//------------------------------// // Chapter 16: I Ain't Talkin'! // Story: Ponies Meet New York // by Caddy Finz //------------------------------// "Alright, little horsey dudes!" The Dark Star said as he jumped out of the van and opened the back door. "We're here! Looking out of the van, I could see that the Dark Star and his cronies had taken the girls and I to some sort of warehouse. It looked abandoned with its many busted windows and graffiti all over it so I figured they must have yanked the girls from Vincent's place and taken us to the South side of The Bronx. In my past line of work, this could only mean a few things. Either one or more of us were about to die or be slapped around until we gave them any information they could be looking for. I had a pretty good idea what we had in store for us. Before we could hold each other, the girls and I were dragged out of the van, put into a cage of our own and loaded up on a little cart and pushed into the building. Most of this warehouse was just one huge room with some doors leading to a few small offices but other than that, it was just a concrete floor, a ceiling and four walls. On the side farthest away from us, there were a couple overhead style garage doors with a white box truck in front of each and there were dozens of various boxes and crates stacked in a few spots. The girls and I were all being wheeled into a small side room where the Dark Star then placed the cart in the corner. Sitting at a desk on the opposite side of the room was some dorky looking guy with huge glasses and a white lab coat. The Dark Star did mention something about selling us to scientists so this must be what he meant by that. The man in the lab coat proceeded to turn around in his office chair and look at me and the girls expectantly. "Hmm...Zese colors are quite interesting." The scientist said in what sounded like a thick German accent. "Horns and vings too? Incredible! And you mentioned before zat zese ponies can speak, am I correct?" "Yup." The Dark Star replied. "And once I have a little chat with this green one, there'll be plenty more where these came from." "Vell zen, vhy don't ve have a little chat vith ze rest of zese ponies zen. Come on now, ponies, go ahead and speak for me." "Yeah, I got something for ya." I said to the scientist. "Come over here, open up this cage and firmly wrap your lips around my di-" "Shut up!" The Dark Star shouted as he punched my cage, leaving a sizable dent behind. "Ah, vonderful!" The scientist said. "Aside from ze dirty talk, zese ponies vill fetch us quite ze substantial bonus!" "Sounds good. Now I'm gonna go out there and have a little talk with the one with the mouth here and I'll see if I can get him to tell us how to get to their world and get to know more of their friends." "Ah, yes. I'll be going out to take a break now. I'll contact some of ze others and tell zem ze great news!" "Alright and when you get back, make sure you bring that briefcase full of cash I'm supposed to get. I gotta have six million after getting these ones and then another half million for each pony I get from their little dimension." As the scientist left the room, the Dark Star opened my cage, reached in and grabbed me by my neck before pulling me out, setting me down on an office chair and wrapping me up with duct tape. This was it. This was the point of no return and things were about to go downhill for me very quickly. The worst part of it was the look on my friends' faces and the buckets of tears rolling down their cheeks as I was wheeled out of the room where this psycho was about to do Celestia knows what to me. The degenerate then placed the chair with me taped to it in the center of the warehouse and walked away to retrieve a small cart that he then placed a few feet in front of me. The things that were on the cart were the "implements" he would use to interrogate me. There were pliers, hammers, scissors, scalpels, cigarette lighters and even a baseball bat. "So..." The Dark Star began as he lit up a cigar. "You have some information that I'd like to have. I expect you to give me that information." He then proceeded to pick up a tack hammer and take a few practice swings with it. "If you feel like you wanna withhold this information from me, I'll make you wish you were never born." "Do your worst, fucker." I retorted, prepared to die to protect Equestria. "Suit yourself. Smoke?" "I quit, asshole." "Nah, I insist. Here." His first move of information extraction was to firmly press the lit end of his stogie on my chest. I could smell it burn through my coat and it quickly made its way down to my skin. After a few seconds, It even started to sizzle and soon, I could smell my own flesh cooking. It hurt like a motherfucker and this was just the beginning of my ordeal. I was in for a world of hurt. "Alright, lemme ask you." The Dark Star said after removing his cigar from my chest. "If the legends are true, there should be this portal that links this world to yours. Where is this portal?" "Do I need to repeat what I said to the egghead?" I retorted. "I ain't tal-Gaaaaahhhhh!" Once again, he pressed his lit cigar on my chest, burning another hole through my fur and then down to my skin. As agonizing as the pain was, the worst part of it was the thought that the girls could hear me scream from the other room they were in. "Maybe I hadn't quite gotten the point across." The Dark Star said as he again removed his cigar from my chest. "I wanna know where that portal is and you're gonna tell me." "I'd rather get oral from a crocodile." I answered. "Try again." The Dark Star then turned back to the tool cart to select the next device he would be using to inflict pain on me. Not knowing what he was going to do next was the worst part. The long seconds ticked by and it left me very anxious until he picked up what looked like an electric cattle prod. I was in for a shocking experience...Nope, nope that was pretty bad. I'm no comedian and I never will be. "Woulda cute widdle pony tell me where da widdle portal is?" The Dark Star teased with his insufferable baby talk. "Would the sad widdle bald fat fuck call his mommy and tell her Big Vinnie's raring for another go?" I teased back, earning a nasty zap. "You oughtta know not to talk shit about a guy's mom." "Hey, it ain't my fault she likes a guy who's hung like a horse." "Wrong answer." He cranked up the power dial on his cattle prod and really let me have it this time. At this point, The Dark Star was starting to get frustrated with me so he decided to jam the device into my stomach and hold it on me for an agonizing half minute or so. As the cattle prod crackled away and burnt my fur, my whole body convulsed and twitched just as much as my duct tape prison would allow. "We can do this all day but I'm not that patient." The Dark Star said. "There's no way you can take much more of this so why don't you just tell me what I wanna know before I end up killing you." "That all you got!?" I shouted back. "I've been through way worse! This is nothing new to me! Pull something else outta your little bag of tricks!" "Hmm...speaking of pulling..." "Wha-what are you doing with that?" His response to that was well timed, I'll give him that but I really didn't like the look in his eyes as he grabbed a pair of pliers off of the cart and came at me. Things were starting to get real and the Dark Star was about to inflict some permanent damage on me. "Nice set of choppers you got there." The Dark Star said as he stuck the pliers in my mouth and clamped onto one of my teeth. "You'll wanna answer me quick. The portal. Where is it?" I actually had to think about this one. He was about to rip a tooth out of my head while I was wide awake and with rusty tools. On the other hoof, all of Equestria would be in danger if I ratted them out. I've lived my life making terrible mistakes and letting so many people around me down so if I have to die to save countless others then I guess I'd be okay with going out like a hero. Let the torture commence. "Thuck you, athole!" I said with the pliers in my mouth. "You wanna play dentist?" The Dark Star said. "Okay, we'll play dentist!" "Waaaahahhaaahaaaa! AAAAAHHHH!" Now I was starting to feel some real pain. With one of my front teeth firmly clamped in the jaws of the rusty tool, the Dark Star proceeded to twist and pull and soon I heard the crackling sound of the roots breaking. He then placed his free hand on my muzzle for more leverage and after a few more tugs, the pliers flew out of my mouth with a blood covered tooth stuck in its jaw. "Wow, you must brush and floss a lot." The Dark Star said as he glanced at my tooth that he had just ripped out of me. "Too bad. All that effort taking care of your mouth just to have me yank out these nice pearly whites. Look, you could lose every single one of them so you might as well quit while you're ahead and tell me whe-" "Ptooey!" While the crazed bastard was yapping on, I then spat out a pretty big glob of spit and blood and it landed right below his left eye. Like I said, I was willing to die to keep Equestria from being sold out and it looked like that lugie the Dark Star was wiping off his face was the signature on my death warrant. As he grabbed a pipe wrench from the cart, my only last wish was that the girls didn't have to hear me scream and that I could just say goodbye to them one last time. For what seemed like hours, the psycho star continued to use his various tools to torture me. After he was done working me over with the pipe wrench, he picked up the bat and started whacking my legs with it. He tossed that aside shortly after and started knocking a few more of my teeth out with nothing but his fist. Over time, he switched back and forth between giving me more cigar burns and shocking me with the cattle prod again. I've been in a lot of life and death situations but never before did I really honestly think that I was so close to dying. As the hours went by, I went in and out of consciousness more times than I could count. Finally, I woke up and was able to look around and instead of a bright beautiful light, I saw the same dull warehouse the girls and I were taken to. The scumbag who was torturing me was pacing back and forth puffing on a cigar and mumbling to himself. On the other side, the door of the room that my friends were being held in was still closed but there was no sign of the scientist anywhere. "Damn it, doc..." The Dark Star muttered. "Where the fuck are you? It shouldn't take you three hours to get lunch." Not a single inch of my body was without screaming pain and I'm sure I didn't look much better either. I didn't have a mirror handy but I was about to find out just how bad it was. Just when I thought my pain couldn't get any worse, I felt a strong hand grab my mane and start dragging me and the chair I was bound to towards the other room. I Didn't know the exact extent of my wounds but I did know they were pretty bad and letting my dear friends see me in the state I was in was the last thing I wanted. "Wait..." I squeaked as the Dark Star placed his hand on the doorknob. "Please...I don't...Don't let my friends see me like this." He heard every word I said as he was looking me right in my bloody eyes but he just didn't care. He just rolled his eyes and continued to open the door. After he let go of my mane and shoved me into the room the girls all let out a gasp at the mangled, bloody pile of flesh that used to be me bound to an office chair. The room was dead silent for several seconds until the girls could process what they were seeing. "You...bastard..." Twilight said quietly before screaming at the top of her lungs. "You bastaaarrrd!!" "Have you no soul!?" Fluttershy sobbed. "What kind of monster would torture somepony like that!?" "Do you have any idea how wonderful of a pony he is!?" Rarity squealed as she started to sob. "He doesn't deserve this!" "Shut up! All of you!" The Dark Star shouted. "I don't have time for this shit! I'm taking a break but I'll be back...and when I am, I'll put your little friend here out of his misery and you can all watch!" With that, the greed crazed man slammed the door and within seconds, the sound of the engine of his van cranking over could be heard before he sped off. He would come back soon and probably put a bullet in my head once he did. There didn't seem to be any way out of this and if Twilight or Rarity's horn had started working, they would have used them to fry the lunatic and help us all escape by now. The only thing for us to do was spend my last moments with my six best friends. I have lived for fifty years and have done a lot of things in my life that I'm anything but proud of. I've robbed, stolen and killed for a living for most of my life...but then I started doing good deeds. My life changed forever from then on and as I continued to make amends, I started feeling better about myself. At this point, I think I can say I'm at peace and the only thing I regret now was not having the time to get to know my son better. After only a few minutes, my moment finally arrived. It was a lot sooner than I thought it would be but the Dark Star was back. I could hear foot steps coming up to the door and they were coming up pretty fast. Just as they reached the door they stopped for a moment but then soon I could hear the door being pushed open behind me. I was waiting for what would be the final blow that would end up killing me but instead got turned around in my chair to come face to face with...the scientist from earlier? I wasn't sure what he was up to but as he eyed me up and down and looked at what the Dark Star had done to me, he looked like he'd never seen anything so horrible in his entire life. Maybe we could talk him into helping us. Maybe unlike his comrade, he could have some decency. What struck me the most odd was that for some reason, the wrinkles that were on his face before were gone...that and he looked like he was now a foot taller. "Wha-hey, look man, you gotta he-" I began before being cut off. "Shh, Vinnie, I'm gonna get you guys outta here." The young man said as he pulled a toupe off of his head, revealing his thick, black hair. "It's me. Vincent."