A Tempest Comes to Ponyville

by EternallyLost

A Tempest Comes to Ponyville Part 1 (Twilight)

Dear Princess Celestia,
I'm sorry this letter is a bit late, I hope you weren't worried considering the state I was in last time you came by. Though this time, it was more the fact that Ponyville has been pretty hectic lately, even by it's usual standards. The more I learn about our world, the less it seems I really know, but I digress. It would probably be best if I started from the beginning.

You'll be pleased to know I'm making an effort to extend my circle of friends a bit, I've met most of the Ponyville's citizens of course but I haven't really gotten to know many of them. With that in mind I decided to take the afternoon to accompany Applejack as she went to pick up her sister from her martial arts lessons. In doing so I met the family that owns the Stonehoof Dojo, as well the latest visitors to Ponyville...


Twilight fell into stride with Applejack as she passed through the town center, the pair heading north as the rest of Ponyville tried to finish the last of their business. The weather team was already building up the first of several storms that Ponyville could look forward to in the near future. The librarian had been prepared though, an umbrella sitting atop her saddle bags in case their little trek took longer than expected. A lot of ponies seemed to believe there was some kind of error in the paperwork to call for so many sudden and shifting storms, but if the Pegasi flying above had any complaints they were keeping them to themselves. Granted, She hadn't run into Rainbow Dash yet.

"Thanks for comin' along Twi, it's a bit of a walk and the company is much appreciated." Applejack spoke with her usual casual drawl, breaking her away from her musings.

"Not a problem, we've both been busy in our own ways lately." Twilight said with a slight smile. "It's nice to have a bit of time to chat. Besides, I've never been up this way before." she passed a glance to the worn road, the amount of houses thinning as they continued north. The Stonehoof Dojo was made on the outskirts of Ponyville, away from most of her usual destinations. "I'm must admit I'm curious, I've never met a martial artist before."

"Ah, Well Stonehoof and his Kin are a good buncha ponies. Least wise from what ah've seen since Applebloom started takin lessons."

"So she's enjoying herself then?" Twilight asked with a raised brow. Applebloom was on of the most impatient of the Crusaders when it came to getting their cutie marks. To stick with an activity for so long after was a wonder in itself. AJ chuckled a bit before passing a grin.

"You could say that, She really hit it off with Stonehoof's youngest daughter. Hoof to hoof combat may not be her special talent, but she enjoys it. It's good for her anyways, helps build up her leg muscles." Her expression gained a mischievous tint. "Besides, any energy she burns off buckin' sandbags can't be spent on any reckless crusadin' ideas they can think up." Twilight raised an eyebrow at the unexpected moment of deviousness and grinned herself.

"Maybe we should send the idea to Scootaloo's parents..."

"Couldn't hurt." AJ chuckled a bit, "Though I'm not sure Rarity would appreciate Sweetie Belle with real Kung Fu Kick Action."

"Probably not." the mental picture sent both mares into a small bout of chuckling. A shadow cast over the pair as the clouds were moved into place above them. Twilight sighed a bit looking up the the growing expanse of grey. "and it was so nice today..." her horn glowed a bit unlatching her umbrella with magic.

"Well I can't say it's completely unwelcome, it's been a bit dry lately and I'm sure the crops could use it." Applejack tipped her hat back looking up to the clouds. "We should probably pick up the pace if we want to beat the storm, it should just be a bit further on," she tipped her hat back down, twilight nodded trotting a bit faster to keep pace. The pair broke into a full gallop as the first raindrops began to fall.

Thankfully the building came into veiw before the rain really started to pour. From a distance it was nearly indistinguishable from the rest of the outlying houses, save for the curiously tall fence around the property which the second story peeked over. After passing through the open archway in the fence the dojo became fully revealed. It was an addition off to the left of the house connected by an open air path. Kind of like a stout barn, only rising a single floor with a curious set of sliding doors midway along the wall, no doubt allowing easy access in or out. All details that were much more pleasant to observe in the drier space under the awning.

"Whoo whee, it's really startin' to come down now." Applejack said shaking stray droplets from her stetson, parts of her mane sticking to her coat as she slipped it back in place. The rain had indeed intensified and looked not to be letting up anytime soon.

"If I knew it was going to be this bad I would have brought a bigger umbrella." Twilight muttered with a small sigh, shaking the last errant drops from her Umbrella before folding it back up. Though she managed to fend of the worst of it, the quick pace still left her far wetter than she'd have liked.

"Now don't you fret Twi, a little water never hurt anypony." The earth pony said with a good-natured smile as she moved to knock on the door. Twilight found her eyes drawn to the sign standing beside it as she waited.

Stonehoof Dojo
School of Indiscriminate Bucking

To engage the owner in Savage
Combat please use rear entrance


"Coming~" a mare's voice called out from inside. A moment later the door swung open revealing a pegasus with a teal coat, her mane was a shade or so lighter streaked with wisps of Yellow. She brought a hoof to her mouth in concern. "Oh my, you're soaked. Please come in, let's see if we can't get you warmed up."

"That's mighty kind of you Miss Morning." Applejack said with a grateful nod as she trotted in, Twilight hanging back with a puzzled look.

"Misty Morning?" She'd seen the pegasus mare before, one of her regulars back at the library. She always came by to pick up new topics and exchange pleasantries. After all a pegasus who specializes in cooking was a rather uncommon sight. Twilight slowly trotted in hearing the door close behind her.

"Miss Sparkle? What brings you by? Did I miss my due date... oh dear, I get so wrapped up sometimes-"

"No no nothing like that." Twilight finally got her mind back in order. "Applejack is a good friend of mine so I decided to tag along... I didn't realize you lived here. You're a martial artist?" she asked tentatively, unable to picture the soft spoken mare engaging in combat. Misty giggled lightly waving off the idea.

"Oh no, I haven't practiced seriously since I was a little filly." She smiled softly. "My father owns the dojo while my little sister Scarlet handles those duties. She's the one with the real drive for it." she turned, motioning for the two to follow into the main family room. "Father, we have guests!" It was a large room with a low sitting table surrounded by cushions. A Brown stallion looked up with at the call, Black maned with a large mustache perched at the end of his muzzle. Further back by the window, a younger tan coated mare sat, a small pile of bits on her flank. A magazine hovering in an amber glow lowered slightly so she could peek at the newcomers. After a single raised brow, the magazine floated back up into place, as if deeming it none of her business.

"Oh?" The stallion's face was stern as he stood and trotted over, standing a good head taller than any of the mares, the shattered brick on his flank adding more to his intimidating aura. It only lasted for a moment before a friendly smile graced his muzzle. "Ah, AppleJack. Here to pick up little Applebloom I take it."

"You know it."

"She should be finishing up the last of her drills with Scarlet." he said before gaining a sterner look. "I hope you're not planning about going back out in that storm? You and your friend are welcome to stay until it passes, let it not be said that the Stonehoof Family is lacking in hospitality. Summer!" he turned causing the Unicorn to peek back over her magazine. "Go help your sister get some towels for our guests." She hesitated for a moment before sighing.

"Yes Daddy." the aura fell away from the magazine as it closed and came to rest on the floor, the Tan mare trotting off while muttering to herself.

"And you would be Miss Sparkle, correct?" Twilight's attention was drawn once again to the martial artist who met her with a grin.

"Yes, it's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Stonehoof." she returned his smile gladly, thrown off as the earth stallion gave her a thunderous pat on the back.

"You and your friends have certainly been making a name for yourselves, haven't you?" he said loudly, "Truly you all have the martial artist spirit! Defending the weak, fighting against evil and protecting the citizens of Equestria. Reminds me of my youth, HAHAHA!" he said boisterously, a growing flush spreading across Twilight's face at the praise.

"Y-You're giving us way too much credit." she squeaked, unused to such sudden praise. Applejack leaned in hiding a bemused expression.

"Don't let it worry ya much Twi, it's just his way. He did the same thing to me when we first met. Rainbow Dash too, though she ate it up." she said with a soft chuckle easing her friend's anxiety.

"Now father be nice, you're embarrassing her." Misty's voice returned from the laundry room, a pair of folded towels balanced easily on her back. Her slight pout seemed to puncture his boisterous demeanor and he stepped away to allow his daughters to come closer, an amber aura encompassing both towels, floating them over to the still damp mares.

"Sorry about Daddy, he tends to let his emotions get the best of him." The Unicorn stated calmly. Applejack took her towel with a thankful nod, sitting down so she could give herself a good drying. Twilight's own magic reached out to take hers as the other unicorn relinquished control. "Name's Summer Shade, but everyone calls me Shadey." she said with a little grin that made Twilight slightly uncomfortable, though she couldn't place why exactly. Putting the odd thought aside she returned the smile, grateful to finally dry herself.

"It's nice to meet you, er Shadey." she struggled a bit with the nickname, noting the other unicorn's cutie mark. "I take it you don't practice Martial arts either?" she ventured getting a chuckle out of the mare.

"No way, too much work." she said bluntly. "Scarlet's got more than enough energy for all of us, so I'll just stick to numbers." she continued, flashing that little grin once more.

"Shadey's been a big help with managing the finances of the farm." AJ chimed in, mane ruffled but at least dry. She let the towel rest around her neck as she got back to all fours. "Though Big Mac usualy handles those kinds of details, never really been my thing." she admitted with hardly a care.

"Big Mac? Really?" Twilight was hard pressed to keep the disbelief from her tone.

"Oh yeah, a real bit pincher that one. He just calls on me for a second set of eyes to look for mistakes or loop holes. It's a service I offer to anypony," Shade said proudly with a wink. "For a modest fee of course."

"Of course." Applejack replied dryly, making Twilight wonder how 'modest' it really was. Misty plucked the towel with her mouth and flipped it on to her back with hardly a care, doing the same with Twilight's after she was finished.

"There, I'll take care of these. you should really head to the dojo, I'm sure Applebloom is waiting. We'll have to talk sometime after you've met my little sister Miss Sparkle, I never have much time to talk when in town." The pegasus smiled sweetly.

"I'd like that Misty, and please, Just call me Twilight."

"Very well M- Twilight. I'll see you on your way back from the dojo." Misty happily trotted back to the laundry room. Stonehoof dabbed his eyes with a handkerchief sniffing loudly.

"Such a sweet girl, she really takes after her mother." he took a breath as if holding back a further bout of tears, before turning back to the girls. "I'm sure Applejack can show you to the dojo, if you need anything at all don't be afraid to ask." he said in a calmer tone, though his powerful voice still held a tremor in it. Summer Shade rolled her eyes a bit at her father antics and inclined a nod to their guests before trotting back to her magazine. Casually flipping it open once more with her magic, she dropped lazily back onto her cushion.

"Thank you Mr. Stonehoof, Your hospitality has been great." her words seemed to bring him out of whatever mood he was beginning to fall into. Applejack motioned for Twilight to follow and the pair headed out the side door of the house towards the dojo. Behind them, a knocking came to the door once more.

"Summer could you get the door."

"Yeah yeah... It's the Mail mare..."


Twilight and AJ passed through into the open air hall. The rain continued to pour, but luckily the roof kept them dry. Still, the temperature drop was noticeable, causing Twilight she shiver a bit. "They seem... friendly."

"Like I said, they're good folks." Applejack said with a grin, though it faltered slightly. "Though I'd keep an eye on Shadey. She can get... mischievous if she gets bored." she added dubiously.

"If I can handle Pinkie, I think I can handle a little mischievousness." Twilight said calmly. Though claiming one could 'handle Pinkie' was a bold statement up for much debate in its own right.

"Well don't say I didn't warn ya." she replied with a light shrug. Coming to the end of the open air hall she slid the door to the side and trotted in, Twilight following a step behind. It was very spacious, likely able to hold a good two dozen ponies or so before things got too crowded. Off to the far corner, there was a pile of mats and pads stacked up, waiting to be used. On the opposite corner furthest from the door, two earth ponies were hard at work.



Applebloom kicked up at the sandbag with a shout, she wore a white top coat belted with yellow cloth. The older mare was up on her hind legs holding the bag. Her coat was a dull red, wearing a similar white top coat with a black belt as opposed to the filly's yellow one, her hindquarters remained bare giving full veiw of broken board resting on her flank. She had a sturdier build than her sisters, likely from years of training. Her yellow mane was tastefully pulled into a bundle and tied off towards the bottom, much like Applejack's save for two long bangs on either side of her face.


"Ya!" Applebloom switched her balance, bucking back with her other leg on command. The martial artist continued to bark out orders, which the filly did her best to follow. Alternating kicks turned into sweeping under the bag, which turned into launching a few quick strikes with her fore-hooves before finally going back to the much more powerful bucks. Twilight and Applejack watched in pleasant surprise at the scene. It really seemed like the red mare had gained the respect of the stubborn crusader.

"Once more, full on! Remember draw energy from the ground up through your legs!" Applebloom steadied herself before giving one solid buck with both legs, the little filly actually managed to move the heavy bag a bit for the first time in the whole session... though not a moment afterward she collapsed unceremoniously on to her stomach, breathing heavily. Her efforts were met with a happy chuckle as her teacher released the bag and circled over to the exhausted crusader, ruffling her mane. "That was great Applebloom! You did it this time!"

"Thanks... Dawn... sensei..." the little filly huffed, the odd term coming out a bit strange in her country drawl. Nonetheless, she couldn't help but grin a bit at the praise. She actually moved the bag this time! She could already hear the clapping and the cheers of her sister... wait. "Sis?"

"Way to go Applebloom." Applejack trotted over with a proud smile, "Looks like the the work you're puttin' in is really startin' to pay off." she turned her gaze to the older mare with something wry look. "Though I'm not sure you should be leaving my sister as a pile of jelly at the end of every session Scarlet."

"Hey, Applebloom's a tough filly, she can handle it!" she said in defense of both her student and teaching style. Applebloom slowly managed to sit up on her haunches and look proud, though was still a little woobly.

"That was intense to watch." Twilight chimed in as she joined the group, getting a curious glance from the martial artist.

"Who's your friend?"

"Oh This is Twilight Sparkle, she works in the library in town. Twi, this here is Scarlet Dawn, Stonehoof's Youngest and heir to the Dojo."

"It's a pleasure." Twilight greeted with a friendly smile, with Scarlet returned.

"So YOU'RE Twilight! I've heard a lot about you." She offered her hoof which Twilight took giving it a simple shake. "Nice to meet you. What brings you out our way? You interested in martial arts?" Scarlet said with a hopeful look.

"Well, I've done a little reading on it lately before coming over. It's a fascinating subject really." She admitted, "Though I've never really been into combative studies... I was just coming by to meet your family since we've never been properly introduced." The drop in Scarlet's enthusiasm was obvious when she found out Twilight wasn't there to learn, but she seemed to put it aside easily enough to smile.

"In That case I'm glad you came out, considering the storm and all. I've never been out to the library myself, too busy running around outside to do much reading." she said with an embarrassed chuckle, before Twilight could defend her passtime a voice came up from the entryway.

"Hey Scarlet, Daddy wants to have a family meeting. Apparently he got some news in the mail." Summer Shade peeked in through the doorway.

"Okay!" she looked back to the rest of her companions. "I'll just be a minute girls. Be sure to take it easy Applebloom, there should be a water bottle over by the mats. Excuse me" she said with a little bow to Twilight and Applejack before heading back toward the main house. The Filly trotted slowly over to the mats, a little steadier on her hooves after her short rest, her sister at her side. Twilight gave the bag an experimental push, surprised at the resistance it had. It was clearly weighted in some way, not too much for an adult mare but for a filly with would take a concerted effort.

"Everythin' hurts." Applebloom groaned as she reached for the water bottle, squeezing it together in her hooves drinking greedily.

"That just means yer gettin' a good work out." her sister said good-naturedly, familiar with the feeling from the long work days in the field. "She's not workin' you too hard is she?" she asked in a softer tone resting a hoof on her little sisters head.

"No way, Scarlet wouldn't let me get hurt." Applebloom insisted, "and I'm gettin' better too! You saw me finally move the bag!" her energy seemed to be returning as she bounced a little in place. "If I keep this up I should be ready for next season er..." she clammed up as her sister raised an eyebrow and gained a gentle smile.

"Ahh, so that's what this is about."

"I just want to help..." she muttered blushing lightly at letting her goal slip out like that. "There's so much ground to cover for just you and Mac..." Applejack couldn't hide the welling of pride in her chest, giving her little sister a hug.

"Well if that's what you want, we'll see how far along you come by then. Til then just go at your own pace okay?"

"Alright..." Applebloom replied softly, leaning into the hug. Twilight smiled at the sisterly moment, not wanting to ruin it. It mattered little when only moments later a screech rose up from the house, causing all three to jump.

"WHAT?! FIANCE?!" Twilight and Applejack exchanged a look before looking back to the door.

"Um, should we?"

"It's family business, it ain't our place to be stickin' our noses in it..." The apple farmer was of course right. Though as silence stretched on the curiosity only increased.

"What's a 'Fiance'?" Applebloom muddled over the odd word.

"Oh, well it's kind of like getting a coltfriend... though with the plan to be married." Twilight ventured under her friend's watchful eye.

"Married? But isn't that a good thing? They certainly didn't sound happy."

"Well I reckon that they just heard about it themselves." Applejack said with a little frown.

"Wha? But that don't make a lick of-"

A new scream came, though this one was less surprised and more afraid. With hardly any hesitation Twilight and Applejack made a break for the hallway, Applebloom trotting a step behind. Horn glowing, Twilight reached out with her magic, opening the door a few paces ahead so they could rush right in. The whole Stonehoof Clan was huddled to the far side of the room, warily watching the intruder. Upon seeing said intruder, Twilight found herself taking a step back.

"A bear?" A large black and white bear stood on it's hind legs, silhouetted in the open door. It's thick fur was soaked, looking between the two groups with beady black eyes. Slung over it's shoulder was a small pony with a light blue coat, a whirlwind emblazoned on her flank.

"What's going on-"

"Applebloom, stay back!" Applejack said firmly, causing the filly to duck back into the hallway. "You see what it's got Twi?"


"Think you could get her free?"

"Maybe." she said keeping her eyes firmly on the bear.

"Why is it just standing there?" Summer Shade spoke up, trying to sound calm.

"Ugh, what the?" a mare's voice rose up from the bear's shoulder. "Put me down you big oaf, you're scaring them spitless!" she said in a coarse tone, trying to wriggle free from the bears grip.


"I know." she powered up her horn prepared to snatch the hostage from the beast... until he calmly placed the mare down in front of him. She was a petite thing, her mane braided into a tight pigtail, a horn peeking out from amidst her crimson locks. Twilight stopped her magic, looking at the scene completely puzzled. The mare looked down, pawing at the floor awkwardly and allowing her soaked bangs to cover her eyes.

"Wait... are you?" Stonehoof took a few tentative steps forward. The unicorn sighed softly, refusing to make eye contact with anyone.

"I'm Wild Tempest... Sorry about this."


Wild Tempest and his father Stormy Night, two ponies baring one of the most curious magical afflictions I have ever seen. But it's really not my place to say, as this lesson was not mine to learn. Included below is a message from the stallion in question. It took a little prompting but I did eventually get him to record his first impressions of ponyville and who he met. I hope it's all to your liking.

Your Faithful Student,
Twilight Sparkle