The Lumberjack

by Type Two Civilization

Chapter Three

Chapter Three

Ten Years Ago
First person

I pressed a button on the holo-panel and admired the way the doorway before me disappeared, only to see to see a large walk-wall. It was like a chasm on the Upper Cut, allowing one to see some of the many floors of the ship. If they were against the Looking-Glass, and one to see directly out to space when looking out. And, as per "Captains orders" I was at the top again.

And the view was unbelievable.

The sun of this system, in full glory, the giant orange thermonuclear reaction was quite warming with just the thought of being so close. I stared in awe at the small blue and green planet (that looked like a dot) at the size comparison. A soft hand caressed my back as I heard Jessica whisper in my ear, "Sorry we can't enjoy this in a few weeks." She laid her head against my shoulder, looking out with me.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"We have to take back what's ours."

"Then why are we here?"

She looked at me calmly, and I at her inquisitively. "We have to take the life out of this star, to begin. You know what needs to be done. No more Type three's, okay? I know you got attached to some of them on the Salvation."

First person
I was almost to the tree I wanted cut, probably no more than a mile away from the native village. A big oak that was roughly forty feet high with Spanish moss hanging from its limbs. It was an absolute moster. I stared at it for what felt like hours, before another tree caught my attention. A much smaller mahogany tree was gleefully soaking the rays of the morning sun.

It was then I decided mahogany looked much better as a table, so I got to work. I only hope the residents don't mind a little racket.

So it turns out they did mind the racket. I had to chop as quickly as I could, I could hear commotion from the town from the tree and thats saying something. I must've struck a cord, because as soon as I finished chopping the tree I heard some coming to investigate. I jumped up climbed into the enarest tree, and activated my watch's cloaking ability, giving me camouflage that was malfunctioning. Turning what was once beautiful invisibility into a literal shadow. I'm sure if they saw me, they'ed only see a mass of black, so it was a good thing I was hiding on a larger branch of a nearby tree that had lots of cover on it.

I noticed thelocals that had been sent were in golden armor, mostly male and seemed to be quite official. I gulped. Now was not the time to be found, not with my tree right there, and my future table. Please dont take my tree. Please dont take my tree. I watched them walk around and clear the area. They were speaking, but too soft for me to hear, and my translator only picked up a few words like "lumber" and "Jack". The rest was lost in translation. They eyed the tree suspicouslyand stood around, listening hard for maybe and hour before giving up and returning to the town. At least I have my tree. I jumped down just as they left earshot, and wrapped a rope around my tree. I tried pulling it, hoping my strength on this planet to be a bit more than I thought- only to be dissapointed. Looks like I'll have to come back tonight with my ship.