My Little Twilight

by unleashedtwilight


“Twilight… where are we going?” I ask.

“I told you, I need to head to Sugar Cube corner and see Pinkie for something.” Twilight said.

“But we’ve been walking for hours…” mom started “I thought we would be there by now, Twilight.”

Twilight is so stubborn sometimes… I had no idea where we were going… but if Twilight’s taking us it probably isn’t bad.

“Okay, we’re here.” Twilight said.

As soon as we walked in the door, everypony jumped from their hiding spots and yelled: “SURPRISE!” I should’ve known it was a Pinkie party… she always throws parties for new ponies in Ponyville… I looked at Twilight, practically with tears of joy… but then the moment was ruined when Pinkie popped out in front of us.

“Hi Levi!” Pinkie started “I really hope you like this party I threw for you and Kayla. Do you like it??”

“Are you kidding?” I started “We love it!”

“It must’ve taken hours to get all these decorations up.” Kayla said.

“Nah, it only took a few minutes.” Pinkie said.

Me and Kayla just went wide-eyed… but then we both remembered… this is Pinkie Pie we’re taking about; the best party planner in… possibly Equestria.

“Well we both love it.” I said hugging Pinkie “Thanks Pinkie Pie.”

“Yeah, thanks Pinkie Pie” Kayla said hugging Pinkie as well.

“Anytime you two!” Pinkie started “And if there’s ever a time when you need a party-“She was cut off.

“We’ll know to call you.” Kayla said.

Pinkie just gave a big smile and went back to the party. We saw Brian dancing to the music with Rainbow Dash. So Kayla and I decided to go and dance too… and of course Twilight joined us… It’s crazy how things can change so easily… One day, you’re living an average life with your family… and the next, you’re partying as a pony with other ponies at a pinkie pie party… Everything was perfect… and it’s going to always be perfect…


Just thought it was a good idea to add this... just to let the readers know what happened after Discord was sealed... I mean come on. You can't have an ending without a Pinkie Party.