True Facts About ...

by ShadowWalking18


This are true facts about the Dragon....

The dragon is a terrifying genus of large reptiles, thought to have evolved from a common ancestor shared with the modern sea serpent some 120 million years ago. Although related by evolution, sea serpents and dragons are completely different from each other in just about every way.

Dragons are an incredibly varied race, with some being able to breathe fire, some being able to control water, earth, lightning, ice, and even wind. It’s like that one cartoon where the kid has to bend all the elements and gets in a war. Only without the whole “war” thing. And bending all the elements, because that’s just too much of the bending.

Little is known about dragons as a whole, because they are generally a solitary species, interacting with ponies and other sentient creatures only when absolutely necessary. No one knows why, but that is how a dragon do.

According to one self-proclaimed “expert”, the diet of a dragon consists mostly of gems, though grasses and vegetation found in pony diets can also be consumed. This, however, is really lame for the dragon, and that’s mostly because pony food apparently tastes really gross. I’m not sure how accurate this information is, because the expert in question also claims that you can become an alicorn by singing and walking down a hallway with lots of home videos playing at the same time. That’s something a clam would make up. And there’s not a lot of good things that have come from them.

Clams are stupid. I’m sorry. I said it. But they are dumb as hell.

According to legend, dragons have the one of the longest lifespans of all creatures in Equestria. They are exceeded only by “pure” or “natural-born” Alicorns. And the amount of time it takes for Internet Explorer to load my homepage.

This is largely why I make it a point to use Chrome instead. Come on now, Explorer, I’m not downloading the entirety of the internet. Pick up the pace.

Dragon’s are thought to be of equal intelligence to ponies, because dragons can communicate verbally, organize, and create societies and social structures. Unfortunately, this cannot be studied in detail, as any observed instances have been reported by the same maniac that thinks it’s totally realistic to magically grow a pair of wings and suddenly become a fairy tale princess of “friendship” or some stupid bull. I mean, if you’re going to make up a fairy tale, don’t make a main character suddenly turn into a magical princess. Only a clam would write that sort of crap. And they’re dumb as hell.