This one is for you

by BlueSupernova

The song that brought two hearts together

Sunset had her head on the desk as she tried to keep awake while the teach droned on about the history of Equestria. It wasn't anything she didn't already know which meant she didn't really need to listen anyway. Her barely open eyes shifted upwards so she was now looking at the class rather than the scribbled on desk and scanned the room before they finally settled on one person. Twilight. Twilight had a goofy grin on her face as she listened intensely to the teacher and furiously wrote down notes. This sight got a smile out of the Sunset and said smile remained on her face as her eyes slowly but surely began to close.

"Ms Shimmer!" A voice spoke loudly. Sunset groaned and shifted slightly,thinking it was only a dream and contiuned to sleep until it was cut short by the deafning sound of a hand smacking onto the desk inches from her head.

"Huh what?" Sunset shot up quickly,franticly looking around before she froze at the sight in front of her. She gulped and slowly turned her head up to see her very angry teacher glaring daggers down at her.

"Sleeping in my class will not be tolerated,Ms Shimmer. You are to leave immedietly," The teacher said,pointing at the door. Sunset just sighed and grabbed her bag while the class began to laugh. She walked to the door and glanced at Twilight who just shot her a gentle smile to which she returned before leaving the class with her bag slumped over her shoulder.

"What a drag..." Sunset spoke to herself before she heard small but somehow loud footsteps running behind her. She turned around and the slightly shorter person ran straight into Sunset's chest with a smack. Sunset grunted and looked down to see who had their head in between her cleaveage,ready to attack them but instead began to blush when she saw it was Twilight.

"Ouch.." Twilight mumbled,pulling away slightly and looking up to see Sunset who had her head turnt away from her. Twilight raised an eyebrow slightly and was about to say something until she stopped and went a beet red. Evening sunlight began to pour in through one of the skylines of the school and shone on Sunset,making her glow like her name sake.

"I..I..I.." Twilight stuttered,unable to finish a single sentence as she was too occupied staring at the beautiful girl in front of her eyes. Sunset looked down at Twilight after she heard Twilight trying to speak and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"Hey you okay there Twi?" Sunset spoke ever so softly,her blush fading as she had a concerned look of her face for her nerdy friend. Twilight could only keep her head down and twiddle her thumbs nervously as Sunset tried to comfort her. She heard her speak but couldn't find the words to respond.

'Think Twilight! Think think think!' She paniked only to finally look up with an awkard smile.

"Good is am I!" She responded quickly before mentally slapping herself. She thought she had ruined everything and hung her head..until she heard a giggle. Her head shot up to see Sunset giggling at her little fumble.

'I haven't ruined my chances! Thank god!' She mentally sighed before laughing off her blunder and rubbing the back of her neck in embaressment "Heh sorry about that,"

Sunset just smiled brightly although she could feel her cheeks heat up at the sight of Twilight's adorable embrassment. Yes adorable because everything Twilight does is adorable.

'Oh god as long as she doesn't twirl her hair..' Sunset mentally cursed to herself,still smiling before realising she probably looked terrifying with a massive smile and decided to say something.

"So,Sparky. What are you doing out of class its not over," Sunset asked,leaning back against one of the lockers then crossed her arms over her chest.

"I came to see you,"

"That a fact?"

"Y-yes.." Twilight stuttered,twirling one of her hair curls around her finger while looking away from her crush due to the growing blush spreading across her cheeks.

Sunset began to panic at Twilights actions. She needed an exit and fast. Very fast. 'Think Sunset!'

"So uh are you going to The Rainbooms final show tonight?" Sunset asked nervously and quickly,mentalling sighing. Nailed it.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world,Sunny," Twilight whispered softly,glancing up with a shy smile.


"Thats a horrible idea!" Sunset exclaimed,throwing her hands in the air to emphise her point while a blush was also working its way onto her face at the thought of the idea.

"Are you kidding me? Its an awesome idea!" Rainbow shot back,crossing her arms while a smug girn appeared on her lips.

"I can't sing a love song for Twilight! What...what if she doesn't feel the same..." Sunset said before hanging her head and sitting down on one of the boxes,burying her face in her hands in sorrow.

"Ya'll never know until ya try,Sugarcube," Applejack spoke as she walked backstage and sat next to Sunset,placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. Sunset just looked up slightly to see a warm smile on Applejack's face. She could only smile back before sighing and standing up,Applejack's hand falling to her side now.

"Okay..I'm going to do it..I'm going to confess my love for Twilight through a song!" Sunset said boldly and proudly,grabbing her custom made guitar and slipping the strap over her head before heading out of stage and waving at the massive wave of fans. She scanned the crowd and spotted Twilight,shooting her a confident wink and a smile.

Twilight could only giggle at Sunset's gesture,biting her lips hard. She knew that she had to tell her how she felt after the concert as it was only the best time to do so but she was so scared about ruining everything. Sunset was her first true friend she's ever had besides Spike and she didn't want her feelings ruining everything. But she had to do this because god her feelings were eating alive.


It had come to the end of the concert and The Rainbooms were off stage but quickly ran back on after there was loud chanting for an encore.

"Okay guys! This is our last song and its actually a love song that is quite different from our other rock songs! I want to dedicate it to a speical lady in the audience and her name is Twilight Sparkle," Sunset spoke confidently though inside she was screaming. Sunset pointed to Twilight and smiled.

"This one is for you," Sunset winked before she began to strum her guitar and begin the song.

Twilight stood absolutly starstruck. She listened to the song carefully with her mouth slightly agap. Sunset couldn't mean..she can't..could she? She listened to the lyrics as tears began to fall from her eyes,a massive smile curling onto her lips. She covered her mouth with both hands and couldn't stop the happy tears from streaming down her face. She loved her. She felt the same. This..this was like a dream come true. She heard the song end and walked up to front bar before climbing over it with the bodyguards help. She climbed onto the stage and walked up to Sunset,looking up at the slightly taller girl who looked nervous and scared.

"Suprise..." Sunset said nervously,looking down and away slightly. She thought she had completely screwed up. Until she felt soft fingers curl around her chin and tilt her head upwards. Sunset looked at Twilight in shock before she felt soft lips connect with her own.

'Shes kissing me!'

'I'm kissing her!'

Sunset dropped the mic that was in her hand and slipped her hands to Twilights waist,kissing back softly while Twilights hands snaked their way around Sunset's neck. Nothing else mattered at this point but them. They need this..they wanted this. They only broke apart due to a loud 'awh' sound coming from the rest of The Rainbooms and the crowd. They looked over the crowd as they began to cheer then noticed they were still in a warm embrace which caused them to turn red.

" really feel like that?"

"I have for ages now..I..I love you Sparky," Sunset said with a massive smile which Twilight responded by leaning up and and whispering.

"I love you too,Sunny," Twilight then kissed her new found girlfriends cheek with a shy smile. Sunset pulled back slightly,slipping her guitar off and placing it down gently before scooping Twilight up into her arms and carried her bridal style off stage. Twilight gasped and giggled,wrapping her arms around Sunset's neck again and swinging her legs as they made the way to the tour bus which a guard opened for them. Sunset tried to put Twilight down on one of the beds but Twilight's grip tightened which only made Sunset chuckle.

"Twi. Babe. You gotta let go for a minute," Sunset said with an amused smile earning a pout from Twiligh as she let go and flopped on the bed,grabbing a pillow and holding it to her chest and began to smell it. Sunset raised an eyebrow at her girlfriend and tilted her head. Twilight was invested in her one on one time with the pillow before looking up and blinking a couple of times.

"It smells like you,"

"I'm right here you know?"

"Not next to me though,"

"I will be once I get into my PJ's," Sunset shook her head,grabbing some PJ's from the top shelf of the small but personal cupboard. She threw a pair to Twilight as well.

"Here you can borrow mine tonight," Sunset commented and walked into the bathroom to get changed,coming out after about a minute to see Twilight had already gotten ready and tucked herself in. Twilight shuffled over slightly and threw half the duvet to the side.

"Come on,"

"Its a bit early for that isn't that?" Sunset smirked,raising both her eyebrows before getting a pillow thrown in her face.

"Don't be cheeky,Sunny," Twilight stuck her tongue out though she had a slightly blush on her face. Sunset just laughed lightly before picking up the pillow and slipping into the bed with Twilight,wrapping an arm around her and throwing the pillow to the end of the bed. Twilight sighed happily and rested her head on Sunset's chest. Twilight's eyes began droop closed and that resulted in Twilight falling asleep quickly as she was tired from the concert but mumbled something before she fell asleep.

"I love you..." Was all Sunset heard before she could only hear her girlfriends soft breathing. Sunset only smiled and kissed Twilights forehead.

"I love you too," Sunset whispered before drifting into a deep sleep.

Both girls had massive smiles on their faces as they slept as they knew they loved each other. And this was only the beginning of a long future for them.