Our Little Homeworld

by Horizon Runner

Tech Supplement: Watchtower

Watchtower-Type Orbital Monitoring Station

Dimensions: 500x150 meters, cylindrical.
Drives: RCS jets only. Relies on Porter tugs for extensive orbital movement.
Armament: 64 High-Accuracy-Vacuum-Missile (HAV-M) tubes, approx 4100 missiles in magazine. 1 Large-Ground-Aimed-Hypervelocity-Cannon (L-GAHC), approx 2000 slugs in magazine.
Other systems: Extensive comm systems, relays, linked to Kharequuin GPS networks and surface comms.
Lead Designers: Ocule Kaalel, Salthoof Naabal, Steelheart Soban, Amethyst Star S'jet.
Min. crew: 12. Max. capacity: 1200

The Watchtower network is a series of eight, soon to be twelve, satellite-stations in low equatorial orbit. These stations form the spine of the Kharequuin planetary communication network and GPS network, and are also equipped with emergency repair and recovery facilities. The Watchtower is the second largest type of artificial satellite in Kharequuin orbit, second of course to the Scaffold itself. They are named sequentially based on letters of Lunaetum script, with Watchtowers Aleph and Bet being the first two completed in 1193, and Gimel through Het being finished over the following twenty-three years, in parallel with the Mothership's construction. The Watchtowers are a controversial project, seen by many as sapping resources and time away from the more important Mothership, but a number of influential Kiith'sa pushed the project through repeatedly, including Glamour Naabal'sa, Spyglass Kaalel'sa, Caramel Manaan'sa, and Index S'jet'sa. Notably absent this list are Stormfeather Soban'sa, who has refrained from discussing the Watchtowers in order to obfuscate any Sobani involvement in their operation, and Jetstream LiirHra'sa, who has repeatedly denounced the project as "a waste of [redacted] time," and "some [redacted]'s [redacted] moneyhole." Due to Jetstream's erratic temperament and developing senility, he has not been made aware of the Watchtowers' true purpose.

While their uses are manifold, they are best known for their extensive security protocols. Vessels seeking access to the Scaffold must first pass security screening at the Watchtowers—a protocol which has prevented multiple (476) attempted terrorist attacks on the Scaffold. In the event that a vessel attempts to break for the Scaffold without stopping at one of the Watchtowers, the Watchtowers' strike squadrons and long range missile systems have proven quite effective at eliminating the threat.

Two Porter-Class tugs are stationed at each Watchtower, to be dispatched either as rescue craft or to help adjust the Watchtower's orbit. Mercy-class rescue shuttles are stationed at six of the Watchtowers as well, serving as a more dedicated ambulance ships. In addition, each watchtower hosts a squadron of Arrow-Class light fighters, intended to patrol the orbital plane and intercept hijacked craft. Watchtowers Bet, Dalet, and Het also have dedicated anti-terrorism task forces in residence, to help defuse hostage situations and other delicate conflicts should they arise.


The following is classified level RED by order of Coalition military command. If you are reading this without security clearance RED or above, close this document now and report the leak to your local authorities. Thank you.

The Watchtower network is the Scaffold's darker cousin. Officially a set of twelve relay stations used for minor orbital construction/repair projects and comm coordination, it's all but an open secret that the Watchtowers serve as key components of the Coalition's war effort against the Gaalsien. Mounting classified mass driver weapons (L-GAHCs), they are capable of precise and devastating strikes against ground targets, aided by the Coalition's domination of the orbital sphere. Furthermore, they are equipped with long range HAV missile batteries, which are capable of local and remote defense against Gaalsien-hijacked ships.

The L-GAHC systems have been fired 253 times as of this writing against Gaalsien troop formations and strongholds, successfully eliminating their target in 64% of cases. The Arrow squadrons attached to the Watchtowers have eliminated an additional 32 targets, and the anti-terror task forces have conducted 47 missions with an 83% success rate. In those situations where the Arrow squadrons were ineffective or unable to intercept the target, the HAV batteries have been fired 12 times, eliminating their target in 100% of cases. Gaalsien elements have only breached the scaffold on five occasions, four times by passing through security by various means including impersonation and/or deep-cover/sleeper operations (twice by use of sophisticated body prosthetics concealing shielded weapons and/or explosives) and once via a high-power teleport spell. Security protocols have been shored up after each incursion, making repeat breaches impossible.

Detailed deployment data and operational history of the Watchtower network is classified level BLUE. Further data on Watchtower mission parameters is classified level GREEN.


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The Watchtowers serve a final, highly classified purpose. In the event of hostile extraterrestrial incursion, by Briar Patch protocol the Watchtowers will rotate and turn their weapons outward, acting as a planetary defense grid. Based on the Goldenrod reports, we believe this will provide a 2.5565% increase in planetwide survival rates.

This protocol is to be enacted at the first confirmation of alien activity within the Kharequus system. A false alarm is infinitely better than the alternative. For more information, see reports Goldenrod A-6, B-4, J-10, and M-55.