//------------------------------// // Ch. 37 - ...And a Time to Act // Story: Equestria World, Book 1: Surviving Canterlot High // by Gear Works //------------------------------// Chrysalis and me arrived at school Wednesday morning, and I still had my head wrapped around what we all talked about yesterday. I already worked on defensive plays yesterday with Thunderlane, but the other issues that plagued me were something that I couldn’t shake. And while I tried to hide it from most of the classmates that I come across, Chrysalis knew that I was distracted. “Still can’t figure out what to do about Crystal Prep?” she asked me. “I wish this was easy, but it’s not. Even Indigo knows this.” “Were you talking to her last night?” “Yep. They’ve been watching the group and noticed that Brick Wall is getting into his prime for Friday’s game. No doubt he wants to knock me down after what’s happen this week.” “Well, don’t worry about him. Just focus on the game with the team. I’m sure Coach Iron Will has a plan in place for the big game.” Both of us walked inside a decided to part ways. “See you at lunch.” “Same here.” I went straight to my locker where the others were already at their lockers waiting for me. “Morning Jack,” said Sunset as she gave me a kiss on the cheek. “Feeling any better?” “Not really,” I said. ‘Not really!?” Rainbow Dash responded. “Come on. This is the big game we’re talking about. Sure it’s in a couple of days, but you should be excited to be a part of something big here.” “Dash is right,” Rarity added. “Everyone is talking about it online and believes that we can finally win the championship Friday.” “Yep. And I’ve already talked to Principal Celestia about having a HUGE pep rally Friday during school. I even have signs being made for the pep rally and game,” said Pinkie Pie. “And we saw how well you adapted to the defense yesterday. I’m sure your plan to remove Long Shot’s powers will work,” said Flash. “That’s the least of my worries,” I said. “Jack, if you’re worried about Brick Wall getting in your way, then forget it,” said Twilight. “I’m going to make sure he doesn’t cause any trouble for you or the rest of the team. I’ve spent my free time last night coming up with ways to put a stop to their defense. Once coach sees what I’ve come up so far, he can decide which ones we think could work. For now, let’s just focus on school. Otherwise, you’re never do well in your classes if you’re distracted.” She was right about one thing. I needed to focus on school, since that’s the only thing that’s going on. I tried to put my problems behind me during class, but whenever I came across my classmates showing their support for the up coming game, the thoughts about my problems tried to come back in my mind. It was after my 2nd period history class that Lyra and Sweetie Drops wanted to talk to me before I went to my next class. “So what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?” I asked. “More like what we wanted to show you,” replied Sweetie Drops. We were in front of their lockers, where Lyra brought out what looked like a briefcase. When she opened it, there were devices in there that looked like it was from a spy movie. “We used this gear when we went on recon back on Sunday.” “It’s different from what Pinkie has with her,” Lyra explained. “You have your spy goggles, mini cameras and microphones, and other useful gear. We didn’t have it when we were breaking in to Crystal Prep because they were getting some upgrades to the gear.” “We got the call to pick it up over the weekend. So we stopped by last Sunday to get it when Applejack called us about our recon mission, which was a good chance to test some of the new gear,” explained Sweetie Drops. “How were you able to get this stuff?” I asked. They looked over to a group of geeks, I believe. “See the boy with the lavender skin, dark hair, and black-framed glasses,” Lyra said as she pointed to the boy. “That’s Micro Chips. His father runs a local tech security business, supplying people with remote mini-camera and other security items for homes and businesses.” “Most of the security tech that is used in the neighborhood where Fleur lives comes from his father,” said Sweetie Drops. “We could have asked for his help in getting in, but we hate to get him caught up in all this.” “How come?” I asked again. Sweetie Drops responded. “Besides his father’s business, he’s not as brave in front of others, like the old Sunset Shimmer. He didn’t even have the courage to ask Moon Dancer out to the Nightmare Night dance. And we tried his best to help him, but he wouldn’t budge.” “Plus, we did get caught up in what you were doing when we learned about your gift,” Lyra added. She closed the case and placed it back in her locker. “We better get to our next class. If you ever want to know more about him, maybe see if he could be of any help down the road, let us know.” “Sure. See you later.” I parted ways with them and made my way to my next class. When I was finished with my 3rd period Algebra class, Trixie decided to talk to me between classes. “There’s someone who I wanted to point out.” Trixie point to the group of hippies or Eco-kids that Tree Hugger and Fluttershy were with. “See the guy with the green dreadlocks and the recycle badge on his brown vest? That’s Sandalwood. He’s in charge of the ‘Eco-Squad’ group. They deal with a lot of nature related issues. He’s the one who gave us the idea with the smoke capsules.” “Really?” I said to her. “That’s right. I was invited to an event that he was holding, and it was at one point that they were working with these colored smoke bombs. He made some that were in eggshells, which I thought were regular eggs. I asked him how he was able to do it and he showed me one that wasn’t broken yet. They took a part of the shell, emptied the insides out, and filled it with some kind of powder. I was able to bring this up with Moon Dancer, and she liked the idea, but wanted it to be smaller. After weighing our options, we were able to come up with what we needed to make it happened. We were glad that it worked this past Saturday.” “I’m surprised that you went to one of those events. Wouldn’t that be messy with all the colored smoke getting on your clothes?” I asked her. “I know. I was a real mess afterwards. But I like the idea that he had going. Tree Hugger told me that he always comes up with some idea that works. And a lot of them do work. Creativity like his could be helpful with the group if he was willing to help.” “What else was he able to do?” I asked. “Perhaps you should ask them that question.” Trixie was looking at where the group was and saw that Fluttershy and Tree Hugger were walking our way. “Um, hi Trixie. Hi Jack. What’s going on?” said Fluttershy. “Well, Trixie was having a nice chat with Jack here,” Trixie replied in her third person style. “Now if you will excuse me, but Trixie must be traveling to her next class.” And she left the group with a boasted attitude. I started to walk with Fluttershy and Tree Hugger to our science class. So I decided to ask the girls, “Trixie was telling me about your friend, Sandalwood. What do you know about him from your point of view?” “He’s a spirited man,” Tree Hugger replied. “I think what she means is that he’s kindhearted guy to have around,” Fluttershy explained. “I remember during my freshman year when Tree Hugger and a few of her friends staged a protest on a dead tree that was on the school grounds. Principal Celestia was having a hard time getting them to understand what needed to be done. Then he stepped in, but not to support the protest or go against it. He believed that if cut just right, the wood could be used for school projects in shop class. It turned out to be a win-win for all of us. I even have some of that tree as a wooden bench in front of my home. He does a really good job at it, and it saved the school money of wood supplies.” “What about the trunk of the tree. They would have to dig that part up,” I said. “It was cut up and spread as a dry mulch for the other trees planted here,” answered Tree Hugger. “Something I never really knew about at the time. I can see the positive aura around him when he makes something happen for all to see.” “He also keeps up with events in school and around the city,” Fluttershy added. “He’s always positive in front of others and just help lift their spirits when they need it.” “Sounds like a good friend to have around,” I said. Both of them nodded in agreement. We made it to our science class and I was able to rejoin with Sunset at our table. “So I’m guessing that you were shown around to others that have been a part of the school, right?” she asked me. “You could say that,” I replied. “It’s like there are others who have been helpful with what we are trying to do here.” “Like trying to catch me in doing all the bad things to Twilight?” she whispered. I nodded. “But that was the old you. Now you have a new life ahead of you,” I whispered back. “But I get the feeling that there are some who still don’t trust me, or don’t believe that I have changed for the better.” “All in good time. As long as you stick with me, and the others, I’m sure you will finally gain the trust of the school again. Just not as the popular one around.” Sunset let out a quiet chuckle. “There was something I wanted to ask you. Would it be OK with your parents if me and my mother come over for dinner tomorrow?” “I can ask them, but why tomorrow?” “I just…want to make sure you are feeling better before Friday night. I heard that they might let the school slide with assigning homework so that everyone can get ready for the game on Friday. The school hasn’t been this hyped up about all this unlike last year. And it’s the first to be played at our school. Plus, it feels like we haven’t spent some alone time since the science project that we did weeks ago.” “Well, I’ll talk to them tonight and see what they say. You might as well have your mother call mine after school. I think she should have her numbers with her.” “I will. And thanks for making this work.” After coming home, finishing my homework, and dinner, I spent the evening on the computer with Vinyl on the other end, listening to some created tunes. “I swear to you that the bass is too loud in his piece. He needs to back off some of it so that the rhythm comes out better,” I said. “I thought the bass was fine in that piece,” Vinyl replied. “Fine enough that you could go deaf when it’s played on the big speakers,” I said. “You remember Neon Light’s rules.” “Know when to drop the bass!” both of us said. “OK, I see what you mean,” Vinyl said. It was then that there was a bleep on Vinyl’s end. “Oh now come on!” “What?” “Lemon Zest just sent me a PM.” “And?” “She’s listening to the same piece that we are and asked if the bass a bit of an overkill…dude.” “I told you so.” “Whatever!” There was silence before Vinyl spoke again. “How are you feeling about Friday?” “Still unsure. I mean, it’s like everyone is relying on me to make it happen.” “That’s because you’re like the miracle maker to the school. You made the impossible…possible.” “You’re not helping.” I sighed as I placed my hand on my face. It was then that my cell buzzed, revealing a text from Indigo. Call me. “I’m going to call it a night, Vinyl. That OK with you?” I was only saying that because I needed to respond to Indigo’s message. “Sure thing. Look over some more tomorrow night?” “Not this time. Sunset and her mother are coming over for dinner.” “Looks like someone wants to score some wubs soon.” “Shut up, Vinyl.” “OK, OK. I’ll see you tomorrow in class. Night.” We both logged off. So I grabbed my cell and placed a call to Indigo. “How are you feeling, bro?” “Same as always.” “Still that bad?” Silence was my only answer. “So what if you have to face Brick Wall. He doesn’t bear the gift that we both have.” “It’s not just that.” There was a brief pause. “Is it about Long Shot, since he has his gift? Or does it have to do with facing Principal Cinch afterwards?” I sighed before I responded. “You heard about the Order of the Manehattan Knights law?” “Not really. But that kind of stuff is something I don’t focus on. I’m guessing that by the name, you had a part in it, right?” “Yep. And now I feel like being pressured by this. We both know what Principal Cinch is doing, but I can’t rely on that law to solve this problem.” “What’s it about? Actually, I’ll ask Sunny Flare about it. She’s more into this stuff. Plus she has a way for me to understand it.” “You sure?” “No problem. I can have Coach Fleetfoot do it for me. It can be in connection with Coach Spitfire’s request. They won’t know about our connection.” “OK then.” There was another pause before I spoke again. “Can I ask you something?” “Shoot.” “When you started to attend Crystal Prep, how did it all begin? Did it took you some time to make any friends, if that was possible?” “Glad you ask. I became friends with Lemon Zest on day one. We had a few classes, and she decided to place her earphones on my head to listen, and the music she had was awesome. It was like we were on the same level. She even helped me find a rhythm to move to while playing basketball. That’s when I knew she was going to try out for the basketball team.” “I’m impressed. I’m guessing it took longer with the other three?” “Yep. It wasn’t until basketball season that I met them, plus Lightning Dust, who I could see had an attitude. What about you? Who were your first friends?” “Too many to list. It started with Twilight before school started. Then Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack. It was followed by Flash and Soarin, then the list goes on and on and on. You saw the group this past Saturday.” “Could explain how you got popular fast.” “More like Sunset Shimmer got me popular fast. It was my encounter with her on day one that made it happen. But it was more like it was staged for me anyway.” “Well Jack, you were never one who gave up before, and I know you won’t give up now. Not in front of your classmates, and not in front of your girlfriend. Look, we’ll talk with Sunny Flare about that law and see if we need to take notice in the matter. I’ll keep you posted on it.” “I’ll have my girlfriend and her mother here tomorrow night, just so you know.” “I’ll keep that in mind. You just focus on what you have to do and let everything else play out, OK?” “OK. Take care.” “Bye.” I hanged up and decided to get some sleep and just let the next two days play out. As Thursday went by, everyone was still talking about Friday night. Students were planning on getting together and making signs and banners for the game. And like Sunset told me before, we were given a break from homework so that everyone can prepare for Friday. Twilight decided to have a one-on-one chat with me during free study out on the bleachers near the field, but wouldn’t say why. “OK, what do you want to complain about this time,” I said, guessing that she was going to pull another stunt on me like before. Twilight looked down and said, “Actually, I wanted to say sorry…for all the times I acted in front of you without thinking about what you were trying to do all this time. I can see how tough this week has been for you, with the big game and all.” “Is that all?” I said plainly to her. Twilight looked at me to respond. “Look, I never knew about your gift from the start and never saw the signs the way Moon Dancer did. My mind was caught up with the old Sunset Shimmer, the one who wanted to ruin my life. I wanted to live a normal like when I came here. But it all felt like a roller coaster when she interfered. At the time, I sometimes asked myself if dating Flash was worth it. I even asked Moon Dancer that question, since she was the first friend I made before I met Flash, Soarin, and even Cadence during my brother’s practice.” “What about the others?” I asked her. “Well, I’ve seen some of them in some of my classes, but never really talked to them at the time. It was some of the girls in my science club early on. You know, Lemon Drops, Twinkleshine, Minuette, and even Lyra at times. I guess along with Moon Dancer, we were like a group of lab geeks. And after learning about Sunset’s past, there were times I asked myself what I was really doing.” “And then you found out about the law I had a part in, right?” “I did, Jack. And with what I started to know about you gift and all about Crystal Prep, I just wanted to end all this and finally live a normal life. I was hoping that with what you did for Sunset would make life easier…for all of us. But now I see that living a simple life can never happen. You just have to face every challenge that comes to you, because it’s the only way to learn in life.” Twilight let out a quick laugh. “I still remember a professor from my last town telling me that. I never really knew what he meant…until now.” I decided to ask. “Where did you live before coming here?” “The same place you did, Manehattan. Lived there most of my life, before my dad got a new job here. I still miss the library and museum there. They were so big and had lots of study material for me to rely on. I even helped someone out in the museum to help me learn about some things about history.” “Was his name Professor Digger?” I asked her. Twilight looked at me with shock. “Yea. How did you know?” “Because me and Coco worked with him during our freshman year,” I said. “The two blades I have were a gift from him before I left. It was something he acquired before we showed up.” “He never gives away anything that would be a part of the museum. Was there a reason at to why he did that?” “Not really at the time. But as I’ve learned more about them, I think he might have a reason for doing so.” “What, what? I have to know.” Twilight was acting like a child in a candy store, wanting to know more. “I can’t say just yet. I’m still putting the pieces together,” I said. “Maybe after the big game, I can put my focus on those blades to understand them better…with your help.” “I’ll hold you to that,” she responded. “So, would you and your brother attended West End High if you were still in Manehattan?” I asked her. “Not really,” she said. “My brother started attending Mane Coast Academy for his freshman year. I would have attended there the following year, but we soon moved here instead. We did look into Crystal Prep, but with their idea of being the best, it just didn’t feel like a challenge for me. Mane Coast also had its best, but focus on making its students challenge themselves. And if they don’t do their best, they learn from it and move on.” “It’s a good thing you attended here,” I said, “otherwise, you and your brother would have been guinea pigs for their pet project.” “And we would have never met Twilight here.” It was then that we saw Pinkie Pie who spoke. Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash were with her. “We figure that you two would be out here,” said Applejack. “So we thought that you could use some support from us as well,” Rarity added. “We know that you have some tough decisions to make, and we just wanted to say that whatever happens, we’re with you no matter what,” Fluttershy responded with a nod. “So what if Crystal Prep is a threat to us. We can handle whatever they throw at us. No doubt this is the year for us,” said Rainbow Dash. “If they’re looking for a fight, then we’ll be happy to give them one,” said Applejack. “I for one would like to see them as a second placed school for once,” Rarity recommended. Twilight stood up and said, “Then I say we give it our all Friday night, and do what we can do to make it happen, right Jack?” “If you think we can pull this off, I’ll do what I can to make it happen.” After coming home from our last practice session with everything planned out for Friday night, Chrysalis and me saw Ms. Shimmer’s car parked on the curb. We knew that they would arrive before I got home from practice. We went into the home and saw my mother talking to Ms. Shimmer. “Hello mom.” “Hey Jack. Practice went well?” my mother asked me. “Yep. Ready for the big game. Where’s Sunset anyway?” “She went up to your room,” answered Ms. Shimmer. “I hope that’s OK with you.” “I don’t have a problem with that,” I said. “Is dad going to be home soon?” “Just waiting to hear that he’s coming home before I start cooking dinner,” my mother replied. “We don’t have any homework tonight. Well, Chrysalis might still want to do some studying for a quiz tomorrow.” “My math teacher wants to quiz us on what we’ve learned the past couple of weeks. Some of my classmates were having a hard time understanding the problems in that chapter.” Chrysalis rolled her eyes. “Well, I’ll be happy to quiz you if you want me to,” my mother requested to her. “Thanks, but I think I can handle it. I have been doing better since Twilight has helped me whenever she finds the time to do so,” Chrysalis responded. “Well, I’m going to check up on Sunset,” I said, and made my way upstairs and into my room. When I went in, I saw her sitting on my bed, looking at some of my pictures from a box that I had placed in my closet. “Already snooping around?” “Maybe,” she said. “Couldn’t help but seeing the pictures of you when you were younger.” She held up one of me from the 4th grade with Little Strongheart. “I can’t believe that she was the one that I ran away from when she went to see my future. Does she still look the same now?” “A bit older, and more lovely than before,” I said. “But if anyone ever wants to ask her out, they would have to get her father’s approval first.” “Can’t argue with that. I saw the picture of her with her father. He must be tough.” “Tough and wise,” I corrected Sunset. She brought out another picture. “Who’s the dark boy in this one with you? I think I might has seen him before.” “That’s Artemis from Trottingham. He came with the team last week when we faced them.” “The boy you were talking about on the first day, right?” I answered her question with a nod. She placed the box to her side and thought for a moment. “Can’t believe it’s been that long. We crossed paths as rivals, and I was upset that I had you and Twilight in the same four classes. Then you decided to confront me every time from that point on. I should be glad that you didn’t stop until my walls came down. It’s thanks to you that I was given a second chance in my life.” I sat down next to her and asked, “Did you ever think it would end up like this?” “No. I figure you would have gone with Applejack. But I can see that she was watching over me as well, looking over both our backs. I’m glad to have you in my life now.” I placed my hand around her shoulder as she leaned her head on my own. “I’m just glad that you opened up to me about you past problems that you tried to hide.” “Speaking about the past…” She sat back up and grabbed another picture from the box. “Think you can tell me why you were hanging out with this young girl?” When I saw the picture, I knew she found the one I didn’t want her to find. “I think you have some secrets that you should be telling me.” “I was hoping you wouldn’t find that one,” I said. “Look, I was able to trust you with my secrets. Now I need you to do so to me.” She looked me straight in the eye and asked, “How do you know Indigo Zap? Was she your former girlfriend you couldn’t tell us?” I sighed and said, “She…was my first training partner. It was her that helped me get stronger. Made me the person I am today. Well, physically.” “What do you mean by physically?” she asked me. “It started with a group of bullies that were picking on some weak kids, one boy in particular. Since I started to learn about the basics of my gift, I was able to use it to my advantage. But I wasn’t strong enough to stop them, even if I could dodge them. When Indigo saw what I was doing, she stepped in and left some marks on them that they ran away. We had the same mindset about bullies, and she offered to train me so that I could fight back. It also gave her an excuse for her to train herself harder. She wanted to be one of the best athletes out there, maybe in the Olympics. But even she had her own dark side.” “It’s because she wanted to be the best, like how she’s trying to be better than Rainbow Dash?” she said. “No,” I replied. “It’s how she saw what bullies become when they get older. She saw the stories about high school students committing crimes, carrying guns, harming or almost killing people, joining gangs…just about every bad thing that was in the news. Some of them hit close to home when she was younger. It’s why she hates them. When she saw how I was fighting back, it was her chance to step in and do something about it. “But that all changed when we learned of the boy’s attempted suicide in his own room. Parents were lucky enough to save him from hanging himself, but it left him with brain damage. When we learned about it in school, we knew who pressured him to do it. So the two of us went to look for them and began to take them down. We took some blows, but we make sure they paid for what they did. We even took the guy in charge and decided to make him experience what the boy went through. Indigo took a belt and wrapped it around his neck and went to where a metal bar was and used it to as leverage for the belt. She held it long enough until he decided to give up and gave in.” “But something tells me that she didn’t stop,” she said. “It was the bloodshot in her eyes that told me that she wanted him dead. The rage inside of me masked my gift, but when I started to see what she was doing, my gift was back in focus and I can sense the rage inside her. It was so strong that I had to stop her. Once I snapped her out of it, she was able to let him go. The group ran away, afraid of the monster that she became. She explained to me the reason she hated bullies, and it made me understand why she stepped in. So we made a promise. As long as we trained together, we would follow one rule, never cross the line unless they cross it first. And killing them was out of the question unless that was the case. We crossed the line when the gang did so first, but no one died as the end result. So she would have been crossing a new line that they didn’t cross first.” “Didn’t both of you get in trouble?” she asked me. “Not really. They had gotten into trouble in the past and going to the police wouldn’t help because of their ties with a gang that they were a part of. It would have been their word against ours. So we got lucky on that. As for them, they decided to make up for what they did and confessed to the boy’s parents and requested that they help out with the boy’s recovery and some of the family chores. As long as the police didn’t know about it, it would be kept off any records. They hoped that the good deeds that they would be doing would help make up for the crimes they did in the past. And they knew it would take years before things would be normal again for all of them.” “Sounds like everything came out good in the end,” she said. “Did Indigo know about your gift?” “No.” I replied. “And I never told her about it because it was still new to me.” “And what about her having the same gift that you had? You sure she never had this before coming to Crystal Prep?” “If she had it before, I would have sense no presence from her back then. Somehow, someone is injecting it into her, which could explain why I can still sense her, but she can’t sense me. But I worry about her.” “Why is that?” “When we had our private meeting, we learned that she could soul shift, but it left her dizzy afterwards. And she’s only had it for a year while the other four have had theirs for two years, but they haven’t soul shifted as well. I think what she could be exposed to might be an improved version to the others, or her powers are rapidly developing in a rate that could put her in danger.” “I’m guessing that when she asked for Coco and Moon Dancer to the meeting, they were the only ones that knew about the connection, right?” “That, and Chrysalis,” I said. “She gave me a heads up about the meeting, but our encounter with LD and crew was not on the list.” “At least everything came out well in the end,” she said. When she placed the picture back, she saw one that had another familiar face and pulled it out. “Isn’t that Coco with you and the others?” “Yep. Those are the Manehattan Knights. You never did hear the story when we started having our meetings for homecoming?” “Not until I heard about the law you had a part of. So I decided to ask Coco if she could tell me about them while you were trying to clear your head elsewhere.” She looked at the picture again. “Which one is Night Glider?” I pointed to the dark blue girl with the slick white hair. “That’s her, wearing the dark rebel clothing. And the tall guy in all white is Double Diamond. He’s part of a rich family who owns a winter cabin up north.” “And the other two?” “The cyan guy with dark blue curly hair and tacky clothing is Party Favor. He likes to make balloon shape characters, like his father. And the pink girl in the purple dress with the long purple hair is Sugar Belle. She can cook lots of treats like Pinkie Pie, but can also cook quick meals for the homeless.” “You must have some great friends that helped keep your gift a secret,” she said. “Just like Twilight and her friends,” I said. “And both of us have made more friends in our group, including you, Sunset.” “And yet, we have those that want to make it harder for us to live a normal life,” she added. “Twilight said the same thing.” As she put the picture away, things went quiet before she spoke again. “I know you don’t like to talk about it, but I need to know. If you had to issue a challenge, what kind of challenge would it be?” I wished she didn’t ask that question, but if she’s going to be in my life for the long run, I might as well say it. “I’m not sure. I mean, I’m more of an average person with a gift that has to be kept secret, but I don’t have any natural skilled talents like everyone else. I wouldn’t know what kind of challenge to make in the process.” She gave me a stern look and asked, “Does Coco know about this?” I shook my head. “Then I can see why you don’t want to go through it. The only real talent you have is the one you want to keep hidden. And it’s the same gift that they have been trying to create in their students. There has to be a way to force them to…surrender to our request or something. If they keep bending the rules to their favor, then it will never stop for them.” “And how do we plan to stop them. All we have left is to beat them at the championship game tomorrow night. And we have to do with what we have right now.” Sunset placed her hand on her chin and thought for a moment. Then she looked over to where my blades were at on the rack. “I might have an idea. You can fight, right?” I nodded. “What if you took things to another level. I mean, they have crossed the line before, so you had to do the same. Perhaps you need to do the same as well.” “What are you trying to say?” I asked her. “I’m saying that-” We were interrupted by my mother’s voice downstairs. “Jack, your father’s on his way home. Could you help set the table?” I yelled, “Sure mom. Be right there.” I got up and made my way to the doorway before I stopped and looked back at Sunset. “Want to help?” “Sure.” She got up and made her way to me. “Just do me one favor, bring your blades to school tomorrow.” I had a confused look on my face. “Trust me. I know what I’m doing. I’ll just fill Miss Luna in on the details and see if we can make it work.” “OK, if you know what you are doing.” So we made our way downstairs and help set up dinner. Once dad was home, we ate dinner and talked about some things to lighten the mood. After that was done, Sunset and her mother had to leave, since it was getting late. So after we said our goodbyes, I went back to my room to relax for a moment. That’s when I got a text from Indigo. She learned about the law and is unsure how it could help in our problem, but did understand that it could put the Knights that I helped created at risk. The best we could do was to go with the plan that we have on removing Long Shot’s gift and hope all comes out well in the end. As I was getting ready for bed, I received a notice on my cell. When I looked at it, I saw that I have received an e-mail from one of my friends in Manehattan marked “IMPORTANT!!!” When I opened it on my cell, I noticed that it was another e-mail that was forwarded to me. After looking it over, I was shocked at what I saw. “I can’t believe it that he has gotten this far over there,” I said to myself. “I think I now know what I need to do.”