Two Worlds Pushed Into One

by Heyah

Chapter Three-Trevor/The CMC/Starlight And Trixie

Trevor was once a boy with large orange hair, but now he's a Honedge, a sword shaped Pokemon. He floats next to his friends. His friend Shauna's legs are longs pony ones and she has wings attached to her back. Another one of his friends, Tierno is a large earth pony. As for his last friend Calem, he's perfectly fine.

They've been walking for a long while through a big forest. They're all tiered and hungry.

Shauna kicks a rock. "I'm so hungry! I don't understand any of this!" She flaps her new wings, gliding for a millisecond. "Sure, I like the wings and all, but I don't know where my Pokemon are! Heck, we haven't even seen a single Pokemon in days!" She then points upwards. "Well, except for this random Honedge who keeps on following us!"

A shrill sound suddenly pierces the air.

The four friends all look at each other.

Two members of the royal guard run to them with a small fire cat in front of them known as Litten. Litten jumps from rock to rock, while the guards have to navigate around them.

Shauna and Calem raise their hands up in defense, Tierno freezes in place, and Trevor rushes forward.

Trevor panics, sending out a move called Fury Cutter. "HON!"

One of the guards stumbles and falls with a thud. He screams loudly.

The other guard throws a spear, Shauna easily deflects it by swinging in her pegasi wings in the way. It cracks in two, harmlessly falling to the ground.

Calem lunges forward, knocking that guard to the ground. "I'm sorry good sir, but you mustn't hurt my friends." He wraps his arms around the guard's neck.

"HON!" Trevor suddenly yells in warning.

Litten leaps at Calem, nocking him off the guard. He stares down at him with an angry snarl. Flames edge around his mouth.

Tierno rushes over to the guard, bitting a chink in his armor, starting to drag it off.

"NO!" Shauna yells at the Litten, running at it. She brings up one of her legs, punting it into the air as it soars off into the distance. It falls down into bush with another 'thud'.

Everything is silent for a quick moment before everything launches itself back into a wild panic.

Shauna starts yelling. "Calem? Tierno?" The two of them run over to her side.

Tierno slams a hoof against the ground. "I used my quick dance move and knocked the two guards out! We should be good! Really really good!"

Shauna hugs Calem. "Oh, I'm so glad you're okay!"

Calem nods. "I'm just afraid we acted rashly."

Everyone is quiet again.

"RWRROOOM!" A loud sound of a car fills the air, interrupting their silence. A car rolls up in front of them. The doors open up and three ponies exit, a earth pony with a dull grey coat named Octavia, a pony with a spiky blue mane named Vinyl, and a white earth pony named Arceus with a white board and marker in his mouth.

Octavia glances around. "Well, it looks like a changeling rampage came through here."

Shauna's eyes widen. "Changelings?"

Calem lowers his eyes. "Well, there's a way to explain this, don't worry."


Hiding in the highest branches of a tree there's a cat like creature known as Espeon and a bipedal creature that looks like a poison dart frog creature known as Toxicroak. The Espeon wears a dark cloak and holds a book in a physic grasp.

Down below the CMC sit at a table, chatting and drinking their cold lemonade.

"Ghetsis, I just don't get your thinking. Why do you want to hurt these fillies?" The Toxicroak.

Ghetsis slams the book shut, turning to the Pokemon. "You idiotic little creature! I feel awful and this is the only way out. That stupid bat pony just had to bite me!"

"How do you think these fillies will help you?" The Toxicroak says, tilting his head in confusion.

Ghetsis growls, slamming Toxicroak down with a slashing of his tail. "You idiot! The book says: 'Take the innocence of youth and burn and rip it to shreds, that's the solution to a bat pony bite.'"

Toxicroak rolls his eyes. "The book is old. It could easily be wrong."

Ghetsis turns to leap off the branch. "Do you really think I care?"


Starlight and Trixie sit together in a cabin right outside the Crystal Empire. A board game is laid out in front of them that they've been playing for hours.

"Do you honestly think you can beat Trixie!" Trixie says as she pumps a hoof into the air happily.

Starlight rubs her chin. "Hmm." A smile then suddenly appears on her face, as she levitates a piece. "Aha! Girlfriend, it looks like I just destroyed you!"

Trixie stares dumbfounded for a moment or two. She then growls. "NO!" With some simple levitation magic she flips the board.

Pieces are everywhere, in the two mare's manes, on the ground, and even on the bookcases jammed into the very back corners of the cabin.

Trixie blinks. "Sorry. Trixie shouldn't be so quick to act."

Starlight shrugs. "It's nothing, I'm used to ponies yelling at me."

Trixie nods. "Either way, this weekend together has been so much fun! Trixie cannot believe Twilight actually let us do-"

"HELP! HELP!" Someone suddenly yells from outside.

"Who in all of Equestria interrupted Trixie?"

Starlight runs to the door. "Well, either way we need to go help them. This must be an emergency!"

And with that, the two mares run out of the room and into the cold outdoors.