//------------------------------// // Part 2 Descent // Story: Will To Survive // by Zephyr Spark //------------------------------// Spike gazed upon the tree of harmony. He couldn’t see why Twilight was so worried about it; the tree seemed perfectly fine to him. It still had its luster, and still bloomed gracefully. Well, at least Twilight trusted him enough to enter the forest by himself, albeit in broad daylight with a distress flare. It was a huge step up for the dragon, proving to Twilight that he was indeed capable and independent. Circling the tree, he could find no imperfections or blemishes indicating the tree decaying. Every part of it was snowy white, glowing with a celestial aura. If anything, it seemed more powerful and vigorous than ever. He shrugged. Twilight could be paranoid, but he knew she meant well. He scanned the checklist she had given him. First item on the list was inspecting the tree’s bark. Far as he could see, the tree was perfectly healthy. No pests dared to touch this sacred plant; no creatures would venture near it; no weeds dare ensnare the tree. It was still the healthy tree they all knew, it was fine now, and it would still probably be fine in fifty years. Nodding, he placed a check mark in the box. Next, he glanced at the leaves. They were in the exact same status as the bark: still just as shining and elegant. Honestly, it didn’t seem to have changed significantly since they last saw it. Another checkmark. And so it went, inspecting some random aspect of the tree and check marking. It went on for a good thirty minutes. Spike silently wished Twilight wasn’t so thorough in her lists. Final item on the list: inspect the surrounding vegetation. He swiveled his head left then right. Not much actually grew beside the tree. Plants also seemed to give it a fairly wide berth. Well, that made it easier for him. He checked that box. He grinned. Everything was fine. Placing the parchment and quill into his backpack on the ground, he stretched. Fists and arms extended upwards as he bent his spine backwards. Snapping back, he felt a wonderfully numbing, lightheaded sensation. As the sensation faded, he grabbed a strap of his backpack and swung it onto his back, turning to walk away. The ground beneath him began to shake, staggering him. He maintained his balance but the tremors grew. Spike tried to remember what Twilight said to do in the event of an earthquake, thanking her paranoia and preparation for practically any natural catastrophe. He dropped to his hands and knees so the tremors could not knock him over. He covered his head and neck with his hands, protecting himself from any debris. Sooner or later the quake would pass and he could move, until then the ground howled like a pack of ravenous timber wolves. In the midst of the shaking, he heard a strange cracking, crumbling noise. Spike’s eyes darted to the source of the sound. His heart skipped a beat as he saw hairline fractures forming on the ground. Exacerbated by the tremors, they extended erratically towards him like branching tree roots splitting the ground. He tried to crawl away, but the rumblings left him completely disoriented, incapable of moving a foot without stumbling. Meanwhile, the fracturing earth surged towards him. It easily overtook him. Before he could blink, the ground beneath him vanished. He was falling. Falling through darkness. Soon, the light above him vanished as well. It was only a distant speck when the earth rearranged itself, filling the hole where he had fallen by shifting the surface. Then the only things Spike knew were earthy, cold darkness and falling. The wind brushed past his scales and his eyes, making them water. He wanted to scream “Twilight! Help me!” But had lost his voice. His heart summersaulted with his stomach in midair as he descended faster and faster. He groped in the darkness for some kind of foothold with no avail. Even if he had found something, the velocity would dislocate his arm. He hyperventilated, dreading his inevitable demise. But then, there was light. To his sides, bright white lines of webbing shone with an aquamarine green enveloping a white core. Beneath him, a vast something glowed a bright blue. He peered more closely through his tumbling. The surface below him was rippling, shifting with a unique rhythm. It was a pool of water! He was saved! The water would lessen his impact and allow him to survive. His happy thoughts vanished when he realized hitting water with this speed at this height, would be the equivalent to hitting a wall of solid concrete. He clenched his eyes shut, inhaled sharply, holding his breath, and braced his entire body, as the sound of waves grew closer and closer. He slammed into the water, feeling it smack his scales with ferocity. The liquid prison surrounded him as he continued descending through the abyss. Slowly, he stopped and began rising, his weight pulling him to the surface. Breaking through, his lungs tried to refuel, only to find he could not breathe. His claws grasped his throat and stomach trying to force air into them. In desperation, he tore off his backpack letting it sink, dimly hoping his extrication might enable him to breathe. It was no use. Behind him a small wave, knocked him under, salty liquid flooded his nose and mouth. His lungs burned; his body screamed for him to swim. But how could he swim if he couldn’t even breathe? The waves mercilessly battered him, denying him any respite. Through his eyes, he could perceive the watery tomb rapidly encasing him, but even that was rapidly fading. His eyes flickered, his body was dangerously close to submitting. Every muscle groaned in agony. Memories passed by in his mind before dying. Voices reminded him of happier times, as those he loved began to fade. “Mom, Dad, I’d like you to meet my new friend, Spike.” “My brave hero.” “Well, what did you expect? You got too close to the nest.” “Dear Princess Celestia …” “Welcome to Ponyville.” “We’re the Apple family.” “Thanks for your help today, Spikey-Wikey.” “Whoa, there, lover boy.” “Huffy, the magic dragon.” “Why, Spike. This is the most selfless, wonderful thing anyone has ever done for me.” “Happy Birthday, Spike!” “Oh, that reminds me, the Cakes have something baked for you!” “No one could ever replace you, Spike.” “You know something, Spike? You’re actually pretty awesome!” “A fear that will never come to pass. I’m never gonna send you away.” “Spike, take the crystal heart!” “This calls for a party!” “Oh my, well, umm, I’m glad you’re my friend, Spike.” “I’m just scared about meeting him again. I mean we haven’t spoken in years.” “That’s why he’s a hero to the Crystal Empire.” “Spike the dragon lord, huh? Has a nice ring to it.” “Don’t ever forget Spike, you’re my number one assistant. And my best friend.” … Get up. Life returned to Spike’s eyes. He struggled to the surface, still uselessly gasping for air. He came close to going under once again, but refused to yield. Rising above the waves once more, he expunged what water he could from his lungs. The dragon shifted his head in the seemingly vast ocean, until he spotted a distant patch of land; a white, sandy beach in the midst of the water that vanished into a forest of gargantuan plants, many shimmering white at the center while surrounded by an aura of varying colors. It was several miles away. Spike had no hope possibly swimming to it in this condition. He racked his brain for a solution, when the pushing and pulling currents submerged him. His consciousness vanished, extinguishing his immediate awareness of everything. Limbs moved, treading through the water. Not moving towards the island but to another part of the water. Couldn’t see who, but bigger than him, with claws and scales. Edging him on, while guiding his movements. Island no longer far. Came closer. Closer. It here. Sand beneath feet, waters shallow. Took steps onto sand. Going to live. Vision going. Thanks. So tired. Fell onto sand. Eyes closed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The knight knelt before his princess, placing his fist over his heart, helmet cradled in the other arm. He glanced up and realized the princess was not looking at him. Her gaze focused out the castle window, to her subjects below. “Milady,” the knight’s weathered voice broke through the princess’ ruminations. Despite his youth, he had seen many a war in his time. He could only pray the peace would last under her majesty’s rule. She was undoubtedly the most beautiful, wise ruler to ever grace the land. He truly loved her with all his heart, and was willing to lay his life down for her, who gave him a family and a home. The knight had fought in her name to maintain order and peace against the villainous fiends plaguing Equestria, leading the princess’ forces to war. None could deny that through his leadership and swordsmanship, good triumphed. When she was held captive by a manticore that none could slay, he bravely bested the beast and rescued her. Yet everything he could do, came from her magical aid and wisdom. Noticing her brooding, his brow arched with concern. “Forgive me,” the princess smiled at her loyal knight. She rose from her throne and trotted over to him, motioning for him to stand at ease. Hesitantly, the knight obeyed. The lovely princess trotted across the white palace tiles to the balcony, overlooking her citizens going about their daily lives. The knight followed her dutifully; aware she had something to speak. “I’m frightened,” the princess stared at her kingdom. “Even with my brother missing, you’ve managed to defeat all of our foes on your own, but I fear this peace may be transient.” “Milady, I have dedicated my life to serving you and you to your subjects. Everything we have done and accomplished was through each other,” the knight confidently smiled. “Should another threat arise, we will overcome it as we always have: together.” The princess turned to her noble knight, her lips turned into a smile of her own. She giggled, making the knight blink perplexed. “Milady?” The knight frowned. “Oh, it’s nothing.” She waved away his frown, “I just can’t believe how much you’ve grown. You’re not that little child I took in so many years ago. You have become a noble, brave hero, a partner, a friend.” The knight blushed under her praise, feeling unworthy of such praise. Coming from the princess herself, this adulation was overwhelmingly pleasing. It pleased him not because she was ruler of the land, but because she too was his closest friend, his hero. He felt so validated knowing she valued everything he did for her. He felt proud knowing she saw him not as a slave or even a servant but a partner. “Thank you, milady,” he bowed, trying to think how to respond. “You know you’ve come a long way too. All the years seem to magnify your strength, wisdom, and beauty.” The princess gave a very unroyal chuckle, “Oh, you’re too much!” “I mean it,” the knight insisted. “When the kingdom needed leadership, you not only rose to the challenge but exceeded all expectations. Thanks to you, our nation is flourishing; ponies no longer starve, businesses are prosperous, and the nation is enjoying a time of peace. Yes, you’ve stumbled along the way, but you never gave up despite the odds. And somehow, through all of that, you found the time to raise me.” The princess’ cheeks grew red under the knight’s flowing praises. Politely, she nodded her thanks and met her dear friend’s emerald eyes. Many had questioned or directly opposed her decision adopt the orphan, but he had proven his mettle time and time again. She could ask for no better brother, son, knight, or comrade. A knock on the door, and the two broke apart, remembering their duties. The princess returned to her throne, and her knight took place nearby, standing at attention. “Enter,” the princess’s voice rang through the chambers. A mare dressed in a courtier’s robes opened the massive doors and knelt before the princess. “Your highness,” the mare spoke, “the Emperor Arch Mage has arrived. He awaits your presence in the council chamber to negotiate a peace treaty.” “Thank you,” the princess answered without any satisfaction, “tell him I will be there shortly.” The mare nodded and left the room, bowing once more at the exit. The knight turned to the princess. Her hoof rubbed her chin, uncertainly. Her eyes narrowed. “The Emperor’s troops have been diminished, his magic has weakened.” The knight reminded her of her victory, “He has nothing that can hurt you.” “Nothing that we can see,” the princess frowned. She rose from her throne and left the chamber, her knight loyally following her every step.