//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: 'Till Death Do Us Part // by olookabee //------------------------------// “...Discord...are you sure this is what you want?” The alicorn’s pale magenta eyes gazed somberly at the draconequus. Discord stared at the ground for a moment as if considering, then looked up at the princess with unshakable determination. “Yes. I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” Celestia simply gazed at him. He had changed so much since her first encounter with the chaotic spirit. He was uncaring and destructive, and simply used other creatures for his own twisted entertainment. Now, he had learned how to love and care. He loved another creature so much he was willing to give up his magic for her. His chaos. His immortality. The sun princess offered him a small, knowing smile. “Then I guess we must begin.” She turned to the small stone container, unlocked the latch with her magic, and lifted the lid. Discord looked at it hesitatingly. “Are you sure this will be able to contain it?” he asked. Celestia turned back to him. “As sure as I can be. The stone is laced with harmonic magic. It is not as strong as the Elements, but it will eventually weaken the effects of the chaotic magic.” Celestia closed her eyes and began to concentrate. It would take every ounce of her strength to force the chaotic magic into the box. She could sense the loud obnoxiousness of Discord’s magic signature, and began to push her magic towards it. As her magic began to envelope his, she could feel a strong migraine pulsing in her head. Discord could feel it too, as she heard him wince. Now she began to pull. The chaos magic seemed to screech in protest and Celestia could feel bouts of pain coursing through her body. She could feel Discord pushing, and it was obvious the strain was taking a toll on him as well. The magic did not want to be separated from the owner it had been attached to for so long. As the first half of the magic entered the box, the princess could feel the pain begin to lessen. Finally, forcing the last of her magic, she slammed the box shut and latched it tight. Her vision was hazy, and she felt nauseous. Bending down for a moment, she regained her composure. Discord was collapsed on the ground, not unconscious, but visibly very weak. The feeling of emptiness and quiet was new to him. No longer did he have his magic constantly coursing through him with uncontrolled energy. No more was the constant noise that he had found comforting. In its place were a headache and sore muscles. Celestia slipped her front leg under him, and helped him to his feet. Even standing was a chore. The princess helped him over to a chair against the wall. “It will be hard to walk. Your magic had helped you keep your balance and hold up your weight.” “I’ll get use to it,” he said staidly. Celestia pulled a chair over beside him and sat down. She felt she should say something, but she wasn’t sure what. What was going through the draconequus’ mind? “How did Fluttershy react when you told her?” she asked quietly. Discord lifted his head up a bit and sat back in his chair. “She was shocked at first. She wanted to talk me out of it, but I convinced her this is what I wanted to do.” “It’s a brave thing you did,” she said to him. “Something I would have never expected of you years earlier. You must love her so much.” Discord looked at her for a moment. He was never one to wear his heart on his sleeve, and he rarely shared how he felt with anypony but Fluttershy. But this was different. “More than anything,” he simply said. Celestia smiled at him once more. The two entered another bought of silence. This was the most intimate conversation they had had with each other. Although he would never admit it, Discord had grown to respect Celestia over the years of his reformation. Celestia turned her head to look over at the small stone box. It had a purple aura around it, and she could still feel the signature of Discord's magic. If in the wrong hooves, his magic could devastate Equestria. Her harmonic magic would weaken the chaotic magic over the years, and eventually it will be of no harm to any creature. Still, the unpredictability of chaos lurked in the back of Celestia's mind. "So it will be destroyed?" Discord's voice broke her train of thought. "Yes," she said softly. Discord stared at the box, his brows creased. He felt very odd. On one hoof, he was glad he gave up his magic. He couldn't bear outliving Fluttershy, and possibly their children. On the other, it was hard to give up chaos. It was something he loved. It would be a hard transition, but Discord was sure it would turn out well in the end. “I suppose I should return to Ponyville,” he said suddenly, rising out of his chair. He grabbed the arm to steady himself. Celestia stood as well. “You’ll have to wait for the next train,” she said. Discord visibly grimaced. A three hour train ride crushed in a cabin of wary ponies didn’t exactly sound pleasing to him. “Oh, cheer up!” Celestia said jokingly. “It won’t be that bad.” “Oh you're one to talk, Miss Prissy Princess,” he said sarcastically, his usual demeanor returning. “How many times have you ridden the train? Twice? You always have those guards flying you everywhere.” The princess laughed. She was glad the lack of magic hadn’t affected his humor. “I’ll see you at your wedding then?” she said. Discord looked back at her. “Yes. My wedding,” he said thoughtfully. Discord stood there for a moment, musing on something. Looking up once more, he said, “Celestia?” “Yes?” she replied. “Thank you.”