Rise of an Empire, Fall of Another

by Kyuubi325

Chapter 25

New Prosost Prison
Medical ward
3 days after the incident
The last few days had been a blur for Rainbow as her mind tried to make sense of the pain she was in. Hours would seem to pass every time she blinked; she would often hear the muttering of doctors and nurses as they checked her bandages, but they never seemed to be directed towards her. However, it was different today. She woke up to an elderly Zebra in a pure white suit. He leered at her through a pair of glasses, before nodding to somepony. A orderly wearing a mask came into view from her left, wielding a large syringe. Her eyes widened, but her body was still numb and unable to move. The injection felt like she was being pummeled into the ground by a herd of Buffalo. Her system was instantly filled with adrenaline, her heart rate accelerating as she opened her mouth to scream.

"Aaaaahgggg!! What the hell was that?!" She shouted as her entire body quaked from the countless different drugs that were racing through her system. Her veins felt like they were filled with molten lead. It took her a few minutes as the pain died down to figure out for the first time in three days she was able to say something, and even move her body!

"Let's see...inmate 00963, or Miss;" The miss was said with mocking sarcasm; "Rainbow Dash. Let's look at your crimes, hmmmmm?" The elderly zebra gave her a cruel grin showing off a set of perfect white teeth, only marred by a single golden tooth. "Sabotage, the murder of 23 crew members of the HMS Fylgia, murdering 5 refinery workers, a countless number of charges of assault, and...oh, my personal favorite that got you dumped into my domain? Attempted Regicide of the Emperors favorite Niece." He smiled as he let it all sink in. He even laughed when she tried to open her mouth to try and deny it all. "Don't bother, your case has already been through court, and you lost! You should have seen it! Your defense had nothing! Your so stupid that you left incriminating evidence all over the site! And you know what the real kicker is? Your friends just sat there...not a single peep in your defense! How's that for justice? They either didn't see the point in trying to fight a futile case. Personally, my favorite part of this entire fiasco is how they have washed their hooves of any involvement with you. I couldn't blame them though; when you get sent my way everyone knows you have done something unforgivable! I bet you won't even survive the night once your healed up enough for me to dump you into the pit!" He continues to cackle.

"It was an accident!" Rainbow tried to lift up her hooves ,only to find she was cuffed to the bed. The metal bit uncomfortably into her skin. "I'm an Element of Harmony! I thought me and my friends had diplomatic immunity?!"

The Zebra pulls out a flask, taking a long drink before pouring some of the high proof booze onto her bandages, making her cringe. "You must have not read the fine print in your invitation to my fine country; only Twilight, Fancy, and Blueblood had diplomatic immunity, and that only applies to small crimes. The rest of your friends, including you are...were honored guests! I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you didn't read the fine print. Most Equestrians can barely count! I do have some good news though! You have guests coming to meet you, and I have a feeling they will the last ones you will see for a long time!" He leaves her field of vision as she heard the clopping of multiple hooves on the stone floor.
The group of mares and one baby dragon was led by Twilight with Spike riding on her back, Applejack and Rarity following close behind, and finally Pinkie and Fluttershy following at a snails pace.

Rainbow was about to smile at the chance to see her friends... until she saw just how haggard they all looked. Twilight's eyes had dark circles around them and her appearance was shaggy at best, with bits of her fur standing out at weird angles. Spikes normally purple scales seemed faded and his eyes were bloodshot, showing he too hadn't been sleeping well. Applejack seemed to be the best kept out of all of them, but her hat covered her eyes, and even from a distance Dash could smell liqueur on her breath. Rarity was wearing a plain grey dress but seemed to be lacking her makeup and seemed to have a scowl on her face. Pinkie's mane was straight, and her fur was a pale pinkish gray. She could only see one eye through her mane, and the sight of it made her shiver; it seemed dead... Finally, Fluttershy looked the worst out of all of them. Her mane was in knots, her fur was unbrushed and by far the worst part were her eyes, which were full of fear.

"Rainbow....." Twilight was the first to talk as they all dragged chairs from different corners of the bleak prison hospital.

"T-Twilight listen...this isn't what it looks like I was-" Rainbow was cut off by Twilight raising her hoof.

"Don't even try it Rainbow... It wasn't a Changeling, it wasn't your evil twin, and it sure as Celestias flank wasn't a mix up." She says with a hint of anger, but she just seemed... tired, and most of all disappointed.

Rainbow opened her mouth only for Rarity to quickly trot over and smack her across the cheek leaving a nasty bruise. "I can forgive most anything... But nearly killing an innocent princess and killing those who were only doing there jobs? That's low...if you ever manage to get out of this hellhole don't even think about coming near my shop or my sister!" She shouted right into her face before sitting back down.

"I...I...I wanted to restore harmony dammit! That's what we always do, so how is what I did any different than when we fought Nightmare Moon?! Or Discord?! Or that prick Sombra?!" She shouts. Tears were now freely falling from her eyes, but she just didn't give a shit anymore.

"You really are a foal, aren't you? What's wrong Rainbow? Things aren't going your way anymore so you try and justify your tantrums with the same bullshit that the unicorns and Pegisi use to justify attacking us hard working earth ponies? Well guess what Rainbow, some of use weren't so lucky to be born with extra limbs or bones sticking out of our heads! We have to toil in the dirt and struggle for everything we have while boneheads and cloud pounders like your lazy around on your fat plots getting everything hooved to you on a silver platter! So what was your play Rainbow, smash the refinery and come back home a hero? Did you even stop for a moment to think about the consequences of your actions? That us earth ponies would let it go and see the errors of our ways? Well guess what Rainbow, without those wings you're not even an Earth Pony OR Pegasus!!" The orange mare screams in her face, full of rage. The rest of her friend pull back, shocked at her harsh words towards non-earth ponies.

"W-what are you t-talking about; I'm a Pegasus..." Rainbow tries to moves her wings, but feels nothing. no "Somepony get a a mirror!"

Pinkie pulled a small mirror from her mane and slowly lifted it up for her to see. She was far from pretty, with most of her face covered in bandages, but what scared her the most? She was currently trying to spread her wings, but no matter what angle she looked she didn't see so much as a feather. no No No

Twilight sighed as rainbow continued the futile search. "They're gone" was all the purple mare could think of to say, as Rainbow stopped trying to find her wings.

"T-Twilight d-don't be silly. I'm a Pegasus, where would they go? They're stuck on my back." No NO NO She tried to laugh but a pit was growing in the bottom of her stomach.
"Rainbow when you got shot out of the sky it wasn't like all the other times where we just put you into the clinic. You already had lost a lot of blood from the gun shot wounds from the guards at the refinery." She raised her hoof to stop Rainbow from trying to deny it. "The bounty hunter who happened to be in the area used his trench gun to finish the job. Unluckily for your it was loaded with heavier Gryphon shot as apposed to lighter Pegisi shot... Your wings were little more then stumps when he dragged your flank to the law office and by then a nasty infection has set in. They had to remove what little there was left or you would have just been a corpse..." She said sighing as Rainbow collapsed into her bed, realizing it wasn't all some elaborate prank.

"G-girls you have to get me out of this. Isn't there something you can do? Use your princess powers or something Twilight!" She begs her friend, her voice growing hysterical as the weight of the situation finally falls onto her.

"Rainbow I don't think you realize just how much you have bu...you have bu...fucked up things between us and Zebrica! Don't even get me started on Britania! I just got a message from the Emperor, Rainbow! The fucking Emperor!!!! He's coming to Equestria to discuss reparations for what has happened, and he's far from happy about it! What you did will have effects on diplomacy for years, if not centuries! And why? Because the world moved on and your couldn't face that things were changing around you, with or without your consent. You know what your actions point to Rainbow? They aren't those of a freedom fighter or an Element of Harmony, they are the actions of a filly who never grew up..." Rainbow felt like a knife had been shoved into her heart.

"I-I didn't mean t-to" Rainbow barely manages to stutter out, while Twilight shakes her head and the other Elements leave.

"Rainbow... there's no getting you out of prison; this isn't like the time your sabotaged the weather and Celestia let you off with a warning. Innocent zebras and dogs died because of your actions. I'm sorry to say but repairing the damage you have done comes before our friendship. Asking to have you released into Equestrian custody just isn't in the cards...maybe in a few years I could at least get them to consider to pick up the case...but even if you got out and sent back to Equestria it wouldn't be like nothing ever happened. There's no kind way to say it but... your life is over. Even if Celestia and Luna didn't lock you up you wouldn't be able to join the Wonderbolts even if you somehow scraped the bits together, and as for work, the best you could hope for would be low wage and back breaking.." Twilight said, eliciting a whimper from Rainbow. "I haven't given up on you and I will continue to try and put a case together to have you released into Equestrian custody but...don't expect it to happen within the year." She left the now unresponsive Rainbowdash. Soon, the only company Rainbow had was the four high walls, and 17 other patients who spent their time moaning and wheezing.

New Timbuktu
Victory Square
VIP Section
6 days after the incident
1:12 pm
The remaining Elements of Harmony and the nobles were currently resting in a private shaded box, as the Zebras and Britanians finished cornering the streets for the parade. They were currently all trying to put on brave faces, but the glares and looks of disgust were getting to them. It also didn't help they all had escorts now to prevent any other incidents. It was unnerving that they had to be accompanied by them at all times, even in the bathroom!

Rarity was currently enjoying a fruity drink while wearing a large sunhat and sunglasses she had purchased. Applejack was just wearing her sisal with a grim expression on her face. Pinkie's mane and fur remained dull with the same sad expression she had since they were at Rainbow's trial. Fluttershy had her face wrapped in a colorful sash but if one listened you could still hear her cry. Spike kept himself busy reading some comics he got from the market but he rarely left Twilight's side. Twilight had put on the mask her mentor had taught her shortly after becoming a princess with a slight smile and some mascara to hide her eyes. Blueblood and Fancy wore solemn expressions, since while they didn't know Rainbow as well as Twilight it still effected them to have a hero in what was considered the worst prison in Zebrica.

None of them had spoken so much as a word today, simply trying to keep themselves busy before the parade; trying to take there minds off the bed bound princess who would miss it all.
It soon started, the sounds of boots marching on the stone streets announcing it's beginning. Leading the parade were a number of Young Cadets waving Zebrica's new flag while also holding banners that showed what troop there were; they were numbered from 1 to 150! Their uniforms were tan, greatly resembling the battle dress of Zebrican soldiers, but there were some differences such as a sash for badges and medals, neckerchiefs that seemed to show rank, and they had their troop number on there sleeves. They also seemed to have each made there own little floats mimicking the military vehicles and weapons. For example there was one float that reminded the nobles in the group of ponies a little to much of the tanks they had seen earlier in there trip, followed by a float that looked like the mortar truck firing bits of confetti. Finally there was a group of biplane replicas with a few fillies and colts riding on them.
Next following the fillies and colts was the civil engineering core. They had simple coveralls that seemed to be more utilitarian than what most ponies were used to. They had built their own floats that depicted what could only be new projects to come. Some were bridges, others dams, but the one that standed out the most was one titled Ziggurat. Even though it was only a model the sheer scale of such a project was a shock to the ponies, consisting of four smaller towers connected to a massive tower in the center. It would surely be a sight to see; just what sort of purpose could it have?
The nursing battalion followed next, with countless zebra mares and stallions in tan military dress with medical satchels and red crosses on their sleeves. Twilight started to scribble down some notes halfheartedly as they passed. The idea of an entire battalion dedicated to healing the army was as interesting as it was frightening. Equestria had rarely ever been in a conflict that made field medics necessary, and most of the injuries were just superficial!

Next was something that made Pinkie perk up a little. The cooking battalion! They too were wearing military dress, but their uniforms seemed to be more of a fusion between a cook's outfit and field dress than a combat uniform. They carried with them large portable cooking stations that had gas stoves, ovens, and even a sink, all packed onto trailers with off road tires! Your could even see the canned goods piled in some of the wagons.

Next were the Zebrican Dragoons and army. The Dragoons carried with them much heavier weapons such as LMGs and oversized Panzerfausts that reflected their built bodys, while the Grunts (as they were called by some of the soldiers) carried Stens and Lee Enfields. They were then followed by a number of Vickers IIA tanks that made the ground shake under their massive weight as their engines belched fumes into the air. Soon the mortar trucks followed behind them, all manned by Zebras. They looked ready to fire at any moment.

They parade seemed to end, but then the ground quaked under their hooves as no less then 26 Cyklop walkers rumbled by, well behind the rest of the parade. Their size alone would be enough to make even the most fool hardy Royal Guards turn tail and run, which doesn't even count their 57mm cannons and heavy machine guns. They walked, or rather lumbered side by side in groups of two down the street, causing some minor damage to the stone. It took awhile for them to pass, since the operators had to be careful; despite the Main Street being wide enough to accommodate heavy traffic it still was a fairly tight fit.

"That...was something." Blueblood said as he slowly got up and stretched, a little sore from having to wait so long for the relatively short parade. "Twilight if I remember correctly we have a meeting to attend." He said. Twilight ignored him, continuing to write down notes.

"Your majesty? I know that...recent events have left you troubled, but we can not forsake our duty to Equestria..." Fancy said. Twilight doesn't answer for several seconds, before slowly looking up and nodding sadly.

"Girls will you all be ok while I go to my meeting with the Zebrican parliament and the Sultan of Saddle Arabian peninsula?" She asked waiting a few moments for a response only to get silence and a few nods. She sighed sadly as she got up and was escorted away with Blueblood and Fancy to the Houses of Parliament.

New Timbuktu
Houses of Parliament
Twilight sat at one of the representative tables in front of the crescent moon shaped seating of the Zebrican parliament. The room was made almost entirely of dark old stained wood with marble floors. The representatives of Parliament sat at least 8-9 meters higher then her and the still unseen Sultan. As Twilight sipped at her glass of water she looked over at Fancy and Blueblood. Despite them only being here to witness they still felt on edge since the Saddle Arabians were once close allies of Equestria. However the most resent Sultan had become fairly militaristic in response to the growing giant at there border. It was, after all, no secret they had tried many times in the past to try and concur Zebrica; however the same mountains that protected them from the warlords also gave them supply problems, often leading them losing entire companies in the mountains alone.

The doors were soon forced open as the sultan walked in. Like all Saddle Arabians he had a taller and leaner body then most ponies, nearly at Luna's height. His coat was a rich brown with a dark black mane. He wore a dark robe the nearly covered his entire body, leaving only his neck and his young face exposed. On top of his head he had a pure white turban.

"Let this meeting between the Sultan and Zebrican Parliament commence... unless there are any complaints?" The newly elected Prime Minister Rafa spoke in a calm monotone.

"I have one; why are the Equestrians here? This is supposed to be a private meeting." The sultan said calmly, eyeing the ponies. He looked Twilight up and down in a way that made her shiver in disgust.

"They are here to observe only; they have no representative power in this meeting." Rafa says calmly. The sultan looks like he is about to protest, only for his mouth to close. He gives a quick nod, and sits down.
"We have called this meeting in response to your repeated attempts to probe our borders. We have already captured a number of your scouts. One would think that after centuries of failed conquests Saddle Arabians would have learned that Zebrica is beyond your grasp." General Shujaa chuckled, causing the Sultan to swell with indignation.

"I demand that you return them to Saddle Arabia, under the treaty signed by your sovereign in the year 100 BNMM." The sultan glared.

"Those treaties are more then 1000 years out of date and are not recognized by the new government. We have no incentive to follow the treaty, especially seeing how often your ancestors broke them." The minister says as the other representatives nod. "I should also state that you should tread lightly; despite your attempts to hide it, your country is suffering from a famine that has already spread to 7 of your 13 provinces. Luckily for us we have pesticides that have proven to be very effective against parasprites. But I found something very interesting from my reports... The parasprites are only a small part of the problem aren't they?"

"I'm sure I don't know what you mean; our farms have always out produced Equestrian farms." The sultan says while the Rafa pulls out a large binder.

"Let's just see how competent your farmers and nobility really are shall we?" He opens the large binder and starts pulling out documents. "Slash and burn agriculture compounded by the lack of crop rotation leading to the erosion of soil turning many of your famous oasis's into unlivable desert. But that's far from the worst part isn't it? Many of your costal settlements and land are literally disappearing into the sea. Then there's the age old Saddle Arabian practice of marring with in the family leading to a considerable number of still births and defects which further hurt your economy since most of them can barely make it across the room without getting lost. Then we have the famine made worse by the fact your many many foals demand half of every harvest despite throwing much of the meals they enjoy away. Your wastefulness that you have taught has only made your situation worse."

The sultan stood up and snorted angrily, his young age becoming apparent. "I will not be talked down too by a bunch of commoners! I am the Sultan of one of the greatest trading empires in the known world!" He shouts, eliciting laughter from everyone in the parliament.

"Formally greatest trading empire. Your serfs can barely scrape together enough wheat to make a loaf of bread let alone trade it. Your lack of foresight and proper parenting have lead to your own destruction. However, we are willing to help you during this time of need in return for you ceding all rights to the Nile River. It is already near the mountain range and we know you use it for more then just growing crops." Rafa says leaning over. "Consider it reparations for nearly a millennia of broken treaties and attempted invasions."

The Sultan finally snaps hearing it. "I will do no such thing! Giving you that land would drastically shrink our economy and leave you with three of my children's districts! Do you expect me to just tell them to pack up their palaces and cede what is there birth right?!" He shouts, his face contorted in anger.

"It is the only deal we will accept; Saddle Arabia has done much to Zebrica we are only asking what we are owed." Shujaa says looking at the young sultan, who glared up at him. "What are your really afraid of little colt? I don't see a sultan, I see a colt playing in his fathers robes. Is it that you fear that once the peasants you so love to mock would realize that living in a country that can provide for them, heal there sick, and repair the damage you have wrot to your country more then your own rule is better that they will revolt?"

"I won't stand for this!" He shouts. Rafa shakes his head
"While Shujaa is blunt his words have truth. You alone have sealed your countries fate." He says as the Sultan storms out.

A few moments passed as the representatives waited to see if he would come back after his temper tantrum before turning to leave.

"What was that? Surely the Zebrican parliament would know the sultan would never except such a deal." Twilight looked to the other two nobles who just nodded sadly.
"Oh they new he would never except such a deal. They know that the Sultan is too impulsive and young to negotiate with. He is simply too full of unjustified pride and arrogance to bother with. So they gave him a deal that he would never take; he will likely declare a war which he could never hope to win just to save face, while giving the zebras more room to maneuver and the moral high ground. They didn't even bother being discreet about it; they hit him right where it hurts." Fancy says while Blueblood nods sadly.
"It's a very effective political move. I'm ashamed to say that our own nobility have used such tactics to justify the invasion of some of the buffalo territories. Simply find the angriest one and push him 'till he retaliates, then suddenly poof all buffalo in that general area are the enemy..." Blueblood says while Twilight shakes her head.

"Why does Celestia allow them to have so much power?" She asks as then get up to leave.

"Lack of foresight; Celestia maybe long lived but she is far from all knowing. She has a plan relating to Zebrica and Britania but she hasn't told me any of the details." He says as he leads her out.