//------------------------------// // A Day with Daring Doo // Story: A Day with Daring Doo // by Raikiry //------------------------------// A Day with Daring Doo Written by Raikiry Edited by: Trithtale Day after day he wonders one thing and one thing only, what kind of world is this? This is a story in which a young male explorer is going to find out what kind of world he lives in. The young man's name is Rey and he is a man who is looking and studying anything he could find to see if it’s a poisonous flower or a new creature or an old ruin. Rey loved to explore and loves to study what the world throws at him. Now he finds himself lost deep inside of the Everfree Forest. “Well call me a idiot with no face, I guess I got lost” He thought to himself. Rey looked around at his surroundings to try to see if he could get a good idea of where he might be. The sound of a bird grabs his attention and turns his head towards the beautiful creature. He smiles at the little creature who’s signing on top of a tree. Rey took this opportunity and grabbed the camera that was on his backpack and took a picture of the little bird, and after the flash the bird got scared away. He checked if the picture came out alright and it did until something caught his eyes and saw something weird in the picture. Behind the bird were two blue eyes looking straight at him. He look away from his camera and look at the position where the eyes were located and there was nothing. Rey thought he might be hallucinating but ignored it for now. As he continue Explore the Forest he heard three sound that grab his attention BAM! BAM! BAM! Rey heard the mysterious noise and saw a few birds getting scared away because of the sound that was just made. He wasn’t quite sure if it was a gunshot or something else but he knew that his instincts were saying go check it out. He did he follow where the noise was heard and found a nearby camp. Rey got close to the camp and notice there was military hardware in the camp and got very suspicious about it. He look around and couldn’t see anyone around until he heard a Voice behind him. “HEY GUYS OVER HERE I THINK I FOUND HER!” The male said “Her?” he questions. As he was about to turn around he finds himself at gunpoint by a guy. Rey raises his hand and drops his camera. “Don’t you move!” The guy said. He inspects Rey to see if he is armed, but luckily he was not. Three other men approach their comrade that was holding Rey at gunpoint. “Did you find her?” The other male questions. “No, sorry I was mistaken by this other intruder who was roaming around in our camp.” He said. There was a really big fellow approaching Rey and by the looks of it he might be the leader of all this. Rey maybe thought he can reason with them that this was a misunderstanding. “Sir, I recommend that you tell us what you were doing here in our camp” The Leader tells Rey. “Um..I was just wondering around and heard a noise coming through here.” Rey said with his hands still up. “Take him hostage he might-“ as he was about to finish the sentence he was interrupted by a Pebble that was thrown right at him. “Hey Boys looking for me?” A mysterious women appear on top of a tree with a large backpack. A woman in a adventurer's getup. Rey looked at the woman and she did the same. “Who are you?” They said at the same time getting the leader attention. “Wait Daring Doo isn’t this your partner?!” The leader scream at her. Rey put two and two together and knew this was coming out in a classical Indiana Jones Movie and by the looks of it this Daring Doo is a good guy-err girl oh whatever and these guys are the bad guys and then Rey realized he is a easy hostage for them. “Partner? Pfft.” Daring covered her mouth to not laugh to hard.” That’s a good one Eddie, but please why do I need a partner if I could do this all by myself?” She asked. “Well now I know your not a kind woman and that you’re an ass like the others.” Rey thought out loud. “Hey watch it newbie if you like were your teeth are kept, I recommend to shut it.” Daring barked back. “Oh so you Bark but don’t bite, that’s nice.” Rey smirks. “Why you little.” Daring was about to bark something else but was interrupted by Eddie. “Both of you silents. Daring I am taking this one hostage so if you want this idiot alive I recommend you to give us back the Spear.” Eddie said. “Hmmm let me think about it” As daring put one finger in her chin “ Nah you can keep him.” “HEY! AREN’T YOU SUPPOSED TO BE A HERO OR SOMETHING!?” Rey yelled. “Newbie please I am no hero I am just a Explorer who get hired to get the job done not save people who gets in my way.” Daring said. Rey took a deep breath and look at the thugs who was have him hostage until he realized what Daring Doo’s type is. He realized that she is one of those female heroes in the movies that all have the same attitude and don’t like one particular word that will make them save anyone. Rey smirks and look back at Daring. “Oh I know your right, because you’re to old and stupid. You can't save a young handsome guy like me.” This clicked the bomb to active “Did you just call me old?!” Daring yelled gritting her teeth. “Ohhhh and they call me evil.” “Shut up Bob” “Well of course that face says you’re to old for this and can’t save this young man life aint that right Grandma.” And boom goes the dynamite. “THAT’S IT!” Daring screams, jumps off the tree and pulls out a whip and whips Eddie’s hand to make him drop his gun. At that moment everyone started to shoot at daring making her drop the spear that was in her backpack and making Rey get a clean escape. As he run away he notice Daring in a tight spot like she was about to die. Rey was thinking about helping out but then thought about this person personality and how she was mean and she was about to leave him, but then he thought that he is better than that to leave a human about to be shot for dead. Rey decided to help her out. He inspects the camp to see what he needs to do to help her get out. Then he sees an extinguisher Besides Him and it gave him an idea. He runs to the extinguisher and throws it in front of the thugs making them shoot it and creating smoke in front of them so they can’t see who their shooting at. He runs towards Daring and pull her arm and runs towards the jungle to get a clean escape. It was a success few minutes later has past and Rey and daring was out in the forest in the middle of nowhere. With no breath at all Rey took a minute break so he can part ways with this Daring Doo girl. Right now he is thinking of getting out of the forest and going home and take a long bath. Rey pulls his head up and notice Daring walking towards him. At first he thought she might thank him and leave or slap him in the face for calling her old. As she get close she pulls his shirt and put him up-close to her and her face expression was just terrifying like he just cross a road of no return. “Listen here Buttercup” Daring started to call him an arrogant nickname for him. “Your going to help me get that spear back cause is your fault I drop it. If it weren’t for you I would already be in my plane flying safely out this stupid jungle.” “Well by the look of your eyes you really want that spear.” Rey said. “You don’t understand. That spear carries deadly power to raise the dead so if you don’t want a apocalypse breaking out you are going to help me.” Daring said. “Huh…you could be a good comedian one day. Look raise the dead please that will be the day. When someone has a horn in their head and wings in their back and called themselves a alicorn then I will believe you.” Rey joked. She tightens her grip on Rey's shirt and her expression had enough with rey attitude were if he believes her or not. “Listen here newbie. I’ve seen shit you will never see in your life. I once saw a undead king trying to cut my head for trying to steal his crown and I am lucky to be here right now. So you going to help me if you like it or not.” Daring cross her arm waiting for his response. Rey looked at Daring seeing if she was serious or not and sadly her face's expression was dead serious. He was thinking about it and accepted that he was the fault of getting her so called artifact taken from her, the least he could do is help her. Except he realize he is going to be facing armed thugs with very dangerous skills in using them. He looks at daring while she still awaits his Answer “Fine I’ll help I guess” he says. “Good now here’s the deal. You will create a distraction and I’ll steal the artifact.” Daring explains the so called plan of hers. “Wait what?!” Rey Yelled “Hey that what you get for being at the wrong place at the wrong time.” Daring smirks. “Ugh fine.” Rey rolls his eyes. “Oh and by the way.” Daring looks at him getting him all Flustered. “Um yeah..” Rey blush. Daring form her hands into a fist and lands a punch in his Stomach making him go down on his knees aching with pain and then looks up to Daring. “That’s for calling me Old. I’ll have you know I am twenty two.” Daring Smirks at him once again and walks past him. “Wow that’s young.” Rey whispers as he tries to get up and follows Daring. Few hours of walking in the forest and Rey just stood silent following Daring to see where are this guys located. Knowing her type she might not like getting question like ‘where are we going or do you know where their base at’ so Rey decided to stay quiet and wait. “I’m surprised.” Daring says whiles she is still walking. “About?” Rey ask. “That you haven’t said anything about where we going or where are they.” She said. “Well getting punch in the guts reminds me that your type don’t like getting questioned.” He said. “Well that is true that I don’t like being questioned, it just annoys me and wont let me focus.” Daring stops in her tracks and looks around the forest to see if they are close by. “Hmm well don’t worry about me I am just doing what your saying and then when we are done we can part ways.” He said. “Hmm yeah but another thing surprise me you didn’t recognize me.” Daring turn around and looks at him. “Recognize you? Lady I barely know you. All I know is you’re a crazy adventurer who likes to get herself killed.” Rey cocked his eyebrow. “So you don’t know anything about the books?” She looks at him with a cocky smile. “Books what books?” Rey ask. “It’s nothing” Daring looks away and notices something in the far east. “Hey newbie look I think I found them” Rey looks the way at Daring Doo looked and he noticed a medium sized building and saw military jeep parked in front of the building. “Are you sure it’s them?” Rey asks, “Yep I know Eddie's jeep anywhere. Come on.” Daring went and leads the way. As Daring and Rey went to get a closer look they notice two guards patrolling around the area. Daring scouts ahead getting Rey all alone, by getting him to hide in a nearby bush. Few minutes after that he hears people getting knocked out and he takes a peek of what’s going on and notice the two guards are out cold. Rey gets a tap in the back, making him scared and jump back. He turns around finding Daring with a smile. “Come on it’s all clear.” Daring said while going in the front door. “Wait how did you knock them out?” He questions “Well a Lady has her ways.” She answers while getting a peek inside the building to see if it’s all clear. “You knocked them out, didn’t you?” He question back. “Yep now come on newbie” she disappears inside. Rey follows Daring inside to find out later that they were surrounded by multiple thugs at gunpoint. Then he sees Daring with a smile like oops. “I thought it was clear to go in?!” He asks while he raises his hands again. “Well it was dark and I didn’t think this time.” Daring said while noticing Eddie walking in front of them with two coffins. “Well,well,well look what the cat drag in.” Daring notice the spear in his hand. “Well Eddie if we are going to continue to have this lovely reunion every time, why not have dinner and a movie with me.” Darin jokes which got her a hit to the head by a thug behind her. “Shut it Doo and you boy. You made a big mistake to stick with her, and now you both will see the power of this spear and will die seeing it.” He shows the spear in front of Rey. “Yeah, I would've left, but her spicy attitude made me come with her and I couldn’t resist one day of adventure.” Rey got hit in the head also getting him down next to Daring. Eddie laughs and walks close to the coffin that had some kind of markings on them, and then he looks at daring. “Behold the power Daring Doo and the place where you will fall.” Eddie said. “Eddie I am warning you. If you revive those dead gods you won’t believe the great evil you will unleash!” She scream to see if he has seconds thought about it. He ignored the warning and stabs the spear on one coffin getting it to glow with a pure black aura. Rey looks up and notice the aura and then looks at Daring to get some explanation. “Daring what’s going on? Why is that coffin glowing?!” Rey screams. “Just close your eyes!” Daring screams while she shields her eyes. Rey looks at the coffin again, than at Daring and thought about her warning and closes his sight like she did. The coffin was shaking and Eddie and his goons were merrily looking at the coffin and smiling and looking at the glow that had turned even brighter and by the looks of it, the coffin will explode and it did. One huge bright light of explosion made everyone who was looking at it turn into dust and the only ones who were left were Daring Doo and Rey. They both looked up and saw everyone dead and Rey noticed only dust in the area and weapons left on the ground. Daring took this time to get up slowly following by Rey who was doing this the same. “Daring what’s going on?” He whispers. “Rey I want introduce you to Anubis the god of the undead but right now, it’s a good idea to grab the spear and run.” Daring said taking the spear. Rey cock a eyebrow, like he was saying what in the sam hell are you talking about. Until he notice a coffin getting opened revealing a undead god. “Oh my god you were telling the truth.” He says getting Anubis to start looking straight at them and noticing the spear in Daring’s hand. “RUN!” At the moment of that scream, they ran for their life, trying to get out of the building. Anubis looked at his victim and opened his jaw and extended it like it was elastics and screams like the mummified monster he is. Later he started to run after them. Rey and Daring were out of the building and getting rey to close the door while Daring was running. Then Rey had an idea and started to block the door. Daring notice him doing that making her to turn back to get him. “Newbie what are you doing.” She says while pulling his sleeves of his shirt and continue running “This guy doesn’t use doors.” As they keep running for their lives Rey heard a big crash and making him to turn and look and notice the huge gap in a wall revealing Anubis getting out of it. Rey ran faster and noticed what was going on. First he notices that this psychopath of a lady was telling the truth. Second was who knows what other mysteries this world has? And last but not least, how in the world is he going to stop that thing. “Ok, I got a plan. This might get us both killed, but at least it will stop it.” She says handing the spear to Rey making him look at her like, why is he holding that. “Why am I holding this?!” He asks. “Just trust me!” She says while disappearing into the forest. Rey kept running and running and hearing Anubis getting closer and closer and at some point he would end up in a dead end and he did. He was on top of a hill where he noticed that there was nowhere left to run. Two huge stomps were heard behind Rey and he simply turned around, looking at the great god of the undead Anubis. “Ah Dogie” he said looking at Anubis. Anubis got up close and use one paw grabbing his neck and lifting him up in the air. “HEY LET HIM GO!” Anubis got hit by a rock making him to turn around and look at Daring Doo “REY STAB THE SPEAR IN HIS HEART IT IS THE ONLY WAY TO STOP HIM!” Anubis uses a dark force to push back Daring Doo into a tree making her go unconscious. Anubis turn his attention back to Rey and see a smirk in his face. “See before I get killed I have two things to say to you. One I know your type of god in a movie, they all think they always win and they can rule the world. Second I don’t got the spear.” Anubis notice the spear gone in his hand and received a deadly blow on the heart. Anubis turns around and noticed that Daring Doo stabbed him in the heart. “Go back to being dead would yah?” Daring said sticking the spear very deep in him, making him let go of Rey’s neck and scream in pain while Anubis was disappearing bit by bit. Rey was let go but in a bad way. He noticed that Anubis threw him off the cliff and was preparing to fall to his death, getting Daring Doo to look at him and try to run towards him to catch him but it was too late. Rey only view was seeing Daring scream and try to help him. Bit by bit she was getting farther away and was preparing for an impact. One fall is all it took to get him unconscious. Right now his thoughts were if he was about to die and that is he is never going to find out what this world truly is. He might know what now. This world is full of mysteries, he wish he could get a second chance to solve those mysteries, but right now he was figuring out how he would do this. “We got a Vital. He’s still alive” “What was that.” Rey says in his thought. “Doctor we need to get him into the emergency room stat!” “Am I in a hospital?” Rey opened his eyes and only saw a white ceiling and then looks at his right and noticed a red towel, but that wasn’t a red towel. It was white, the blood was noticeable at first glance and he realized that was his blood on it. His sight turns pitch black again, but heard one voice until he went unconscious again. “Please be okay” A beep was heard in his ear, getting Rey to open his eyes. He sees the familiar white tiles up on the ceiling and then notices he is in a hospital bed. He looks at his right and sees a heart monitor and then looks to his left, seeing Daring sitting in a chair reading a book. “Well look who decided to wake up.” Daring said with a smile. “Doo? Where am I?” Rey asks. “You’re in a Hospital, you took a nasty fall when Anubis threw you out the hill.” She close her book and looks at Rey. “ANUBIS WHERE IS HE?! DID WE STOP HIM?” Rey got hyped up and scared looking everywhere in the room to see if he is even in the room. “Whoa easy there tiger. The doctor said when you wake up you need plenty of rest and yes we did stop him.” Daring said. “And the spear?” He asked looking at her. “I took it to a museum where it belongs.” Daring walk up to the window and looks outside “thank god your okay.” She whispers. “What was that?” Rey couldn’t hear what the last part was. “I said since we're done with the job we can part ways.” She smiles “Yeah I guess so, but tell me Miss Doo. If you always encounter this type of adventure and you know it’s going to be dangerous. Why continue?” He ask. “Well I don’t know really, it’s just that I find this world boring and I like to have my own little venture like say. I can find so many mysterious things that are so unbelievable you couldn’t imagine.” Daring smiles and look out the window “Well there something we can both agree on.” Rey smiles. Getting Daring to turn around and look at him “You see I find this world a little boring to but not like you, I am trying to seek out what kind of world we live in and by crazy stuff I’ve been through I am guessing I know what world I live in now.” Rey said “Well I guess we both got something incoming but tell me. What were you doing inside of the forest?” Daring asks. “Well I’ve been hired to find and study a rare flower inside the jungle that rumor has it, it may change you.” Rey says. “Change how so?” Daring ask. “Don’t know yet, but the flower is so rare no one can find it. If I remember right the flower is called Poison Joke or something like that.” Rey explains “Hmm that’s interesting” Daring said “Yeah but tell me something, on a scale of one to ten, how scared were you when I was about to die.” “What?!” Daring blushes. “Oh come on, I know you really do care. So come on” Rey hold his laugh in. “Hmm fine……..A Two” Daring said looking away from rey. “Ah two! Oh come on, I am more than a two more like seven” Rey said almost getting out his bed. “Seven? That Anubis thing was like a Seven.” Daring turns and looks at Rey. “Really?!” Rey yells. “Yep” Daring smirks “Whats a Ten?” Rey ask. Daring put her mind into this and thought what was a ten in her books and thought about one thing who made it a Ten “Clowns.” Daring said shaking while being reminded of them. “Really?” Rey said getting irritated by this “Huh fine whatever. But anyways, what are you going to do now?” “Hmm I don’t know I’ll think of that along the way.”Daring said while walking to the door and grabbing her jacket “Hey before you leave” Daring stops in her tracks and look at Rey “Be careful out there and I hope we meet again. “Hmm, well see tiger.” Daring said while opening the door and exiting the hospital. Rey smiles and then he thought about something when he get out of the hospital what to do first. Well he thought about going back home and take a long relaxing- The door was once again opened and Rey’s thoughts was interrupted by Daring who was smiling at him. “You know I just remember before you got knock out. I went to search in the warehouse and I notice that there were suppose to be two coffin and the other one disappeared and I might know where it is at. So when you check out don’t you think your still out of the game cause as of this moment on, you’re my new partner.” Daring said closing the door again. “Heh?!” Rey had a blank face on when he heard that. Daring walks among the hospital’s halls and started to put her shades on and exit the hospital. When she stopped in front of the hospital and looked up at Rey’s window. “You keep impressing me newbie and you might have me falling for you or you may already have.” Daring whispers while she walks out and kept walking down the road while leaving Rey to yell out one name in his head. “DARING DOO!!!” THE END?