Rock-hard And Wet

by Mil Spec Pony


Rock-hard and Wet

While I stare into the dark, cold watery abyss that is ponyville Dam, my thoughts are consumed by the one pony that showed me what love truly is.

Rarity, oh my Rarity how did it come to this, what did I do wrong? Did I not love you enough?


Maybe it was destined to go wrong from the start, the only reason she initially showed me affection was because of Discord, he had tricked her into believing that I was a giant diamond. Rarity then proceeded to free me from my stone prison and afterwards she carried me around on her back… her soft and tender, ladylike back.

Her friends tried to take me away from her, but she protected me. She even named me. She… she made me an individual.

It was love at first sight, I fell in love with the most beautiful pony in all of Equestria, and I wished for that moment to last forever… it didn’t however, once a friend of Rarity’s diminished Discords spell. She threw me away.

I knew that she had only shown me affection because of Discord’s spell, but the loss of her pained me beyond measure.

Why, oh why must I suffer? Goddess Celestia and Luna what have I done to deserve this? please answer me.

They did not, since I have no lips from where I can utter words.

Darkness fell over the land and I prepared myself for the night that was to come… the dark and lonely night.

“It is going to be cold tonight” the voice of an angel spoke behind me, I felt like a stone, unable to move.

A set of pearly white forelegs was wrapped around my neck and then the angelic voice spoke again ”I am terribly sorry that I threw you away like that, it was terrible of me, please…please forgive me“ the beautiful voice slowly changed into sobbing.

I turned around and was met with the face of the one that had given my life meaning. It was Rarity, in the darkness her eyes glistened like diamonds and her indigo mane waved seductively in the night’s cool breeze.

Her innocent face closed the distance to mine, my mind rushed with affection and I wished only for her to come closer… she kissed me, her soft lips caressing mine.

I forgive you, how could I hate the one that means everything to me.

She smiled as my words reached her ears, after some time spent in my arms she pulled away and whispered for me to follow her inside. I did without hesitation.

Suddenly I found myself standing in the doorway to her bedroom, she adorned the bed, and with her hoof she gestured for me to come closer. I obeyed, when I reached the edge of the bed she again wrapped her forelegs around my neck and pulled me closer to her.

“Make love to me” whispered Rarity seductively.

I blushed heavily. Do you really want me like that? I asked nervously.

Her lips were next to my ear as she whispered affectionately “I want all of you”

I was so happy that it could not be described.

We kissed slowly and tenderly at first, but then the pace began to quicken, becoming more and more aggressive, soon our tongues met and the taste of her became even stronger, that sweet marshmallow taste.

She pulled back from our kiss and placed a hoof on my lips.

“I cannot wait any longer my love, please take me and make me feel like a woman” her voice and eyes were pleading. I could not deny her, nor would I.

What happened that night is something that I wish to keep for myself since it is the most cherished memory that I have, just know that we made love as pure as it can be.

After that most precious night, I moved in with Rarity and began my new life together with the pony that I loved with all of my heart.

However… My happiness only lasted a couple of weeks.

This morning had started out like all of the others we had spent together; she woke me with sweet words and tender touches. I would give her soft kisses before making my way to the kitchen where I would make breakfast for her. We would eat together and share our plans for the day. Rarity would afterwards go into her workroom to create new dresses or go into her boutique and service the costumer that sought her beautiful creations of cloth and gemstone.

I would make my way to Ponyville Deconstruction and Co. where I worked as a wrecking ball, a job that I carried out with utmost perfection.

On this particular day however there was no need for me since nothing needed to be deconstructed. My co-workers and I were dismissed early; I was given the offer to join some of them at the local Hard Rug Cafe, but I wanted to use this opportunity to surprise my beloved Rarity by coming home early with a little treat for her.

I made my way to Sugar Cube Corner, as I entered I was met by the depressed face of Miss Pinkamina Diane Pie, how such a sad pony could make such wonderful treats was beyond me, but there was no one better than her when It came to making cupcakes.

I ordered a dozen of her famous Rainbow cupcakes; I knew that they were Rarity’s favorites.

Miss Pie asked me to wait a few minutes and I did, but before she went down into her cellar to get the ingredients needed I asked where I could find Rocky, she told me that he had left a few minutes earlier.

Rocky was a dear friend of mine, I met him the first time I visited Sugar Cube Corner, we instantly connected and became close friends, It was probably because of the similarities we shared.

Since he was not here I just waited patiently for Miss Pie to make the cupcakes I had ordered, after 14 minutes and 28 seconds my cupcakes were done, I paid Miss Pie and said my farewells to her.

I felt all warm and fuzzy inside as I pictured how I would surprise Rarity by coming home early while bringing her favorite treats with me.

As I neared Carrousel Boutique I could not help but too notice that the closed sign hung on the door, I found it odd that Rarity would close her shop on a normal work day, but she had most likely done it so she would not be disturbed while trying to come up with new designs in her workroom.

I rolled my way to the back door, snuck inside and silently made my way to her workroom, once I was at the door I could her talking, I thought she was talking to herself about which colors would match and which would not.

Oh how wrong I was…

I opened the door with a bright smile… a smile that quickly disappeared as I saw Rarity lying on the floor with my best friend between her legs.

“Tom! What are you doing here so early” gasped Rarity with a most startled tone of voice.

Oh Shit Zebra, this isn’t what it looks like bro. Said Rocky inaudibly.

In that moment I felt a sharp pain shot through my heart, the sight of my beloved Rarity together with my most treasured friend was a sight too hard for me to bear.

I threw myself through the wall and rolled away as fast as I could…and now I am here, standing on the edge of the Ponyville Dam.


I am sorry that my love was not enough for you

These were my final words as I let myself fall into the dark and cold watery abyss . As the last breath of air left my none-exiting lungs, I felt my life fade away.

Before everything went black I thought about my beloved Rarity and how I only wished that she would find happiness in the arms of my best friend….


I hope that this Fic touched you, it made me cum many tears. (Insert Trolestia face here)