Friendship is Timeless

by Seanzilla115

Stop 7

"And to conclude today's lesson, this spell will allow you to see the level of Spiritual Energy your opponent, or anyone has," Celeste explained as she and Twilight were in teh spiritual plane, "An the best part, it doesn't take up that much energy to use."

Twilight didn't seem to respond as her eyes were closed, the violetette snoozing softly

"Twilight!" Celeste shouted in her ear, scaring the girl awake, "What's with you? You're the one who wanted me to teach you all these things like aura analysis, and even the powerful 'Stella Magna' technique, and you're not even paying attention."

"I'm's just I've had a lot on my mind ever since we had some time off, even with the things we've done together more Imagin keep coming, Luna keeps trying to kills us...and the whole thing with Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash still bugs me," Twilight replied with a sad sigh, "I feel...that it's my fault for causing that."

Celeste stayed silent at that, knowing it really wasn't Twilight's fault, but that necklace the Shadowbolts gave Rainbow Dash.

"Don't blame yourself Twilight...if their friendship is true then you'll see that it will resolve itself." she tried to cheer her little sister up. "They just need your support is all."

"...I hope so…"

"...Let's finish up," Celeste said with a soft smile, "It's time you'd get your rest. You do have school tomorrow after all."

"I won't be going, I need to find Rainbow and talk to her and explain these things to her." Twilight explained, "Rainbow said he met some people and will leave with them. So Fluttershy is worried that one morning Rainbow will be gone."

"..." Celeste didn't respond as she snored lightly as she slept...while standing up.

"Oh now you're not listening to me!" Twilight shouted, shaking Celeste around by her shirt.

"Now you see how uncomfortable it is when no one is listening to you." Celeste countered with a sweat drop. "Besides, mom and dad would be upset if you skip school, and so would Airi. She'd be upset if you dragged Ryotaro and the others with you on this."

"...It's fine," Twilgiht replied as she turned around, "Rarity's the class president, so she can justify our actions."

"Ok!" Celeste said happily as she sat behind Twilight and placed her hands on her shoulders. "Now go to sleep and make sure to tell Spike I said hello. I don't want him balling like last time you brought him on DenLiner."

"Mmm…" Twilight groaned a bti as she woke up, rubbing her eyes a little. She then sat up a bit as she looked out the window, seeing the clear night sky, "...I have to find a way to convince Rainbow."
Stop 7: Loyal Thunder, Dancing Dragon pt 1
Ryotaro walked home along the late night streets, he had gone out to look for any Imagin since Airi was more lax with his curfew in comparison so he often walked around town at night looking for Imagin or just to relax in the quiet of the sleeping city.

"Ryotaro...I'm bored." Urataros pouted, Ryotaro knew if he took over, he'd wake up at some random woman's home.

"As mcuh as I hate saying this, but I agree with the kame! I'm freakin' bored off my ass here!" Momotaros complained, Ryotaro knew if he let Momotaros take control...he's wake up in prison.

"Indeed. I say we find something dynamic to pass the time!" Kintaros spoke. If Kintaros took over then Rotaro would wake up outside of a broken prison.

"Ah well what do I do?" Ryotaro asked of them. "It's not like I can just make something exciting happen."

Just as he was about to turn a corner, he immediately stepped back as he hid behind the wall, poking his head out slightly as he noticed someone...someone familiar.

'...It's one of those guys Kintaros mentioned when we first met,' Ryotaro thought.

"Huh?! Where?!"

With that, a yellow flash occurred as K-Ryotaro formed.

"Nakeru de!" he shouted, stomping the ground.

"Oh hell no! I'm beating this walking meat head into the ground!"

A red flash and M-Ryotaro was formed.

"Ore Sanjou!"

"Oh please. As if violence will get us anywhere."

With that, a blue flash formed as U-Ryotaro formed then.

"Omae Boku ni tsuraretemiru."

"No way!" Both Kintaros and Momotaros shouted as multiple flashes of light formed as the auras of the three could be seen fighting over Ryotato's body.

"I'm taking that wannabe street punk on! He made the Niji-onna act that way to the kaze-onna!" Momotaros snapped

"It is my duty in the first place! I let them get to Rainbow!" Kintaros complained.

"Chotto! What the hell would fighting him get! He's a human we don't attack them remember!" Urataros countered as the three auras fought on before punching each other, sending them all leaving in a large flash that lit up the area.

Ryotaro fell to his knees panting in exhaustion before he fell to his hands, his breathing becoming even harder.

"I don't care! I'm kicking that asshole's butt! Then I'm going after his buddies!" Momotaros argued.

"You are not fit for this this is my responsibility!" Kintaros shouted.

"What's the point of this argument...the two of you have drained all of Ryotaro's strength!" Urataros shouted.

"No way! Ryotaro can still keep going! Right?!"

"…." he sighed as he forced himself to a wall barley able to stand. "Go….gomen…" he panted only to fall to his side before he noticed a figure standing over him.

"...Uh...Ryotaro?...Are y...k…?" Momotaros' voice started to fade out.

"Uh…?" he asked, looking up as the figure standing over him was Haze.

"Kamen Rider...I didn't think you'd be so stupid to use up your energy just to keep your pets under control...pathetic." Haze scoffed as he kicked Ryotaro's leg, making him fall down to the ground. "What ever threat you are is not as big as you've been made out to be...I could end you like an insect." he said as he grabbed the hood of his sweater and lifted him up before shoving him to the wall. "It would serve my goals best to do just that actually." he said a small grin on his face as he formed what looked like a sphere of green energy.

Ryotaro looked up at him before his eyes began to close. Haze raised his arm to Ryotaro's head but to his shock Ryotaro's arm reached out and grabbed his as he could feel his energy failing him as the arm was twisted to the side actually making Haze grunt from the thing.

Ryotaro's eyes then snapped open as they began to glow purple as his face curled into a smile.
The next morning in the park, the girls had decided to meet up here to discuss the things that had gone on.

"Hey~! I'm Heeereee~~!" Pinkie waved to Fluttershy and Rarity, the excitable pinkette dressed in a light blue T-shirt and a frilly pink skirt, a yellow bag tied around her waist.

"Shh! Lower your voice," Rarity frowned quietly, the purple haired beauty wearing a black and white dress with black sleeves over her hands and forearms, a short cut vest over her shoulders, a belt around her waist for some reason or another, and a pair of black boots. The attire was finished with a white hat on her head.

"Eh?" Pinkie blinked before noticing Fluttershy, the shy girl wearing a white tee that was tied in a knot in the front with the sleeves rolled up, a pair of dull yellow colored pants and a pair of blue sandals, "...What're wrong with her?" she asked, noticing the sad look on the shy pinkette's face.

"Oh she's always rather mopey when Ryotaro isn't around," Rarity explained, "It seems that she's become somewhat dependent on him," she explained simply, making Fluttershy whimper a little in embarrassment. Well Rarity wasn't wrong, Ryotaro had helped Fluttershy a lot.

"Ooh...well I kinda see that. He did comfort her after what happened with…" Pinkie paused as she quietly, yet loudly whispered, "You know who…"

"Mm…" Fluttershy whimpered again, Pinkie was not subtle.

"Smooth Pinkie," Rarity sighed.

"Oh...uh...ooh! I'll lighten the mood up!" Pinkie smiled as she sat down next to Fluttershy, "Don't worry, Flutters. Everything will be okay! Your friend wouldn't forget the wonderful memories you two shared!"

"*sniff* you p-" Fluttershy began with a small smile, the shy girl wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Of course!" Pinkie smiled before the placed a finger to her chin, "Unless of course, she met new friends as well and never ever wants to see you again." she stated with a confused look, a depressed aura forming over Fluttershy as her body turned to stone with cracks forming as she was still wiping a tear away.

"Marvelous work, Pinkie," Rarity said sarcastically as she glared at the excitable pinkette.

"What? Was it something I said?" Pinkie blinked in honest confusion as to what she did.
Meanwhile, at the edge of the city Nightingale and Descent both where gearing up for the day.

"Okay. Just like yesterday, we order Rainbow to meet at the place we choose after her meeting with him, then he takes Rainbow to Luna while the three of us take care of those girls and the Kamen Rider."

"Right...but I'm worried. Where is Haze? He's been gone all night and now he's late." Descent pointed out.

"Don't worry he'll show up when it counts, he doesn't need to be here." Nightingale explained rationally. "But for his own sake he better not flake on us."
'How could I fall asleep?!' Twilight mentally berated herself for falling back to sleep this morning, as she ran down the road, the violetette wearing a light purple vest on top of a light blue blouse, a purple skirt, and a pair of black shoes with magenta socks.

As she ran down the road, she suddenly came to a halt as she saw who stood before her. Standing before her, having stopped as well was Rainbow dash, the tomboy dressed in a blue long sleeved shirt and a pair of jeans. she also had a cap on her head and her backpack where it should be.

'It's Rainbow Dash...' Twilight thought as she looked at the tomboy, her hat shading over her eyes, 'This is perfect, even though the others aren't here...I'll try talking to her.' "Rainbow, I need to talk to you."

"...There's nothing to talk about," Rainbow stated as she walked past Twilight.

"You don't understand, Fluttershy is still devastated about that day, she can act like it's not bothering her...but she's still miserable about it." Twilight spoke.

"Good!" Rainbow snapped as she turned around, her rose red eyes glaring at Twilight, "She deserved it for leaving me and joining you and that fake Kamen Rider!"

"What are you talking about? She'd never leave you, she won't even stop telling us about all the good times you two had together...about how you and Momotaros got along so well." Twilight said, making Rainbow stop.

"I don't care! I don't want be held back by those things...I don't want to remember those I choose to leave behind!" she countered, only for Twilight stomp up to her and grab her by her shoulder, "Hey! Let go!"

"Listen to yourself!" Twilight shouted surprisingly, "You talk as if Fluttershy was some if she were something you could get rid of if you have no need for her." she stated, making the tomboy tense a little. "you may wish you where her friend, but you can't stop her from meeting new people. You can't prevent her from meeting others...from making new bonds." she explained before taking a small breath, "But it's not like she was the only one we wanted to be our friend, or that we wanted to take her away. When you found us in the end, all of us, especially Ryotaro and Momotaros hoped you would be our friend as well." she explained with a smile. "But this is all just some big misunderstanding, we would never break up yours and fluttershy's friendship. We just wanted to be a part of it is all." she explained grabbing Rainbow's hands.

"...I….I…." Rainbow said, unsure of what to say as her anger slowly began to disappear.

From behind the shade of the trees a shadowed figure raised its arm holding a green colored gem that resembled a trident like head, it began to glow an ethereal color, as it did the same color was reflected on Rainbow's necklace making it take a green tinted glow.

"?!" Rainbow gasped as her eyes glowed the same color as her necklace.

"Rainbow? Rainbow, are you alright?" Twilight asked in concern as the tomboy stepped back, holding her head as her hat fell off.

" took her...away from me…" Rainbow managed to get out as she held her head.

'What is this dark feeling...I've felt it so many times before...but this time it just feels so much more dense. Looks like it might be time to try out that spell Celeste taught me.' Twilight said in her mind as she began to focus, 'Aura Analysis,' she mentally said as her eyes glowed, allowing her to see a dark green aura around Rainbow Dash. 'It's some aura of darkness, as if it's controlling her almost.'

Rainbow groaned as the aura seemed to flare wildly.

"Rainbow you need to resist!" Twilight shouted, "I'll help you!"

"Grr…" Rainbow growled as her eyes took on a dark glow that seemed just unnatural, even by magic standards. Rainbow then lunged at Twilight before pinning her to the ground, pinning her arms to the ground with her knees and then wrapping her hands around the girls throat, "You will pay!" Rainbow shouted with anger, spire and another dark emotion you could think of in her voice.

"R...ra….rain...bow...I...can't...breath..." Twilight gasped as the tomboy choked her.

"Good!" Rainbow grinned darkly as she tightened her grip on Twilight's neck, "Once you're gone, that reject of a Kamen Rider's next, then Fluttershy will come back to me!"

'The...the necklace, it's what is releasing all this dark aura. If...if I could remove it then she'd be freed.' Twilight spoke mental to save the oxygen she had left in her lungs, 'But...but I can't move my arms...and she keeps pressing down with more...and more force by the' her eyes started to lose life as her sight began to go, 'My'
At that moment Pinkie, Rarity and Fluttershy all had this bad feeling in the back of their mind. As if they could hear a mental call from their friend in trouble.
"Eh?" Momotaros snorted as he woke up, the Oni Imagin having a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.

"Zzz...EH!?" Kintaros shouted waking as well.

"Nande...what is this bad feeling it's as if Ryotaro felt someone calling out for help. Yet it came into our heads…" Urataros said rubbing his head in confusion.

"Yeah...and for some reason, I heard the mahou-onna's voice...oi, kame. We took over her body once. See if you can try and see what's happening."

"...Not sure if it'll work like that, but I might as well try," Urataros nodded as he got up and walked to the end of the car before fading away.

Momotaros tapped his foot a bit in anticipation before Urataros came back in.

"She's in trouble...Fluttershy's Rainbow haired friend is choking her."

"What?!" Momotaros shouted as he shot up.

"I will not let this stand, I'm taking Ryotaro to go save her!" Kintaros shouted before he ran only for him to be sent flying back across the car as if he hit a barrier, "Nanda?!"

"Grr...damn it!" Momotaros growled as he ran down the car, only to hit the same 'wall' as he was pushed back, "What the…?" he tried moving forward again, only to get the same result.

"This is a bad day for this to happen." Urataros said.
"…" Twilight choked out, her eyes nearly closing as Rainbow choke the life out of her...until someone threw the tomboy off her, letting Twilight sit up as she began to cough violently, the violetette breathing in as much as as she needed. 'W...who is that?'

"Good thing ah took th' scenic route today," a voice spoke up in a southern accent, making Twilight look up to see a familiar blonde.

'It's...that girl, Applejack again.' Twilight realized looking up to the blonde haired girl.

"What gives, half-pint?" Applejack demanded with a frown as Rainbow shot back up, glaring at the blond, "You wanna kill her or somethin'?"

"...Don't meddle in this, bumpkin, unless you want to get hurt," Rainbow frowned as she crouched down ready to strike again.

"...Heh…" Applejack chuckled a bit as she put her bag down, "Ah really don't like goin' against girls, but someone's gotta teach y'all some manners...midget."

"Stop insulting me!" Rainbow shouted as she charged at Applejack.

"Take care of mah hat, babe," Applejack told Twilight as she placed her hat on the violetette's head

Rainbow swung a punch that Applejack jumped a step back from, Rainbow reacted as she leaned back and swung a kick at the blonde girl. But Applejack raised both her arms and one knee blocking the blow from hitting her body. The shock from the block made Rainbow take a step back before she swung back and raised her foot up again aiming at Applejack's head, but the blonde ducked under this swing.

Rainbow dash flipped back before she lunged to tackle Applejack, but the blonde rolled back with that before she kicked one leg hitting Rainbow in the chest. Applejack then fell/rolled back before she pushed with all her legs might sending Rainbow Dash flying into the air with a grunt of surprise as Applejack flipped to her feet with ease.

"Don't hurt her!" Twilight spoke up seeing this as Rainbow landed on the ground but not before raising her arm to where she was kicked with a hiss of pain.

"Tryin' to, but that girl's quick as a monkey, and twice as pesky," Applejack informed as she looked back at the tomboy, 'Somethin' ain't right. Normally after a kick like that, men three times larger would've stayed down until morn'. Just what in the hay is with this girl?'

"Please try to remove the necklace. It's controlling her with a spell." Twilight explained "It's what's making her behave so violently."

"...Are y'all talkin' crazy? That sound like witchcraft if y-" Applejack began before Rainbow charged at her, the tomboy discarding her shirt, revealing the white tank top she wore underneath.

Applejack swung for the necklace but Rainbow ducked under the swing surprising Applejack at how fast this happened as if one instant she was just out of the range of her swing.

'No friggin' way she dodged that blow...' Applejack stated in her mind in shock.

Rainbow then slider under Applejack's legs before she curled forward before she jumped into the air a little and reached out before she grabbed Applejack's arms and slammed her knee into the blonde's back before grabbing her arms and pulling them back with as much force as she could muster and kept Applejack pinned in place with this maneuver.

'Th-that's impossible! That stick figure's stronger than me! Only mah brother could hold me down!' Applejack mentally gasped as she winced in pain, 'C...can what that violet haired girl said be true? Is that necklace controllin' her and givin' her strength? Ah thought magicians and witches were hogwash, but ah believe what ah can see...and ah see it's real.'

With that, Applejack pushed with her knees forcing her to roll back before landing on Rainbow Dash making her cough in surprise, the blonde then rolled back with this before she flipped back and landed on one knee.

'If ah dont' want to be hung up dry, ah gotta go all out...whatever it takes to win,' Applejack thought as she panted a bit.

'I gotta do something before they seriously hurt each other,' Twilight thought as she watched the two go at it, 'Maybe I can use telekinesis to get the necklace off Rainbow, but she moves around so fast. I'll need to wait for just the right moment a-'

Her thoughts were interrupted when Applejack threw the vest of her school uniform at Twilight, letting it land on her head covering her eyes for a second letting her register what just happened.

"Stop throwing your cloth at me!" Twilight shouted as she stood up, her anger getting the best at the moment. "I'm not a coat rack!" she complained, it was bad enough Momotaros did the same thing to her now and again.

"Just take care of mah stuff fer me," Applejack stated to her before turning back to Rainbow, "Alright, pintsize. Time t' settle this!"

"You'll regret this." Rainbow growled as the two stood in front of one another.

"Heh...come on monkey girl. Go all out on me!" Applejack mocked to Rainbow.

"I'll show you!" Rainbow snapped as she charged at the blond once more.
Meanwhile, back with Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy where walking around the far end of the park to find Twilight, that sense of urgency still heavy in their minds.

"I'm not crazy am I?" Fluttershy couldn't help but wonder as they kept walking. "Did you also feel Twilight's voice calling for help?"

"It's how I perceived it, too." Rarity answered as she looked around. "But I'm puzzled on which path we need to take to get to her quickest." she pondered as the three came to a left and right fork in the path.

"Oh I know! It's the left path!" Pinkie shouted as she pointed to the left, "That's where we have to go. My heart tells me so!"

"Marvelous work Pinkie! Let's go Fluttershy." Rarity spoke excitedly to the girl.

"Okay." she smiled as she followed Rarity as they took the right path instead.

"Hey~! I said the left one!" Pinkie shouted as she frantically pointed to the left.

"Why, if you say to the left, that means that she is surely on the other side." Rarity countered as she and Fluttershy kept pace while going down the path.

"...Oh now they think they're funny, huh?" Pinkie muttered as she ran after the two, "Wait for me!-!-!"
At the other end of the city, Nightingale and Descent both felt something rather uneasy about what was going on. The first thing that worried them was Rainbow Dash's aura it felt different...altered almost. But then they felt something else, another aura not unlike that of an Imagin? But that alone is what confused them.

"What's going on?" Nightingale asked sensing this. "This sort of transformation to Rainbow's aura shouldn't be happening."

"You're right. The collar should only increase her negative emotions, not change her entire aura," Descent added.

'Someone must be messing with the collar, but what worries me is that Imagin's aura, its not like the's like Luna's Imagin yet it also seems wilder?' Nightingale noted a hint or worry in the back of her mind, "...Damn it. Change of plans, Descent. We're gonna go get Rainbow now!"

"Check." he nodded as they both put their hoods up over their heads before a pair of dark wings extended from their backs. The two then rose up into the sky before they flew off together to the park.
At the path Twilight was on, the battle between Rainbow Dash and Applejack continued to rage on.

Applejack raised her kick to hit Rainbow but the shorter girl ducked under the swing sliding on her knees past the blonde haired girl, Rainbow then leaned back and put one of her hands on the ground before she shifted all her weight onto her arm before she lifted the rest of her body up and spun on her hand before she swung and nailed a kick to Applejack's abdomen and hip almost making her grunt in pain but she grit her teeth and held it down. Applejack then grabbed the leg with both her arms closing her hands tightly the grip almost crushing making Rainbow's eyes widen in worry Applejack then spun around on the balls of her feet before she tossed the short girl sending her flying across the ground.

Rainbow calmed herself before she tucked her legs in and rolled back with her momentum before she skidded to a halt with her hand and feet. The tomboy smirked almost evilly as she gave a cocky glare to Applejack.

'Rainbow's skills are incredible!' Twilight thought as she watched the fight, 'She managed to land several kicks and didn't even get hit. Applejack is just busy trying to defend herself. And everytime she tries to attack, Rainbow just dodges the blows and recovers.'

" can't even touch me, stupid blond," Rainbow dash smirked, panting a bit as sweat dripped from her face, "If I'm proud of anything, it's my speed and reflexes. They're the best, all thanks to my parkour training!"

"Ah'll make you pay, midget!" Applejack shouted as she ran forward to attack, she then shot her left arm forward with a palm strike that Rainbow ducked under.

"Farm Girl! You still don't get it!" Rainbow taunted as she ducked back from a kick from Applejack letting it swing over her head, "I'm able to read each and everyone of your moves!" she explained as she rolled forward and past Applejack before jumping to her feet and facing the girl, "Now take this, moron!" she shouted as she tried to uppercut Applejack from behind, only for the blond to duck under it, letting the swing just go right into the air, 'No way! She moved as quickly as I did!'

"Taste mah best kick!" Applejack shouted as she pushed up with her hands before she aimed and shot her legs back with all her strength.

"I don't think so!" Rainbow shouted as she shot her arms down and pushed herself over the kick while grabbing onto her legs.

'Ah can't believe it! from that distance, she couldn't have dodged mah best attack!' Applejack thought in shock.

With that, Rainbow swung her legs up and over bringing her forward and bringing Applejack's legs with her, effectively slamming the blonde haired girl into the ground flat on her back,Rainbow landing on her legs before she pushed up with said legs, jumping into the air with a slight spin before she slammed her knees into Applejack's abdomen, making her gasp in pain for a second. This also pinned her to the ground as Rainbow gave her a dark smirk.

"'re somethin'..." Applejack chuckled a bit before Rainbow began to punch her face repeatedly. But while the Tomboy bombarded Applejack with punches, the blonde's hands rose up and grabbed Rainbow's thighs with the same crushing grip as before, making her stop for a second upon feeling the pinch. She looked down, but this was the wrong thing as she stopped punching, Applejack then slammed both her knees into Rainbow's back with a large amount of force, knocking the air out of her lungs as she was sent flying off Applejack and sliding across the ground.

'Alright. Now I can remove the collar!' Twilight thought as she quickly pulled out her tiara and began to focus, 'Telekinesis!' she called in her mind as she put her fingers to the horned headband but nothing happened, she ordered for the necklace on Rainbow's neck to come off...but just nothing. 'Nothing happened?! magic isn't working! What's going on?! I was able to use Aura Analysis before! someone blocking my Spiritual Energy?'

The figure hiding in the trees seemed to smirk as the crystal in their hand glowed, blocking weak forms of magic from being used.

''s mah turn now!' Applejack thought as she managed to get back up, charging at Rainbow Dash just as she recovered a bit. The blond was about to strike before, much to her shock, Rainbow slammed both her feet into her face in a bucking fashion, causing some blood to spill from her mouth, ''s can't be. She used mah best attack against me?!' Applejack gasped in her head as she landed on the ground, 'Guess she's also imitating attacks she's seen only once before.' she then managed to sit up, rubbing the spot the tomboy kicked her at, "Ah gotta hand it to ya, girl. Ah underestimated you. Ah thought it was done with that last blow ah gave you, but apart from mah brother, ya'll are th' only one in a coon's age to match me in a fight. Heck, ah was forced t' do what it takes t' win this one."

"...What...what're you talking about?" Rainbow asked as she was sitting up, panting visibly. She used a lot of her physical strength just now. She was about to try and stand up, but her eyes widened when she noticed something...her legs were cramping up badly, "Wh-what's happening?! My legs! I...I can't move them!"

"Hehehe…" Applejack chuckled a bit, rubbing some blood away from her lips, "for a moment there, ah thought ah missed, but ya'll finally fell into mah trap."

"What?!" Rainbow cried out as her legs began wobbling from the cramping.

"It was impossible for me t' just attack ya'll," Applejack stated while panting a bit, "You're very fast, and your reflexes are way better, so y'all forced me t' let you hit me intentionally from th' get-go."

'She let herself get hit on purpose?' Twilight blinked mentally as she heard this. This made almost no sense to her.

"Ya'll said yerself that yer trainin' parkour, meaning y'all are usin' yer legs as well, even in yer attacks," Applejack stated as she stood up on one knee, "And if ya'll pride yerself on yer speed, Ah'm proud of mah physical condition." Applejack explained as she got up on her feet, "Ever since ah was a child, ah did hard labor on mah father's farm, day in and out. Thanks t' that, mah arms and legs are very strong. Reckon even mah waist can take a beatin' or two," She then wiped some sweat from her face, "But ah gotta admit, some of yer shots had me hurtin', especially on th' face. So ah had t' use every chance ah got t' immobilize ya'll. And th' only way t' do that is to hurt yer legs."

'That's what it means to do whatever's necessary to win? Even if you have to get hurt for it.' Twilight asked as she took this all in, then it hit her, these were along the lines of the same things that the Taros did in battle, Momotaros always charged in regardless, Urataros used his brains to get an advantage, and Kintaros tended to do the same let himself get attacked to get an advantage. Even Ryotaro did things like this he was okay letting himself get hurt to protect others.

"And so, ah had t' resort t' following the three basic rules of a fight," Applejack continued as she picked up a nearby rock, "One; analyze yer opponent. Two; Take it step by step so it fits mah game. And three, mah favorite part of all…" she smirked as she raised the rock up in front of her before she slowly began to apply pressure. "All-Out attack!" she shouted as she crushed the rock with all her strength.

She then charged forward before she reached her arm out and grabbed Rainbow by the strap of her tanktop and lifting her off the ground with little ease.

"Ah win, you lose, dwarf!-!-!"

"Don't hurt her!" Twilight shouted before Applejack tore the necklace off Rainbow.

"Ah'll smash this demon trinket good!" the blonde shouted as she crushed the necklace with the same strength from before, tossing the remains off to the side into the grass and into a flock of birds, making them fly away. A dark aura then came off Rainbow before dissipating away.

As the birds flew off, a figure was squatting next to them. He was dressed in a pair of baggy grey pants, a blue long sleeved shirt with black shirt underneath, his black hair was hidden underneath a brown cap a bang of hair in the front waving in the air with a bright purple streak in it, he also had a pair of headphones around his neck.

The male soon stood up holding his hat down as he did. He then looked over to the girls with a purple glow escaping the shadows of his cap. He then slowly made his way to them before snapping his fingers, getting their attention.

"Oi…" he called out to them in a rather high pitched voice making Applejack and Twilight blink and look up at him, "You scared away those birds with your game."

"Game?" Applejack repeated as she carefully put the unconscious Rainbow Dash down, "Y'all think we were playin' a g-" she paused as she winced a bit, holding her side a little.

"Of's a game because it looked like fun." the boy grinned most of his face still hidden behind the cap. "Ne, Mind if I join in with you?" he asked almost childishly. He then suddenly disappeared before he appeared right in front of Applejack. "So is it okay for me to play with you? Kotae wa Kiitenai?"

"Wha…?" Applejack blinked at that before she barely dodged a roundhouse kick aimed at her head, the blonde managing to jump back a bit as she stared at the newcomer.

'Such speed!' Twilight thought with wide eyes, 'He's almost faster than Rainbow Dash.'

"'re good Nee-san, I'll enjoy playing with you." the male said as he took a step back before he began to weaves his legs around moving from side to side like a serpent his movements were almost dance like he blurred from side to side before he appeared right next to Applejack. "'re a bit slow to be my dance partner," he grinned as his head was right next to hers. He then spun around her before he kicked one of her legs out from under her sending her falling to the ground. He then leaned his head over hers. "See...too slow~" he chuckled as if this really was just some game to him. He then backflipped away from Applejack as she swung back to her feet. All the while he swayed from side to side as if listening to a song.

'What th' heck's with this guy? He's actin like this is nothin' but a game,' Applejack thought as she panted.

"Ara? Tired already?" he asked almost innocently as he tilted his head to the side, "Could it be your weaker than me?" he pondered as he spun around and bent his knees so he ended up sitting crosslegged with his back to Applejack.

Applejack growled a bit at that as she ran over to him, the blonde attempting to deliver a kick to his head before he dodged it, tumbling onto his back before he did a rising kick to her face, causing her to stagger back as she spat some blood out of her mouth. As the man did his hat fell off while he jumped to his feet revealing his face to them.

"Ah my hat…" he smiled as he picked it up and dusted it off revealing his face to be...Ryotaro!?

"R...Ryotaro?!" Twilight gasped, her eyes widened in shock.

'It's him again...' Applejack thought as she recognized his face, 'Why is it that ah keep runnin' into him?'

"Ryo...taro?" 'Ryotaro' blinked at them as he put his cap back on. "I don't know who Ryotaro is...but this looked fun since you scared the birdies away." he explained with a big happy grin.

"The birds?"

"Yup, I was enjoying playing with them till this mean lady scared them away. So I'll play with her instead." he added on with a nod. His legs then began to kick back and forth as if breakdancing as he listened to a song only in his head again.

'What the heck's going on? Why is...wait,' Twilight mentally paused as she noticed a streak of purple in his hair, 'That was never there before...and that only happens when...a….Imagin!'

"Come on…" 'Ryotaro' taunted to Applejack. "Aren't you going to go or should I go next? It's no fun if no one does anything in a game." he explained with a childlike logic.

"W...well, excuse me...fer being a bit tuckered out...from fightin'...her," Applejack panted heavily, pointing to the unconscious Rainbow Dash.

"Ooh...Niji!" 'Ryotaro' said as he appeared over Rainbow Dash looking at her hair, "It's so cool~! Look, her hair is a rainbow! Wai~" he smiled pointing at her.

"Huh? Does this persona have ADHD?" Twilight couldn't help but ask out loud at this.

"Ooh...sugei~" 'Ryotaro' awed as he messed with Rainbow's hair a bit before the tomboy was starting to come too. "Ah. It's alive…" he blinked as he leaned his head in close. "Oi, you didn't do a good job beating her." he pointed out to Applejack.

"Ugh...Can you keep it down? My head feels like a ten ton dump truck ran it over," Rainbow groaned as she slowly opened her eyes.

"Oh, it can talk too?" 'Ryotaro' pondered as his face was the first thing she saw. "Oi...what is it?" he asked Applejack and Twilight.


"Well? Wh-"

"Woah!" Rainbow yelped as she managed to crawl back, "Ever heard of personal space, buddy?!"

"Personal...Space? Oh, is that where you can own part of Space? That would be so cool!" 'Ryotaro' said taking that as what Rainbow meant. "Ne! Niji-chan, how did you get your hair like that?" he asked as he appeared in front of her again as he played with some of her hair.

"Uh...funny story. I…" Rainbow began before she shook her head a bit, "Okay, seriously! Back the h...wait…" she paused as she got a closer look at him, "...Aren't you...Ryotaro?"

"Nope, I'm me. I'm not Ryotaro...who is Ryotaro...oh wait! Is he the guy I'm possessing?" he asked bluntly.

"Then you're an Imagin!" Twilight gasped at how easily he just admitted it.

"Hai...I'm bored...oh! Ne, minna," 'Ryotaro' spoke as he shot up, spinning in place a bit, "Mind if we dance?"

"Huh? "the three girls blinked at that.

"Kotae wa Kiitenai!" with that he snapped his fingers, making all three of the girls suddenly stiffen up as they heard music begin to play.

(Cue: Climax Jump*Hip-Hop Version*)

As the music began to play, 'Ryotaro' began to weave back and forth kicking his legs around dancing from side to side. He then spun around before for some other reason the three girls own bodies moved against their wills and began to dance along with him in a well choreographed unison. 'Ryotaro' moved from side to side along with the girls before they all lined up in front of him and then moved aside, allowing him to dance past them. He then stopped in place before ducking down and began to spin around until he was spinning around on his shoulders and head with his legs in the air the entire time. He proceeded to flip around and, as he began to balance on his hands, he began to kick his legs out rapidly before flipping around and putting all his weight on his left leg while kicking his right. He jumped up before ending with a spin, aiming his right hand out like a gun and pretended to shoot it. With that, the music stopped and the girls could now control their bodies again.

"Wh...what in the hay just happen?!" Applejack demanded, the blonde panting heavily as she fell on her rear.

" should...I know?!" Rainbow panted as she did the same.

"Wai!" 'Ryotaro' shouted happily as he danced around the girls. "That was fun! Let's do it again!" he said a she grabbed Rainbow and began to skip around with her.

"H-hey! L-let go!" Rainbow shouted as she was forced to dance with him.

"Doshte? I don't have to listen to any of you," he stated simply as he kept dancing with Rainbow, "Besides, this is fun. So I'll keep doing it."

'Oh man...this is not good.' Twilight thought, 'Why hasn't Momotaros or any of the other imagin tr-'


"Huh?" the girl blinked hearing her name, she turned to see Rarity, Pinkie and Fluttershy walking up to her.

"See? I told you she was this way!" Pinkie pouted at Rarity and Fluttershy before she noticed Ryotaro (?) dancing with Rainbow, "...Aw~ You were having a party without us, Twilight?! No fair~!"

"WAI~! Party!" 'Ryotaro' cried out happily as he lifted Rainbow into his arms and spun around with her. "A party sounds like fun, ne Niji-chan?" he asked Rainbow.

"...Twilight, just what is going on?" Rarity asked as she helped Twilight up.

"It's a very long story…" Twilight said, "First I met Rainbow Dash, then she was manipulated by a dark aura, then we got her free...but then we met Imagin that's taken over Ryotaro." she explained as 'Ryotaro' was still carrying Rainbow around.

"Can I say it?" Pinkie asked, referring to the new Imagin part.

"...Ugh...I know I'm going to regret this, but yes."

"I told you so." Pinkie smiled.


"Someone stop this crazy thing!" Rainbow cried being spun around one to many times.

"O-oh my, Rainbow!" Fluttershy gasped before she walked up to Ryotaro, a stern look on her face, "St-stop that at once!"

"No." he huffed ,turning away from her in the process dropping Rainbow. "Oops...sorry Niji-chan."


"This day just keeps gettin' weirder and weirder…" Applejack admitted.

"Kuro-Tori!" 'Ryotaro' shouted, pointing at the sky.

"Eh?" the girls blinked at that before a pair of black blurs shot down from the sky before landing, revealing themselves to be Descent and Nightingale.

"Ah Bird people! Cool!" 'Ryotaro' awed with stars in his eyes.

"Th...this has to be a joke…" Applejack spoke as her eyes widened in disbelief, "Th-they're flyin'...and have wings."

"Seems we made it in time." Descent said seeing the scene, "Relax we're not here for you today, just Rainbow."

"No! Niji-chan is staying here!" 'Ryotaro' said as he grabbed Rainbow under his arm.

"...That wasn't a request," Nightingale frowned as she glared at him, "Hand her over now."

'Ryotaro''s face became serious as his purple eyes flashed. "Oi...are you telling me what to do?" he asked as he raised his hand, "Kotae wa Kiitenai." he said snapping his fingers before their wings locked up making them fall to the ground.

"What did he do that?!" Descent shouted as he and Nightingale stood up.

"No one can tell me what to do…" 'Ryotaro' said as he appeared in between them. "So mind if I beat you both now?" he asked before he backhanded Descent before he ducked and spun around before kicking Nightingale in the stomach making her double over, he then spun the other way before he slammed his leg into Descent's head sending him stumbling back. 'Ryotaro' then ended this with a backhand to Nightingale's head sending her to the ground. "Kotae wa…" he began as he kicked Nightingale sending her skidding away he then slammed the back of his leg into Decent making him do the same. "Kiitenai." he spoke as he fixed his cap the dark glare from his purple eyes not stopping.

'...Damn it. What's with this guy?' Nightingale thought as she managed to stand up, holding her stomach area.

"This is boring now, I'll be making this fast." he said as he pulled out his belt before he strapped it on. he then pressed the purple button making hip hop music begin to play "Henshin!" he said as he swiped the pass.


With that, the suit formed before the armor formed, it aligned itself like it does for Sword form only the red chest plated opened up revealing a silver with purple interior, the tops parts seemed to resemble dragon claws holding orbs as the abdomen section showed where the armor made room for these markings, the next thing to form was the DenKamen that grinded down the helmet it was a dragon head that was gold and black with purple horns. The dragon then unfolded and became a mask, the horns flipped around and formed into a purple V like screen/visor with two golden horns that pointed upwards from the chin. A golden crest now centered in the forehead. The new form then pointed at Nightingale dynamically.

"Mind if I finish you now?" he asked her as a purple aura burst from the suit, "Kotae wa kiitenai." he smirked as he charged at her. He spun around before he aimed a kick at her head that she just barely dodged as it hit a tree splintering the entire thing to pieces. Den-O just danced around from side to side as if mocking her. "Oi oi, it's no fun if you dodge, now be good and let me finish you." Den-O complained childishly.

"...Descent," Nightingale spoke as her partner regrouped next to her, "We're not getting anywhere with this guy."

"I know. So what do we do?" Descent asked her, all the while Den-O was messing with the DenGasher seeing the parts before he began to put it together.

"Simple. One of us distracts him while the other grabs Rainbow." She explained but before more could be said a bullet passed by just between the two making them look to Den-O as he had the Dengasher in a gun formation as he skipped over to them.

"Oi. Why are you whispering? Is it a secret? Oh I'll make you tell me before I destroy you both." he laughed as he began to shoot more each bullet hitting with an explosive impact that left craters in the ground and destroyed trees. "Bang~!" he shouted as he began shooting at them again.

"Is he nuts?!" Rainbow shouted as a stray shot nearly hit her and the girls, "He's gonna destroy the whole park if he keeps up!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Den-O shouted as he made Nightingale and Descent run to avoid the killer rounds. "Chotto come back here!?" Den-O complained.

"This Imagin is dangerous!" Twilight shouted seeing this.

"How the hell did he even get in Ryotaro!?" Momotaros' sand form asked as he appeared next to the girls.

"Gah! What in tarnation' is that thing?!" Applejack yelped a bit as she jumped back from Momotaros a little.

"Oh shut up! I'm trying to think of how to knock that annoying brat out of Ryotaro!"

"Sempai, we've been trying all day." Urataros' sand form spoke appearing next to Applejack.

"Zzz…" Kintaros snoozed as he appeared next.

"...Will somebody please tell me what th' hay is goin' on?!" Applejack shouted.

"Uh...fine, Ryotaro is a armored hero who protects all of time, but he's not strong himself so these figures we call the Taros posses him and give him the ability to fight on an even level." Twilight explained giving a summarized explanation. "Weird I know but it's happening."

"Wai!" Den-O cheered as he jumped on Descent's shoulders and getting a piggyback ride in the process. "Go Kuro-tori-kun!"

"And that's a new one." Pinkie pointed out as everyone witnessed this scene, "Which...has dragon themed...armor...Twilight, please pick up the phone."

"Pinkie, now's not the time t-"

"Because I called it!*Squee!*"

"Oh toy!" Den-O said as he bashed the bottom of his gun into Descents head before he ran up to Pinkie. "Wai! where's the toy?" he asked shaking her. He then aimed and shot at Nightingale as he did so.

"It's like some kind of little boy Imagin." Rarity pointed out, "That knows how to breakdance...and use a gun." she trailed off as Den-O kept shooting at the two Shadowbolts.

"Toy...Toy!" Den-O complained to Pinkie, "Where's the toy, momo-chan?!" he asked shaking her. "Niji-chan, make her give me the toy." he complained to Rainbow.

"Toy...toy...oh!" Pinkie gasped before she pulled out a small rubber ball from her hair, "You mean this?"

"Ha! See?! I told you that thing existed!"

"Yup! it's real!*Squee!*" Pinkie smiled.

"Wait...but she...h….GRR! GOD DAMN IT, MIZU-ONNA!"

"Toy!" Den-O said as he took the ball he then squeaked it once before he aimed and shot the ground in front of the two Shadowbolts causing an explosion that made them fly away from the shockwave. "Look Niji-chan!" he said to Rainbow as he raised it in front of her face.

"Wait you know how to talk to this form?"

"Well of course! He's kinda like me!...Well, albeit he likes to shoot things, but still." she explained.

"Wai~" Den-O said happily before he shot at the Shadowbolts again. "Toy~" he said as he put his gun down and began to play with the ball. He then kicked Descent back before he bounced the ball up and spun and kicked Nightingale sending her flying back as well.

"Oi, Mizu-Onna! Tell the brat to let me take over! We got the Niji-Onna back already let's bail already!" Momotaros shouted.

"Hmm? Wha-" Den-O began before something struck him in the back, causing him to drop his gun as he staggered back. "Oi...that was mean!" he complained as he got back up not even affected by the attack.

"...We've been wondering when you'd show up, Haze," Nightingale frowned as the last member of the Shadowbolts walked out of the shadows.

"Apologies." he said as he walked in.

"Ah Omae, your the big guy I beat last night!" Den-O called out as he pointed to Haze, "Hahaha...he ran like a chicken!"


"Oh! Let's see if he dances like one!" Den-O beamed as he quickly picked his gun up. He soon fired a shot at Haze before, much to the group's shock, the largeman deflected it, "Mou! No fair!" he complained, "I said no magic, do I have to take it away again?"

"...Go ahead...try."

"Fine!" he whined as he snapped his fingers...only to get nothing, 'Eh?" he tried snapped again, only to get the same result, "Nani?!"

"Oi something's wrong." Momotaros spoke, "All of a sudden it feels like Ryotaro is really exhausted."

"Agreed...I don't know why…" Urataros began as he stared at Haze, "But there's something not right here...and I think it involves him."

"Mou...why won't it work?" Den-O complained rolling across the grass. "No fair!" he cried he then shot up before he grabbed the belt and took it off reverting to Ryotaro.

"What the-?"

"You meanie!" Ryotaro (?) complained as he jumped up, sitting with his legs crossed and a pout as he glared at Haze, "You ruined the fun! I liked it better when I was beating you last night. You were a lot less mean then." he huffed as he stuck his tongue out.

"You snot nosed brat...get the hell out of Ryotaro!" Momotaros complained.

"No! In fact…" he began as he stood up, "I'm leaving!" he huffed as he turned his back to everyone.

"What?" they all shouted.

"Boring~" he said as he began to leave. "No one knows how to have fun."

"Oi! Get back here, you gaki!"

"Blueagh!" Ryotaro(?) stuck his tongue out at him as he ran off.

"He left?!" Twilight cried out seeing this.

"Pinkie, go get him back. He listens to you," Rarity stated pushing her forward.

"But h-"

"Gah! Let me go!" Rainbow's voice shouted, causing the girls to turn and see Descent holding onto the tomboy tightly.

"No! Rainbow!"

"Oh no!" Twilight cried out seeing this, she then looked to the possessed Ryotaro as he was now laying on his side on a tree branch a bird perched on his finger. It was already clear this Imagin might not be of any willing help. "Ah...what do we do about...that?!" she asked pointing to him.

"Hell if I know. But if you care for this girl," Descent paused as he and Nightingale flew off, "Then try and catch us!"

"Kuro-tori-kun is not very creative is he, regular tori-kun?" Ryotaro(?) asked the bird perched on his finger. "Yeah you're right let's wait for the next fun thing." he spoke to the bird if it had spoken to him before somehow?

"...We need to go after them. But first…" Twilight paused as she took Applejack's stetson off her head and put it on the small pile of clothing. She then handed it back to the blonde, "Thank you for helping me out."

"...Ah really cant' get mah head around this, but y'all better go after that girl," Applejack stated, "It seems you know th' stakes way better."

"Right...I'm sorry you somehow got involved in our strange lives." Twilight apologized as she looked at the new Ryotaro as he just petted the bird. "Believe me so far this is becoming a strange day even by our standards." she explained, "Once everything's done, I'll explain everything more clearly."

"...No hard feelings girl, but get this; Ah don't want nothin' t' do with you," Applejack frowned as she put her stetson back on, "Ah only helped because y'all were gettin' strangled in th' streets. that doesn't mean ah want to meet you or yer friends."

"Oh...right...well still thanks for saving back there either way, also...if Ryotaro were in control he would want to say sorry as well...when these guys take over they go to extremes."

"You know I'm still here, you damn Mahou-Onna!"

"...Don't y'all have someone t' rescue?" Applejack stated, her hat shadowing her eyes as she began to walk off.

"Grrr….that damn cowgirl pisses me off with how badass she tries to act!"

"She's right, Momotaros," Twilight spoke as she and the others gained their gear, "We need to hurry and rescue Rainbow Dash before they get away."

"Tsk...Wakata! Well we can't get Ryotaro free the normal way...all we can do is hope he wakes up and forces that brat out." Momotaros said rationally if not calmly.

"Wow his anger was burning so much it made his head cool." Urataros joked.

"Zzz…" Kintaros snoozed a bit as he nodded in response.

"Urusei Kame! And wake up Kuma! Kuso...this makes me so mad I don't have a body to kick those street punks asses with!" Momotaros said before he looked up at Twilight. "Ah that's right! Mahou-Onna let me posses you!"

"Wha-?!" Twilight began before Momotaros became a orb of light and entered her, taking possession of her. With that, her hair spiked back near the back with a red streak, her cloths also changed to a black halter top and skirt with a leather jacket. "Tsk...this still feels awkward as hell."

"...Huh, interesting. Seems her tiara and such changed a bit as well," Urataros noted.

"Eh?" M-Twilight blinked at that as the tiara was not mostly red and magenta in color with the horn now a red color with a slight curve to it, like Momotaros' own horns. "Nande? This crap can change too? How the hell does magic work like that?!"

"Seriously, how does Ryotaro deal with this?!" Twilight shouted.

"He just mostly rest and lets me take charge," M-Twilight replied with a slight scoff.

"I really should make things easier for him if this is how he feels with thr…ah Four Imagin."

"Don't count that damn brat!" M-Twilight shouted, "We're not keeping this one. So don't get attached to it, Mizu-Onna!"

"Normally I'd snap, but we need to go after Dashie!"

"...Bah! You're right. Ikuze!" M-Twilight shouted as she took off in the other direction.

"W-wait up!" Fluttershy called out as she, Rarity, and Pinkie ran after the Imagin possessed Twilight, Urataros and Kintaros(who had just woken up) running after them.

Applejack gave them one last look before looking at herself.

"...Sheesh. Ah look like a slob," the blonde grumbled as she put her school shirt back on, "Ah Can't go t' like this…" she then looked down as she rubbed her arm a bit, "Everythin' that happened t' me today has been unbelievable."

"Perhaps I can enlighten you, Bearer of Harmony," a voice spoke up, causing Applejack to tense as someone walked out of the shadows, revealing himself to be Haze.
"Okay seriously, let go!" Rainbow snapped as she struggled to get out of Descent's grip.

"Ow! Watch it, Rainbow!" Descent grunted as he flew before he and Nightingale landed. He then dropped Rainbow onto the ground, the tomboy moving back a bit before she was against the trunk of a tree.

"Okay seriously, what the hell are you guys?!"

"Calm down, Rainbow dash. We'll explain everything," Nightingale replied before looking towards the shadows, "Isn't that right?"

"Ha...why I bother giving you brats my plans is beyond me…" the Black colored Imagin sighed as he walked out, "Very well, Rainbow Dash. Ask me any question, and I shall give you the best answer I can."

"...Fine. Who the hell are the Shadowbolts really? And what did that freaking necklace you gave me do to me?!"

"These expendable brats are merely servants to my master, Luna-hime." he explained bluntly, "You and them, those girls, are all connected to something very large, as in the fate of all life large. Is that honest enough to your liking?"

"...That still doesn't' explain what happened with that stupid necklace."

"Oh that, it was brainwashing you."

"And forcing me to nearly kill someone?!"

"...Excuse me for a moment," the black Imagin stated as he moved Descent and Nightingale away, "What is she talking about?" he asked as he grabbed them and lifted them both up. "I asked you both a question, you ungrateful brats!"

"it's not our fault," Nightingale choked out a bit, "Something had caused the collar to change Rainbow's entire aura."

"What? It was never intended to do that!" he shouted as he tossed them down. "Who would dare to trample my plans! Wait...Haze. I knew I should have killed him the moment he crossed me. I knew I should have had Kai tell us what he knew about that ungrateful cur!"

"What're you talking about?" Descent asked.

"...I need to head back to Luna. You two...stay here and ensure that those annoying little girls do not get wise to what we are doing. And you!" he pointed to Rainbow, "If you betray the trust I have put into you, then not even that beloved Kamen Rider you keep talking about will be able to save you from me. Understand?"

Rainbow Dash didn't respond as she glared at the Imagin.

"What? Now you bare your fangs to me? I offered you revenge when you wanted it. What is there for you to turn back to now? You will burn your last bridge if you cross me. Remember that little girl." he growled as he leaned in close to her, "," he said as he sank into the shadows, leaving Rainbow alone with the Shadowbolts.
"And that's what basically happened from what the Mahou-onna told me!" M-Twilight shouted as the group ran down the path.

"But...but why was Rainbow being controlled?" Fluttershy was the first to ask.

"Uh...this is still so strange." Rarity couldn't help but say mostly to herself, she still had trouble when Ryotaro was possessed at times. "But that is a good point?"

"She don't know, nears as she can figure probably to hurt the Kaze-Onna, and we can guess that the damn Emo-Onna Luna is behind it somehow." M-Twilight explained with a growl.

"Maybe. Do you think she was controlling her as a means to hurt Fluttershy?" Rarity pondered

"Thats the best I can...wait, the Mahou-Onna said the shrimp had that neckpiece before we even got the shy one on our team. If you notice those things, say them sooner!"

"I was trying to tell you but you kept tuning me out!"

"Hopefully we can convince her that we just want to help," Pinkie spoke before turning towards Fluttershy, "Because no offense Fluttershy, but your friend Rainbow is as stubborn as a rock, or maybe even Momo."

"Shut up, Mizu-Onna!" M-Twilight shouted, slapping her upside the head while they kept running.

"Actually Momotaros, before things escalated earlier, I was able to talk to Rainbow for a little while. And I could tell she really wishes to be our friend," Twilight spoke, "Also, if we can't convince her, then maybe Fluttershy can get her to think straight again."

"So to be clear, we are placing all our faith into the Kaze-Onna? Alright, just had to say it outloud."

"Demo, I don't think she'll listen to me after everything that happened," Fluttershy spoke with a small sad sigh as she rummaged through her bag before pulling out a string with a golden lightning bolt hanging from it, "But there is one person she can't ignore...only, he's not in Ponyville."

"Then make the midget listen! Right now is not a time to just be quiet."
Back with Rainbow, the tomboy was taking in everything the Shadowbolts told her.

"It's hard to believe, but maybe I really was a pegasus in my past life," Rainbow spoke, looking down at the ground a bit before looking back at Descent and Nightingale, "Just like you two."

"I know it must be hard to believe and our intention was to slowly reveal the truth to you. But you're wrong, we're different. Our wings were crafted by the powers of Princess Luna." Descent explained "But you really do have the soul of a pegasus and your powers will be awakened soon. The best way we can recommend is to let someone like Luna help you to control them."

"...But what about Fluttershy? You said she was a pegasus as well…"

"Yes but she choose to stay with those girls and the Kamen Rider." Descent countered, "It's time for you to decide what's best for yourself." he added, "Luna has something special planned for all the souls that came from Equestria, and needs someone like you to help her. And in return, she'll give you total control of your powers."

"Just imagine, Rainbow. Using your powers without limitation, and being a hero to the city, and the entire world. Much more than the legendary Kamen Riders and Super Sentai," Nightingale added, "And for all that, you just have to prove your loyalty to Luna."

"Come, Rainbow. Follow your destiny at the side of our princess."

"..." Rainbow didn't say anything as she looked down at the ground. In one hand, she would be a hero...but in the other, she'd be working with the Black Imagin, and she had a huge feeling that he was planning something, "...I...I need to be alone for a bit."

"...I understand," Nightingale nodded as she placed a hand on the tomboy's shoulder before pointing to the left, "Just follow along this path, and you'll meet up with Luna. She'll help you in your decision. Go on your own, we'll catch up." she explained.

Rainbow honestly didn't know what to do, but she figured at the moment it was probably her best option, so she just walked down the path she was given.

"Why don't we just bring her to Luna immediately?" Descent asked.

"You idiot, we can't do that," Nightingale frowned a bit at him, "For her loyalty to change in favor of Luna, she has to cross the barrier herself. In the meantime, we have to stop those girls and the Kamen Rider from coming closer to her."

"How do we do that?"

"Oh don't worry," Nightingale assured as some sand fell off her, "Luna gave us some 'pet's for just in case. Shadow Fang, Razor Claw?"

With that, the sand reformed into two Imagin. The first was white and owl like with large shoulder ads that resembled wings with feathers his left hand was normal with black talons, and its right arm was made of three large black hook claws. His face was grey and skull like with two horns on the sides of the face making, him almost demonic. It's body also looked as if wearing a white suit with feathers forming a collar of sorts. The second was a black armored Imagin, who had large shoulders and a chest plate that resembles eyes and fangs. The top of its head was covered in a red hood, with bandana like straps hanging from the back it also had a sword in its hand that resembled a hook/crescent with serration near the bottom front.

"AWOO!" the Wolf Imagin named Shadow Fang howled. "Ah I can smell the Kamen Rider's Imagin on its way here."

"Hmph...please do leave this to us, Nightingale-sama. This contract shall be a simple one to finish those humans are no match for us without their Kamen rider." the Owl Imagin named Razor Claw bowed to the two.

"I know," Nightingale smirked.
At the same time, Haze had just finished his explanation to Applejack, the blonde blinking a bit before chuckling a bit.

"So let me get this straight. Yer sayin' those girls and ah were ponies with some kind of special powers?" Applejack asked, trying to hold the chuckle down a bit as 'Ryotaro' listened in a bit, "Heh...of all th' fools linin' up today, y'all take th' cake. Not only do y'all have th' wrong girl honey, but ah've never seen those girls in all mah life."

"Quite the contrary, during the occurrence earlier with Rainbow Dash you proved to me you're exactly the one I'm searching for. Applejack, the reincarnation of the Element of Honesty. Unfortunately my little test was ruined when the Kamen Rider and his new...Pets…" he growled the last part out "Interrupted and attacked you." he finished, calming himself back down. "Furthermore, I never once said that you knew them in this lifetime, you merely assumed I said that."

"...Just who th' hell are you anyway?" Applejacked asked with a frown, "Yer just babblin' stupid trash and stuff."

"Presently, I am called Haze, but it's the message I need to deliver that's important not the messenger." he explained calmly. "In the very near future, the world will be turned into one of chaos and destruction. Humanity will be overrun by monsters, monsters that hide in the shadows of your world, monsters from other worlds, monsters and more monsters. Humanity is already doomed. But it could in theory be stopped if the Bearers of Harmony reunite…"

'Ryotaro' listened in more on that before he spotted AJ turning her back to Haze.

"Ah'm leavin. Best ah don't catch crazy talk from somebody like you," Applejack scoffed a bit as she began to walk away.

"I did not expect such a reaction from you. your attitude is nothing at all like your past life. Could this be his doing?" he said in honest wonder of it himself. "You have no conviction, zero commitment to your role as a Bearer of Harmony, nor even care that the very people you do care for will die?" he added as he pulled out a black ribbon from behind his back. "Well then, since you have no desire to do something for the world, I don't think it'll be a problem. I'll just take this rag I found tied to an Apple tree. It'll be a nice trinket."

Applejack froze mid step as her eyes widened, the blonde turning around to see the black ribbon.

"...Listen up, blockhead," Applejack began as she glared at Haze, "If y'all don't want to enter a world of pain, you better hand over that ribbon now!"

"Hm...if a simple ribbon can change your enthusiasm, then I'm very much looking forward to how much enthusiasm you show whilst protecting this world alongside those others and even that Kamen Rider, it shall be incredibly interesting." Haze chuckled.

"Hm...this actually seems interesting now." 'Ryotaro' said as he had a bird on his shoulder while sitting on a branch and watching the two. "I think I might enjoy playing with these two after I've taken care of Ryotaro." he smirked darkly.
With the girls, they had just arrived at the clearing Nightingale and Descent were in, the two resting against a pair of trees. Their Imagin were hiding out just behind the trees as per their contractors orders, waiting for their chance to attack.

"Heh...took you long enough," Nightingale smirked.

"You two! Where is Rainbow?!" Fluttershy demanded in a serious tone.

"Hahaha, who'd thought the weeping girl could show so much aggression. Is that blockheaded Red Imagin controlling her?" Nightingale laughed. "First of all, let us introduce ourselves: I'm Nightingale, and this is my brother Descent." she introduced motioning to herself then her brother. "And we are subordinates of the true and only ruler of Equestria, the Princess Luna." she finished with a smirk.

"Then that damn Emo-Onna is behind all this crap!" M-Twilight growled, "But why does she need the Niji-onna?! She has nothing to do with this!"

"That's simple, sempai," Urataros spoke up as he and Kintaros caught up with the group, "Recall what Celeste-san told us the day after Rainbow-chan left?"

"Yeah? What ab….oh."

"What's he talking about, Momotaros?"

"So, she was right. That Niji-Onna is just like you lot," M-Twilight smirked looking at the others.

"What do you mean, Momo?" Pinkie asked.

"Heh. It's quite simple really," Nightingale smirked a little, "Rainbow is the Bearer of Loyalty."

"I knew it!" Urataros called out happily.

"But hold on," Rarity spoke up next, "How could Luna know that? She can't find that out without the Jewels of Harmony."

"Insolent girl, Luna knows all. Soon Rainbow will awaken her powers and use them in service of my lady." Nightingale smirked.

"Any other time I'd be hitting on her, but I think I'll just let Sempai hit her." Urataros said seriously yet snarkish.

"Yeah. Besides, those Elements of Harmony thing only work together, so the Emo-onna just wasted her time," M-Twilight smirked.

"...Wow. You really are an idiot," Nightingale chuckled, "It's true when used together, they can make a great power. But separately, they can be almost as powerful. Luna told me that if a Bearer hasn't released their power, it can still be changed. In other words, the Loyalty she had for Fluttershy will soon be changed to Luna once she convinces her to join us. And when her powers are awakened, she can only use them for whom she trusted at the time."

"Eh/Nani?" they all blinked.

"Which is why we've been manipulating her consciousness to make her join with Luna, and to leave behind her little friend." Nightingale finished with a sadistic smile on her face.

"...How…?" Fluttershy began as she held her hands over her mouth, "How could you do that?"

" was due to two helpers: One was the necklace she had. It increased every negative feeling and emotion she had, making her anger reach its boiling point and her sadness send her to despair. And second it helped you made Fluttershy join your little after-school hero club, the Kamen Rider was most useful in that as he was there the most for Fluttershy. That just increased her envy even more too boot."

"Grr…" M-Twilight growled, balling her hand up into a fist as she glared at Nightingale.

"As you know, the former sister of Luna, the current Celestia, had cast a spell that prevents her from approaching her, and preventing entry into Ponyville," the female Shadowbolt continued, "But the barrier only affects Luna, and Rainbow will soon cross it. Not only will she be unreachable to you because you'd be exposed to Luna herself, and you know very well your four and the Kamen Rider are no match for her, but also Rainbow will have chosen to be loyal to Luna."

"How cruel…" Kintaros frowned.

"What an unsightly disgusts me," Urataros frowned as his eyes glared at them.

"Oh your ass is grass, you crazy bitch," M-Twilight growled, Momotaros' anger forming a red aura that was fueled by Twilight's magic.

"...I won't tolerate this!" Fluttershy shouted as she gained her gear, "Nobody does that to my friend!"

"Stop don't attack them. That's our job." Pinkie spoke as she and the others all got in front of Fluttershy.

"Pinkie's right, dear. Let us handle them," Rarity stated as she took her hat off.

"They're right, even Twilight says you should go and get the Niji-Onna," M-Twilight said as she walked forward, "Just go after her. You got the wings and the pull to bring her mind back to normal."

"...But what about them?" Fluttershy asked as she motioned to the Shadowbolts, "They have wings too, and they're fast, so they'll have the advantage."

"Don't worry about that, Fluttershy. Momotaros and Twilight together means we'll have someone who is much better at fighting on our side, so they and Rarity can handle the old witch over there." Pinkie smirked.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU CALLING OLD?!" Nightingale snapped, her teeth shark like as Descent backed away from her.

"She means you! Them crows feet and wrinkles are a good example of how freakin' old you are you hag!" M-Twilight added on to what Pinkie started.


"And as for the handsome guy? I'll teach him a few dance moves," Pinkie giggled.

"Remember to actually keep him from hitting you," M-Twilight reminded. "And to hit him rather than hitting on him!" she added, bonking Pinkie's head lightly.

"Ike Fluttershy, we shall handle them, go show your friend just how strong you truly are." Kintaros spoke to Fluttershy.

"Hai, hai, go reel her back to reality and then we can all get along together." Urataros nodded.

"...But. How can y-"

"You think we'll let you go after Rainbow?" Descent spoke, his goggles glaring a bit as dark energy began to form around his hand, "Not in your wildest dreams!" he shouted as he charged at them but he was cut off by a swirling mass of water that suddenly reformed into a pony that seemed to match the one on Pinkie's headpiece. Descent then looked to the side to see Pinkie resting on a stream of water that curved into a heart like tip.

"Hey. I told you that you were my dancing partner for this party, cutie," the excitable pinkette giggled.

"...heh. okay," Descent smirked as his wings appeared, "Let's see how long you can dance, crazy girl."

As this happened M-Twilight stared off with Nightingale both just waiting for the other to make a move.

"Okay...I don't know what exactly your body can do in terms of fighting, so whats the plan?" M-Twilight asked.

"It's simple. Just concentrate and shout Mirage to create a flash of light, producing a fake Fluttershy. While Nightingale's distracted, the real Fluttershy will get away while Rarity creates a wall to prevent Nightingale and Descent from following."

"Then Momo gets to hit stuff?"

"Then Momo gets to hit stuff."

"Mirage!" M-Twilight shouted a she held onto her hand, forming a blinding red flash, and just as Twilight said an illusion of Fluttershy flew forward just over Nightingale.

"Where do you think you're going?" Nightingale frowned as her wings popped out, the female Shadowbolt formed a sphere of dark energy in her hand, "I said no one's gonna escape this fight, weeping girl!" she shouted as she fired the blast that went through the illusion dispelling it from existence, 'What?! It was an illusion?! But...where's...?'

She looked over to see Fluttershy flying away already as a large wall of rock formed and cut off the path she flew in with the help of the tall trees.

"Well done Momo, Twilight's plan for a fake Fluttershy tricked her perfectly." Rarity smirked.

"I may not be smart, but you dumb-asses forgot we got more brains than you and that dumbass brother of yours," M-Twilight smirked.

"Let's hope Fluttershy reaches Rainbow in time," Twilight hoped.

'Wait for me, Rainbow. Please...don't go,' Fluttershy thought as she flew as fast as she could.
Back with Haze and Applejack, the tall man was just waiting there for the Blonde's next response of insult, whatever it would be.

"Gimme that ribbon, ya jackass!" Applejack demanded as she continued to glare at him, 'Ryotaro' still watching this event go down from the sidelines.

"Before that, I need to know if you're truly committed to save the world. And join those girls and work alongside the Kamen Rider."

"Ah already told you, ah got no beef with them! Ah just want me and mah family t' live in peace!" Applejack shouted, "Ah don't believe in friendship!"

"Hm...then that is problematic. My job will not be complete unless I can find a way to make you understand." Haze spoke as he scratched his chin, "Tell me how far away is the school of your little sister, Applebloom?" he asked, lowering his hand with a dangerously serious tone, making both Applejack and 'Ryotaro' look at him in shock and interest respectively, "I believe I know now. By showing you the pain of losing someone you care for, I shall take the Kamen Rider approach and turn you into a warrior of vengeance."

"Don't you dare touch mah sister, you son of a bitch!" Applejack snapped as she ran towards him. She then jumped up and delivered a kick to his face, earning no response from him as her eyes widened in shock, ' Ah don't believe this.'

"I like this response." Haze spoke up as it was revealed he blocked the swing of her kick with his right hand's index finger.

"...Who...who are you?" Applejack asked in a slight nervous tone as she jumped back from him, "That kick you stopped should've tore your finger off."

"You are physically strong indeed, but did you honestly think a little girl who hasn't even awakened her spiritual powers, let alone knows the truth about all the shadows lurking in humanity's world could defeat someone like me, who knows all the hidden secrets of the spirits and this world's darkness?"

"Ah...ah don't understand a word yer sayin'," Applejack said as she began to shake a bit.

"To put it in simpler terms, it's like a race where the small and weak pony is trying to defeat the fully grown and strong stallion. In're out of your place, little girl."

" won't get near mah sister…"

"You're hardly in any position to stop me. You've pushed away the four girls, and the Kamen Rider is just watching me torment you. But my goal is not to fight you or harm you exactly. If it was, you'd be dust by now. No merely I wanted to receive a positive response from you, yet all I got was negative." he explained as he slowly walked up to her. "You are steadfast in rejecting your destiny even if it damns this entire planet and the human race. You still reject your role as a Bearer of Harmony, and now...I'm curious as to what made you like this."

"St-stay away!" Applejack shouted as she got into a fighting stance, her body shaking more, "If y'all take one more step, Ah...ah swear ah'll hurt you!"

"My you are stubborn. Even though I stopped your kick, you still believe that you can harm me?" he asked as he walked forward as he stepped on a branch with a crunching sound, "But since you insist on threatening me…" he began as he raised his arm but before more could happen a blur landed between them. 'Ryotaro' slowly standing back up as he fixed his cap.

"Chotto…" he spoke to Haze. "Did you step on that nest?" he asked pointing to the branch revealing a birds nest Haze stepped on.

"...It was not my intention, but if you'll excuse me...I have business with this little girl here."

"Ano, Nee-san can wait." 'Ryotaro' said, stopping Haze by putting his hand to his chest and to his slight surprise his body was stopped. "She won't be going anywhere...her legs are all shaky. She's stuck here so you and I can talk and settle things with what you have done to that nest." he explained as a purple aura began to form off him as a humanoid image formed over him, the purple aura almost suffocating to those who could sense it. "Didn't you know something about dragons?"

"...I suggest you stay out of my way…" Haze began as he pulled out a venom green gem, "Now."

"They can turn even a drop of water into a raging flood...imagine what a dragon could do to a single drop of someone's Aura?" 'Ryotaro' smirked.

Haze didn't reply as the gem in his hand glowed, causing both 'Ryotaro' and Applejack to freeze, almost like some force was forcing them down to their knees.

'Wh-what's goin' on? Ah...ah cant' move!' Applejack thought as she tried to stay up.

"Hehehe...your fun...Kai was right about you." 'Ryotaro' smirked, looking uneffected. "Look you forced Ryotaro's body to go down, sugoi...but it's not as impressive as what mister Green Eyes showed me."

"...Applejack," Haze spoke as he looked at the blonde, "When you were fighting Rainbow Dash, the Bearer of Magic was about to use her magic to remove the necklace around her neck. I was able to stop her with this, the Emerald of Damnation. If it can block a young woman like Twilight, who already has control and use of her Spirit Power, just imagine what it can do to someone who hasn't discovered theirs yet."

"Wh….what're you plannin'?" Applejack managed to get out.


"Yoink." 'Ryotaro' grabbed the emerald from Haze. "Oh...this looks nice...Ne mind if I keep this? I think I'll have lots of fun with it." he smirked as if nothing had happened to him.

"...Poor fool."

"Fool? Why, I already know the future," 'Ryotaro' smirked as he held it up. "You think I'm just a kid but you don't know anything, do you know why your boss told you to come and do this to this girl?" he asked as he twirled the gem around on his finger. "It's not important Kai already told me what will happen to you anyway, I'll enjoy laughing at you." he smirked with a dark look. "Remember I'm not one of those Imagin, or Ryotaro, I'm me."

"...That's fine," Haze spoke as he put his hand on Applejack's head, "I don't need the gem to do this."

"Wh-?" Applejack began before she began to scream in pain, "G-gahh!-!-!-!-!-!"

"Now...let's see what caused you to hate friendship so much."
"Starstorm!" M-Twilight shouted as she held her hand out firing a powerful blast of glittering light that was a mix of red and yellow.

"Anti-Materia!" Nightingale declared as she held her hands out, firing a giant shadow and night colored sphere of darkness that collided with the light.

The Starstorm began to push back against the Anti-Materia more and more, the added combat abilities of Momotaros made fighting easier and seemingly made Twilight's normal attacks stronger to an extent.

"Oi, Chikyu-onna! Any day now!"

"Right! Imprison!" Rarity shouted as she clapped her hands together in a prayer like style. Likewise two stone hands rose from the ground around Nightingale and closed in trying to capture her but the girl just flew straight up letting the stone hands slam against one another.

"You can't even touch me! I'm too fast!" Nightingale shouted as she flew high into the air.

"Oh shut the hell up!" M-Twilight shouted as she jumped onto the stone hands before she jumped with all her might into the air, right in front of Nightingale, "If you're going to fly, don't half ass it and hover over the freaking ground!" she shouted slamming her forehead into hers, disorienting the female Shadow Bolt a bit, "Blade of Energy!" she shouted as a blade of red energy formed over M-Twilight's hand. She then swung it, only for Nightingale to push with her wings and move over the swing before appearing right behind M-Twilight.

"You fool fighting someone in the air without wings! Even if you can't reach me how the hell will you outmaneuver me?" she asked as she aimed her fist to M-Twilight's back. "Momentum!" she shouted as a large burst of force shot from her fist, sending M-Twilight into a tree branch that was hanging off the cliff.

"Hold on! I'm-!" Rarity began before Nightingale appeared before her, causing her t jump back.

"It's just you and me, insolent girl," Nightingale smirked darkly.

In another fight, Descent was trying to hit Pinkie, only for the excitable pinkette to dodge each strike easily, almost like she was dancing.

"Well, it seems Pinkie-chan is enjoying herself," Urataros noted as he and Kintaros watched from the sidelines.

Pinkie just dodged more of Descent's strikes before he began to tire as he took a second to catch his breath, Pinkie just giving two peace signs and sticking out her tongue.

"If those are your moves, I doubt I'll choose you as a partner for the party we'll be throwing after we find our final friend," Pinkie scolded playfully.

'Demons...who is this girl? She evaded all of my attacks with ease, and I'm the fastest member of the shadowbolts. But come to think of it, Princess Luna told us to be especially careful of this one and the Kamen Rider, I understood the Rider, but I didn't think this pink colored nuisance would be so much I'm glad to not be facing that Kamen rider.' Descent mentally spoke as the memory of that beating was still fresh in his mind.

"...Either way..." Pinkie began as she spun in place, water beginning to worm around her as she spun, "I guess I have to teach you how to move those hips," she winked before a glint appeared in her eye, the water surrounding her becoming whips as they shot towards Descent.

"Crap!" Descent shouted as he flew away and ducked from each lashing of the water whips before he landed on a branch. "I'm sorry girl but I'm way too fast for you to catch me." he smirked, "Also you and I have nothing in common."

"Why not? You're a guy, I'm a girl. We're compatible," Pinkie smiled in a cat like manner.

"I mean in that you want to make people happy…" he smirked as he formed a black flame on his finger, "Where as I prefer to see them suffer. Wildfire!" he shouted as he fired out a large burst of pitch black fire, the flames forked and hit the ground around Pinkie before it all turned into a raging inferno that seemingly swallowed her entirely up. Descent smirked in victory before his eyes widened behind his goggles, the black flames dying down to show Pinkie in a sphere made of water, the girl holding her breath as she floated in the water.

She then let out an air bubble that she made into the shape of a heart before she snorted another air bubble from her nose shaped like an arrow that 'pierced' the heart bubble.

'This girl's giving me a headache,' Descent mentally groaned, 'Even on the verge of death she won't stop joking.' he groaned holding his head.

"Poor fool has no idea. This is just tame compared to what we have endured," Urataros spoke as if reading Descent's mind.

"Indeed," Kintaros nodded in agreement as he cracked his neck.

Back at the other battle, Rarity was having trouble with Nightingale, the former having created a dome of earth to block the waves of dark energy arrows the latter fired at her.

'Damn...I can't attack her,' Rarity complained as she had trouble keeping the earth dome up.

"Luna was right. You're strong at long distance, but you vulnerable up close." Nightingale taunted shooting more and more arrows. "Maybe you rely too heavily on your little pet Kamen Rider. But it doesn't matter..." she smirked as she raised her hands, a large dark energy sphere forming above her, I'm going to crush you here and now!" she shouted as she launched the giant sphere of dark energy.

But before it could hit a figure landed on the dome of Earth before punching their arm forward, creating a barrier that stopped the blast.

"Heh...if that's the best attack you can do, then you're not going to last long," M-Twilight grinned as she blocked the blast.

"What?! Why are you still alive?!" Nightingale demanded as M-Twilight leapt at her once more, "Seriously? This tactic again? What makes you think it'll work this t-?"

"Phantom Wings!"

"Phantom wh-" Nightingale blinked before a pair of energy construct wings formed from M-Twilight's shoulders before taking her up into the air and above Nightingale.

"Oh shut up, you old hag!" M-Twilight shouted as she raised her arm back before punching her in the face sending her straight down.

"...Seriously, Phantom Wings? It's supposed to be 'Ghostly Wings', Momotaros," Twilight spoke.

"Shut up. I don't like the name, so I'm changing it. If you don't like it, learn how to push me out like Ryotaro does," M-Twilight snorted as she flew back to the ground, landing next to Rarity as she lowered the earth dome.

" were flying," Rarity gasped a bit.

"Heh...I prefer calling it jumping with style," M-Twilight explained, "According to the Mahou-Onna, it's a spell that lets you jump again, and controlled with high speed, useful for taking this winged jerks down." she explained, stretching her arm after that last punch.

"I see...well it very well kept you alive, and it's a great spell. Perhaps once this is all over, Twilight can possibly teach it to me."

"She says if we make it out of this and get regular Ryotaro, she'll teach you all you want."

"Excellent! I can already imagine it now…" Rarity began as hearts formed in her eyes a bit, "Butterfly wings with a matching outfit. I would look simply divine."

"Oi...fight first, Chikyu-Onna."

"I suppose some things are just within one's nature." Twilight sighed a bit before a faint light orange glow caught her attention, "...Wait. What's that glow?"

"Oi. Something's glowing in your bag."

"What?" Rarity blinked as the two, well three if one is being technical, looked at their bags to see the orange glow from Twilight's backpack. Seeing as this might be something complicated Momotaros exited Twilight so she could speak.

"The Jewel of's glowing. That must mean it found its bearer!" Twilight gasped.

"Eh?! Two in one day?!" Momotaros (in his sand form) shouted. "What the hell?! Are people important to our lives just falling from the sky now?!"

"Do you know where, Twilight?" Rarity asked her violetette.

"I think it's presence is coming from the opposite direction, back to where we left Ryotaro and that Applejack girl, why else would it react now." she pointed out.

"Twilight, maybe there won't be another opportunity to find her." Rarity pointed out.

"Ah she's right," Momotaros nodded.

"...Can you fight Nightingale on our own, Rarity?"

"I'm not sure...unless Momotaros is possessing me. But that's your call, Twilight," Rarity answered.

"No...even if Momotaros did possess one of us, the problem would be if they would find out about this other Bearer, we would lead them right to another one. It's best for us to deal with them for the moment." Twilight pointed out logically. "If we had Ryotaro with us that be different...wait, Momotaros could you possibly make it over to Ryotaro and find this person yourself?"

"Eh? me?...Well even if I could, what good would it do? That damn Gaki(Brat) is blocking our connection to Ryotaro."

"Damn…" Twilight cursed a bit before she and Rarity tensed as Nightingale got back up, "Let's hope she can handle herself then."

"...That was a good shot but…" the female shadowbolt began with a slight smirk, "What say we even the our favor?" she smirked as she snapped her fingers, causing two blurs to come out from behind the trees. The two Imagin then appeared, the Owl one landing in front of Nightingale while the wolf one landed in front of Descent.

"Imagin!" the Taros all shouted as the Imagin glared at the girls.

"Meet our Imagin, Razor Claw, and Shadow Fang."

"Seriously?! You got to name them before me?! Meanies!" Pinkie pouted childishly.

"Pinkie, that's not the problem here! Those Imagin are very powerful! None of you could fight them evenly!" Urataros shouted.

"...He's right. On our own, we can't stand against an Imagin without Ryotaro's help," Twilight spoke as she looked at Momotaros next, "Momotaros, try and get to Ryotaro as fast as you can."

"Gh...hai!" he shouted, "I swear if you guys end up getting hurt and make Ryotaro depressed, I'll show you no mercy!" he complained as he turned into a sphere of light and flew off back the way they came.

"What about us?" Urataros spoke up, motioning to himself and Kintaros.

"One of you try and go back to DenLiner and see if Owner could tell us something useful. He knows everything about the Imagin and Den-O. Maybe he can, I don't know, exercise this new one?" Twilight hoped.

"Alright, I'll go." Urataros nodded. "Kin-chan, you stay here and help however you can." he told Kintaros, who nodded before Urataros himself turned into a blue flash and disappeared.

"Yosh! I'm ready to fight!"

" can he fight, Twilight?" Rarity asked her friend, who took a deep breath.

"Have him use your body."

"...I beg your pardon?"

"Your powers could be used with Kintaros' fighting style, which focuses heavily on defense," Twilight explained.

"..." Rarity blinked at her a few times before sighing a little, "Fine," she then turned towards Kintaros with a stern look, "You better not scuff my dress."

"Ossu." he nodded before he became a sphere of light before entering her.

Rarity's hair then became straight and tied back in a ponytail with a yellow streak going through it, she also had a lock of bangs hanging over her face covering her left eye with a matching yellow streak through it. Her clothes also changed as well. She now wore a short cut females kimono that was mostly yellow with a sakura petal pattern and a black sash around her waist. To seemingly add more flare to the new look she also had a bamboo umbrella over her shoulder.

"Ore no Tsuyosa ni…omae ga naita," K-Rarity stated as she moved her bamboo umbrella away from her face, showing her tiara had changed as well. It was still mostly metallic silver, but the parts that were purple now became a bright topaz yellow with the floating horn of the tiara seeming to have an axe blade along the top.

"It worked." Twilight noted, "And it seems like they have a good sync as well."

"...This could be a bit of a problem," Nightingale frowned a bit before regaining her composure, "As if. Razor claw, Shadow Fang, mess them up!"
Back with Haze, he was currently looking down at Applejack, the blonde shaking like a leaf as she laid on the ground.

"N….no...enough. Ah….ah don't want t' remember anymore…" Applejack shivered as she shook, a look of fear and near despair on her face as tears rolled down her eyes, "Please...ah just want t' live with mah family in peace."

"It seems you are really sincere you don't want friendship in your life." Haze stated as he looked down at her.

"Hm…" 'Ryotaro' looked down at her. "Humans are rather strange. Aren't they, Kuro-Tori-san?" he asked Haze all the while twirling the emerald he stole from him in his hands.

'...I did not expect this. She's a lot like Luna...she was born to suffer for others...' Haze thought as he looked over to 'Ryotaro'. 'Then that memory that is the root of her current self...why do I know it's connected to this Kamen Rider...'

"Don't worry about this Ryotaro for long." 'Ryotaro' explained as if reading his mind. "Kai's plan is already working, she's like this, and Ryotaro will soon be defeated, I'll be sure to do it." he smirked as he patted Haze's shoulder. "Oh I like that confused look on your face." he smirked looking at his face.

"...I must check with my team. Excuse me…" Haze said as he walked past 'Ryotaro', but stopped as he looked over his shoulder, "Applejack, I see now the my presence here served no purpose. I understand you don't know them, nor wish to be friends with them."

Applejack didn't pay attention as she continued to shake.

"I'll withdraw for now as I am needed elsewhere. I hope we meet again someday, but it'll be possible that you won't recognize me," Haze stated as a large pair of black wings sprouted from his back, "And as for that threat I made at your sister...a mere lie. I'm not interested in her, much less know or want to hurt her." he explained as he looked up revealing the blue eyes under his hood. "But what I told you about the world being in danger those words where the truth. And that boy over there is being controlled by one of the monsters out to destroy it."

"Hello." 'Ryotaro' waved as he was now chewing on the emerald out of childish boredom.

"..." Haze said nothing as he held his hand out, the Emerald of Damnation flying out of 'Ryotaro's mouth as it landed back in his hand. "Know this. While you know what will happen…" he paused as his eyes glowed under his hood, "Fate has a funny way of changing things," he added as he flew off.

"Baka...he doesn't know anything about how this works," 'Ryotaro' snorted before he heard something faint, "Eh? What's that?"

"Mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine!" Momotaros' voice shouted, 'Ryotaro' turning around before a sphere of light hit him, forcing whoever was possessing Ryotaro out.

"Mine…" M-Ryotaro growled as he looked up as the light faded away as the possession was complete. "Ah...this feels so much better. I hate having to take over a girl...Ryotaro's body really does feel more comfortable. Now t-" he paused when he noticed the badly shaking Applejack, "...What the hell happened here?" he asked as he ran up next to her before looking at her. " okay?"

"...Ah dont' want t' have any friends...ah don't' want t' suffer anymore…" Applejack whimpered, her tears practically rolling down her face as she held herself.

"Tsk...I really am going soft…" M-Ryotaro complained as he lifted Applejack up before he carried her over and let her rest against a tree. "If you can hear me, I'm not looking to be your dang friend. I don't want anything to do with you. But my pride won't let me leave someone who's in this state be like that," he spoke as he grabbed her hat and placed it on her head again. "So don't take any of this as a request for friendship, got it? I'm just doing my one good thing. And don't bring this up either. I hate it when someone gets me to actually be nice…"

Applejack didn't say anything, her stetson hiding her eyes as she shook still, not noticing M-Ryotaro walking away, unaware that he was being watched in interest by a Imagin closely resembling a dragon.
Meanwhile with Rainbow Dash, the tomboy was walking by herself along the path Nightingale suggested her. Many things were going through her mind right now. In one hand, she could join Luna and become strong...become the hero this world needs. But in the other...she'd be with that Dark Imagin. That Imagin that just made her feel like if she turned her back on him he wouldn't hesitate to stab it. But she also couldn't help but think about the other things like her friend that was here, and why she joined those girls and the Kamen Rider. She stopped when she began thinking of that last word...Kamen Rider.

When she thought about that name, Ryotaro's face just came to her memory. He looked like them, and he protected people, but he took her friend away. Didn't...he? It didn't seem like something someone who was a Kamen Rider would do. But the more she thought of this, the more it just confused her more and more.

"...Ugh, why am I getting worked up over this?" the tomboy muttered to herself as she kicked a nearby rock ,"I don't need anybody...I can only trust myself. I don't need Luna to help me unlock my true power, I can d-"

"Rainbow!" a voice called out to her as Fluttershy flew in before landing letting her wings and gear disappear as she did.

" really do have wings…" Rainbow whispered, her eyes widened in disbelief.

"Rainbow...please…." Fluttershy panted heavily as she looked at her friend, "Don't...leave….me."


"Rainbow...please don't' go to Luna. She's just using you." Fluttershy tried to reason.

"Just like those girls are using you to make me feel bad?" Rainbow countered.

"That's not true, Rainbow. How...How can I make you understand that they're not against you, but want us to become their friends?"

"But I'm your only friend, Fluttershy! You have to listen to me and only me! A-"


Rainbow just stood their a look of disbelief on her face as she had a bright red hand mark on her face. Fluttershy had her hand raised up as she was breathing harder from her own emotions of frustration taking hold.

"Enough!" she actually shouted out in a tone that just made Rainbow be quite. "I'm not your pet, I'm also not your property." she finally said what was on her mind as she calmed down. "I've always been there when you needed me, but I am also entitled to have other friends. I love you Rainbow, but you don't' own me."

"...Then you sh-"

"What about the promise to 'him'? Did you forget that?" Fluttershy cut her off this questio causing Rainbow's mind to go for a loop.

"I...I don't know what you mean." Rainbow defened weakly.

"I'm talking about that promise we made to him. The one we both made three years ago." Fluttershy stated before she grabbed Rainbow's shoulders. "I'm talking about Soarin, the person you admire most. Have you forgotten him as well?"

"...S….Soarin…" Rainbow repeated quietly.

"Remember Rainbow...please…" Fluttershy begged as tears formed in her eyes, "Please remember your promise."
Rainbow: I don't want to let go of those memories.

Momotaros: Heh...I think this might be our last battle, Ryotaro.

Twilight: Rarity!

Pinkie: *darkly*I think I'm gonna enjoy my time torturing you all.

Ryotaro: Even...if I am weak...I'll fight so no one has to burden the pain that I can endure...boku wa...Kamen Rider da!

Stop 8: Loyal Thunder, Dancing Dragon Pt 2

Den-O Gun form/Rainbow: Mind if we beat you now? Kotae wa Kiitenai/I don't hear an answer!