Contact: Equestria

by Scourge the yellow cat

Chapter 1: Arrival

Location: Castle of Friendship, Ponyville, Equestria
1500 Hours
May 10th, 2016


Princess Twilight Sparkle looked away from her friends to see Rainbow Dash come bolting in. Twilight was just chatting with her friends about the weird activity happening around the Everfree Forest. Rainbow Dash had a worried and scared expression on her face and was breathing pretty hard. It was about 15 seconds before Rainbow Dash spoke again.

"You are not going to belive what I just saw."

Rainbow Dash told her friend about the bet between her and Lightning Blitz, the race, and when the thing came from the sky.

"First, I was all like 'I have won', then I remembered that Lightning Blitz was supposed to be as fast as me, which she wasn't, then all of a sudden, I saw a BIG ball of white light-" Rainbow Dash paused for a breath, "And BOOM! There it was. IT. LITERALLY. WAS. FASTER. THEN. ME."

"What did it look like?" Asked Twilight.

"Well, It looked like a grey mustache..." Responded Rainbow Dash, "Then it nosed dived to the ground."

"Oh that poor thing!" Responded Fluttershy, "It must be hurt!"

"Uh, yeah," Said Rainbow Dash, "If it's head didn't open and a creature flew out and landed a few yards away."

"Wait," Said Twilight, "A CREATURE FLEW OUT OF IT?!"

Rainbow Dash nodded.

"Girls, looks like we are going on a trip."


Area of impact
1520 Hours
May 10th, 2016

"Ta-Da!" Yelled Rainbow Dash as the carridge she was pulling landed within sight of the crash site. The other Elements (as well as two guards) hopped out.


"Pinkie," Warned Applejack.


"WOW!" Said a shocked Twilight as she was already checking out the crashed object. The object looked as if it was made out of metal.

Twilight tapped the thing once with her hoof.


Ok, its a machine. Thought Twilight, She tried to examine further when she heard Fluttershy squeal.

"Oh look at this poor creature!"

Twilight stopped her examination and trotted to what her friends were surrounding.

"..." Was all she could say as she looked at it.

It was a yellow cat that had two arms and legs that was wearing a black sleeveless jacket and blue jeans.

"What should we do with it?" Asked Fluttershy.

Twilight answered,

"Maybe at my place?



"Is it dead?"

What the... Thought Scourge.

"Pinkie!" Said a female voice.

"I'll take care of this poor creature." Said a soft, caring voice. The sounds of movement was heard, followed by a closing of a door.

Time to get up...


"What do we call it, Angel?" Asked Fluttershy to her pet rabbit. Angel had a small notebook as well as a pencil. Angel wrote in his notebook and showed the names he tried.

"'Fred'? No."

"'Earl'? Nah."

"Really Angel? 'Angel'?"

Angel almost gave up when he saw it start to move towards Fluttershy.

The alien was approching Fluttershy.

Angel wrote this to Fluttershy, which she read.


"Lo0k B3H1ND U." Read Fluttershy,

Fluttershy looked backwards and saw the alien was up and had stepped on a pencil (that was now broken). The alien looked up at her and said "Uh, I can explain..."


"Got any 8's?" Asked Applejack to her friends, who were playing Go Fish.

Suddenly, they heard a scream. Fluttershy's, to be more precise.