//------------------------------// // Is Pinkie gonna have to smack a filly? // Story: One Boop Mare vs Smile HD Pinkie // by Billy G Gruff //------------------------------// Twilight and her friends were having a delightful day at their picnic. The sun was shining on the grassy fields and their checkered blanket as they relished in the gentle breeze. It felt like a great day to be alive. Applejack, Rarity and her were just waiting for the others to arrive to make there day that much better. Wondering where they were, Twilight peered out over the rolling hills of luscious grass and spotted their friend Pinkie Pie galloping towards them with a big smile on her face. Twilight beamed back at her, waving her hoof in the air and beckoning Pinkie over. Pinkie didn't slow down, but her smile grew bigger as she drew closer. Twilight didn't suspect a thing. She didn't know that Pinkie planned on taking her head clear off her shoulders before taking out Rarity, killing the two unicorns of the group before moving on to the rest. She had her battle strategy all planned out, and by the time she was finished the whole world would be nothing but a husk of barren rocks. The vile Pinkie leaped and reared her hoof back, ready to begin her massacre. In that split second before her hoof touched the purple unicorn something began blurring towards her. Her eyes turned slowly in that frozen segment of time as she saw... another Pinkie Pie racing towards her. Her mane was flat, and her eyes were on fire as she dug her hooves into the ground, firing off towards her in speeds the evil Pinkie had never seen before. Well this isn't good the homicidal pony thought in that instant. Her thought was proven correct as the flat maned Pinkie bitch slapped the air born counterpart, sending her careening through the sky with a mach cone about her from the sheer velocity of the smack that had struck her face. The ground trembled from the shock wave that issued out from that powerful slap, and the other ponies tumbled backwards. "T...two Pinkies?" Applejack asked in confusion. "What....What's going on?" Twilight added as she looked at the flat maned version of her friend. The mane poofed up and she smiled jovially at them, "Hiya my other dimensional buddies! I'm Pinkie Pie! Well not your Pinkie Pie, I'm a different Pinkie Pie, but I'm still Pinkie if that makes sense. Anyway you guys should probably..." What she was going to say was cut off by a speeding Pink blur that smashed into the Party Pony, burrowing her through several hills as the maniacal pony grinned in her face. "I here you playing the smile song in your head Missy!" The mare growled at her grinning doppelganger before punching her straight in the face, causing her skull to explode in bone and blood and brain. The One Boop Mare gave a disgusted look in that instant and tried to shake off her opponents blood off her hoof. The headless body was still propelling her forward through one hill after another, but that didn't mean anything to her compared to the disgusting blood she was trying to get out of her coat. "Ewww, other dimensional Pinkie blood, gross!" And then the maniacal mare grew her head back. It had been very sudden, looking like a twisted mound of flesh and mane that morphed right back into HD Pinkie's visage. "Huh... well that's an icky trick..." The deranged doppelganger responded by shooting her back legs up into the other Pinkie's chin, sending her flying into the air, through the clouds before she even began to get her bearings. Pinkie twirled her tail in the air rapidly, looking down at the evil mare whom had began to rush back to the sight of the Twlight and the others. "Oh no you DON'T!" The party pony twisted her tail up in a tight knot before releasing the tension and firing off through the sky at a phenomenal speed, shredding the sound barrier completely as she slammed into her evil counterpart. A mushroom cloud erupted from the collision. The HD Pinkie was utterly liquefied from the impact of the stronger version of herself, but within an instant she had put herself back together again underneath the other dimensional intruder and kicked out, sending her sailing out of the half mile deep crater they had made. She struggled to get her smile back though. This strange Pinkie from another world had been giving her a lot bigger fight than she had expected, and she had entirely ruined her game plan. She had planned out the whole thing to match her song and everything, and now it was ruined. A little lever inside her brain shifted all the way over to "you're fucked mode" allowing her built up energy to erupt out of her body from within the deep crater. There we go, that's more like it she thought as her grin returned as broad as ever on her face. The One Boop Mare meanwhile was laying on her back pondering how she was going to kill this version of herself. She wasn't indestructible, but she sure did have an annoying healing factor. Those thoughts were interrupted by the evil version of herself catapulting out of the crater and locking eyes with her. Pinkie gave a bit of a shocked expression as her grinning alternate pulled her forelegs back and generated a energy between her hooves. "HEY! THIS ISN'T DRAGON BALL Z YOU DUMB..." Her aggravated voice was drowned out over beam of energy that ripped through the air and scorched right into her. The other Pinkie laughed at the massive explosion that issued out from her attack, certain she had killed this irritating intruder once and for all. "....BITCH!" The One Boop Mare finished as the smoke began to clear around her. She didn't look even a little damaged from that attack. The homicidal pony's eyes dilated and her smile took on a decidedly angrier tint to it. HD Pinkie rushed towards the other mare from in the air in a Pink flash, only to find her face caved in by the other Pinkie's indomitable hoof. Her body exploded from the force of the impact and her guts were scattered by the ensuing shock wave all over Equestria. "Pull yourself together after that one you Majin Buu wannabe!" Screeched the other dimensional Pinkie as she shook her hoof in the air before trying to wipe off the blood on the grass in disgust. The other replied by doing just that, blurring in all the pieces of her that had been scattered into one fleshy ball before forming into the homicidal maniac and falling down onto the ground in front of her opponent. "OH COME ON!" roared Pinkie in frustration. The evil version was also feeling pretty perturbed by this fight now, in fact she decided it was time to end it once and for all. She rocketed into the the air in a burst of energy and raised her forehooves over her head , starting to summon up all the magic she would need to blow this entire planet to smithereens. The One Boop Mare looked up at this display with annoyance etched all over her face, not even caring about the maniacal grin that stared down at her. "A Death Ball? Really!?" She pointed to herself in the chest "At least I'm parodying something actually relevant! Don't make me come up there and smack a filly!" The pink energy ball increased in size, the energy contained within it more than enough to devastate the entire planet. She slammed it down on her foe, fully prepared to blow up the entire planet just to rid herself of her mirror image. Then she felt something press against it. The smiling demon of a pony's eyes dilated as the other version of herself casually pressed against the energy ball with a hoof and yawned in the other one. "The only reason you are alive right now is that healing factor! You know that right?!" She called out over the roaring sound of the energy ball to her doppelgangers ears. A twinge of fear filled HD Pinkie in that second as a serious expression formed on the other dimensional Pinkies face. "I wonder...do you think you could survive your own energy blast though? Lets test it and see..." With a powerful jab that was too fast to see by any other than The One Boop Mare herself, she sent the death ball careening straight into the evil version of herself. The vile Pinkie tried to change its course, but she couldn't, the velocity was just to great and it was scorching her hooves trying to touch it. She watched herself slowly disintegrate into her own attack and started to laugh maniacally. She had been completely destroyed by the time the energy ball had exited the atmosphere and sailed off into the cosmos beyond. "And stay out!" Pinkie roared out into the sky in a huff, waggling her hoof at the other version of herself in distaste. Twilight and the others popped up out from behind a hill and looked at the mare that had just killed the other that up till a few minutes ago had been their friend. They felt so confused about the whole affair they weren't even sure what they should be feeling. "Well then." Pinkie dusted off her hooves and waved at the other girls. "Okay! You're safe now! The bad Pinkie's gone! I'm gonna go too if that's alright, this isn't exactly my dimension." "Wait! What...What would of happened if you hadn't done that?" Twilight asked nervously. Pinkie looked into the air in a thoughtful expression before saying "Well she would of punched your head off of your shoulders, then she would of smashed Rarity's brains out, then she woulda taken her time and REALLY beat on Applejack's face for a bit, then Rainbow Dash woulda came in and kick her in the face but she'd just shrug that off and knock her intestines out of her throat, then Fluttershy would of pounded her in the face a little while until she grabbed the subtitles and smashed her into the ground and then she'd of blown up the planet.... or something like that." She had rattled that off so quickly that the others were just staring at her and blinking slowly. "Um...so....thanks for saving us?" Twilight really had no idea what to feel at the moment. "Sure! no problem! You all have a good day! DISCORD! I'M READY TO COME BACK NOW!" She yelled the last part into the air. That next moment a rip in the fabric of reality opened up and the Draconequus poked his head out with a smirk. "You owe me some bits~" He cooed at her. She stared at him grumpily. "I wouldn't of taken the bet that I could beat her in one buck if you had told me she had a healing factor silly!" Pinkie growled at the lord of chaos. Discord merely laughed uproariously as she followed him back into their own reality. "Okay seriously, what the buck just happened." Rainbow asked as she stared out at the devastated battleground that had once been lush grassy hills. "Darling I couldn't hazard a guess if I tried, I think I'm in shock right now actually." Rarity remarked, nonplussed. "I vote we end this picnic early, all in favor say I." "I!"