Shattered Skies

by Arctikfox

Chapter 30 -A Sore Reunion-

-A Sore Reunion-

The Gala started off with its usual glee of Equus’ various inhabitants regaling one another with tales of their lives, however, the entire Gala paused and fell silent when Skyfall's growl echoed through the room as he glared holes into Sombra.

"H-Have we met?"

Sif pressed her body against Sky's massive form, trying to stop him. "If you want to keep your larynx, you should shut up and back away." She tried to shove Sky, but found herself unable to move the raging Spirit. "Sky, things have changed."

With a sharp bark, Sif roared for assistance. "Cadance!"

After a brief moment of confusion from the party, Cadance appeared before her father. "Hi, Sif. What's up?"

Skyfall stopped and seethed as Cadance and Sif put themselves between Sombra and Skyfall. Sif bumped Cadance and tried to speak in a tone only they could hear. "Your father is going to kill Sombra if you don't calm him down."

Cadance giggled for a moment and looked up to her father, but her laughter died in her throat as she saw the fury in his eyes.

In the most dignified way Cadance could muster, she tried to placate Skyfall. "Lord Skyfall, is there a problem?"

Skyfall’s gaze was fixed on Sombra, it was unclear what was going through his mind, but even he recognized as his thoughts grew hazy and an extreme distaste turned into hate. A faint trace of magic made itself known. At first it was unrecognizable, but the familiarity of it emerged. It was the same magic that drove Shining Armor to attack him a month before.

Unseen to those involved, Captain Fury stepped out of the crowd to see what the sudden commotion was, a small smirk creeped up the instant he did.

After being lost in confusion, Twilight regained her composure long enough to examine the situation more clearly. 'Why does he hate Sombra?' She chewed her lip and watched as Cadance brought Sky into a private conversation. Behind her stood the other Elements and a few close friends who had seemingly gathered from the developing altercation.

"Twilight, what happened?" Sunset asked.

"I don't know, but Skyfall became very upset the instant he saw Sombra. He's usually very calm, but something serious must have happened for him to act this way."

Radiant Hope trotted over and lead a frightened Sombra away from Skyfall's murderous gaze. Cadance and Sif whispered to Skyfall and led him into the garden shortly before the party resumed its merriment.

"Are you okay, Hope?" Twilight asked.

"I'm okay, but Sombra seems a bit shaken." Hope ran a hoof over her extremely quiet friend. "Are you okay?"

"S-Short answer? No." Sombra tried to smile. "He really hates me, huh?"

Everyone in the group nodded with wry looks.

"I can only wonder why." Sombra squeezed his eyes shut. "I mean, very few ponies even know about me or even who I am."

"Think, dear. Have you passed him since you two started your travels?" Rarity asked. "I know you've been all over looking for Amore's lost shards, but could there have been a misunderstanding along the way?"

Sombra shook his head, his normally well-kempt mane slightly frazzled. "I've tried extra hard to not step on any hooves, plus I don't recognize him. I would remember somepony that size."

Radiant's eyes opened widely and she whipped her head around to try and catch another glimpse of the large silver stallion.

"Did you remember something?" Rainbow asked, flying up to see who Hope was looking for.

Radiant Hope sat and rubbed her temples. "I recognize him."

"From where?" Sunset asked curiously.

"Back before the crystal empire fell. He was one of Princess Amore's closest advisers. I think he held the title of Baron." Hope opened her eyes to the shocked expressions of everyone around her.

"Are you sure, Hope?" Twilight asked calmly.

"Yes, he used to visit Sombra and I on occasion. I remember his cutie mark vividly, but whenever we’d ask him about it, he’d just say-”"

"-it's a reminder." A few of the ponies in the group repeated.

Hope nodded slowly at the statement. "But how do you..?"

Sunset Shimmer nudged Twilight and gave her a dire look, silently communicating what they both dreaded.

"You don't think?" Sunset whispered.

"You don't suppose he was caught in the same spell the crystal ponies were, do you?" Fluttershy asked.

"That would explain why he was so mad at Sombra. He was a pretty vicious baddy in the day." Rainbow gestured to Sombra desperately downing a mug of cider. "No offense."

"None taken, it is my curse to bare." Sombra said solemnly through a wet cough. "And now that I think about it, I too recognize him. I fear my life has burdened his, and thus I must make amends!"

"You sure that's a good idea?" Applejack asked. "Sky looked like he was going to turn you into pretzel."

"I think he wanted to beat me like a rug more than bend me like a pretzel." Sombra fixed his suit with shaky hooves.

"He might have done both." Sif mumbled in Sombra’s ear, making him jump in surprise. Sombra panicked in lieu of recent events and tripped on his robe, sending him tumbling to the floor.

"Is Skyfall okay, Sif?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah, Sky is cooling down outside." Sif said and turned to Sombra. "Give him time, he'll come around. Sorry, by the way."

Sunset passed her friends and walked up to Sif. "Sif, there are a few questions I need to ask you."

"Sunset." Twilight scolded quietly. "We should research this before asking."

"Asking is faster!" Sunset whispered back and turned to face Sif's questioning look. "Sif, how does Skyfall know Sombra?"

Sif closed her eyes and bit her lip, pausing for the briefest of moments to decide upon her answer. "That is a question you should ask Skyfall. I don't think it's my place to share. I may be his closest friend, but Skyfall's personal life is still private."

"Did I hear someone say Skyfall?" A voice called from the main doorway, dripping with elegance.

Everyone looked over to see a fancily-clad dragonpony smiling over at them. A stunning kimono accented her well-groomed indigo coat and pale yellow scales. Her elk-like horns were polished to a pristine white and her draconic tail flowed in the air as she sashayed over to the mesmerized group.

"Fuji." Sif mumbled.

"Sif." Fuji greeted. "I almost didn't recognize you in your formal attire, you look so..."

"Stuck up?"

"Refined." Fuji said curtly. "I was going to say refined."

"Mhm." Sif reached over and grabbed a martini from a passing waiter. "And what brings the Empress of the East to Equestria? It surely couldn’t be the weather."

Fuji rolled her eyes. "Must we go through this every time we speak, I swear it is unlady like to act the way you do. You will shame your master with such flippant disregard to etiquette."

Sif finished her martini in one gulp and grabbed another before looking at the small amount of liquid held within the glass. "These things are like samples?"

"Are you not listening?" Fuji snipped. "It's been so long since we've talked."

"Um, excuse me?" Twilight approached from the corner of Fuji's vision. "You know Skyfall?"

Fuji met Twilight's gaze with her own. "Oh that's right, another Alicorn appeared in the world. Princess Twilight, right?"

"Y-Yes." Twilight bowed and rose when Fuji returned the bow. "Did I overhear Sif right? You're the Empress of Neighpon?"

“Yeah, run to her for answers.” Sif mumbled, not amused at Twilight’s tricky speech.

Fuji nodded.

"And you know Skyfall?"

"Very few world leaders don't." Fuji chirped before having her hoof stomped on by Sif. "Ow! That hoof cost over three hundred coins to hooficure!"

"ix-Nay alking-Tay bout-ay yfall-Skay" Sif growled.

"Hmf!" Fuji stuck her nose up in frustration.


"Are you okay?" Cadance asked. "I've never seen you that angry."

Skyfall nodded. "I'm fine. I just got excited, is all."

Cadance rested her hoof on her father's shoulder. "I know, Sif told me."

Skyfall's breath caught in his throat. "How much?"

"Enough." Cadance said quietly. "She told me much of the events surrounding the fall of the Crystal Empire. She even told me about how my mother died: something you should have told me instead."

Skyfall cursed silently.

"I just wanted to know more about my life." Cadance cooed. "Don't be mad at her, please."

Skyfall shook his head. "I’m not mad at Sif, I'm mad at myself. It's just... I'm still apprehensive about all this. If I move too slowly then we may not be prepared for what may come, and if we're too hasty then we'll end up biting off more than we can chew."

With a firm hug, Cadance smiled up at Skyfall. "Which is why I’ve been so patient. She told me about some of your escapades, and your beautiful mind."

Skyfall smiled down at Cadance's loving eyes. "Beautiful mind?" Shining Armor emerged from the distant party from behind a large arch. He appeared to be searching for someone. "When was the last time you spent time with your betrothed?"

"He's my husband, daddy."

"Not until you have a Spirit wedding." Skyfall patted Cadance's head. "One where I can give you away and not watch from the sidelines."

"But that would mean this won't be a secret." Cadance gestured to herself and Skyfall. "Wait, are you saying what I think you're saying?"

Skyfall nodded slowly. "I believe I found a way to break your curse."

Cadance inhaled sharply in excitement and felt her father’s hoof on her nose. "But for now, you should go and spend time with Shining. I believe he is looking to have a romantic evening with you."

With a small kiss on the cheek, Cadance teleported away, leaving a smirking Skyfall to sit and watch as she reappeared near Shining and invited him to dance.

Skyfall sat against a nearby fountain and sighed, he contemplated just sitting idly by, but then Applejack, Sunset, and Twilight came into view. They looked around before Sunset spotted Skyfall's relaxed form.

"There you are." Sunset called as the group neared. "There’s a few things we need to ask you."

From the tone of her voice, Skyfall could tell it wasn't another consequenceless inquiry. His suspicions were solidified when Sif and Fuji emerged from the dance hall shortly after the three ponies arrived within reach of Skyfall.

"Well, I am Applejack's date tonight, though I'm sure I could save a dance for you." Skyfall cooed as he stood to his full height. He saw a devious smirk cross Sunset's face, she was smart, but also arrogant. 'She knows.'

Twilight approached closed and sighed. "I'm afraid this is serious, Skyfall. We stumbled across some information about you that we need cleared up."

Skyfall gave a slight head shake to Sif, stopping her and Fuji in their tracks. "Of course, Twilight. I'll answer anything you want me to."

Twilight nodded and looked between her and Sunset. "Why did you almost attack Sombra?"

Skyfall ground his teeth at the question.

"You clearly know him." Sunset said.

"I do, but I'd rather not answer. It is somewhat a matter of sensitivity for me." Skyfall narrowed his eyes and noticed Twilight's minute facial twitch. "In case you're wondering, yes, it has to do with my family."

Twilight's eyes fell slightly and Sunset looked between them, confused. Applejack remained emotionless. She didn't appreciate the bluntness of the question, but she understood the implications were too dire to ignore.

"Did he?" Twilight asked sheepishly. "You know."

"Yes." Skyfall said as he passed Twilight and nodded for Applejack to follow him. "He did that to many families before taking the Empire through its little soiree through time. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some friends to meet and some security to check on."

Without a word from either Twilight or Sunset, Skyfall disappeared into the large dance hall with Applejack in tow. Soon after Twilight rubbed her head.

"Headache?" Sunset asked.

"A little. Can I tell you something without you sharing it with anypony else?"

"Yeah, you can trust me, Twilight." Sunset cooed.

Twilight looked around and slumped visibly. "Good, because I hate carrying this secret." Twilight's horn ignited and a stream of cool, fresh water snaked up from the fountain and soaked her forehead to ease the headache. "A few months ago, I went to talk to Skyfall and I heard him and his brother in the midst of a fight. My curiosity got the better of me and I eavesdropped; something I've regretted ever since."

"You overheard about his family?" Sunset asked and smiled when Twilight looked up a little surprised. "Sorry, context clues."

"R-Right. Ever since then, I know he knows that I know." Twilight sighed into her hooves. "He was the first one I suspected of having affiliations with Shattered Skies, but every time I got close to discovering something, he talked in circles and I leave more confused than when I arrived."

"Any magical interference?"

Twilight shook her head. "No, I just..."

"You don't want to wrongfully accuse him because he annoys you?" Sunset asked.

Twilight didn't answer, she just sighed and teleported to a standing position on the other side of Sunset.

"I see you'd rather go and join the party." Sunset laughed.

"There's that, and I just saw a pupil of mine I would love to introduce you to." Twilight clapped her hooves.


"Yeah, Sky?"

"In case no one else tells you, you look beautiful tonight." Skyfall complimented as they strode towards the VIP section of the party.

"You think so?" Applejack looked up to her armor-clad date curiously.

"Yes, you would give a few goddesses a run for their money." Skyfall smiled.

"Halt, Sir. Only dignitaries past this point." Called a guard from the velvet rope that divided the two parties.

Skyfall looked around for a brief moment, the entrance to the VIP section was directly beneath a tall, open dome, and was at a natural intersection of a few buildings. 'This is where it'll happen.'


"Skyfall?" Applejack called, snapping Sky from his daze.

"Right, sorry." Skyfall looked down to the guard standing before him. "Problem?"

"Yes, Sir. Only dignitaries are allowed beyond this point." The guard puffed out his chest.

"Do you not recognize the Element of Honesty?" Skyfall hoofed to Applejack.

"Sir, I know, but-"

"And do you think Celestia would smile upon keeping a national treasure from meeting her allies?" Skyfall asked. "But you're right, allow me inform her of your cold negligence."

The guard stepped aside. "You may enter, citizen."

"Captain." Skyfall sassed back.

"I'm not a Captain." The guard said angrily. "Can't you see the strips? I'm a Sergeant."

Skyfall raised an eyebrow. "That was my rank, not yours, Sergeant."

The guard snapped to attention. "As you were, Captain."

"As you were." Skyfall held his head high as he passed with a snickering Applejack in tow. "I swear, ponies this age are too brazen with their speech."

"I think he just wanted to rile you up, big guy."

Skyfall smiled at his companion. "Applejack, when we walk in, be sure to make eye contact with those who looks at you. They will be judging you, but as long as you remain firm, you'll do fine."

"Y-Yeah, no pressure." Applejack muttered as she fell in step behind Skyfall. The deeper they trekked into the crowd, the more stares were cast in their direction. Applejack grew more and more nervous as conversations shrank into hushed murmurs. She watched Sky as he sat down at a crowded table filled with many varying species. She took the seat next to him, but remained guarded.

"I'll be, so you are still kicking." Came a gruff voice from behind them.

"I'm still doing something." Skyfall chuckled. "Though, I've adopted all your stances on life these past few months, and sat idly by, drinking coconuts with little umbrellas in them."

"I heard you've been doing much more than laying around." Said a refined, Prench accent. "Well, laying around in that sense, you animal."

"Fluer, you wound me." Skyfall laughed before putting his hoof on Applejack's shoulder. "Let's get introductions out of the way first, shall we?"

Skyfall went to each creature and introduced them. "Fleur de Lis, I'm sure you know."

Fleur reached over and took Applejack's hoof. "It is a pleasure to meet you formally."

Applejack's head spun as Skyfall proceeded to introduce her to everyone from Bison to Zebra and a few of the table’s passersby, each one stopping to greet both ponies.

"And last, but certainly not least, Golden Heart." Skyfall took the outstretched hoof of a thin, tan Bull.

"Everyone, this is Applejack. She runs an aspiring apple company." Skyfall said bluntly.

"And there it is." A large Bison sneered. "Barely out of retirement and you start with your scheming. You truly are a shell of your former self, Rudolph."

"It was an introduction, not a scheme, Steak-boy."

The large Bison slammed his hoof onto the table before many of the guests turned their seething glares toward him, calming him down almost instantly.

Golden Heart started laughing. "You know he hates that name."

"And I hate Rudolph." Skyfall replied with an unnervingly cheery tone. He dropped the smile and looked at Applejack who was smiling nervously. "Well, with introductions out of the way, There are some things I must attend to."

"Wait!" Applejack grabbed Skyfall's pauldron and glared up at him. "I can't talk up all these big wigs by myself."

Skyfall chuckled and shook his head. "You'll do just fine. You need experience talking to other heads of business, and most of the beings here are actually quite kind, except that Echidna in the corner."

"What does Echidna mean?" Applejack asked herself before inquiring further. "What's up with him?"

"Nothing, he's just eccentric and may talk you into mining the deposits beneath your farm." Skyfall said as he waved at the being before leaning into Golden Heart. "For tonight, I'll need you to keep Applejack distracted."

"You are up to something, aren't you?" Heart whispered.

Skyfall stood from his chair and winked at Heart as he turned to leave. "Nothing more than usual. I would love to catch up with you, but tonight is not a night to relax for me, there are a few events that must occur first."

“For what it’s worth, all of the Spirit community is talking about your supposed resurrection.” Heart smiled. “I’m happy that you’re alive.”

Skyfall smiled sadly. “You know where to find me if you decide to help.”

"Well, I'm sure we'll get our chance." Heart laughed as he patted Applejack's back as she glared at the back of Skyfall's head. "So, you're the Apple that runs that lovely piece of land in Ponyville. I've actually been there a few times."

The drone of the party soon drowned out Heart’s voice in Skyfall's ears as he melted back into the crowd. He dipped and dodged around many creatures as they either danced or reenacted scenes from battles long forgotten. He reached a side stairwell where Honos and Inko had been acting, their flirtatious show warded many would-be minglers away.

'Alibi is taken care of, and everything that can be done has been done. All that's left is the finale to this show.' Skyfall thought as he ascended the stairs. "You two complete your objectives?"

The illusion Inko had been maintaining fell as Honos nodded. "Yes, Sir. All I need is your signal to begin the advanced projection. It'll only last five minutes, but I don't imagine you’ll need much longer."

"Good. Inko?"

Inko nodded and brushed her auburn mane away from her right eye, revealing a milky white iris. "I'm keeping an eye on the brigantine. When the signal is given I can have her with little resistance and we’ll catch up on how their ships work. Their naval yard is surprisingly lacking in guards."

"Celestia means to trap us from a ground route." Skyfall mused. "It's no mystery that I have the Good Fortune back, but their war ships are likely waiting above the mainland. From that position they could swoop down and take out anything entering Saint Mare's airspace."

"Good thing we aren't arriving fashionably late." Inko chuckled. She glanced over Skyfall's shoulder and started chuckling. "All we need is Celestia to address her guests and we'll be set."

"Outstanding." Skyfall looked over his shoulder and his heart skipped a beat. "F-Fluttershy?" He mumbled to himself.

Fluttershy's cheeks looked slightly flushed. She wore a blue dress and her mane was wrapped into a tight, ornate bun. A brave expression sat upon her face while she stood before the silver stallion.

Skyfall smiled when he saw Cadance peeking out from a pillar on the other side of the dance hall. He rolled his eyes and descended the steps slowly. "Ms. Fluttershy."

"H-Hi." Fluttershy smiled sheepishly and began to stutter. "I-I was wondering if you would like to... um..."

"Have some punch?"

"N-No, I meant to say, w-would you like to..." Fluttershy paused again.

"Play croquet?" Skyfall said playfully before Inko whipped him on his armored flank with a handkerchief. Skyfall smiled and mentally scolded himself. He felt nervous, but that was no reason to try and talk around Fluttershy. Skyfall saw her apprehension and took a deep breath of air.

"I'm sorry, this was a bad idea!" Fluttershy yelped as she flew up and out of the dance hall, unnoticed by all.

Sif started to approach swiftly to inquire as to what happened, but Sky waved her off as he walked in Fluttershy's direction. She had spoken about her fondness for Canterlot's gardens, and her wish to see the ones in Saint Mare. Skyfall’s mind had been so focused on his night's plans that he neglected the plans that others had in store for him.

The sounds of a water fountain slowly overtook the music of the hall as stone walls gave way to neatly trimmed hedges. Skyfall kept walking until he reached the center of the maze-like garden where Fluttershy sat. She stared down into a calm pool of water. Her neat bun has been undone and laid messily on her shoulders.

Fluttershy let out a series of long sighs as her hoof made small ripples into the water. She sank lower onto the pool's ledge and swirled her hoof in the water.

"Maybe I should try and change?" Fluttershy whispered under her breath.

"And why would you do that?"

Fluttershy tensed as the water's ripples cleared to reveal two golden eyes staring into the water behind from her. Skyfall had settled onto the ledge beside Fluttershy while she was absorbed in her lamentations.

"S-Skyfall, I-"

Skyfall placed his hoof on Fluttershy's cheek, silencing her. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry?" Fluttershy asked.

Skyfall gave her a numb look, deeply regretting what he knew had to be done. "I've let this get a lot further than it should have. I like you, Fluttershy, I really do, but a relationship between us would end nothing but poorly."

Fluttershy felt a pit form in her throat. She wanted to object, but she couldn’t find the words.

"I kissed you, and for that I am truly sorry. I know I've given you mixed signals, but you would be much happier with someone else." Skyfall stood to leave, but Fluttershy's grabbed his arm with surprising determination.

"Are you a bad pony?"

"Excuse me?" Skyfall asked.

"Are you... a bad pony?"

Skyfall closed his eyes and shrugged as his heart rate accelerated from Fluttershy’s touch. "Everyone has something they aren't proud of."

"That's not what I asked, Skyfall." Fluttershy retorted with an abnormally firm voice. "I asked if you were a bad pony."

Skyfall melted in Fluttershy's hoof and came to a rest against the pool, staring up at her as she peered down. "What do you think?" He sighed.

Fluttershy ran her hoof over Skyfall's arm and a small smile formed on her lips. "I think you overcomplicate things. You talk around so many ponies so you won't have to engage them directly. You can be cold and at times, I've seen you be mean to ponies who want nothing more than to be near to you. You have secrets, more secrets than I care for. But despite all that I think you're a good pony trying to do good, but find it hard to get the motivation."

Fluttershy held Sky's hoof to her chest. "Earlier tonight, Sif asked me if I would stand by you if you ended up being bad. I thought about the prospect before, but never actually considered it until tonight."

Skyfall smirked and gave a suppressed laugh. "So if I was a bad pony, would you still like me?"

"I wouldn't, but I can tell you aren't a bad pony, and you’ve never done anything evil." Fluttershy cooed. "You help small creatures and even allow a family of squirrels to live in your attic. When no one is watching, you help Applejack with her farm since Big Mac left. You’ve even taken the town’s foals in and started teaching them what you think will help them in their lives."

"And what if I'm really Shattered Skies in disguise?" Skyfall put his free hoof over his muzzle to make a comical display to tone down the seriousness of his question.

"But you’re not." Fluttershy cooed, smiling at her certainty.

Skyfall brought his hoof off his muzzle and stared into Fluttershy’s gaze. He did not deny that he liked her, but would he be compatible with a mortal? Spirits had held mortal lovers in the past, but such relationships never ended happily.

"Do you believe that?" Skyfall asked.

"Yes." Fluttershy smiled.

A battle of morals and emotion fought within him. With great hesitance, Skyfall accepted her feelings as well as his own. "Then let's take this slow."

Fluttershy cocked her head in confusion.

"Sorry, I meant us, if we start dating. A Guard Captain and an Element would make headline news the day we announce it." Skyfall rubbed his brow in thought. 'Not to mention a new target for those four Spirits and Celestia.'

"Then let's keep it a secret." Fluttershy eeped out.

"I thought you didn't like secrets." Skyfall winced. "I would never force such a thing on you."

Fluttershy nuzzled Skyfall's chin and sank into his chest. "It's okay, when everything blows over we'll make it public, but for now we can see each other in secret."

Skyfall rubbed Fluttershy's back. 'This is going to blow up in the worst way.'

"Okay?" Fluttershy asked.


Fluttershy pulled away and looked up, she gave a half smile before craning her face towards her new love. Skyfall's hooves wrapped around her shoulders as they both tried to melt into their kiss, only to fall short and bump noses. The two giggled and Fluttershy hummed happily as their lips successfully met in a short kiss.

"Wow, Cadance was right." Fluttershy giggled.

"And what was she right about?" Skyfall asked, making a mental note to hunt down his daughter later.

"She said you would try and back out the instant we were alone." Fluttershy giggled as she rested in his lap.

"Yeah, I'm a regular romantic." Skyfall chuckled as he brushed Fluttershy's mane. He glanced up at a large clock and saw that he had a full hour before Celestia's address, an hour he would be all too happy to spend with me mare by his side.



"Would you like to walk around the castle grounds with me?"

"I would like nothing more." Fluttershy slowly rose and kissed Skyfall's cheek as she did so. "What would you like to talk about?"

Skyfall joined Fluttershy in walking out of the garden, he had always talked about inconsequential topics whenever he visited Fluttershy, but if he was to be more involved with her, he needed to pry a bit.

"Frankly?" Skyfall asked. "You. I know a good deal about the others, but I suspect I’m not the only one with secrets."

Fluttershy winced.

"You do?"

Fluttershy nodded.

"I won't force you to tell me anything, I am just curious."

"It's okay." Fluttershy placated. "I just don't share much because I don't want to be made fun of."

The cool night air brushed over the grounds, making everyone outside shiver a little. Sky nibbled at the knot holding his cape to his back, and draped it over Fluttershy. Her weak refusal died as the warm cloth fell over her.

"Thank you."

"No problem, can't let you freeze." Skyfall stated as he moved back into the conversation. "I promise I won't make fun of you, but I understand your hesitation. Take your time."

Fluttershy's wings beat a couple times before her wings hugged her body as a smile swept across her face.

"So have you ever been to Saint Mare before?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yes, a great many years ago." Skyfall looked up to see two grinning mares staring directly at him. The goldenrod pegasus was taller than the other and had a pitch black masquerade mask with an ivory clasp holding it back to show off two green eyes. Her shorter unicorn friend had a groomed pale blue coat and a styled turquoise mane. Her horn had golden fittings along its length to show off her implied wealth. Something about the two gave Skyfall an odd sensation, but then again there were all manners of beasts and beings present for the Gala.

"So you're the guard Princess Celestia brought on for the Gala's security?" The goldenrod mare asked as he and Fluttershy passed them.

Skyfall nodded sweetly. "I am, although I feel it's unnecessary since there are already so many forces here."

"Captain Fury thought it best to make a show of force to our allies, that way they know we still have military might." The Mare chuckled and stretched her wings. "Forgive me, I am Faithful and this is-"

The unicorn next to her pulled Faithful's mane with her magic.

"Bend, what's your problem?" Faithful barked.

Bend rolled her eyes and glared up at Faithful. "I don't care to mingle with a hick and a basement cat."

Faithful pulled her lips back to let loose a feral retort, but there was a loud poof as the unicorn disappeared.

"I hate when she teleports away in the middle of a scolding." Faithful sighed and glanced over to her two confused acquaintances. "Sorry about that, she can be... ornery."

"It's okay, I'm sure it's just the party making her flustered." Fluttershy replied.

"No, she's always like that with anyone who doesn’t look like they have a million bits." Faithful pushed her mane back into place. "I am Faith, Princess Celestia's royal adviser."

Alarms sounded in Skyfall's head at this new information. He reached out with his magic, but still felt nothing off about the mare before him. What he did feel, however, was a strange gem in the middle of the being before him. He smiled and held out his hoof to shake the mare’s hoof. 'Make it sound good, Sky.'

"I'm Skyfall, former knight and new captain for the Ponyville guard."

Faithful's eyes lit up for a moment. "A knight? It's been awhile since I've met one of those, a long while."

Fluttershy stared at the side of Skyfall's head until he glanced at her, she was taken by surprise at Skyfall's introduction. It wasn't every day someone used the title of knight.

Skyfall shrugged. "It's been awhile since I've been one. You know, magic and getting tossed through time with the Empire."

Faithful rolled her eyes. "Yes I know, that is one thing that is happening more and more as advanced spells become public knowledge. It's something I've tried to censor, but with the 'assistance' of Princess Twilight Sparkle, events like that are increasingly more difficult to pin down."

"I take it she believes in unchecked use of magical knowledge?" Skyfall asked, trying to keep the conversation open until he could wean a definitive answer from the suspected spirit before him.

Faithful nodded. "Yes, and her experiments are only made easier by Princess Celestia. She treats Twilight like a daughter and gives her anything she wishes, even wings."

Skyfall raised a brow, he had heard of ponies in Equestria that didn't approve of Twilight's ascension, but for an adviser to openly speak against it was even more abnormal. "Well, hopefully we don’t get caught in any time spells at this night's Gala. Although the security does seem appropriate for it."

"And here I thought they told Captains more than that. Either way, please be present for the toast this evening." Faithful tittered as she made way towards the party. "I shall see you two again, enjoy the party!"

Skyfall chewed his cheek and angled his head towards Fluttershy. "Do you know her?"

Fluttershy nodded her head. "I do, she was the one to greet me and the others when we first came to Canterlot. If I remember correctly, she was instrumental in stopping a war with Yakyakistan, or so she told me one night when I bumped into her making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich."

Skyfall sighed as the clanging of glasses could be heard. His breath caught in his throat. "They're toasting right now?"

"Doesn’t it seem a bit early?" Fluttershy asked before Skyfall started walking to the grand hall. "W-Wait up!"

As he neared, Skyfall could see Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Twilight standing next to the Elements before the rest of the Gala. Skyfall stopped and gave Fluttershy an encouraging smile. "You should go be with your friends."

With a silent kiss, Fluttershy flew around the back of the crowd and appeared next to Rarity, who jumped at her arrival before assaulting her with questions.

Celestia held her head high and smiled at the crowd sweetly.

"It has been many years since our numbers swelled to this size. Most of you don't remember a time when this many nations stood in one room to gather in peace with one another-"

Skyfall glanced across the Gala to see Honos motioning him over. Sky made his way to the archway leading outside while keeping Celestia in sight.

"I came running when I heard the clanging of glasses. Are we still on?" Honos asked, his eyes flashing blue, showing his eagerness to live up to his Spirit's aspect: Valor.

"Yeah, we're still on. Make sure to tell the others that Celestia's Spirits are here."

"Is that all, my lord?"

"Yes, make your preparations."

"Everyone is in position, all that's left is for you to make your entrance." Honos bowed and disappeared in a cloud of embers.

Skyfall inhaled sharply and unlatched his chestplate from his body. "Let's get this party started."

"-and that's why this year I wish to propose a united effort to create a world council like the ones that existed in the past. Together we can stop the forces that divide us." Celestia announced to the cheers of the crowd.

Celestia exhaled in relief. 'Finally, headway on unifying.'

"And what, may I ask, are the forces that divide us?" Came a deep, two toned voice that echoed through the grand hall. Everyone followed Celestia's searing glare towards the speaker.

The large stag stood at the center of the domed hall across from the main party hall. He smiled as his golden eyes peered directly into Celestia's.

Murmurs grew into shouts as the room teetered on the edge of panic.

Celestia placed her glass on the floor and sneered. "Shattered Skies."