//------------------------------// // A Royally Pink Moment: 1 (1) // Story: Pinkie Pie reads up on Magic // by Ponyess //------------------------------// I am sitting in a dark corner in Twilight Sparkle's Library; in the castle of Friendship, in Ponyville. Isn’t this the best place in all of creation? After flipping the pages of a heavy and rather thick book, I lift my left hoof, pressing it into my mane and withdrawing the object that had been hidden there for most of the day. I look at the mostly soft object, covered in the thick and hard surface, polished to a pink and high gloss; originally just a spiraled cone of clear rubber, now a pointy horn of infinite possibilities. As I had been glancing the trophy over for but a moment, I press it onto my forehead, calmly and firmly. I feel the pressure on my forehead, for the brief moment, before the effect slowly sinks in and the horn actively fuses to my head. I look around curiously, looking for what is close by, but still not seen. With the horn now on my forehead, I slowly bounce out of the library, not really expecting to encounter anypony. “Hiya, Spike!” I exclaim; as his face comes into view, just after I exit the library on my way to the throne room. “Hiya, Pinkie Pie!” he blurts in a surprised response, before he had the time to actually see me. “Hope your chores for the day are done!” I prompt, as I continue towards the throne room. “Actually, yes; they are!” he continues, as he follows just a few steps behind me. “That’s good, Spike. You can’t be doing chores all day!” I interject in response. “Uh, what is that pointy thing in your mane, Pinkie?” he abruptly inquires, as he saw the first glimpse of my horn. “A horn, silly!” I responded. “A horn! An Earth Pony horn?” he ponders, in a perplexed and curious tone of voice. “Well, why in Celestia’s name not?” I point out. “Wait, Earth Ponies doesn’t have horns. You never had a horn before; and it isn’t Nightmare Night any time soon, either!” he prompts. “Twilight grew wings!” I counter, giggling at the mere thought of it. “That was special, but yes; I did grow wings!” Twilight Sparkle points out, as she heard my statement. “Hiya, Twilly!” I exclaim, in a more ecstatic voice. “What is that about a horn, Pinkie Pie?” Twilight inquirs, as the thought stabbed her in the eye. “Just a toy I was playing with. I realized, it was kind of looking like a Unicorn horn, though!” I smooth over, as if it had been nothing. "Yeah, that actually does look exactly like Rarity’s horn, now that you mentioned it. Why would anypony make a toy look like a Unicorn’s horn is beyond me!” she exclaims. “If that is just a toy, but why is it glowing?” Twilight inquires in curious anticipation. “Because I am focusing magic through my horn, as it said I should in the book I was just reading in your library, Twilly!” I responded. “That makes sense, Pinkie... but how do you do that, when you are an Earth Pony? I knew you were exceptional, but there are limits, as to what a Pony can do. While I knew you were literate, but I had no idea; your reading interest went this far, on the deep end!” she ponders, vocally without quite realizing how much air she had put into what she spoke. “Thanks, Twilly; I guess I am, and I love hearing it from you, my very bestest of friends! Nice to hear an Alicorn who knows even Earth Ponies actually do learn how to read, even a Rock Farmer like me. Besides, I do enjoy reading more than just the baking sheets at the Sugar-Cube Corner, even if I guess this is stretching the expectations even for you, Twilly?” I respond, with a sweet giggle. “Actually, when you put it that way, Pinkie, you are not just exceptional! No Pony compares, but I guess that is why we love you? I doubt even the Unicorn Scholars delve that deep into the mysteries of the Arcane Science, Pinkie!” she delves on. “Arcane Sciences? Silly Twilly, you make it sound as if this had been complicated beyond reason. Of course it is hopelessly difficult for the next Earth Pony or Pegasus on the streets of Ponyville, but you would know I am none of these, by now?” I tease, with an increasing giggle to my voice. “Some of these books are for advanced scholars, Pinkie, and you consume them as if it had been candy at Nightmare Night!” she bursts out, as if she had been a balloon about to burst. “But, but I love Candy, and I love Nightmare Night too! I guess you should send an application to Celectias Academy for Gifted Unicorns, then?” I promptly respond. “I was half by half fearing you would say exactly that, Pinkie!” she bursts out, as it sank in what I just told her. “All you need, is an Alias for me! And, and an explanation as to why I am looking like a grown mare?” I blatantly tease her. “Oh yeah, an Alias; so you can present yourself as a Pony other than Pinkie Pie with a horn on her forehead?” she guffaws. “Only Celestia and Luna have actually seen me in Canterlot, even if I was seen at the castle at a few occasions. The fillies and colts at her Academy are not liable to recognize me, once in class!” I correct her. “You are not the only pink Pony in Equestria, but your mark and mane does stand out! Of course, we know you can impress upon even Celestia herself in your prowesses on the arcane table, which is no mean feat for an Earth Pony!” Twilight ponders aloud. “Let’s see, levitation.. Check!” I prompt as my horn starts to glow brighter and my hooves slowly floated off of the floor as I started to levitate. “Oh yeah, we’ve seen you do that before. I recall Rainbow Dash mentioning it just after you duplicated yourself at the Pond!” she responded. “While I guess it is questionable, if my memory counts as magic, but I can read the books as fast as any Pony and still retain a vivid image of everything down to the flaws in the paper of the books!” I suggested. “You are the expert in Friendship Magic!” she added. “Speaking of friends, I think we should ask Rarity if she could craft something pretty to wear for the occasion! Wouldn’t you agree, Twilly?” I spoke. “Spike, could you run over to Rarity and ask her if she could help Pinkie Pie with something fitting to wear, for the Academy?” Twilight asked him. “Of course, Twilight!” Spike responded, and run off towards the Carouselle Boutique.