way.

While he is distracted by her, Twilight uses a telekinetic spell to take the key off him. Then, she slowly floats the key toward Rainbow Dash and Daring Do, her and her friends sneaking over to them in the process. Megan sees this and continues to distract Ahuizotl.

“Your fur is so...,” Megan soon touches his arms,, immediately feeling how soft to the touch they are to her, soft and comfortable unlike anything she had felt before, "Soft and comfortable," she says without a lie and rubs the palm of her hand against one of Ahuizotl's arms.

"Oh, ho, ho. By all means, go on my sweet," Ahuizotl says.

"I like your smile too. Especially the one you have now.


"How sweet you were to me on the way over here."

"Sweet? I-uh."

"Oh, don't give me that look. It was sweet of you to give me a ride here, and to help me feel more comfortable. Even though I was tied up at the time."

"Ah, yes. I was quite the gentleman at the time, wasn't I?" Ahuizotl said with pride puffing out his chest.

Megan couldn't help but giggle at what he's doing.

"Do you like gentleman by any chance," Ahuizotl asks inquisitively.

"Oh yes. And I'm telling the truth when I say you're handsome. I bet a lot of girls must really fall at the sight of you."

That was when Ahuizotl couldn't hold back any longer from giving Megan her gift.

“You definitely earned this tiara, Megan,” he says as he puts the tiara on her head, “You make a lovely princess.”

She didn't know why, but Megan felt charmed by that remark.

"You really think so?" she asks out of curiosity.

"My dear, sweet Megan. Of course I do. You are a flower that shines in the sun. You are unlike any creature I have seen before," Ahuizotl says with a chuckle. As he says this, he pull Megan closer to him with his hand, holding her close to him like a hug.

"Oh. Thanks, I guess," Megan says with a slight blush, "b-but you don't really mean that, do you?"

"Oh but I do," Ahuizotl assures her, "You are really beautiful. You are also brave, and your personality is very radiant to me. I will do anything to make your stay with me to feel more wonderful."

Megan was shocked. She had no idea that Ahuizotl thought about her more than just her beauty, and so she felt herself blush harder.

"Awww. Thank you. That's very nice of you to say," Megan says while rubbing the back of her head.

While Megan distracts Ahuizotl, Twilight slowly gives the key to Rainbow Dash. But then, it accidently hits a shield causing it to fall and make noise. Ahuizotl turn to see where the noise came from. After hearing the noise, and realizing what is happening, Megan quickly pulls his head and kisses him, distracting him further. Hearing the kiss grosses out Daring Do and Rainbow Dash.

“EEEEEEWWWWWWWWW!” they said while making gross faces.

While they kissed, Ahuizotl has completely lost his train of thought. So much, he wanted the kiss to last longer and he did so by putting his hand against the back of her head, and pushing her lips even closer to his lips and face. Megan felt the slight push he made against her head, and became wide-eyed at what he's doing. Her eyes without warning closed with a sudden feeling of enchantment.

Megan and Ahuizotl end the kiss. Both have different reactions from this occurrence. The only common thing is their hearts pounding from what just happened. Ahuizotl looks at Megan with dreamy eyes, enchanted by Megan even more than the first few hours he met her. While for Megan, the kiss felt like nothing she ever had before, and Ahuizotl all of a sudden seemed... handsome to her. For real.

“Why, Megan, that was…” he says.

Before he could finish his sentence, his eyes catch Twilight’s reflection in Megan's tiara, making him realize what’s going on.

“You!” he yells.