//------------------------------// // 2: Training Day // Story: Sonata's Crazy and Wacky Adventure in Skyrim // by Sonata Blaze //------------------------------// Sonata smiled as she finished the stew she had been given, placing the bowl on the table she and Kree were sitting at, while the argonian tore into one of the pieces of bread that had been sitting on the table. She had asked Kree what type of stew that had been after the first bite, to which her companion had told her that it was a venison stew, something that she had never tried before. She had to admit it, the stew was delicious and she told Kree the truth, which brought a smile to the argonian's face while she remained silent to let her finish. Once Sonata's stew had been finished off, and Kree had finished off the piece of bread she had been tearing apart, the two of them rose from their seats. "Come on," Kree said, beckoning for Sonata to follow her, "Now that we've had supper, and your in better shape than when we found you, its time for you to meet my superior. Don't worry, your not in trouble or anything, but she wanted to see you the moment you recovered." Sonata nodded and followed her companion through the fortress, taking in the everything she was seeing; from the soldiers that were on patrol, to the soldiers that were taking their dinner break, to the people that were bringing food around and those that were cooking the food. She could tell that the place was run like a well oiled machine, though she had to wonder what would happen if a random cog happened along and tried to fit in where it didn't belong. As they walked Sonata wondered what it would take for her to earn a place alongside Kree and the people she worked with, as she already liked the argonian as a friend despite only knowing her for an hour. Many of the soldiers nodded to Kree as they passed by them, to which Kree nodded in return as they walked towards the chamber that was Kree's superior's quarters. Once they were outside the chamber door, which was closed at the moment, Kree held a hand to the side to stop them and turned to look at Sonata for a moment. "My superior is right through this door," Kree told her, a small smile appearing on her face, "Don't worry, she may seem tough on the outside, but she can be quite friendly once you get to know her." Sonata nodded and Kree turned back to the door, to which she raised her fist and lightly knocked on the wood, letting the echo of her knock roll through the chamber. The two of them waited for a few seconds, letting Sonata wonder if Kree's superior was at supper at the moment, before either of them heard the reply. "You may enter," the voice said, one that Sonata could tell belonged to a woman, to which Kree opened the door and beckoned Sonata inside, where Sonata took a deep breath before entering the chamber alone. Sonata had to admit it, she had been expecting some sort of war room that had charts, posters of the wanted criminals that were at large, and a map detailing the various battles that had happened across the land. What she found was a chamber that had a table in the middle of the room, one that was decorated with various maps, a bookcase that held dozens of books on its shelves, a bed that looked like it could fit two people, and a large chest at the base of the bed. The woman that Sonata had heard was standing beside the table, overlooking one of the maps and a piece of paper that she assumed was a letter of some kind. The moment that Kree closed the door behind Sonata her superior looked from the table and glanced at the door, though a smile almost immediately followed the moment she noticed who was standing there. "Sorry about that, I was busy reading a report that had been delivered a few minutes before your arrival," the woman said, turning towards Sonata and giving the former Siren a good look at the steel armor she was wearing, "My name is Pelena Acilius. I am the Captain of Fort Neugrad, serving under General Tullius of the Imperial Legion. And you would be?" "Sonata Dusk," Sonata told the captian, now wondering if Kree was a soldier that happened to be off duty due to her sudden appearance in this world, "and I'm afraid that I'm a nobody." "Nonsense, your not a nobody," Pelena said, waving her had as if to dismiss the notion altogether, "Kree's a good argonian, and would be an excellent soldier if she joined the soldiers, but she has this... ability of sorts... that allows her to see things that others might miss. Take Brandr Ironhand, one of my soldiers, for example; when he came and applied to join the Legion I was about to dismiss him, but then Kree told me how she had seen him fight with battleaxes and knew that he was destined to fight for the Legion. So I set up a test for him, to which General Tullius and I watched as he defeated everything we threw at him with just a battleaxe, where I accepted him into my command as soon as possible. Kree told me that she saw something special about you the moment she laid eyes on you, something that made her come to me the moment you had been brought here. I don't know what that something is, and Kree openly admitted that she wasn't sure what it was either, but I have learned to trust her feelings over the years. So I decided to welcome you with open arms, hoping that we'd figure out what that something that Kree had seen was, with some precise training of course. And maybe after some time with us you might decide to join our ranks, but we'll come to that bridge whenever we reach it." "So basically your willing to help me get onto my feet?" Sonata asked, just wanting to make sure that she had understood everything that she had been told. "That's putting it mildly," Pelena chuckled, looking at the clothes that Sonata was wearing, "First you'll need to rejoin Kree and have her escort you to where your be resting your head. Then tomorrow morning after breakfast we'll see what skills you have a talent for. I'm sure that there's a weapon that you'll be good at, though we might need to fashion you a suit of leather armor... just to be safe." Sonata nodded and bowed her head respectfully as she moved back towards the door, opening it so she could go find Kree and figure out what to do next. Pelena smiled and waved her hand as the door was closed, to which she sighed and returned to the report she had been reading, her mind still wondering what Kree had seen. Sonata, on the other hand, found Kree leaning against a wall that was near the captain's door, to which the argonian smiled as she noticed her standing there. "How did it go in there?" Kree asked, curious as to what Sonata was feeling at the moment. "Great actually," Sonata replied, a smile appearing on her face, "The Captain told me that you guys were going to help me get back on my feet, though she said we'd start by heading to where we'd be sleeping." Kree nodded, to which Sonata noted a look of joy in her eyes, before beckoning for Sonata to follow her once more and departed from the captain's quarters. They returned to where they had supper, finding that the majority of the soldiers had either gone back out on duty or turned in for the night, leaving the night shift to get up and get their work started. Several of the night shift nodded to them as they passed by, to which Kree nodded her head in return before they entered the area where the beds were located. Sonata noticed that there was an area that was somewhat walled off by dividers, telling her that she and Kree weren't the only women in the fort. "Go ahead and take that one," Kree said, pointing to the bed closest to the corner of the room, before moving to the one across from it, "We'll be able to sleep until six in the morning, then we'll get up and see what the Captain has planned for you." "Good night Kree," Sonata told the argonian, wrapping her arms around her for a moment before letting go and tucking herself into the bed, not surprised that she was so tired from everything she had done. "Sleep tight Sonata," Kree chuckled, happy to have been given such a gesture by her new friend, before yawning and repeating the process that Sonata did. Soon the two of them were fast asleep, ignoring the sounds of the soldiers that were either waking up for the night shift or going to sleep like they were. -------------------------------------- When the two of them were woken up at six in the morning Sonata yawned and stretched her arms for a bit, grateful to have gotten as much sleep as she had. The days prior to her venture to Canterlot High School had been terrible, as she slept less before she had entered the portal and knew that she'd be working to get on a normal sleep schedule again. Kree, used to being awoken at such an hour was already up and ready to go about the day, to which she helped the other soldiers get ready before turning to her new friend. "Oh, good morning Sonata," Kree said, turning around a corner before coming back with a pack of dark brown clothing, "Captain Pelena found that we had some leather armor laying around that no one was using, so she figured that you could benefit from having your own armor. Shall I help you put it on for the first time?" "Sure, I'd love the help," Sonata admitted, almost unnerved by the whole idea of wearing armor. Kree smiled and immediately set out to show her the basics of putting armor on, such as which piece went where and how to fastened all of them so she didn't lose something accidentally. After five to ten minutes Sonata was officially wearing a suit of leather armor, complete with the matching boots and bracers, but chose to keep the helmet off for the moment. She knew that she would have to wear it eventually, but she didn't want to go walking around like the rest of the soldiers that never seemed to take their helmets off. She had even seen one of them sleep in their suit of armor, something that she knew had to be uncomfortable and didn't want to try it at all if she could help it. With that done the two of them returned to the mess hall, where Sonata was greeted by many of the soldiers with welcome arms, almost as if she was actually one of them. She and Kree ate with some of the soldiers that were just getting to the fortress that morning, relaying messages to the Captain in preparation for what was coming. Sonata, not actually a member of the Legion, paid most of the news that pertained to the ongoing war no mind, though she picked up on key names and places to research later on. Once breakfast was finished the two of them walked out into the courtyard, where Kree picked out the perfect location for the two of them to spar. "Go on, pick a weapon," Kree said, moving to a weapon rack and picking up a wooden sword and shield, "just be sure you grab the wooden version of whatever you decide on." Sonata took a look at the selection of weapons, looking for something that she could use despite the fact that she had never lifted a single weapon in her entire life. After a few minutes she sighed and picked up a wooden sword, as she figured it was the only one that she might actually be able to use in the end. Once her selection was made she turned to Kree, who stood by her side and started showing her all the various thrusts and motions that went with the weapon, correcting Sonata when she did something wrong. Several of the soldiers also came out to practice their skills against the wooden dummies, though some of them took a few moments to watch the training going on. Kree also informed her that the weapon was an extension of herself, but even as Sonata thought about that something inside her seemed to awaken as her left hand caught on fire. "Whoa whoa whoa," one of the soldiers said, jumping back the moment the flames appeared, "Watch the magic." "I... I didn't know I could still use magic," Sonata apologized, enforcing her will over the flames and causing them to go out, "I guess I'm learning things everyday now." And so it went for the next few hours, where Kree showed her how to use the wooden sword she had chosen against the dummies and, occasionally, one of the junior soldiers. It was great practice for everyone, especially for someone who had never used a single weapon in her entire life, and even the Captain came out to watch for a while. Sonata had no idea of how much time had passed by the time they stopped, but she was definitely glad to have some knowledge of the weapons that existed in this world. She still wasn't sure if she'd join the Legion, but she was willing to help Kree and her friends out until she figured out what to do in this strange world. As the caravan of wagons arrived around noon Sonata had no idea how much her life was about to change when the prisoners came rolling into the fort. All she had was the feeling that something terrible was about to rear its ugly head, and that all of them were going to be caught in the crossfire.