//------------------------------// // Fact 101 // Story: 101 Interesting Facts About Draconequi // by naturalbornderpy //------------------------------// Outside her kitchen area, Twilight stopped and gasped.                 “What is it, darling?” Rarity asked behind her. “Another paper cut?”                  Twilight shook her head. “No. The last draconequi fact… fact 101 isn’t in here. It’s like the page was ripped out or something. Discord must have torn it out before giving the book to me. It must be rather important.”                  Something else banged and scratched inside of Twilight’s kitchen ahead of them.                  “But I don’t think that matters anymore,” Twilight added. “Spike’s still upstairs, so that means it just has to be Discord in there. Prepare yourselves, girls, I have a feeling this might just become the largest battle we’ve ever faced before.”                  In the dark hallway, Rarity charged her horn while Applejack got her lasso ready. Rainbow Dash soared into the air while Fluttershy tried to form herself into the tightest ball she could become. Pinkie Pie, meanwhile, bounced on the spot like she usually did.                  On the count of three, all six mares—Fluttershy being dragged along by Pinkie Pie—raced inside the kitchen area and halted at once.                  Instantly, Twilight pointed a sharp hoof up at Discord. “Stop what you’re doing right this instant!”                  Caught unawares, Discord set down the fridge held tight in his arms and cocked a brow at her. “Stopped me from doing what exactly?”                  “Something…” Twilight began sluggishly. “Something to do with…”                  “Something down right terrible!” Applejack finished for her, before pursing her lips. Anxiously, she scratched at the back of her head. “You… uh… mind skipping the guessing game and telling us what you’re up to in here? That might save us a little time.”                  Discord exhaled in disbelief as his shoulder’s slumped. “Seriously? I just gave you a book loaded with draconequi facts and you still don’t realize my master plan?”                  All six mares shook their heads.                  Discord leaned on Twilight’s fridge and chuckled. “Why, I’m stealing your fridge, of course! ‘Draconequi fact 42: Draconequi love stealing and hoarding ponies’ fridges.’ Did you even read that far?” He waved a claw and guffawed loudly. “It doesn’t matter anyways. Once I steal Twilight’s fridge, that means I’ll have a total of four fridges! And once I steal another six fridges, that means I’ll have a total of ten whole fridges to call my own!”                  Fluttershy shuttered at that. “And what happens once you get ten whole fridges?”                  Discord stopped in mid-laugh to ponder on that. “I have absolutely no idea. Profit, maybe? I dunno. But I’m sure it can’t be good. Anywho, it’s been a long day, so I’ll just be taking this fridge here and getting on my way. Smell you later, Princess!”                  With that said, Discord grabbed hold of Twilight’s fridge again and rocketed through the ceiling and into the pitch black sky. A moment later, a thin bit of parchment fell through the hole in the roof, singed around the edges.                  Twilight grabbed it with her aura and read it to herself, hanging her head down.                  “What does it say, Twilight?” Rarity asked.                  “It’s the final draconequi fact—fact 101,” Twilight replied dourly.                  “And?”                  “Fact 101: Draconequi love making up fake draconequi facts—usually for stupid gullible ponies.”                  Rainbow Dash snorted. “Sounds about right. But why you look so glum? Weren’t you expecting that the entire time?”                  Twilight gave a nod, but didn’t raise her head.                  “Yeah. But it also says he clogged my toilet before he left and took my plunger with him. True story.”